《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 25


Snarling with a light hiss, I don’t normally run from rogues but this is not a good time for me. Without being able to shift, I’ve at risk of not healing the way I should. Before getting wolf I would have been fine, my body was in a sleep mode. Where wolf would be on auto to heal me, reason why my father didn’t really care to much when I broke a bone or cut a deep gash on myself.

“I’m warning you, BACK OFF!” Growling. He froze before laughing, looking over his shoulder.

“You hear that boys, she wants us to back off” Hissing my threat, as he turned back around flashing his black eyes at me.


Thanks to mindless hours of training, from my father I was well aware of my surrounds. As I’m sure these mindless buffoons were not, there only thought process was raping me. Slipping my foot under a fallen branch, I left my legs do all the work. The branch flew into the air, as my other leg swung around kicking into the human rogues face. As it shattering against his blocking arm, I took off running.

“GET HER!” He screamed, sending his so called pack after me. If I was bored before, I sure as hell wasn’t anymore. Hell this was not what I wanted to do with my free time, should of just read that stupid book for a third time.

My knee popped as I slammed my feet into the soft ground, it was clear the wind breaker had to go. Ripping the zipper clear off, I let the light blue pieces fly behind me. As luck would have it, the bigger piece hit a wolf in the head making him run into a tree to shake it off. Laughing cause that was just to damn funny, I moved faster as their growls were less pleased with the out come. Hey not my fault, I wasn’t trying to make him run in a tree.

Launching my feet off the ground, so I could clear a fallen tree I barely made the simple jump. Their thundering paws rippled the leaves, as heavier panting seemed to make me more uncomfortable. The trail turned sharply as they kept right up with me, if I didn’t find an end to this I was going to be in serious trouble.


Being called away for a small issue was normal, but I wasn’t prepared for the understand of rogues setting foot close by. This wasn’t a matter I took lightly, my pack hadn’t see a rogue in years. Mostly because I made it a clear statement to hang their bloody head just outside my territory. Seems I need to do that again, talking with my Beta and Enforcer Sam walks by. Pausing as he over hears, his face pales catching my attention.

“Something on your mind Sam?” He’s been a good judge of character ever since he was born, the boy has a knack for getting info when no one else can. Part of the reason I made him Fina’s personal assistant, that and he’s not stupid enough to try to take her from me.

“Alpha I heard you talk about rogues, are they close?” He gulps, which doesn’t seem like him. Sam’s a good fighter, if I didn’t already have an Enforcer or Fina, he’d be in line.

“Not that we know of, but their to close to the south border.” My brow raises, as he starts to sweat.

“Alpha….Fina went for a run on the south end” I watched as the walls started to melt, while the sounds of my Beta turned to a Charlie brown teacher. Feeling sick and anger, I growled out.


“GET THE FIGHTERS, TO THE SOUTH SIDE NOW!” Roaring out, as Kem took off running for the guards room. Sam was shaking, but as of right now I don’t even have time to scream at him. My Enforcer has already gathered my men, as the sheer size of them is enough to scare off even the smartest of rogues. As we head to the south side of the buildings, a scout comes back. He shakes his head, looking grey.

“Ryder, what is it?” Kem asks, seeing as how I’m seeing red.

“This” Holding up a light blue wind breaker, her smell pouring off it along with another wolfs. Grabbing the jacket I check for blood, but find none.

“I want those bastards heads, you hear me?” Looking around at the fighters. Nodding all at the same time, we send half out to locate them while the rest stay with me. The thunder storm has gotten here early, as the down pour of rain beats down on my back. it’s a welcome to cool my temper, but will not aid Fina if she were to slip. The scout Ryder points to the map where he found the jacket, as the fighter link us letting us know where they have already covered.


The rain was now soaking my clothes, weighing me down. It was however weight them down as well, but not nearly as much as I wished. Dipping past two large oaks, my body was growing tired as they didn’t seem to falter. A whiff of something strong, made me shiver. War bear that smell could only belong to one of their kind, it was a very strong musk scent. One I would never forget, at least not after my first encounter with one. I just prayed I could use him to my advantage, pushing into a thick of bushes catching a sight of the large brown fur ball.

In my head I was doing some crazy happy dance, and thrusting my hips like some horny male. Who would of thought a War bear would be a welcomed sight, his back was to me and with the pouring rain he couldn’t smell me. Having only one chance I took it, knowing if I failed I was going to die no matter what. With a little encouragement I sped up, then dropped into the now muddy earth sliding between its legs. Gripping a little mud in my hands, as my legs came into view the beast roared.

Pushing myself up, my mud covered hands slapped the bears eyes covering them momentarily. Then as if the devil were on my ass, I took off running. Knowing if I looked back, I’d see the bear clearing his eyes with heavily furred covered legs just as the pack came into his view. And even with the rain covering their scent, he’d hear them over the pouring. I was relieved when I heard the bear roaring in the distance, and the rogue yelping. Feeling bad for a creature that was going to kill me, isn’t something I do. Both the rogues and War bears, could kill each other off for all I gave a damn.

Making a bee line back to the pack house, I’d be thrilled with a hot shower and even hotter food. With my new found thrill to not being chased, I gained some speed making me that much closer to the house. Clearing another fallen tree as I saw the white of the house, through the dense forest. I practically yipped with excitement, as I jumped out of the thick. Standing in a circle was a group of soaked men, most looking like fighters while Kem and Sam stood there as well.


“ALPHA” Someone called, my ears perked as I watched the man hand a pen to the Alpha…..who looked like Jackson. Standing there like some kind of statue, I blinked a few times. Did I hear right, or was my brain still on stupid get away plan. As if I needed another dose of wake the hell up, another wolf called him Alpha. I thought I hadn’t voiced it out loud, but clearly I was wrong when all heads turned to me.

“Alpha?” Jackson paled, as I looked at him. His men took a few steps back, giving him a warily look.

“Fina, your safe” Taking another step to me. Shaking my head, he stopped again.

“You’re the Alpha? Thee Alpha?” I watched as his throat gulped, the dark laugh that escaped my throat was evil beyond compared to any other. What a damn fool I was, the sighs all the freaking signs. No wonder Alpha Serge said I couldn’t handle him, he was bloody ALPHA HADAR!!


Making an X everywhere she wasn’t as we started to narrow it down, when my pen died. A pack member ran inside, coming back out. “Alpha” Handing me the pen, the fighters were clear she wasn’t anywhere near this part. As I crossed it off, moving onto the next section. Another call as I nodded to the info, lowering my head I heard a faint Alpha bringing my head up. Fina stood in the tree line, soaked muddy and pale. Her eyes held mine, as they swirled with confusion and a little anger.

Not good…..

I tried to change the topic, but she wasn’t having any of that.

“You’re the Alpha? Thee Alpha?” Her body was shivering, causing me to fight the urge to wrap my arms around her. Which wasn’t safe to do right now, not with her looking at me like that. My pack backed away, like they knew she was going to turn into a dragon or something.


The rain thundered down, as a flash of lightening lit her angry eyes up. Clenching her fists, she took one slow step after another. Closing the distance, till she was only four good feet away. Holding her ground, eyes locked pushing the power card around. Wolf started to growl, but I shut him up. She had every right to be pissed, hell I would be. Another crash of lightening, as the water droplets fell from long black lashes.

She held the deep set frown, fists pushed up against her goose bumped skin. Mud dripped down her legs, sinking into already mud covered sneaker. Flaring her nostril, her eyes turned from a stunning green to a murky death color pointing a finger in my face. She took one quick look at the pack, before returning my gaze.

“Don’t talk to me, till I say so” Pushing her shoulder into mine, as she stomped off. Blinking a few times I tried to figure out what the hell just happened, not only did she just give me an order she technically assaulted me. In less then a second the woman has done everything your not suppose to do to an Alpha, never mind to me. A slap to the face would have been just as effective, but that never seemed her style. To simple without any real bite behind it, a slap would sting the face and maybe a little self pride but that was it. No Fina went deep she cut like a razor, clean and got the job done in one single motion.

A rock hard shiver road my body like a title wave, as I mentally grinned she was perfection. On the outside I had to be me, a heartless bastard who wouldn’t stand for this. Honestly I wanted to talk to her now, breaking rules was more run that way. And what a better way to break a rule, then the one given to you by your soon to be mate. Spinning around I gave the look of the Hadar everyone knew, Kem was already checking in with the fighters so that gave me plenty of alone time to frazzle Fina a little more.


Livid absolutely fucking livid, I slammed my door locking it. I’m not stupid, I just ordered an Alpha to basically piss off and rammed my body into his. That would be two solid counts of defying an Alpha, and as this one goes you shouldn’t be allowed to live. My muddy shoes make a line across the floor, as I pace like some caged animal. Smacking my head, I repeat the words Stupid…stupid…stupid… oww. Okay that hurts.

Looking around the room, I pull the dresser away from the wall making its new home in front of the door. My inner woman scoffs.

Yea Fina cause that’ll stop him…..

Rethinking I push the dresser back, no reason to piss him off more.

Sighing I shed my clothes, needing a hot bath. The water heats up, making it perfect to drop in a bubble bomb. The vanilla scent relaxes me, enough that I don’t feel the need to cat scratch someone’s eyes out.

Sinking down the tingling bubbles play a large part, in calming me down more. Seriously how can you be mad in bubbles, there so magical. Another sigh this one longer, with the slow motion of my eyes closing. A loud knock on my door, groaning I don’t even need to ask who it is.

“GO…A…WAY” Sinking lower.

“You know I can’t do that” He bellows. Growling under the water, it sounds more like me blowing air into a straw. The tapping of my fingers on the porcelain tub, seems louder under the water. Another set of bangs, before he yells.

“FINA, OPEN THIS DOOR” Bloody hell.

“NO” Sinking back into the water. Some stupid reason a smirk plays on my lips, this is rather reckless of me. Here I am naked in a tub of bubbles, as the most dangerous Alpha alive is pounding on my door. Ha and Jex thinks I’m afraid of him, moron. I just traded one stupid Alpha for a crazy blood thirsty one, awesome job Fina, really just freaking brilliant.

Another long pause before, I think stupidly he might of just gone away. The rapped beating on my door, is holding up pretty good.


Oh are we now…..

Pushing out of the water, my temper is back. Letting my fingers all tap rhythmically as I think of a good line.

“I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO YOU, AND YOU’VE HAD MORE THEN ENOUGH DAMN TIME TO CONFESS. YOU OVERSIZED OGRE!” Yup that should put me another four feet into a grave. The knob clicks several times, as I decide he’s killed bath time for me. Stepping out I walking right into my bedroom, as the door flings open. Son of a bitch knows how to pick locks.

His white shirt is see threw, as black hair is messed up in a good kind of way. I am well aware of the foamy white bubbles, sliding down between my breasts lowering to my belly button, only to settle for dripping slowly between my legs. God why does he have to be so damn sexy, I mean really aren’t bad guys suppose to be creepy looking. Licking his lips those solid black eyes follow the trickling bubbles, as I stand completely naked.

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