《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 5


Dear Ginny,

I'm sorry I didn't write last night. I was settling in. I made new friends! The boy from the station, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger. I've talked to some other girls, but they're my best friends. I've been sticking with Ron, and it's not to bad other than a small argument. But that was settled quickly. I also got docked ten points on my first day! I was really upset, but I didn't show it. Stupid Snape. Of course. I have flying lessons next! So excited!

Ginny, I think I might like Harry! But that's Ron's best mate! What do I do Gin? I wish you were here! Miss you bunches!



P.S. I made Gryffindor!!!

One letter down. One to go.

Dear Mum,

The twins have been surprisingly helpful. Ron and I have all our classes together and have stuck together completely. Yes I made friends, Harry an Hermione. Harry is the boy from the train station. And Hermione is completely nutty, but I love her to death. I made Gryffindor!!!



Done. Flying time! I ran out the hall and down the stairs, crashing into Harry as I went. "Oh! Hi Harry!" I waved, taking his outstretched hand as he pulled me up.

"Excited?" He asked, he looked amused. I nodded my head, I fly with the boys all the time. This is going to be so much fun! I grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him outside, right over to Madam Hooch.

She gave us out commands. I said "up!" and it came straight to me, same with Harry. We mounted and hovered. Neville lost control though. When he fell, I clung to Harry for dear life. Turns put he broke his wrist. I let go of Harry to see Malfoy, picking up Neville's remembrall.


"Put it down Malfoy!" I snarled, stepping towards him. Everybody stepped away.

"No. I think I'll leave this somewhere for the fat lump to find it!" He took off on his broom, flying higher into the air.

"That's it Malfoy!" I climbed on my broom and kicked off. I chased after Malfoy. I scooped up a rock on my, aiming for Malfoy. Harry flew up beside me and I heard Hermione screaming on the ground. "Give it here Malfoy!"

"Or what?" He sneered, looking at the two of us.

"Or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry yelled, swiping at Malfoy. He missed and Malfoy dropped the rememberall. I dropped a few feet and caught it, I was looking at it when Malfoy swooped and took it. He chased after him and I was right on his tail when he chucked it.

"You want it? Go get it!" He yelled. Harry and I darted after it, him on top, me on bottom in case it fell. We did some flips and stuff and Harry caught it, quite a feet on that crummy broom too! He held it in the air, looking pleased. We both dismounted and everyone swooped us up. Harry had tossed it to me in the air on the way down, so now I had it.

"Potter! Ms. Weasley!" Professor McGonagall marched across the grass towards us. I groaned and threw a glare at a smirking Malfoy. I hate him. I hate him so much!

We were marched through the castle, past Madam Hooch, who McGonagall had a whispered conversation with, then to Professor FlitWicks room. Flitwick? What are we doing here?

"Gracie, why are we here?" Harry whispered once McGonagall had stepped inside.

"Not sure. Sh! She's coming back!" She had a fifth year with her. I'd seen him in the common room with the quidditch team. Wait a minute, McGonagall just saw us fly. Now she's taking us to the captain of the quidditch team. Oh my merlin!


"Wood. These are the two I was telling you about. Meet Gracie Weasley and Harry Potter!" She gestured to the two of us. I was getting more excited by the minute, and Harry just looked confused.

"I'm Oliver Wood. Weasley eh? Any relation to the twins?" He asked, shaking each of our hands. I nodded.

"Well, sort of. I'm their little sister, but I was adopted!"

"Any experience?"

"Do you think Fred and George let me go one day through out the summers with out playing? No way! They're beaters, Ginny and I are chasers and Ron's a keeper! Even Bill and Charlie play when the get the chance!" I couldn't keep the smile off my face. He beamed at me.

"Brilliant! What about you Potter?" He asked, turning to Harry.

"Harry would make an excellent keeper. I just watched him fly from one end of the pitch to the other and make a perfect catch before the rememberall hit the ground!" I said, I knew Harry doesn't know anything about quidditch, so I told Wood for him. I'll explain it to him later.

"Bloody brilliant!" He beamed at Harry who looked uncomfortable. I leaned over to whisper to him.

"I'll explain it later!" He nodded and almost indiscreet nod.

"Practice Saturday! Meet me tomorrow Potter? You too Weasley! I'll see why you two've got!" And then Wood went back inside. And McGonagall told us class was almost over and to head towards the great hall. We passed the owlery on the way there though so I made a pit stop.

"Can I come?" He asked, stopping at the bottom step.

"Course!" I ran up the stairs and over to Brownie. I took out some parchment and a quill. On the front I scribbled: 'to the family, open only when everyone is there. Including Bill and Charlie. And Uncle Lupin!' Then I flipped it over and wrote: 'I made chaser! I'm on the quidditch team! And Harry made seeker! Write back soon! Love, Gracie!!!!' I rolled it up an tied it to Brownie's leg.

"Take this home and make sure everyone is there before they open it, okay? Thanks Brownie!" I stroked her beak before she flew off. "Lets go to dinner!" I sighed, all happy like. It's a good day.

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