《Finally Us》A Dance on The Beach
He didn't think he had actually packed this many clothes - or Laura had, if he thought back. All he had actually worn were the staple t-shirts and jeans he was famous for so there was no need for him to have two full suitcases of clothes, but he did. Folding up a few more tees and placing them in the luggage, he started to bob his head along to the beat coming through the walls. While he hated the noise when he was studying for something, he loved it any other time, especially when it was the hard core rock she always blasted. Sometimes it would be classic country or opera or pop, but most times, it was rock. While the Rolling Stones voices were seeping their way through the wall and into his ears, he started to sing along, not really hearing her knock on said wall over it...at least not until she was physically banging it with her hands. "Laur?"
"Good, you heard that," she almost had to yell for him to hear. "You wouldn't happen to have my blue bra over there, would you?"
He stopped his folding, looking around the room he was standing in and remembered the blue bra she was mentioning. It was the blue bra he had stripped off of her in two seconds flat a few nights before and took her up against the wall. She had started it all, too. It started with the last of the Gogurts she had been saving from their date and teasing him with how she slurped the food inside the slim packet. Her mouth covered the piece of plastic and taunted him in unspeakable ways, making him twitch. He knew that she knew exactly what it was doing to him and continued, licking up the stray strings of yogurt that had escaped onto her fingers and going so painstackingly slow that it was the definition of torture. It was then that he pulled her fingers to his own mouth and started licking. I just want to see what tastes so good, he remembered telling her. It was only a few minutes later that he was pushing her against the wall of the bedroom, stripping her of any clothing on her body and making her yelp in pleasure. The sex had been hot, rough and almost animalistic. He had wanted her so bad and he got her.
Breaking his train of thought after another bang on the wall, his eyes kept darting around the room, with no blue bra in his sight. "I don't see it," he yelled, hearing her grunt in frustration as she turned off the music. He had never thought or seen Laura as a particularly anal person, but he did have an image in his mind right now. One of her checking and double checking a packing list, with glasses on the bridge of her nose and her marking off each and every item she brought. It was quite a sexy image that he would pocket for another day.
"I know it's in here."
Ross spun around, surprised that he hadn't heard his main door open and close and even more surprised that she got it. How did she get in? "What are you doing?" he asked, watching her go straight for his almost fully packed suitcase that he was almost done with. That was until she started to toss out all of his hard work back onto the floor just so she could search for her blue bra.
"I know you have it," she stated, not stopping from destroying everything.
"Laur, I was almost finished."
"But I know it's in here," she insisted once more, her hands disappearing into the suitcase's many secret pockets on the side and in the upper lining. "Which pocket did you put it in?"
Ross shook his head as he watched her. That was an hour of wasted time for him. He had laundered, folded, rolled and made a perfect template for his suitcase so everything would fit just right...all ruined in about ten seconds by his girlfriend. "It's not in there. Why would I purposely steal your bra?"
"I don't know," her hands flew up in the air, and flipped the top close so she could start searching in those pockets. "A momento? Proof you could show your brothers that you actually slept with me?"
Ross laughed out loud, almost keeling over on the floor at her ridiculous accusation. As sexy and tempting as the bra had been on her, he definitely did not need to keep it to prove to his brothers or to anyone else that he had slept with her. They could just see the smirk on his face and they'd know. Plus, they weren't those type of siblings anyway. Apart from Ryland, who was vocal about his conquests when they happened, the others were not and he didn't plan to announce it like his younger brother used to anyhow. "Laur, I don't have it," Ross told her as soon as he caught his breath.
"Wait," Laura stopped meddling through his suitcase, heading to the spot on the wall where the hottest sex ever happened. She lifted her arms like she was recreating everything that happened. "And then you...aha!" Pushing the dresser a little ways, Laura stuck her arm behind the crevice and pulled the blue bra at the center of this all by the strap. "Don't have it, hmm?" she eyed him.
He shook his head at her again, leaning back against the corner of the wall. "Did you expect me to flip over every piece of furniture? For a bra?"
"Yes! I like this bra."
"I like that bra too. I like it even more when it's off your body."
Laura smacked his shoulder with the garment in her hand. "Stop being dirty."
"You think that's dirty?" he laughed at her again. "What you did the other day was dirty." Reaching for the belt loops on her jeans, he pulled her closer to him and sat down on the messy bed. Her knees were against the edge of the bed and between his legs. Ross's hand skimmed over the tight threads of the fabric, lightly circling over the outside of her thighs and in between them, before heading upwards to under her loose shirt. He roamed over her delicate skin, making sure to go as slow as he possibly could to tease her like she had teased him. His left hand skimmed over and squeezed her cheek before he found her hand and danced his fingers over hers. He broke out into a wide grin as the bra she was holding fell to the floor at his touch. He wandered up her arm, softly cupping the side of her neck just below her jawline and lightly rubbing his thumb over her cheek. Ross brought her even closer, her knees almost buckling at the motion as he brought his lips to her skin, ghosting over it like silk. Hearing her suck in breaths of air was just what he needed to hear, smirking against her body. Her small hands moved over his arms and onto his shoulders, rubbing them lightly as she craned her neck, almost begging him to kiss her neck.
But he didn't. This wasn't about that. This was about teasing her and getting her all hot and bothered - a bit of payback for tossing out his suitcase like that. He blew a cool breath onto her instead, watching as goosebumps surfaced. Pulling her forward, he nipped at her earlobe. "That, is dirty," he whispered, moving her back quickly and getting up from the bed, heading towards the kitchen. He had left her stunned, which was what he wanted and waited for her to move as he grabbed a water from the fridge. "You can start repacking my suitcase anytime now."
She huffed, spinning around on the spot and marched towards him. Laura pulled the water out of his hands and tossed it into the tiny sink behind him. She didn't talk and that was probably a good thing as she pulled on his shirt, the fabric coming off his body like a peel and tossed it behind her and running her hands up his chest. She didn't waste any time connect her mouth to his abs - another thing he had let her find out that drove him absolutely crazy.
"Oh no," he stopped her, moving away. "You don't get to do that."
"Why not? You just did."
"You started it," he pointed out. "I knew I shouldn't had gotten you that Gogurt."
Laura smiled wide, coming back to him and her hands trekking up his chest seductively. "I only have one Gogurt left and I was thinking," she kissed his abs again, trailing up to his sternum and onto his neck slowly. She sucked and blew cool air back on him, driving him even more insane. He took a large gulp right as her tongue met his Adam's Apple. "I could eat it...off of you."
Ross met her eyes, want and so much lust taking over love. It took him another two seconds before his hands were combed through her hair and he was picking her up and turning her around, placing her on the counter top. It was his turn to take her shirt off and fling it behind him, not caring where it ended up. There was no more teasing from either of them. There was just ripping at clothes, clawing at skin and heavy breathing. He felt her fingertips circle around his waist as he was kissing down her chest to yet another bra that would look better off of her body. For this, he was taking his time and his lips moved from her chest to her shoulders and his own fingertips slipping the straps down her arms achingly slow. From her shoulders, to her arms, over to the top of her breasts, he kissed down her body, and pulled at the top of the cup covering her up. "Laur..."
"Keep an eye on where I throw this one," he muttered, reaching around to unclasp the contraption.
She laughed against his lips. "I don't care about this one. Just the blue one."
He shut her up, his mouth covering all of hers and his hands now slipping her pants off of her hips, fingers wanting a feel. "Just the blue one?"
And he did just that.
She was sore. So, so sore and as much as she hadn't had wanted to stop, they had to. Her legs fell against the soft bed and she curled up into the sheets that he had left all for her. Opening her eyes slowly, Laura found herself blanketed by dusk and a great big moon staring back at her from the balcony. Their hot session in the afternoon had lasted almost all night and if they both hadn't been hungry, or him needing a break, or her needing one too, they would probably still be going. Reaching down to the floor for one of his tee shirts that were still all over the floor, Laura slipped it on, the hem coming down to just above her thighs and she slipped out to the balcony.
She didn't know why she was tip-toeing around the room, as he had only left a few minutes earlier to get some food from downstairs for them, but she was. Leaning up against the railing, she looked up at the full moonscape and out to the view of the mountain and city in front of her. It was a truly breathtaking city and although they had explored it for four months, she was sad to be leaving it behind. There were still so many things she would've liked to do here - hike up the mountain, visit the penguins, and yes, even the cage diving. People thought she was still nuts, but it was the thrill of it that got her. Just like the thrill of being with Ross got her and definitely wasn't letting her go anytime soon.
Years ago, when he had another girlfriend during their time on the television show, she had heard from her about the things he would do for her, about the excitement of their relationship and had always wondered what it felt like. Back then, she had also had a boyfriend. Somehow, what his girlfriend had been telling her hadn't lived up to anything her boyfriend had done. But now, now she saw what the excitement was about. It was the never ending surprise from him, and it was the little things too. The little things like when he kissed the side of her neck randomly, or burst out into a song just to get her to laugh, and no one could forget about the 'Laura jokes'. There were the fun things like surprising her with movies in an airstream, and paragliding off a mountain top; and then there were the amazing things...like his kisses and the way he held her hand and how he made love to her. Those were all the things worth waiting for...
She heard his footsteps behind her, but didn't turn away from the glittering stars above her head. Tucking a strand of her unruly hair behind her ear, Laura closed her eyes and sniffed the air. He had gotten pizza...and a burger. Oh, he was a Godsend. She felt his hand skim over her bare cheek under the shirt and hopped a bit forward, before it went lower to her leg just as he came up behind her.
"You," he nuzzled his mouth against her ear, "are so sexy in my shirt."
She giggled at his comment and didn't even try to move his hand away from her bottom half. She actually liked when he got frisky. Turning around into him, she rested her elbows on the railing and smiled up at him. "You got pizza."
"With extra green peppers and even more cheese."
"Thank you," she leaned up and pecked him on the lips, still feeling his hands massaging her bare bum. "You need to stop doing that because if you don't the pizza and the burger and anything else you got is going to get cold and stale and you would've wasted money and..."
"Laur," he stopped her rambling, smushing her lips together with his fingers. "You're rambling. Come on, let's go eat." Ross grabbed her hand and as much as she didn't want to be dragged away from the stars and night outside, she was starving and her stomach was going to remind her once again in 3, 2, 1.
Laura followed Ross inside and back out to the living area of his room, grabbing her panties that had landed on top of the lamp on the side table. How they did, she couldn't remember...especially since he had taken them off of her when they were in the kitchen. She slipped them on just as she sat down on the sofa, and took a whiff of the open pizza box in front of them. "OMG, that smells like heaven."
"I told them to throw any veggies they had on it since you live on those. Apparently green peppers are the only things they know are vegetables."
"Do you hear me complaining?" Laura didn't hesitate in piling the biggest piece that was precut into her mouth. When she said she was hungry after their day of copulation, she really meant it...like she could eat two whole pizzas by herself hungry. Her stomach started to calm down as she took another bite, the slice disappearing within her and reached for another.
"Woah, slow down."
"I can't. I'm too hungry," Laura let her leg brush against his and pulled a napkin from his lap. "Good thinking on this food."
"Tau is on my speed dial for everything now. He knows this city like no one else," Ross told her, grabbing a slice from the box himself and looked over at her. He chuckled and reached out to wipe away the spot of sauce just below her bottom lip. He leaned back next to her, the silence drowned out by them eating their weight in grease because they needed it.
Going for a third slice, she grabbed an extra napkin just in case and watched him eat his own, noticing how his jaw moved ever so slightly. They only had a full day left here and as much as she would like to spend it in bed with him and have that jaw and mouth doing things to her that would last her until at least next month (sue her, she was greedy), she definitely wanted to do something outside or at least out of the hotel...you know, after she helped him repack all the clothes she threw out of his suitcase. She chuckled at herself, really not believing how ridiculous she got over a bra - but after the sex they had just had multiple times, it was worth it.
"Do I want to know?"
"Nope," she smiled at him, taking another bite of the slice in her hands. "What do you want to do tomorrow?"
"You mean besides repacking?"
"Uh, yea..."
"I hadn't really thought about it. You have ideas?"
"I've got one," Laura said, knowing exactly what she wanted to do now. "But you're going to have to trust me. Like, really trust me and you can't ask questions, you just have to go with whatever and go along with whatever I say."
Ross popped an eyebrow up, and she knew he was curious about her idea. It was the perfect idea and why she hadn't thought of it before, she'd be wondering about that for days. Ross had three loves: music, hockey and airplanes. Airplanes. It would be perfect. She could call up Peter and... crap, Peter! Darting her eyes over to the clock, it was just pushing seven o'clock. It wasn't late by her standards at all, but maybe it would be for him. Finishing off the slice in a hurry, Laura climbed over Ross, kissing him along the way and headed to the bedroom. Quickly putting her pants back on, she scurried off to her room and retrieved her phone.
She wasn't worried about the texts that were flashing on the screen or the bit where she only had about 10% battery charge. She pulled up his number in a hurry, hoping she could pull this off on such short notice and waited for Peter to pick up, which thankfully he did. "Peter! Hi! I know it's late and I didn't mean to interrupt, but I was hoping you could do me a favor..."
He didn't know what it was with her and blindfolds. Was this a thing she had been doing since she was younger, or was it new? He didn't know if she was leading him to the bedroom with this, but if she did, he was all for it. But then again, if she was, she wouldn't have led him into a car with Tau and be driven out of the city. Sex in the desert? Maybe not...
Ross felt her double and triple check the knot of the fabric over his eyes and he could feel her hand wave in front of him not just once, or twice, but several times. He caught hold of it one time and was amused when she freaked over the fact that he could "see" through the thicker than blood piece texture over his eyes. He knew they were out of the city now...they had to be, after driving for a while, but he couldn't tell exactly what direction they were headed in. He wasn't as in tune with his hearing as Rocky was, so there were no waves for him to pick up on, or distinctive smells he recognized. Laura had gotten him up early, stuffed him with breakfast and kidnapped him from the hotel before he could even put his shoes on properly and yet they were still driving.
"Miss Marano," Ross heard Tau get her attention.
"Thanks Tau. Isn't it beautiful?"
"Very, miss. I'm jealous of Ross."
"You think he'll like it?"
"I am right here! What's beautiful and why is Tau jealous?" he got impatient, cutting up their conversation as the car they were riding in hit a bump on the road and all of the sudden it went from smooth under the tires to gravely. Dirt! It was a dirt road. Why were they on a dirt road and where did it lead? He heard Tau's deep chuckle before more silence came over the car. "You both are evil."
"I don't think you'll think that after this," Laura said, kissing him on the cheek as the car slowed down and stopped. He was still blindfolded and he had the urge to rip the blindfold off of him, but he didn't. He probably should've though, as her guiding skills out of the backseat of the car were no up to par at all. Ross was sure to have a bump on his head later on. "You ready?" she tugged at his hand.
"Ready. Been ready since this morning, before you blindfolded me."
"Don't be mean. I can put you right back in the car and tell Tau to take you back."
Ross turned towards her voice and looked down. "I'm ready Laur. Now where the hell are we?" He squinted against the sunlight as soon as she took the blindfold from his eyes, adjusting to the brightness. Turning around, all he saw was an old brown building and to be honest, was slightly disappointed. His shoulders slumped and he saw Tau still chuckling at him in the corner of his eye. "So, you blindfolded me, stuck me in a car and drove for hours to an abandoned building? Loving this surprise."
"What? You don't want to do a sex tape out here?"
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A sith dies, A huntsman rises.
The force surely works in mysterious ways, after his death, Darth Vader awakens in the world of Remnant. If he has truly been given a second chance, then he would make a symbol after the mask that had once terrorized a galaxy far, far away. He would create a beacon of hope. But he is nor a Sith nor a Jedi, he is only Vader.Highest Ranking: Number 1 in rwbyNumber 1 in VaderThe beginning is not my work. It is from fanfiction.net it stopped receiving updates, so I decided to take a crack at it.I have permission from the original author to continue this work.https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13756275/1/A-Sith-Ends-A-Huntsman-Rises Here is the link to the original story.
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