《Finally Us》Best Date Ever
"You don't have a say in this Rory."
"I should! Dammit, Magellan," Ross threw a glass up against the wall of the set, the pieces shattering and spilling over the floor. He walked towards Laura, turning her around and making her face him. "I don't care if you are the 'Last Hope' or whatever the hell it is they're calling you. You're you, and you have a choice!"
"No, I don't."
"Yes, you do!" he yelled back at her, her eyes widening before softening his voice. "If you're really going to choose to throw your life away no matter what, then at least do it because you love this place or because you truly believe that these people will get a better life. Don't do it because Edu told you it was your destiny. Don't do it because you'll save all of us. That's bullshit."
Laura stared back up at him, moving slowly away from him as his hands dropped. "I...I have to. I have to do this."
"This means you'll die."
"If it means saving you," she turned back around, their argument becoming much more real and within minutes, Ross was back at her side and sweeping her up into a passionate kiss. This kiss wasn't like their real kisses, it was a movie one, but still just as powerful.
His hands swiped against her skin, and pulled up her chin towards his mouth. "Don't do this."
"You'll die," she said, her own fingers lightly brushing over his moist lips. "Rory, you have to live. You heal people. You healed me. Me? There are many more hackers and treasure hunters in the world. I'm not as valuable as you are."
He yanked her wrist back as she went to move away and she watched his eyes narrow at her. "Don't you ever, ever, think you're not valuable. Got me?"
"Cut!" Stevenson called and Ross let go of her wrist, kissing it lightly and making sure she knew that was still Rory and not him. "That was pretty damn convincing you two," the director came over to talk with them along with all the set stylists, rearranging the look of the room, as well as the make up department touching up everything on them. They stayed close to one another, listening to Stevenson's notes on the scene. "You know the context, she's about to give up her life for everyone. Ross, can we get Rory a little more mad?"
"I can do mad. Livid actually."
"Just what I want," Stevenson patted him on the shoulder and Ross and Laura got ready to run the scene for, if he was keeping count right, eighth time. The first one had been too soft, the second one had mistakes in every possible way, the third was the boom guy's fault, the fourth was too angry, and by the fifth, they were finding the stride of the emotion they wanted. This last one was almost perfect in his opinion, but then again, he wasn't the director. "Alright, places."
"One more time," he told her, getting in the mood to be livid at her again.
"The last time," she nodded.
The lines came and went, his voice more pointed at her and sharp. Ross had truly never really been livid or mad at Laura, but with her as Magellan and what she was about to do, he could be. About to give up her own life for the safety of the Ten was not something Rory actually agreed with.
"Rory, you have to live," Laura bit down on her lip, pausing before continuing her line. "You heal people. You healed me. Me? There are many more hackers and treasure hunters in the world. I'm not as valuable as you are."
He clutched onto her wrist almost crushing it. "Don't you ever, ever, think you're not valuable. Got me?" his eyes narrowed again before he threw her wrist back at her angrily. "You do what you want Magellan. Don't think about how much I love you while you're giving up your freedom. In fact, forget about me entirely." He walked past her and off the set, just like in the script while the camera focused on her, her emotions finally breaking down.
Ross watched as Laura ran her hands through her hair, tossing away the chains and ripping away the tracker on the back of her neck. As Ross, he wanted to swoop right in and make her feel better instantly. As Rory, not so much. Her tears came but no one ever saw them come down her face and that's when Summer came into the scene. Her eyes glittered with tiny crystals and red red lips brought you into her world. She wore a long velvet blue dress, secured to her body like it was a glove and an even thinner piece of blue fabric covered her entire being. Moments passed as Laura dealt with her pain and anger before Summer reached out to her.
"Listen to him."
Laura turned around, startled by her appearance. "What are you doing here?"
"Listen to him, Magellan."
"I don't listen to lying prophets."
"You should," her voice was soft. "It will save your life and his."
"Cut! That was so fucking perfect, we're not doing it again," Stevenson said, picking up his step to Laura. "You are going to win me and Academy Award," he kissed her forehead and Ross burst out laughing. "Don't laugh, Lynch. You know I'm right."
"Yes, you are right. 100% right."
"I'm going to start on my acceptance speech now and Ross, because I can't, give this girl a kiss."
Stevenson left the set and Laura walked over to him with a smile on her face. "You heard the man. Give me a kiss."
He smirked. "With pleasure."
She wandered around the Bay Harbour Market with Jenna and Margarita, looking at the local crafts and items for sale. Laura joined her two co-stars for three reasons - one, she wanted to spend as much time with them before they left in two days, two, she wanted or needed to pick up some souvenirs for her family as well as Ross' because she knew he'd forget and Stormie would be livid if she didn't get anything from here and three, Ross had practically pushed her out the door when Jenna came knocking. It wasn't that she didn't want to go with Jenna already, it was that he literally pushed her out the door. His hand had been on her back, his hand on her bag handing it to her and he shut the door before she even had a chance to say goodbye.
Looking around the local art, Laura wasn't really listening to what Jenna was talking about and was more over thinking Ross' behavior in her head.
"Hey, you look lost," Jenna nudged her, getting her attention. "What's up?"
Laura shook her head, not really wanting to bring it up. She knew it was most likely about their impending date anyhow, and didn't want to sour their girls day out.
"Come on. You know we're not going to buy this place out unless you tell us, so spill."
"It's nothing really," Laura shrugged her shoulders, looking at the gorgeous handmade blankets in one booth. "Just Ross is acting weird."
Jenna smirked. "Isn't that every day though?"
She spread out one of the blankets to see the full pattern. A vibrant blue mixed with oranges and reds, it was like a sunset before her eyes. Knowing that this would be something Stormie would absolutely love, she purchased it right then and there before joining Jenna and Margarita again.
"What do you think is going on?" Jenna looped her arm in Laura's as they walked down the pathway, eyeing the African bowls while Margarita went straight for the jewelry.
"I think he's just planning this date he asked me on like two weeks ago, but he knows me. I don't need anything fancy. Just him."
"You two are so nauseating it's unreal," Margarita told her, holding up a pair of earrings to her own ears. "But insanely cute."
"He asked you two weeks ago?"
"Kind of. He told me he wanted to take me on a date before we leave and we actually leave a week after you do."
"Cutting it close, isn't he?" Margarita asked, checking out the bowls with them now. "What do you think takes two weeks to plan?"
"It could be a romantic picnic on the mountain, or gazing at the stars from the reserve, or ooo, how romantic would it be to take a cycle ride up the coastline?" Jenna started to ramble on, thinking of the places where the best dates would be had around the city. Truth be told, Laura liked a good romantic date like those were, but she wasn't expecting that. That just didn't seem like them, at least not at this point.
What she was expecting was more low key, something simple and she was okay with that. In fact, she was looking forward to that. Something under the radar, a no fireworks type thing. Sure they were actors and some people had this perceived notion that they went all out on dates - limos, champagne, 1,000 red roses - but that was hardly the case. If anything, actors and performers wanted the normal life experience and she was no exception. Laid back, quiet, inconspicuous. That was more her type of date and she would hardly care if he brought her flowers or not. A night out with Ross would be just as wonderful as a night in.
The girls had picked up a few other items from the market, had gotten a quick bite from the kitchens inside before starting to head out. "Are you excited to see Richard again, Jen?"
"You have no idea," Jenna took a bite of her piece of candy, her eyes going wide. "As soon as we're back in our flat, his trousers and my knickers are going flying and we won't be leaving for a week."
Laura and Margarita laughed out loud at her. After just looking at Jenna one time, you'd think she'd be the classiest and demure one of them all, but sometimes, this time included, she was definitely not.
"You should've made him come down here," Margarita told her.
"Did you see how much stuff he'd have to sign to do that?" Jenna shook her head. "Plus, he was working on another project too."
"You're going nuts aren't you?"
"A little bit, especially after hearing about Ross and Laura's adventures in the bedroom."
"Ooo, juicy?"
"Guys, I am right here," Laura pointed out even though she couldn't help the blush that crept up on her cheeks.
Jenna looked over and smiled at her. "Oh, we know. Any more to share with us?"
"Not anymore!"
The three got a few other things at the last booth before venturing outside again and into the South African sun that was beating down hard on this particular winter's day. Even though it was winter there, it sure did not feel like it. Laura could only imagine how hot it was in their summer. Juggling the bags in her hands and one on her shoulder, she ran her fingers through her hair and almost, almost, ran straight into Ross.
"Hey," she greeted him, a bit surprised.
He did her one better, stealing a kiss. "Hi, yourself. Can I steal you away?"
"Yes, yes you can steal her away. I'll take your bags and give them to you later," Jenna spoke up for her, taking away the bags she just pointed out and pushed Laura towards him more.
"You are being weird..." Laura looked between her boyfriend and movie bestie and it all clicked for her. "You were in on this?"
"From the beginning. Ross here, apparently needed 'help'. But I'm not really sure what type of help I provided."
"You kept her here until the right time," he filled in. "You should've heard all the date ideas she was throwing at me."
"I hope you're not planning on romancing the crap out of me..."
"Already did that," he smiled big and grabbed her hand. "But she did give me some other ideas for later. Want to go on an adventure?"
Laura eyed him, a little suspicious about his plans.
"I promise it'll be worth it."
She squeezed a little tighter on his hand. "It'll always be worth it with you." She had planned to kiss him then, if it wasn't for the audience next to them letting out aww's that went on forever. "Really?"
"It's your fault. We can't help it if you're the ones being all adorable," Margarita pointed out. "Do we need to give you two a curfew?" she laughed with Jenna as Ross pulled her away from them and towards the vehicle he had rented.
"You've got to be kidding me? A cycle?"
Ross pulled on a helmet, handing her the spare one. "Trust me."
She did trust him, but just not on a cycle. It was like how he didn't want to get in a plane with her flying it. But she fastened the helmet on her head anyhow, hopping on to the vehicle and wrapped her arms around his middle tightly. She waved to Jenna and Margarita before they zoomed off back towards Cape Town. With no clue where they were actually going, Laura let go of the worry for a moment and enjoyed the ride. Wind brushed against her face and she watched the South Atlantic Ocean pass by her on the coastal road. They bended with the curve of the road and she had to admit, she wasn't nearly as scared as she thought she would be. Instead of her stomach flipping over the worry of his driving, it was flipping over what exactly their date was. She was honestly just expecting a picnic on the mountain, since they had discussed going there before (and because Jenna had put it in her mind), but since they just passed the road that went to the mountain, that wasn't it at all.
Still on the coastal road, Laura looked out over the cars that passed them, catching sight of the sailboats and crashing waves against the rocks. Even if their date was going to be disastrous, the ride there was definitely worth it. Laura looked ahead over his shoulder and leaned when he leaned, watching as they left the coast and headed towards the forest. "Where are we going?" she muttered to herself, not expecting him to answer.
"You'll see soon!"
And he was right, she did see soon. Insanely soon. She had expected it to take a bit more time to get to Lion's Head once they had ventured inside the reserve, but apparently he was just as anxious as she was to get on with this date and by just one look of where they were, it was going to be an amazing date. "Ross..."
"You wanted adventure, right?"
She honestly couldn't believe it. He had nixed diving with the sharks as soon as she had mentioned doing that one day but she didn't think this would be his second choice - paragliding off of Lion's Head. "I can't believe this. Really?"
"Really. They didn't have any openings before this and I knew I wanted to make this date memorable."
"This is memorable," Laura smiled, stopping him from walking ahead and kissed him before he could object. Not that he would. "Paragliding. We're gonna be that couple, aren't we? The ones who try to one-up each other with dates and presents and try to keep everything surprising."
He winked and kissed her right back. "Plan on it." Ross's hand never left hers even when they met the pilots who they were riding with. Since neither she nor Ross were actually certified in anything like this, they'd be riding down tandem with the pilots. Within ten minutes they had gotten the rules stuck in their brains and were currently getting all suited up for the ride down. She saw Ross get another pilot's attention, exchanging some super secret conversation.
"We'll take care of it, Mr. Lynch. Enjoy the ride down."
"What was that?" she asked just as her designated pilot secured the hooks. "What else are you planning?"
"I've got infinite tricks up my sleeves, Laura. You should know that by now."
"Alright, you two. You both ready? With the wind direction, it looks like we'll be heading towards Signal Hill," the pilot with Ross told them both. Getting both their approval on the go ahead, he counted down to lift off and with a running starting, Laura and Ross leaped off their landing and into the sky.
Laura did not even need to know what else Ross had planned. This was already the best date ever. It was adventurous and unexpected and just perfect. She felt her pilot guide them along the winds, showing off the beauty that was Cape Town and saw Ross and his pilot just beside her and noticed the big smile on his face. It almost, almost mirrored hers. Looking back out to the view, she couldn't believe they'd be leaving this place soon. With Jenna and most of the others leaving in just two days, it would be her, Ross, Gale and Milo left until next week. Going down her list in her head of the things she had wanted to do here, almost all of them were checked off and there were also a few others that were added that she never expected to happen. Ross being the big one.
Who would've thought that their relationship would really take a turning point with this movie? She didn't need to think about it, she was just glad it did. The past month had been nothing but wonderful with him and she was finding out things about him that in the past, when they were just friends, she never would have. Like how he liked his coffee as black as could be with just one dash of sugar; how he wasn't the best morning person and always groggy when he woke up; and most importantly, how if she trailed her fingers down his arm, it drove him crazy. She liked that one the best and used it to her advantage every time she had the chance.
Their flight lasted a while, thanks to the wind being on their side today and they made a soft landing down by Noordhoek Beach, which was beyond where he had picked her up from at the market and way beyond where the pilot had said they'd be going. She was amazed at how far they had gone around the cape. This might have even beat the mud run she was in in Savannah. After her pilot unlocked her from the seat, Laura ran over to Ross and didn't, couldn't wait until she jumped into his arms.
"I take it this was a good idea?" he muffled into her shoulders.
Backing away, her excitement was oozing from her being. "I can't believe we just did that and you planned it and we jumped off a mountain and we glided and it was amazing and..." she rambled, turning around every which way before facing him again. "Can we do it again?"
"I'm glad you liked it," he smiled finally getting out of his seat and the pilots got together to start packing the sails up for easy transport back.
"Liked it? More like loved it!"
"Laura, Ross, picture?" one of the pilots, waved the camera in his hand and she wasted no time in hopping up on Ross' back against the beach background before he snapped away. She hoped that he had gotten a shot with her kissing his cheek in there. That would be her phone background for the remainder of her life.
"I just hope you're ready for more," Ross mentioned, as they hopped on the shuttle back to Lion's Head where they had left the cycle.
"There's more?"
"Of course there's more. Paragliding, even though it's awesome, is not a whole date."
"You really took that whole sweeping me off my feet' comment literally, didn't you?"
"You bet I did," he stole a sweet kiss from her and she turned it into more. Her lips ghosted over his chin before she thanked him again with a deep kiss. A half hour later (traffic had treated them well), they were all back at Lion's Head and while Ross headed inside their office for something, Laura geared up by the cycle, kind of wanting to drive it herself now. But as soon as she even tried to mount it, Ross stopped her.
"Come on, why not?"
"Because the whole point of this date is for me to surprise you," he made her scoot her butt back on the vehicle. "And I'm not giving you any hints about our next destination."
She put on her best pout as his legs crossed in front of his body and he got in the driver's position. "Not fair."
"You'll thank me later."
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PROJECT CYPHER: CLASSIFIED STATUS: NONEXISTANT OPERATION: 11-11-20XX, PROJECT DECLARED FAILURE. NOTICE: PROJECT TERMINATION NOTE: ALL ASSETS AND PERSONNEL REASSIGNED. A prison break of the mass murder known as #017. The pieces slowly begin to come togther in catyalst form. A mass world event and the emergence of the THEM. So what will happen now? (Art for novel not mine, belongs to original artist. )
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