《Finally Us》Too Soon
This chapter is M rated
"I really like this one."
It had been days since they announced to the cast and crew that they were a couple, waltzing onto the set on Thursday and watching as most of their cast mates either dropped their jaws, danced about or, most likely, went straight to Milo to find out who won the pool. As promised, Jenna got the entire thing on video and after convincing her not to send it to everyone she knew, including her boyfriend, Laura and Ross had had a great time watching it together. They were really impressed with Stevenson's straight face throughout it all. It was like he knew all along. Everyone had found out about the winner, Nikki, and in the midst of celebrating her win around the set, had slipped the money roll off to Ross.
It was in the middle of the night on Friday/Saturday morning now and she had been restless, not wanting to go to sleep but not wanting to stay awake either. He, on the other hand, was dead tired from filming another climatic scene all day. He was drifting off to dreamland when she stumbled upon the almost perfect charity for them to give half of the winnings to and she knew immediately that she wanted to visit too.
The charity, called T.E.A.R.S., wasn't far from their hotel or any of the sets and they both had the day off on Sunday. Making the plans and putting it on the calendar in her mind, Laura scrolled through their website, ooo'ing and aww'ing at every animal she saw up for adoption. The organization was a good one too. It concentrated on rescuing, rehabilitating, reuniting and re-homing lost, abandoned, abused and neglected animals around Cape Town and she absolutely loved that one of the programs they ran was dog walking. How simple and amazing was that? Dogs needed to walk and she fell in love with that aspect of it all, among other programs they ran.
Looking down at Ross, she smirked at his non-ability to keep his eyes open for long tonight. She pulled her glasses off and closed her laptop, sinking back onto the bed and snuggling closer to him.
"Aww, I like your glasses."
"I know you do," she smirked at him, her arm snaking around his middle. "You worked hard today."
"How is it possible to be so sore from just sitting in a chair all day? I do not know how people do it who have nine to five jobs. I'm now a fan of them all."
Laura chuckled at him, turning away for just a moment to dim the lights next to the bed and turned right back. "You did great though."
"You watched?" He opened one of his eyes to look at her.
She nodded. "Just like you watched me the other day with Karen. You know you're a great actor Ross and the scene you did today only reaffirmed that you were definitely the right choice for this role."
"Not as good as you, though," he said, his fingers threading through the loose hairs around her face.
"You already got in my pants, no need for all the flattery."
"Ha ha. I would say the same to you, but I'm telling you the honest truth. How lucky did I get to be dating you, an award-winning actress that people should be fighting over."
Laura leaned into him, a soft kiss fluttering across their lips. "I like you sweeping me off my feet. I can get used to this."
"Noted," Ross gave her another kiss, his lips not giving her any room to breathe or move. He rolled her over onto her back and his left hand searched for hers but ultimately gave up after he felt both of hers threading through his own hair. She loved kissing him. It was one of the best things to her and she could put this on the top of her 'What Makes Me Happy' list. She felt him start to stray from her mouth and even though it was torturing, it was the best kind of torture. "Tell me," he breathed onto her neck, "about the charity."
Laura kept her eyes closed, soaking up every bit of his love that she could as she smoothed her hands down his bare shoulders. "It's, um, it's an animal organization. They re-introduce abandoned and abused animals back into Cape Town homes. God, Ross..." her breath caught as he sucked her neck more. "No hickies, Ross. Ellie and Nikki and Stevenson would kill you."
"But you won't," he smiled into her skin. "Keep going. These animals..."
"They're adorable and they have cats and dogs and Jesus..." she bit her lip hard, getting more aroused by the minute. She had not expected to make love with him tonight. He was tired, and she had a big day tomorrow in between a few interviews with local press, but she was not complaining one bit. Who in their right mind would complain about having sex with their partner? Especially one as hot as him? Exactly. No one. He blew cool air onto her now exposed chest after unbuttoning the pajama top she'd put on earlier in the evening. His hand was trickling sweet sensations down her skin and the coolness made her breasts stand at attention like they'd never really done before. He let his hand linger over her chest before squeezing her breasts with both hands. "...and we can volunteer and walk the dogs and play with the cats..."
"That sounds like a good one," he muttered between his kisses on her body. The next one she felt and squirmed under was just below her ear and she welcomed and guided his hand down to her shorts, scooting them off her legs and onto the floor. "Laura..."
That was it for her. Him saying her name in the most orgasmic way and she was gone. The first time they had sex, it was slow, but it was nothing like this. That was the 'yes, we're finally doing this after years of not being able to and being too scared to make any moves' sex. This, this was the 'yes, we're finally doing this and I'm going to show you just why I'm not afraid any more' sex. But this wasn't sex at all. This was making love. This was him and her and they were so all in. They weren't telling each other the L word, but they were damn sure meaning it. Laura leaned up just a little from the softness of the bed, her lips finding his own ear and pulling on it and nuzzling her nose on the velvetness of his own. She pushed her lips back onto his own, giving him promises that she fully intended to fulfill for the rest of her life. Tongues touched, fingers and hands pulled things off and in many, many moments she was now a true fan of foreplay.
Laura had had boyfriends before. Two, actually, during the time when Austin & Ally was just ending until just before Ross returned. She hadn't been promiscuous, but she wasn't exactly celibate either. Her previous boyfriends were good in bed, but they definitely were not him. She remembered Tony, a law student she met at USC, who flew to Savannah to surprise her for their six month anniversary. He had done everything to make it as romantic as he could and it was...up until the sex. She wasn't exactly wowed with his performance and definitely didn't get off on it at all. Then there was Henry, who was this amazing guy. He wasn't an actor or musician, but a model and sought after by almost every fashion label who was worth it. They had been put together for publicity and actually found out that they had much more in common and truly liked each other, so they really did start to date. That relationship lasted two years and he was actually pretty damn fantastic in bed, but he wasn't the romantic that everyone pegged him to be. He was the rush through and get it done kind of lover. She loved the sex, don't get her wrong, but at the end of it all, it wasn't just about that. It was the way he would skip over the important things. Like foreplay.
And now there was Ross, who was proving to her right this very second that foreplay was just as important, if not more important than the act of sex itself. Not only to get the best orgasm she could possibly experience, but because it made them both feel like this was more than just a movie fling; it was more than just a month in Cape Town. It was definitely more to her and his magical foreplay skills just told her that it was more for him too.
She gasped as his fingers slid across her folds and her heart started to beat even faster than their first time. "Ross...please..." she kissed him again, her hand covering his and making his fingers do just what she wanted.
"Ah ah ah," he taunted her. "Patience."
"I'm not cut out for patience."
"Exactly why I'm making you wait for it," he winked, slinking back from her upper body and kissing her all the way down to her stomach. She watched his blond hair rise from between her legs and almost kicked him as soon as his tongue touched her. God, he was evil. So so so evil and so good all at once.
Laura grasped bunches of the blankets in her hands as he pleasured her and she was sure that this would be the greatest she'd ever have. Moans escaped her and she felt feathery kisses on her thighs before he went back in. She knew she was close, so close and screaming his name right now would not help anything, but she did it anyhow. She yelled it over and over again as she came with his tongue glazing over her and swirling inside her like she was the oxygen he needed to breathe. She still had a tight hold on the blankets in her hands and her chest was heaving, trying to catch her breath as he pulled her into another kiss that was hotter and wetter than ever before. "That was..."
"Don't say anything yet. I'm not done," he kissed her again, lifting his body up and he teased her again.
She immediately felt the tip of his penis at her entrance, like it was waiting for permission to board the ride. She wasn't anxious for it...okay, maybe she was, but she had a damn good reason to be. After the best foreplay of her life, she wanted more...and more, and more, and more. "More, Ross. More..." she begged him, her voice desperate against his kisses. Her hands roamed over his chest, her fingers dancing across his skin before they wandered down to his butt. She clutched his skin, almost urging him to enter her now.
He smiled against her lips. "Patience is really not a virtue with you." His lips went from her lips to her cheek, her shoulders and just above her breast. "Get the condom," he told her and she didn't waste any time in reaching back to his side of the bed and swiping the tiny package from inside the drawer. Their positions changed a little, with him pushing her up upon all the pillows that had gathered on the side he was laying on before. She ripped open the slim package, letting the wrapper fall to the floor and unrolled the even thinner latex over his member. As much as she wanted for him to be in her already, it was her turn to go painstakingly slow. Her fingers rolled up and down and up again before he caught onto her game and grabbed her hand away. "Tease."
"Look who's talking," she laughed back at him, a kiss sealing the couple once again. Deep into it, she broke away and tilted her head back as far as she could go; her chest coming to his face and his lips connecting with her sweet skin. She felt him move inside her, out and in, and it was almost heaven for her. It was like they were two teenagers sharing their first time together even though they were far from it. She locked eyes with him again, watching him as he went back and forth on the bed over her. She had kissed him on his nose, and with every thrust, her lips had found another place on his face to kiss. "Ross..."
"Shhh..." he told her.
Her fingers danced over him again, palms caressing his own skin from his wrists to his shoulders and down to his sides. Their gazes weren't going anywhere besides on each other and she felt herself moving to meet him at each plunge. His hand slithered under her thigh, moving it higher and giving her even more satisfaction than she thought possible, while she moved her other leg up over his thigh. She could do it. She could put this moment right here, right now as the best moment of her life. Her voice let out more joyous sounds than his grunts did as they moved together. His head dipped onto her shoulder, and lips feathered over skin just as their pace got even faster.
"Laur..." he called her name, or half of it, and the momentum speeding up more and she knew she was there again. She was going to scream and even though the walls were thick, she didn't want to scream. She dug her hands into his back, pulling him harder, her mouth covering his shoulder blade in sloppy kisses. The only thing she could think about was this and the word yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
No screaming be damned, she was doing it and his name suddenly turned into a deity's. She felt his hands cupping her own bottom, giving her just a little help in meeting him at his thrust. And with that one thrust, she was over her edge. She felt her climax cover him inside her and just as he started to slow down, he stopped; his body collapsing on hers, sweaty and sticky and sweet in every sense of the word. She kissed his shoulder, her arms circling around his back and nails crawling over his skin. But her mouth didn't stop there. She continued with her kisses up his neck and back to his ear. They were feathery kisses, light and quiet ones that she would never ever stop giving him even if he tried to stop her.
Ross rolled onto his back, pulling out of her in one swift motion and suddenly she felt very empty. She stayed right where she was, watching him as he pulled off the condom, which was full of his own cum. While she was also on the pill, Laura didn't want to get pregnant, and she was breathing out in relief that they had double the protection. She, nor he, could afford a pregnancy or pregnancy scare when their careers were going like they were. What they had just done had been a wonderful thing, and she knew that if there hadn't been a condom or pill, and it was just this amazing, unadulterated love, it would've been even more incredible. It would've been this kind of mind-boggling and have her eyes bulging out of her head sex..and she could not wait for that.
He rolled back over to her, still naked to the bone and kissed her again. "God, you're amazing."
"Me?" Laura said, a bit stunned by his statement. "I think it's more you than me. We can do that again and again and again and I'll never get tired of it."
He smiled into her lips. "Give me five minutes."
His fingers tangled themselves in her hair, kissing her more with their tongues, once again, dancing around each other. Yea, she would definitely never tire of this. It was her turn to push him back onto the bed and hover over him. Her hands cupping his cheek and kissing him like it was her job (she would kill for that job). Her chest met his own again, with him leaning into her this time.
"You are amazing," he whispered to her. "Laura..."
"Don't," she stopped him from saying what they were both feeling. "Don't say it. Not yet." She placed her head on his chest and pulled the thinest sheet from the bed on top of them both. While she knew it, her heart knew, her head knew, and her body definitely knew it, she didn't want to dive into it too soon. Laura had seen how it had ruined and turned her sister's life upside down from saying it too soon and she didn't want that for them. If this was for forever, which she hoped it was, she wanted them to take it day by day. No big grand gestures of the L word, no saying it after sex just because you felt like you should say it. When she told Ross that she loved him, it would be something more. Something and somewhere where it would actually mean everything.
"You know I do though, right?" He whispered so faintly that she could hardly hear it above his heartbeat.
She nodded against his skin. "Me too." A light kiss on his chest, she felt his hand draw circles on her bare back and closed her eyes. Maybe it wasn't too soon to say it. Maybe it was the right time, but even though she was giving her all to him, the L word would just have to wait a bit longer. But it would come, she was sure of it.
Jenna nearly spit out her cup of coffee all over her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Uh, it's okay," Laura dabbed the faint brown stain off of her grey top and looked back at her movie bestie.
"When you say slept with, you mean..."
"Slept with. It wasn't sex. It was more than that," Laura confessed as they chatted at an outdoor cafe in town. The two had escaped away from the set for an elongated lunch break and found a cute cafe not far from the hotel to talk and catch up a bit before the scenes they had later in the day. "It was wonderful."
"I assumed you already..."
"The first night? Yea, we did. But last night was different. It was actually making love and my everything just melting into him and I sound like a romance novel right now."
Jenna laughed at the faux blonde before her. "Just a bit, but that's okay. I like romance novels. Go on. You can tell me all the details and I will not look at Ross in any different matter," she paused. "At least I hope not."
"You better not."
"Look at you being all protective over your man."
Laura laughed at her own comment. She was, wasn't she? She'd never felt that way over Tony or Henry, but Ross? Yea. She was definitely insanely protective over him. He was one of the most wanted musicians in the world, had a voice that when he just uttered one note would give you an orgasm and don't even get her started on the insane but still amazing female fans he had. There were actual fan sites dedicated to each and every body part on him. Don't ask how she knew that, she just did.
"You love him, don't you?" Jenna asked, as the waiter brought out their food. "Thank you," she said as the young man left.
"That's the problem."
"It's a problem? How is love ever a problem?"
"It's complicated. I just don't want to say it too soon. I mean, we just got together and I don't want to spring this on him and him changing his mind about me and running straight back into a five year tour."
Jenna took a bite of her meal. "He wouldn't do that."
"How do you know?"
"Uh, have you seen the way he just stares at you? It's like you are the flipping stars, Laura. He wouldn't just hook up with you and ditch you. He wouldn't do that. Plus, didn't you just say that he said it to you last night without saying it?"
Laura nodded. Technically he did. And she said it right back. But was that considered their declarations of love? She was torn now. "I'm still just so worried about saying it too soon."
"My sister," Laura told her, eating on her sandwich. She told Jenna about Vanessa falling head over heels in love with this one man. It was a whirlwind romance and everything had been all gumdrops and sunshine and they had said the L word just weeks after they started dating. She told her that it had almost mimicked Princess Anna and Prince Hans' story from Frozen, that's how scary it was. The guy was using Vanessa and even though Laura had seen it, their parents had seen it, even Katie and Brian had seen it, Vanessa refused to and got her heart just torn to pieces when it all came true. Laura had hated to see her sister in such pain and it took Vanessa a long time to get over that relationship once she was out of it. "I just don't want that. The saying it too soon...I don't want to screw anything up."
"Trust me, Laura, you won't. I think if you did say it to him, it would only strengthen what you two have. You both went five years of probably feeling all these feelings and saying 'I love you' is well over due."
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••• REQUESTS CLOSED••• I do not own Kingdom hearts, Square Enix or any of the characters in the game. Nor do I own you. Only yours and the characters actions in the book! Feel free to request ideas __ Y/n- your nameL/n- last nameE/c- eye colorH/c- hair colorS/t- skin tone-Enjoy this book of Kingdom Hearts X ReaderAnd if you want go ahead and read some of my other books as well. You might like them
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