《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》A Harry Potter Love Story



This story was written when I was eleven an has not been edited. Please try not to take offense to anything because I promise I didn't mean to offend anyone. Thank you all for reading(:


Hogwarts! I'm finally going to Hogwarts! I need to pack! I have to go to Diagon Alley! I have to-

"Gracie!" To tell my parents. Let me introduce myself. I'm Gracie. I'd tell you my last name, but I don't know. Weasley I suppose. They adopted me when I was little. Yep. Ginny and I are the only girls. In a house full of boys. A testosterone fest. How wonderful! Anywho, this year I'm going to Hogwarts! Percy has been all over the place gloating about being head boy, and the twins won't SHUT UP! They keep trying to scare me. But it's not happening. I can't wait till September first!

I ran across the room and flung the door open, I almost ran out, but my head collided with a shorter red one. "Ginny! I got my letter!" I squealed, sitting up and rubbing my head. Okay that really hurt!

"So did Ron! Gracie, I want my letter!" Ginny folder her arms over her chest and pouted. I pulled her into a hug, squeezing her tightly. It's a Weasley thing! I'd say don't judge, but I don't care.

"Aw, Ginny! Don't be sad! Next year you'll be at Hogwarts! And we'll hang out all the time, if you want. And I'll show you around. And at least you'll know you have someone to talk to. I mean come on, can you imagine me there with out you? Picture this. Me, crying, and guess who I have to turn to! Ronald. That's right! I'd have to go. To. Ron!" She burst into giggles and wiped at her eyes. Thank goodness it worked! I hugged her a bit more before standing up, grabbing her hand, and pulling her up as well.


"Merlin's beard! What is your head made of? Brick?!" She asked, rubbing her head again. I poked my tongue out at her in response. "Come on! We have to go downstairs! Mum wants to talk to you and Ron!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the steps. I groaned a bit, don't get me wrong, I love Mrs. Weasley, but I hate her lectures!

We reached the bottom of the stairs when the twins jumped out. "Boo!" Ginny screamed and jumped back, successfully knocking me over, once again, banging my head. On the stair. Fred burst in to laughter, George stifled a laugh, but being the gentleman he is, helped both Ginny and I up.

"Thanks Fred. That was so helpful!" I grunted, rubbing the back of my head. "Thanks George!"

"Your welcome!" They chorused, identical smirks on their faces. I rolled my eyes and continued on to the kitchen. Mrs. Weasley and Ron were already in there.

"Gracie! What on earth took so long?" Mrs. Weasley was standing by the counter with her arms crossed.

"Sorry, I was talking with Ginny. What did you want to talk to me about mum?" Mum. Which she is. More of a mum to me than my real mum. Back to our conversation.

"Hogwarts. Are you sure your ready? You could always start next year with Ginny! And I already told Fred and George. If they don't do it I want you to tell me! They're to watch out for you and Ron. And you two please stick together! At least for a while. We're going to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get your things. Right after breakfast. Now, bed time!" She clapped her hands together and shewed us out of the kitchen. Ron shoved his hands in his pockets and lowered his head, kicking the floor as we walked towards the stairs.

"'S'pose your going to ditch me eh? Just like Fred and George?" The words brought me to a stop. Was he serious? Ginny and I were closer than me and all the boys combined, but Ron was a close second. I went to Ginny about the girly stuff, but I always knew Ron was there. I actually thought he might ditch me.


"What? Of course not! I'm offended big brother!" Stupid git. Had to be older than me. By two months! It's quite frustrating actually. I get sidetracked a lot don't I?

"Sorry. I just thought," he trailed off. "Never mind. Night Gracie!" He waved and ran up the stairs.

"Night Ron!" I climbed them slowly, meeting Ginny at the top. She was laying on the floor, waiting for me. Her eyes were all ready drooping. There was no way she was going to make it to the room on her own. Sighing, I bent over and picked her up. She's almost as big as I am, so it was quite difficult.

I laid her on the bed, tucked her in, and got into bed myself. Tomorrow is going to be so much fun!


"Oi! Wake up ya nutty brunette! I've been yelling at you for ten minutes!" Ron shook me, and shook me, then pushed me out of the bed. The git.

"Ronald!" I screeched, jumping up and running at him.

"Fine then! Don't go to Diagon Alley!" He crossed his arms, smirking at me. My jaw dropped, I had completely forgotten! How could I forget? I shoved him out of my way and ran downstairs, bounding down the stairs and jumping the last three. Breakfast was already on the table. I at down and grabbed my plate.

Half way through eating, there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. "Uncle Lupin!" I jumped into his outstretched arms, hugging him tightly. He's not really my uncle, but he is my god father.

"Hey sweetheart! Heard you got your letter!" He put me down and smiled at me. We sat at the table and I took another bite of my food. Nodding my head.

"Did I hear Remus?" Mr. Weasley poked his head around the corner. Followed by the twins, Mrs. Weasley, Ron, and Ginny.

"Oh! I'll fix you a plate!" Mum pushed past everyone and headed for the stove.

"Really Molly I'm fine. I've just stopped to give Gracie a hug before you leave!" He waved her off, but she still placed a plate underneath him. I smirked at him, pushing my own plate back. It's amazing I'm not bigger than the good year blimp!

"I'm going to get ready, be right back!" I hopped upstairs, heading straight for the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Then skipped to our room. I put on a black tank top with a red, long sleeved shirt. It's a bit chilly. I put on some black skinny jeans and my converse. I'm pretty good at muggle wear! I think.

I'm not one for make up. I put on some lip gloss and bounded down the stairs. "Can we leave now?" I asked, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. Uncle Lupin smiled and Mum laughed a bit.

"I suppose. Come on you lot!" She waved us over to the fire place. I ran over to Uncle Lupin and hugged him quickly.

"Bye bye!" He hugged me back, then apparated. I took my place beside Ginny. We held hands, then stepped into the fire. "Diagon Alley!"


I. Love. Harry. Potter. If your reading this I suppose you do too. Meh. Tell me why you think!!! Feel free to vote!!! *wink wink* okay haha. Bye!!!



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