《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 26


I can see the daily wolf now, ‘young girl dies smelling of vanilla bubbles, after pissing off the vicious Alpha Hadar’ Perfect….just perfect. The door slammed, making me jump. With three large strides he on top of me, breathing down at my face. Damn it he’s tall. A mixture of anger and lust swirl around in his eyes, keeping my smirk to myself as I find it funny I have made the notorious Alpha Hadar confused. Keeping my fear of him tucked down, I stair back making sure my face shows lots of anger.

“Ogre am I?” Snarling. Stifling a laugh, I snarl back.

“You know exactly what you are” Letting my lip twitch. I watch as his nose flares, breathing increases. Maybe that was a bad choice of words. Either way I’m done talking about this, he’s pissed me off enough. Taking a step around him, my arm is grabbed.

“Where do you think your going?” He’s at his breaking point, the swirling eyes are more black then any other color.

“I told you I’m not talking to you” Going to pull away, but unlike other males he’s not budging.

“WERE TALKING ABOUT IT NOW!” For a moment I look away, it’s a natural born reaction. A tone that high and loud means he used his Alpha power, but I can’t feel it so there really isn’t any reason for me to look away. The anger piles on, as I add him forcing me to talk about this in such a stressful state, to my list of things to be pissed off about. Shoot daggers at him, he softens for a second.

“FINE YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT IT, LETS TALK ABOUT.” Turning his hold into a way for me to push him around.

“Lets talk about the fact that you kept this from me, having plenty of time to speak up. You had to of ordered your pack to keep their damn mouths shut, which means they know everything. Making me look like some kind of hussy. Or how about we go with the fact that you got me here so quickly, what’s wrong everyone here to damn scared to fuck you so you had to get a poor rejected she-wolf to mess with?” I was brewing, my pot was spilling over as I kept coming up with one after the other to assault him with. Before he could even mouth a word, I went again my lungs full of air.

“How charming you were, luring me around like a lost pup. Here I am sticking up for you against Alpha Serge, when really the bastard already knows everything. Which leads me to my neck assumption, Alpha Serge had to tell his pack to keep your title a secret as well, there for concluding I’m nothing more then the ALPHAS TOY!” My body snapped as my fist collided with his jaw. As the crack sound hit my hearing, I realized I just broke a few bones in my hand.

Pulling my arm away from him, I cup my hand gasping in pain. Damn it, why couldn’t he be the one in pain. Turning around I look at my hand, its purple wonderful.

“Get out” Calmly.

“No” His arms hook onto my hips, pulling me backwards. Spinning around, I try to hook another punch but he’s already anticipated that. Grabbing my wrist, holding it in the air.

“Are you done now?” Giving an annoyed glare.

“No, I’m going to keep hitting and punching you till you leave me alone.” Brining my knees up to catch him, growling he pushes it back down.


“Fine, well do this the hard way” His shoulder collides into my stomach, lifting me up. With my one good hand I bang on his back.

“Put me down” Squeaking as his tongue licks the side of my hip, with a hard slap to my ass I turn pink.

“Be a good girl, and I will” Huffing out my annoyance he drops me onto the bed, holding me down.

“Get off of me” Hissing.

“No, your going to listen to me now.” His brow raises as if waiting for me to challenge him. Rolling my eyes, this should be rich.

“Fine can I at least get dressed?”

“No” rather dryly.

“Why the hell not?” Glaring. His knees push my legs apart, as his hands snakes in-between.

“Because I rather like this look on you” The reflection in his eyes says I’m blushing hard then any other time, as he cups my sex.

“This is sexually harassment” Shaking my head.

“Lets get something straight love, I’m in charge not you. Though you may think so. I’m going to answer all of those questions you were tossing at me, and if I hear one negative comment out of you I’ll have you moaning my name.” Snarling at him, I can’t believe he’d sink this low.

“Fuck you” I spit back. His head dips to my cold breasts, taking a peek sucking with a roll of his tongue. Moaning as his touch is enough to drive me crazy, he pulls away.

“If you spit curses at me, that will be your punishment” What kind of hell fire punishment is this, and why do I suddenly want to toss ever nasty word in his face. Sighing that’s my signal that I will behave, or maybe I wont.

“Good now I am only going to say this once, so pay close attention. I am sorry I kept my title from you, though you would of known who I was if your wolf hadn‘t retracted” Cocking his head, I find it another adorable feature. He knows about my wolf not being around, which means he should of told me any good Alpha knows that. Frowning at him, it seems my message has gotten across.

“I didn’t do to toy with you, and yes both packs kept silent.” The low growl that starts, is quickly snapped shut as he moved his finger around.

“I’m not done.” Smirking with the utmost enjoyment.

“Further more you are not just some toy for me to simply toss out when I’m done. And as far as sleeping with the females in my pack, I didn’t because I didn’t want attachments.” My mouth has been sealed, that is until now.

“Can I speak now?” Holding the venom back a bit.

“Sure” Nodding, as I take in a deep breath.

“So your telling me you did in fact have the whole pack keep quiet about you, along with Serge’s pack?” Turning my head to the side.

“Yes, that is correct”

“And you say you haven’t slept with anyone in this pack, because you didn’t want strings attached?”

“Yes, also correct” Watching my face, I need to no one more thing.

“So that’s it then…” His face twists as he’s trying to figure out what I am speaking about.

“You have no faith in me, no faith that I would simply want to know the real you. So you put up this whole show, just to keep the little rejected she-wolf in the dark. How generous of you” Try as I might I can’t get my head far enough away from him.


“Fina!” His nose nuzzles my bare neck, blow hot kisses which made me want to moan.

“Its not that, you need to understand that the majority of people think the very worst of me. I am the devil himself to some, a dark lord, demon, the list goes on. What I did wasn’t right, but I did it so you wouldn’t be frightened of me. Please try to understand I had good intentions” Kisses sweet as sugar run the length of me neck, sighing I need…no I want clothes.

“Can I get dressed now” His forehead pushed on my shoulder, blowing hot air out.

“Sure” Slipping off me, walking to my dresser grabbing a few things. Those dark eyes watch as I slip each piece of clothing on, pulling the larger shirt over my head I look straight at him.

“So what was your reason behind it?” Pulling the warm night pants up. His face is a bottle of emotion as he turns from worry to love, back to worry.

“You’re my mate” The tiniest of smirks, is twitching as he tries to make light of the answer. Fire starts all over again in my core, mate he says I’ll so him mate. Just like the forest I know my room, grabbing a pillow I chuck it at his head getting him in the face.

“MATE, NO YOUR NOT DANGEROUS YOU’RE A DAMN LOONY” Grabbing a hard cover, flinging that at him as well. Another hard object flies his way, as he begins to stand.

“Damn it Fina” Blocking the large lamp I through.

“You crazy son of a bitch, who do you think you are” Waving my finger at him.

“I’m your Mate that’s who Damn it” Roaring out, I shake my head.

“No, I had a mate” Looking for something else to throw.

“And he rejected you” Snapping my eyes to his, I can’t believe he just said that. Quivering lips start the first of many facial traits, as my body backs away from his.

“Fina, no wait” Snatching my arm, my back hits his chest.

“Let me go I hate you”

“No please don’t say that, let me explain” Feeling his head in the crook of my neck, as the sound of him inhaling my smell fills the silent room.

“I didn’t mean to say that to hurt you, I said it because the bastard had his chance. If he hadn’t of fucked up so royally bad, then I would of never gotten the chance to do this.” Spinning me around, his lips connect to mine. Damn him and his sexuality, the sheer power this man has over me is to much. Moving in a soft yet demanding way, he coats my lips apart deepening every movement. Dropping to his knees, pushing his face into my stomach, moving the fabric out of the way. Kissing every inch of exposed skin, my hands brace themselves on his shoulders.

“Fina, do you know what kind of affect you have on me. I become so weak around you, I’d do anything for you. I may not be able to give you the same sparks as a true mate, but I can still make you feel like the most stunning woman in the world. You will never be without, I’ll get you want ever you want no questions asked” His grip around my back tightens, as his eyes look up at me. Scoffing I look down, taking a deep breath.

“Bribery will not work on me, I am simply not that kind of woman” A priceless smile shines up at me, rising to his full height.

“I no, but I just want to see you smile” cupping my face with one hand, as his thumb plays slowly in circles. My lips tug cause he’s just do damn much, leaning down he pokes the corner or my lips.

“Aww maybe…a little more…aww there it is” Slapping his hand away, I can’t hid the stupid smile.

“Your horrible” Running my fingers threw damp hair. Laying a kiss on my lips, giving me a warm look.

“Our we okay now?” Worry is still flashing around.

“Were better, but not okay” Nodding his head, I’m pulled into his arms.

“I’ll take it” kissing the top of my head.

“Ummm” My head twists to see him.


“What am I suppose to call you know?” Snorting at me, he grins.

“You can call me whatever makes you feel comfortable” Nodding I look back down. Another long pause before my brain remembers the woods, and all that happened.

“Umm Jackson?”

“Yes love?”

“Shouldn’t you be hunting, the five rogues and the War bear” Quickly he pushes me so he can see my face, holding my shoulders.

“What? What War Bear?” Scanning franticly all over my body.

“Stop trying to see if I’m hurt, you saw me naked. And yes I ran into a War bear” Shrugging.

“Your going to tell me everything, I don’t care how bijou it is.” Laughing him off, my feet turn me to leave.

“Fine but can I at least eat something, and I need to check on my paint” Waving him off. Stomping out of my room, he huffs annoyed with my compromise. He’s still soaked, and looks like hell.

“Would you go change?”

“I’m fine” Grumbling.

“Oh for Pete sake, go get dry clothes on.” Growling deadly, my arm is grabbed.

“Who the hell is Pete?” As it registers, I laugh hard.

“Jackson, its an expression. Go change” Laughing as his face turns pale, grumbling a little more he opens his door not bothering to close it. Stripping off all his clothes, my body heats as I turn my back to him. Chanting in my head, I keep very still.

Do not look at the hot man, who claims to be your mate. Do not look, do not look…..aww hell.

My eyes turn to catch the moist skin, as black boxers are being lifted up. Biting my lip, keeping my eyes roaming like a very hungry wolf. Bulging arm tighten as he pulls a black shirt over his head, gulping at the way it pulls on the fabric. Snatching a pair of gym shorts, he quickly pulls them on leaving his feet bare. Standing in front of me, raising his eyes so I see a little more white.

“Something wrong?”

“Nope” It came out a squeak, as I quickly turn away. Jogging downstairs a few members look at me, rolling my eyes I stride past them. This is more then one woman can take, Jackson is talking to them as I fix myself a sandwich. Stepping into the kitchen he leans against the counter, eyeing me while I push the top piece of bread down on my meat filled dinner. Taking a bite he grunts, making me turn.

“What” Stuffing the food back into my mouth.

“Don’t what me, where’s mine” Folding his arms like a spoiled child. Swallowing another bite, I grin like a kid with her mouth full of candy.

“In the fridge.” Taking another bite. Grumbling he takes mine away.

“Hey, big meanie. I made it give it back.” Damn his height, holding my sandwich above his head.

‘Make me one, or I’ll eat yours” Lowering her to his mouth.

“Awww no. Sandwich…..fine” Stomping I pull out all the ingredients again, making him one.

“Here, no give it back.”

“Already ate it” Wiping his mouth. Slack goes my mouth, before I start to pout making my lip quiver.

“Sandwich….” Sniffling. Jackson’s eye grow, panic spreads over his face like butter to toast.

“Aw Wait I’m just kidding. See here” Pulling the sandwich out from around his back. Taking my sandwich, biting into it.

“I no” Giggling, leaving his on the counter. Heading to the nursery, I hear him curse.

Fine -1


Opening the door as the fading paint smell enters my nose, looking around I check to make sure no color dripped of needs a second coat. Satisfied I begin pulling off the blue tape, little by little it all comes together.

“Damn it Fina…” Jackson stops when he walks into the room, gazing at the brightly colors paintings. Wolves on every wall in different seasons, paint a picture of the world we live in. Slowly he spins around taking a look at each wall, as if he had never seen a wolf in real life before. Tossing the blue tape into a trash bag, finishing my food.

“You did all this? By yourself?” Looking at me.

“Yea, is it okay?” Whipping my hands on my pants.

“Okay? Its remarkable, I didn’t realize you were so talented.”

Moving a piece of hair out of my face, I smile sheepishly.


“Why didn’t you go to school to be an artist?” Shrugging my shoulders.

“Cause I didn’t have the time, and I wasn’t allowed”

“Well your allowed now. If you want to go to school, I’ll get you in” Lifting my chin, his smile is kind.

“Really?” Wondering just what I have to do for this.

“Really, your very good. Hell I might have you paint the whole house” Chuckling.

“You’ll have to wait.” Sighing.


“Sam wants me to paint his room” His eyes widen.

“Oh for Pete sake” Placing his hands on his hips. Laughing I give him a good smile.

“Who the hell is Pete” Mocking him, the hearty laugh causes me to grin.

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