《Finally Us》Cats Attack Ross
Many hours and many energy drinks later, Laura had hung up her phone for the final time that night, laying back on her bed in relief that they were done with the mandatory phone calls and people to tell. Now it was just their families they had to tell. Looking over to the doorway, she watched him walk all over the kitchen area, the phone cradled in the curve of his neck as he talked to his manager. She watched him run his hands through his hair, scratching his head like it was hard to think and instantly wanted to ease all this stress they were finding themselves in.
They had called the appropriate people as the wee morning hours rolled around, hoping their time calculations were actually right. They went through the movie studio again, agents, record companies, publicists and managers and now, as much as she wanted to sleep, she wanted him stress free even more. Her phone going into her charger, Laura escaped into the bathroom and started up a shower. It wasn't a bath where he could fall asleep in, but he didn't like baths anyhow. That she knew for sure. Testing the water out and adjusting it slightly, Laura came back out to check out him and found him sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his temples.
"You okay?"
"You remember the season three finale of Austin & Ally?"
"Yea, definitely remember that."
"I feel like it's happening in real life," his body flopped back onto the bed. "It's not that it's that bad, I can just feel all of it and I'm being swallowed."
She took his hand then, pulling him up and towards the bathroom. "But Austin and Ally got through everything together, and so will we. We need to relax and a steamy shower is just the way to do it."
"You're so lucky we have a late call time."
"Don't you know it," she smiled up at him, rolling up the hem of his shirt and pulled it off of him, not caring where it landed on the floor. Ross rubbed his hands down her arms as she loosened his belt and snaked it out of his pants. "How were your other calls?"
His hands kneaded over her skin, making her feel much more relaxed like she wanted him to be. "Easy actually. I think Stella was jumping out of her shoes," he snickered as she pushed down his pants. "How were yours?"
"Good. Mona liked the quote we came up with for People."
"I'm glad. We have great teams."
"We do," she kissed him quickly as her thumbs went underneath the waistband of his boxers. Pushing them down inch by inch, she started to crawl down his body with the fabric and smiled wide as she came face to face with his manhood. She kissed it lightly before backing him up into the hot shower.
"You're not coming with me?"
"I'll be in in a minute. I promise."
And she was. Laura pulled her hair up into a ponytail, and stripped of her clothes faster than she thought she ever had. Leaving them were they lay, she headed back into the bathroom and smiled as she heard him singing into the shower head. Trying to be as quiet as she could, she stepped inside and smirked even more while watching him move every inch of his body to the beat of the song. She actually had to bite her lip when she saw him wiggle his butt back and forth.
"I'm talking 'bout starting out as friends, I'm talking 'bout real and not pretend. I'm talking 'bout roles of a lifetime, you and I can even write the end," he sang into the water, letting it drench him from head to toes as she grabbed the loofah on the side of the shower and lathered it up with wash formula. "Here comes that movie scene, one you hate so cliche..."
She let the water run over the loofa and came closer to him, letting the rag sit on his back before guiding it into circles on his back. "You know that's still my favorite song of yours."
"Funny how it's all coming true," he said, trying to look behind him over her small frame while she kept washing his back, before throwing it on the side of the stall and started to rub his shoulders with her hands, getting the tension out of them.
She sang out the lyrics that followed, "That moment when we kissed, by the lake pouring rain."
He turned around then, her hands going from his back to his chest. She didn't anticipate being scooped up into his arms, but she wasn't complaining either. He wasn't kissing her, not yet at least. His nose rubbed over hers and you know that moment that's the most exciting part of kissing? Where it's just before your lips meet and the excitement and anxiousness are bottling up in every inch of your bod? Well, right now, hers was exploding. His lips were so close to hers and she wanted to do nothing but capture them and never let go. "I ain't no superman," he sang against them, in the lowest possible voice. "But I can change your world. Oo oo oo oo, here comes forever girl."
She was gone again, stealing the kiss away before he stole it from her. She heard the rag on the wall drop to the floor, and her hands clawed over his slippery skin, over to the back of his neck. Just like a few nights before, everything was just sensual and although she was afraid to say it aloud at the moment, she knew this was it. This was love and she was never ever going back. "Ross..." she whispered as he completely ignored her, his lips over hers again. He pulled her up and her legs wrapped around his waist, turning her around and underneath the warm water. There went trying to save her hair for the next day. Pinning her in the corner, the sensual kiss turned into a heated union and she didn't even have time to think before he was sliding in and out of her with urgency. "God, yes," she muttered, her legs almost going limp around him.
He kissed along her shoulder blade, holding her up with one arm while the other found her breast, massaging one before trickling down between them and his fingers found her clit.
"Oh Lord," Laura threw her head back against the tiles. "Don't. Ever. Stop." And he didn't. He stop driving into her and it was sending her over the edge fast and if she felt right, him too. Her eyes glazed over, rolling from side to side as she felt him let go inside her.
"Dammit, Laura," he said, his mouth all over her neck as he slowed his pace. "The things you make me do."
Her legs were already rubber and as he let her down and slipped out of her, she wasn't sure if she could actually stand with out his help. "Is that a good thing?"
He kissed her again, still pinning her in the corner and grasping her wrists against the tiles. The water was still streaming over them and she got her wrists back, letting her hands slide over his skin and onto his face. "You're going to be the death of me," he told her before she kissed him again.
"I'll make it nice and slow then."
It was the day of their first round of press interviews and they were up early to talk about the movie and their adventures in Cape Town. Ross downed the cup of coffee in his hands while Jenna got her makeup touched up ahead of their fifth interview of the day. They had talked of their characters common field, shooting in Cape Town, experiencing everything they could and dodging questions about his and Laura's off-camera relationship as well as they possibly could.
"That is like your fourth cup, Ross," Jenna said beside him, smacking her lips against the other after the makeup artist reapplied a fresh coat of pink gloss to them. "You're going to be jumping off the walls soon."
"I'll be okay," he assured her, drinking the last bit of what was left in his cup.
She raised an eyebrow, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Does the coffee help you go at it like bunnies?"
Ross's head shot up and he let out a yelp. "What?"
"Are you forgetting that your girlfriend tells me things? Which, I need you to tell Richard about, to be honest. Me and him are going to have some amazing lays when I get home."
He let his head drop in his hand, shaking it slightly and was not ready to face her knowing that his face was now the exact shade of candy apple red.
"But coffee, load up on it."
"I'm going to kill her," he muttered under his breath.
"Don't do that. Well, unless killing her is a euphemism for sex and in that case, do it."
A whistle echoed around the room, grabbing both their attentions. "Kill the sex talk, and I do mean kill it," another PA, Eric, told them both as another reporter entered the room. "This is Amanda from Cape Town Magazine."
"Morning Amanda," Ross greeted her ahead of Jenna before diving into the questions she had for them. Her questions were good too, they weren't the dull ones, the routine ones. Of course, she wanted to know about the movie, their characters and such, but asking about which superhero their characters would take on and win was one of the best questions he had answered all day. He knew Rory would lose, but taking on Thor would be the best situation ever in his mind.
They talked about other upcoming projects and sidelined all the ones about their personal relationships. Amanda had asked about music for the film and if R5 would be in it anywhere.
"That is a good question. When I was first reading for this movie, I had no clue I would get it at all but I remember sitting in the green room and reading the sides. There was no description for the movie, nothing but I knew that just by the sides, I wanted to be involved someway. Whether it be the role, which thankfully I got, or the soundtrack or even just being at every premiere from the first to the last, I was going to do it," he explained and shrugged his shoulders. "I know that if the studio was interested, we'd possibly be open to doing it. It all just depends if they ask."
"What kind of song would you put on the soundtrack?" Jenna took the turn asking him.
"I'd love it to be for my fight scene. There's one part of the movie where I just attack this other guy and putting R5 music to it would be amazing. Hard rock mixed with our soft tone. It'd be pretty awesome."
Amanda went on with her questions about them living in Cape Town and the local air around them before Eric wrapped it up again and he and Jenna went right back to where they left off.
"I can't believe she tells you everything."
"Not everything...just the details. Okay, maybe it is everything. But it's good. You two are my favorites," Jenna playfully shoved his shoulder. "Oh, I heard her talking about TEARS earlier today. When are you going?"
That was right. The charity they had picked out. Somehow, after every other night of sex and complete ecstasy, visiting the organization had completely slipped his mind. "I have no idea."
"When you decide, let me know. I'll round up everyone and we'll go with you. Even Gale can't say no to dogs."
He nodded as Eric ushered in the next reporter for another interview. This one definitely was not as interesting as the last one. Instead of asking them about the movie, like she was instructed to, she asked about him and Laura instead. Needless to say, there was nothing she could really print in her magazine.
The room over from them, Laura was letting Milo do most of the talking for their interviews. They had had fun with Amanda, and even more fun with Charlie, from Cape Times, who brought in his own game. Saying goodbye to the last one, Laura had her makeup touched up lightly and Ellie fixed her hair around before Milo mentioned the organization to her as well. "Oh, crap," she immediately covered her mouth. "How did I totally forget about that? We need to go like this weekend."
"I know Jenna and Yaya were talking about it yesterday. I'm in too."
"Really? Cool," Laura smiled and reached for her phone that was conveniently tucked under her leg. She quickly texted Ross about visiting this weekend and made another note to call the offices and schedule a time. That was one thing that she couldn't leave Cape Town without doing, especially since they still had the money from the pool sitting securely in her room's safe. Placing the phone back where it was, she greeted the next reporter with a big smile.
"Milo, Laura, this is Josef, from South Africa Today," their designated PA for the day introduced them.
"Hi Josef," Milo waved to the man sitting down in front of them. "Whatcha got for us?"
After wrapping up both days of interviews and filming some of their last scenes with everyone still there, Laura and Ross were ready to go play with some animals at the TEARS organization. So ready that Laura was tapping her foot against the solid floor underneath her and checking the clock every two seconds, swinging her head back and forth at the elevator to see which of their co-stars would actually emerge from it first.
"Laur, calm down. They said they'll be down in a minute."
"That minute passed fifteen minutes ago."
She saw him laughing at her and gave him a glare. "What? You're extremely cute when you're anxious for something. Sue me," he slipped her a wink and leaned back on the desk in the front lobby. "Are you excited for today?"
"Yea," her mood instantly changed around once he asked her. She wanted to see the puppies and cats and meet the people involved and just fall in love with the organization even more than she had just from stalking their website every day. "There's this one dog named Gallahad and he's possibly the cutest thing I've seen ever."
"Hey now," he pulled on her hand, bringing her closer to him. "Do I have to turn into a jealous boyfriend over this Gallahad?"
"You might," she teased him back. "He's a real cutie, but he's got a sister named Bronwyn that I can introduce you to."
Ross didn't even have to respond to her and just gave her a kiss right there. "I'm excited too."
"Okay, now. Rule #1, no making out in the backseat," Godfrey came up to them, putting some space between them again.
They both rolled their eyes and saw that not only did Jenna, Godfrey and Milo come, but so did Yaya, Summer, Harrison, Chen...basically the entire cast besides Mark, Brian and David. David had already wrapped and headed back to England while Mark and Brian were preparing for another scene at the hotel.
The group commandeered one of the vans to take out to the organization and Laura could hardly contain her excitement, showing her fave Gallahad off to everyone and telling them all he was hers. The ride wasn't long and Godfrey and made sure there wasn't any time for a makeout by cornering Ross in the back seat, two rows away from Laura, which she laughed about. Stepping out of the van, Laura jumped up and down a bit, her girlish excitement taking over for a moment just as a woman came out to greet them.
"Hi, you must be Laura."
"Yes, I am. Are you Marilyn?"
"That would be me. Welcome to TEARS."
Laura talked with Marilyn as they walked into the place and she immediately lit up with joy. She saw a few workers feeding the dogs and others playing with them. Her eyes darted all over the place while listening to Marilyn and what the organization was doing to the animal population in Cape Town. Laura was a goner, she was totally in love with the mission, the people, the animals...just everything and she hadn't even met Gallahad yet.
"We're so glad you're here. Some of my employees will be taking you around to meet the dogs and cats and you're more than welcome to stay as long as you want and if you'd like you can take them all for a walk or two. They love their walks."
"Thank you so much Marilyn," she told her, waving Ross over to her side. "We also wanted to give you this. The cast had a sort of pool going around the set and we've decided that the money should definitely go to an amazing charity. Yours is definitely the most amazing we've seen. Please accept this on the movie's behalf."
Ross handed over the money envelope to Marilyn. "We apologize that it's all cash. We really didn't have any time to convert it to a check here."
"You...you all didn't have to do this," Marilyn got a little choked up with the amount of rand in the envelope. "This is an amazing donation. Thank you so much." Marilyn didn't try and fight the actual tears in her own eyes and hugged Laura tight.
"We want you to do amazing things with this place and if you ever need our support from the States, you let me know."
"This money is just, it's going to go a long way. We have a few felines who need surgery and this will help them live to see at least five more lives."
"We're glad," Ross spoke up. "Point me in the direction of those cats."
And Marilyn did just that, having one of the workers take over and show the cast around the place. While Laura met her Sir Gallahad and his sister, Ross was very popular with the cats. Each and every one of them. Summer had to pull Laura away from the dogs to see the most amazing thing about their visit - Ross getting so much feline love.
"This, is so going on Twitter," Laura smiled, recording a short video of about ten tiny kittens from the organization crawling all over him. There were black, white, and red heads all over his shoulders, one on his head and another with a paw on his nose. "Hey Ross, what are you doing?" Laura asked him, her phone making this memory last forever.
"I'm getting attacked by fur. Lots of it."
She turned the camera back to her. "This will break the internet, right everyone? #CatsAttackRoss." She closed her phone, deciding to upload it later on and snuck it back into her pocket before pulling one of the many kittens off of his head. "Well, hello sweetie," she cooed to the solid white and simply stunning baby of them all. "How did I not know that you're a cat person?"
"I didn't think I was," he laughed as Summer helped him take another one off of his shoulder. "But they're cuties."
Laura cradled the white one still in her hands, softly petting it's fur. "They really are." Handing the kitten back to the employee, she pulled Ross with her back to the canine area and introduced him to Gallahad. "And this one is Bronwyn and this babe is Zaelia," Laura told him, giving them just as much loving as he did the kittens. This time around though, it was his turn to get her on camera.
"Hey Laur, whatcha doing?"
She looked up and couldn't stop laughing from the kisses she was getting from Gallahad and his girlfriends. "Not getting attacked by fur."
"I hope Velvet won't get jealous over this," he said off camera, as he kept recording the cute moment before Gallahad went in for another kiss for her. "No way, Gallahad. That's my girl."
The couple played with and fed the animals before Ross got another dose of kitten love and they decided to take the dogs for their walk. Gallahad, Bronwyn and Zaelia led the way while Ross held onto her hand and balancing two leashes in his other, and she had Gallahad on her side. She was loving this, every moment of it. It was like they were a tiny little family and it had her giddy all over.
"Before we leave, I want to take you on a date," he announced in the middle of their walk.
"A date?"
"Yea, a date. You know, where I come pick you up at your room, give you flowers, buy you dinner..."
"Are you for real?"
"You don't want to go on a date with me?" He stopped, feigning the hurt.
"No, no, I do. I just wasn't expecting that. I'd love to go on a date with you."
"Without the dogs?"
She giggled at his notion. "Without the dogs," she said, kissing him again before they stopped to enjoy their surroundings. "Will you tell me what we're going to do on the date?"
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