《Finally Us》Loving The View
Ross Lynch was in a wetsuit. A complete wet suit, from neck to toe, that showed off just about every muscle and body part he had. Pulling up the tank on his back with the help of one of their guides, he was almost ready to jump in the water and make some new seal friends. The entire cast had got up early this morning, inhaled the coffee that was given to them and took a full scuba course before heading out to Duiker Island for their second excursion of the week. Earlier in the week, they had all made the trip to Sanbona Wildlife Reserve and met back up with Olympia where she gave them a true personalized tour of the park. He had even met one of the rare white lions that roam around before checking up on his favorite giraffe in the world, Livhu. The animal had seemed to been calmer when they visited which only made him want to stay longer than they had planned to spend time with him.
"Alright, Ross, double check all your equipment," the guide, Logan, told him and did his own check. "Fins, mask, tank, watch, snorkel, light. You are all set, mate."
"Nice," he nodded, looking around the boat and watching everyone else getting suited up.
"Oh my God, look at the dolphins!" Margarita pointed out on the port side of the boat.
He peered over the edge and saw the mammals coming close to them. While he loved the safari they took, this was turning out to be pretty cool too...and they hadn't even gotten in the water yet. He was just glad there were no cages around and definitely no sharks. Logan and the other guide had assured them of that (they were more south). Ross tightened the buckle from the tank around his middle before looking over at Laura getting ready with Yaya. While he wanted her protected from everything, it was a shame she had to cover up her bikini.
"Alright, you lot. We've got Yaya, Laura, Gale, Brian, Mark, Chen and Ross in our first group. Second group is Milo, Jenna, Lala, Eion, Harrison, and Gavin. Third group is Chen, Godfrey, Karen, Margarita, Rey and Summer," Logan announced, rambling off the names. "Since all the groups are big, Brea and I both will be going down with you and David here will be boat captain for a while. Who's ready?"
A compelling sounds of hoots and hollers came from the group, almost out-barking the seals around them. Ross grabbed Laura's hand beside him and walked her over to the stern where they would jump off at. "I feel like saying Geronimo."
"Geronimo? I'd go with a you jump, I jump Jack reference."
"But that's Titanic and it's the part where they're minutes away from dying in frigid waters. Geronimo is better."
"Oh dear Lord, don't say Geronimo," Jenna told the both of them from behind. Since she was in the second group, she had to wait a bit before getting her turn in the water. "I had to hear that for two years on Doctor Who. I'm Geronimo-ed out for the next ten."
Laura looked up at Ross then, with a smile on her face.
"Alright, group one, you're in whenever you're ready," Logan gave them the go ahead with Brea already in the water.
Pulling their masks and snorkels on, they both muttered Geronimo before diving in and swimming over towards Brea and Chen who had dived in just ahead of them. It didn't take long before the seals were surrounding them and there weren't just five or six, there were hundreds; the curious little beasts they were, they had jumped off the island as soon as the boat arrived and were just waiting for everyone on the boat to come and play with them. The water was freezing more than he expected it to and swam a few inches over as the others came into the water but stopped once he almost ran into one of the seals. Laura went the other way, running to some of the other seals around her which were smaller than the ones he was encountering.
He saw Logan and Steve, the owner of the excursion, taking pictures with their underwater cameras while they swam around with the animals. So, he loved the safari - checking out all the different land animals, and the big five, but this, this was cooler. This was an entirely different world. Fish swam by, vibrant colors caught his curiosity and he danced like he was having a seizure with one of the males. Swimming back over to Laura, he motioned to Logan to swim over to them. It was an off-of-the-top-of-his-head idea he just had. Getting a shot of them kissing while surrounded by seals? Yea, that'd be a great shot. Plucking the snorkel out of her mouth, he pulled her closer to him and closed his lips on top of hers. She kissed him right back and he didn't know if it was out of surprise and she liked it a lot or if she was just trying to suck all the oxygen out of him and into her own lungs. But it didn't matter, especially later when they finally saw the shot Logan took. It was perfect.
After heading back to the hotel to clean up from the salty water, the cast headed right back out again towards Cape Point for their wrap dinner. Most of them were a bit tired from the excursion, while the other half were just hungry. Laura, however, was trying to get her phone under control. Days after #CatsAttackRoss was trending, it still wasn't done. Notifications, responses, parodies were still popping up on her phone.
"That's all your fault you know," he told her, holding onto her hand as they walked into the restaurant behind the others. He knew she was going to come back with a 'no, it's not' and he stopped that before it could even start. "Yes, it is. You were the one who uploaded it in the first place."
"You could've told me not too."
"Ha, yea. Just like I could've told you not to try the salmon at that one place we went to the other night."
She remembered the salmon. It was way too good and he was right. She had had her mind made up and there was no way he was going to convince her otherwise. He stopped her walking and took the phone away from her, tucking it inside his jacket.
"I know you're going to probably find a way to take it back, but I'm still holding it hostage. Let's go eat and have a good time."
"You're right," she pecked his lips, not needing to go on her tiptoes thanks to the three inch heels on her feet. "By the way, that shot you 'planned' was pretty spectacular."
He slipped her a wink as they headed up to the private dining area at Two Oceans Restaurant where the first thing they both saw was the view - and it was spectacular. On the clearest day, you could see to the ends of the Earth, right to the point where explorers would once upon a time "fall off". The waters were the bluest of blues, crashing against the jagged edges of the rocks and slowly onto the flat shores in between them. A rich gold filled the sky from the ball of fire that was still warming their part of the planet for another few hours. It was possibly the grandest view he'd ever seen - and that included seeing the best of them from Rio de Janeiro to Tokyo. "Wow." Ross's eyes glazed over the view, bypassing the stunning place settings on the long table and he headed over to where Gale and Godfrey were talking, letting go of Laura's hand, who was tugging on his to go the other way.
Shaking their hands, they dived right into a conversation about their excursion earlier in the day and Ross was into it...but just not as into it as he was into the view. He could get lost in it for hours upon hours and seeing Laura up on the edge of the wall looking out at it - he was a goner. It was a view that he would never get used to and always wanted to see. Picking up two of the white wines on the table, he headed over to her.
Her dress, one that he had questioned at first when she showed him at the hotel, was perfect on her. He had honestly thought she was overdressed for the occasion, but he wasn't complaining anymore. It was a light material with an even lighter striped pattern over it with a high neckline that flipped into a deep backline and medium length sleeves. Cinched at her waist with the skinniest white belt and a hem that was higher in the front and longer in the back, showed off almost all of her legs. Damn, those legs. She probably thought it wouldn't tempt him too much, but in reality, it was tempting him more than anything right now. "I love this view," he announced himself, sliding over one of the glasses.
"It's pretty wonderful, isn't it?" she took a sip of the light drink and snaked her hand down to his, her fingers clasping around his own.
If this hadn't had been the cast wrap dinner, if Stevenson hadn't chosen the coolest place to have it, if they hadn't had been actually wanting to hang with their co-stars tonight and say goodbye to the ones who were leaving them behind in just a few days, this would've been the most perfect romantic date with her. Of course, he had to hope the food was just as good as the view and the company. Now, he just had to top this...and he knew right then, he needed help. Ask Jenna, Ross reminded himself and made a mental note in his brain to do so before she left the country. While he had her number and everything now to contact her, he actually needed to see plans and write them out and he knew Jenna could help him with everything. He wanted their date to be better than this. He wanted it to be fun and spontaneous and something she'd never experienced before. In truth, he actually wanted to sweep Laura so high off her feet that she wouldn't ever want to come down. Looking back out at the view after kissing the top of her head, Ross knew he definitely needed Jenna's help.
"Look at my beautiful cast!"
They turned to see Stevenson in his Sunday best along with Alex, Patricia and some of their other assistants and people who definitely had actually put their blood, sweat and tears into making the movie here.
"You all clean up really nice," he joked with them before going into his speech of the night. "A lot of people have heard of my reputation for making these ridiculously long speeches at the end of all my movies. I think for Salvage, my speech was an hour long. I'm not going to do that to you, making you listen to my voice for that much time because Lord knows, you've heard it enough over the course of four months, right?" The group laughed at him. "I'm just going to raise my glass to the crew, who are the people I would not be here without, and the cast, who are going to convince the world that they're Oscar worthy in about a year's time. We watched some of the first finalized footage today at the hotel and as a treat, besides this view and this amazing food, you'll all get to see as well. I may be biased, but it's kind of fantastic. We still don't have an official title for this movie, but we're getting there. So, here's to The Ten, who found their way back to their roots, became the coolest friends I only wish I was a part of, and became something more," Stevenson looked straight at Ross and Laura then, "Salut!" The cast and crew raised their glasses, clinking them together and agreed with every word he had just said.
The group - which was well over forty people - ate, they laughed, they were loud. It was way too wonderful in his eyes. He mingled and chatted with the production crew, showing off the photos he had on his own phone of Laura and the others working with TEARS the other day and even pulled out hers to show off the #CatsAttackRoss video. "Apparently, I was trending."
The sun was setting and the sky turned a deep violet, settling over the cool waters in the distance as the wait staff brought out a screen for them to watch the first official footage from the movie on. "Okay, now," Stevenson announced, "this is some of the very first footage you all shot out in Little Karoo. If you remember, it's also where we have a bit of a showdown between Karen and Laura and if I say so myself, it's quite awesome. Laura's got some claws." Stevenson winked at her and Ross pulled her closer, giving her another kiss on her temple.
"Don't have to tell me," he whispered into only her ears and watched her turn a pinker shade of blush. She leaned back into him and together, they watched her become a badass on the screen. While it wasn't her big fight scene with Karen, it was still one of them and looked pretty damn cool. Laura had gone from being the stereotypical Southern belle to a feisty pilot ready to kick some ass, and he was definitely behind the latter. He watched her fight against Karen, and watched the others try and hold the both of them off each other. He remembered having to pull her away from the scene by lifting her up from the ground, her feet still kicking out at Karen's character Izel. This was a good first look for them and he kind of could not wait to see more. The footage faded into black and applause came from everyone.
"Everyone remind me not to get into a fight with Laura," Godfrey said from across the table.
"I would so kick your butt," she laughed about it.
Back in her tape ribbon knitted dress, Laura was thankful that she was at least back in the slippers too. Today was the gallery shoot and they had two photographers with them, walking around the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. A new set of epaulettes rested on her shoulders while Ellie secured new chains around and inside her golden hair. Milo was off being all Ridayh and mysterious on the north side of the park where they were, showing off his imaginary gardens to the world.
"I can't believe we're almost done," she said.
"I know," Ellie said. "I'm so going to miss you lot. Especially you and your hair and you letting me do everything to it."
Laura laughed. That was true. If Ellie ever moved to the States, Laura would make sure she'd be on every set she worked on for the foreseeable future. She liked Ellie that much. The wind pulled the curls into her eyes and she pulled the strands out of her face slowly just as she saw Ross talking with Jenna across the way.
"Laura, you're up next," Alex came around and waved her over to follow him. While Milo was shot on the north side, Gale, Brian and Beth were south, Jenna and Ross were west and she was east; and the east gardens, if she had to say so herself, were the prettiest. They weren't flat or manicured, but instead were abundant with fire lilies and protea, and the irises and the most beautiful apricot tulips she'd ever laid her eyes on. With Ellie beside her, Laura got re-introduced to the local photographer who'd be taking the shots. He was a young guy but extremely talented by the images he showed her of Yaya, Eion and Mark he had taken earlier in the day. They were stunning. Eion and Mark were on a boat in the ocean and Yaya had been at the hotel, surrounded by ancient looking items that screamed of her character Danielle. She couldn't wait to see what he'd do with her.
"Alright, Laura, I'm just going to follow you around the gardens, so anything that you want to do, do it."
"That's how I do," he told her.
Laura smiled and looked around the garden, lightly walking around. For this, she was Magellan, and Magellan was curious. She stopped at each of the flowers, ran her hands along the tops of them. She looked around her, up and down, shielding her eyes from the bright sun. She took her slippers off and carried the long train of the dress in her hands as she walked towards the base of the mountain up ahead. She did everything she could around the gardens before laying down at the base of a giant protea planet. Ellie came in then, fixing her hair and giving her the lip gloss to plump up her pout.
"Oh, this one is going to be perfect," the photographer told her, grabbing as many shots as he could of where she was. He pulled back to look at the image on his camera and smiled big. "I so have a crush on Magellan now." He crouched down and gave her a glimpse of a few of the photos, making sure she also liked them and it wasn't even a question for her. Who knew she could actually look like that and pull it off?
"Oh, this is my favorite," Laura pointed it out with Ellie behind her sneaking a peek. "These are great." With her slippers back on her feet, Laura and Ellie followed the photographer back to the north gardens where Ross and the others had congregated. Ellie went to Jenna to fix up her hair and they waited for the next shots Alex had lined up. The group images came and went before it was just her and Ross left at the end.
The photographer, Ellie, Alex and Nikki headed over to Clifton Beach where they had wanted the couple pictures of Magellan and Rory. It was quite a romantic picture, if she said so herself. Her hair was straightened for the pictures, with softer chains hanging lightly from one side and she had completely ditched her shoes. A different dress - this one yellow and gray - hung over her shoulders with epaulettes that were possibly made of clouds. Ross, on the other hand was still very much the same, except he had ditched his vest and black tee for a gray muscle shirt instead. Ross had grabbed her hand in the images, only hanging onto a few fingers and lead her across the sandy beach.
"You guys, these look like they could be engagement photos," Ellie said as she looked at them and placed her hand on the photographers arm. "I am going to need your card. Peter and I will definitely be needing you."
Laura looked back at Ross after Ellie's comment, searching for a reaction. While he didn't say any words, she did get a kiss on her nose and he held tightly onto her from behind. That was all the reaction she needed. Quickly getting changed back into their regular clothes, they wrapped the shoot and headed back to the hotel, fully intent on just relaxing for the rest of the night...and that's exactly what they did.
They were in her room, spread out all over the sofa and watching whatever was on the television in between going over their lines for the next day when she noticed him keep checking his phone.
"Not cheating on me already are you?"
He looked over at her and scoffed. "Like that would ever happen," he told her and slipped the phone back on the table. "But I'm not going to tell you anything about that yet either."
She narrowed her eyes at him as he brought her feet up on his lap, letting her stretch out her shorter limbs. Her tricks to get him to tell her everything list was short, but effective. With him still reading his script and new sides for the next day, the only thing without jumping him right there (although that was still an option) was to do it so slow and so subtly. Her toes tipped along the top of his leg. She was trying for seductive, but wasn't sure it was working...until he stopped her toes and covered them with his hand. He looked over at her again with his left eyebrow raised.
"It was worth a shot," she shrugged before his phone rang instead of the beep for his text messages. She was kind of disappointed when he set her feet back on the couch and stood up to take the call, but then again, she was very intrigued at this point. Watching him nod and say 'mmhmm' many times into the phone, Laura left her script on the sofa and went closer to him, trying to get at least a hint of who he was talking too. She wasn't normally this nosy, but with his promise of a date soon, she wanted to be spoiled. As he hung up, she knew he wasn't expecting her to be almost right on his toes.
"Still not getting any hints."
"Come on. Give me something..."
- In Serial27 Chapters
The Last Utopia: A Fantasy Dystopia Story
On his 18th birthday, Brayden is tested for his magic powers, like all young adults in the utopian city of Astralis. Yet his dreams of a glorious future are crushed once he turns out to be normal... ordinary. However, his hidden talents manifest only days later. As he explores his newfound powers and the city itself, he pulls away the curtain to uncover the city's true, horrific nature, as well as his own future. Buy the full novel here: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B082RC6G9W You can also support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hermitscave
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Vemödalen: From The Other Side
War is coming - And when it comes - And where it comes - And whence it comes - The living shall envy the dead One to carry their sword in the name of their goddess and lady, to protect their land and people against the threat of the wicked. They know their path to be the righteous one. One to roam the land, hunting for all apparitions, and be scorned by man and beast alike. They know their path to be an arduous one. One to wander the realm in search of power, to protect themselves and what they believe in. They know their path to be the only one. Writers note: The first chapter will set the standard in terms of mood for the remainder of the story. It also comes to no surprise to me that half the people who read the first part stop reading any further. It has quite a bit of the good ‘ol ‘ultra-violence’ mixed with a great deal of realism. As much as I could fit into it from my own knowledge and experience in the elite forces. The first few chapters will be slow, after, but starting from ‘Restless Destroyer’ the remainder of the world will start to open up, and when we hit ‘Adronitis’ the prologue is largely finished. The novel is well thought out and filled with hidden lore, culture, history. So even if my word choice appears random – it’s not. There is a reason why these chapters take as long as they do. Vermodalen is fantasy adventure, with magic and heroics in an as realistic setting as I could fit. Things are rarely what they seem, and the ugly nature of people bleed through the letters at the turn of every page. I hope you can give this story a fair chance, even if it isn’t immediately to your taste. Lastly, english isn't my first language. It isn't my second one either. So, if you find errors in grammer and spelling, wordplay and sentance building, do let me know, and you will be rewarded by a surge of dopamine that will be released inside your brain for helping someone whom you haven't even seen or heard.
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Make God Bleed!
In the final year after the death of God, where heaven has been destroyed, an occult summons has been sent across the multiverse. And there at the end of all creation, at the precipice of annihilation, Dalita finds herself awakened and subjected to a cruel and unjust game. Now she must learn to survive and grow, and Attain that holy name of Karanduun, so that she can achieve the ultimate goal of the game she was subjected to: to make God bleed. Make God Bleed! is a Fantasy LitRPG set in a game world inspired by Breath of the Wild, Final Fantasy Tactics, and NieR, in a setting inspired by Filipino Myth and Folklore. I hope you like it!
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Aspects of Nature
There was a time that I was just another ordinary guy living an ordinary life but that all changed the day that I threw myself in front of an oncoming car to save another pedestrian. But to my surprise that wasn't the end. Instead I was given an opportunity to carve out a new life for myself and others on a new world populated by creatures both wonderful and horrifying in a new non-human body. And that wasn't all in this new world I had found myself in people could get stronger by means of interacting with a strange System that had some similarities with the games that I used to play back on Earth and I had to make use of this to survive and create a place where other members of my new species could settle when they arrived. This story uses a System similar to the ones in such stories as 'The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound' and 'The New World' with a few twists of my own added in.
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The Fox Prodigy
Minato and Kushina do not die. Naruto has a twin sister named Naruko and later on has a younger sister named Mito. Naruto and Naruko are both jinchuriki only Naruko has the kyuubi's chakra and Naruto has the kyuubi soul sealed inside of him. Naruto doesn't have a good life after that. He neglected by his parents, but not his by his sisters. He doesn't get special training from his parents like his twin gets. Naruto doesn't get loved by his parents, instead they ignore him and focus on his sisters. Naruto decides to do something about this. He is forced to make the hardest decisions and suffer from those decisions. See how Naruto goes threw life, dealing with horrible things happening to him left and right.
8 138 - In Serial55 Chapters
Various MangaXReader one-shots...Hope you like this book. I will try to update frequently...PLEASE ENJOY READING THIS BOOK 📖📚📚📖📚😊😊😊❤️ ⚠️IM SORRY IF THERE IS SOME WRONG GRAMMAR AND WRONG SPELLING IN THIS BOOK... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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