《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 24


Grabbing my wallet and cell, he stood up again reminding me how small I was. Taking my hand walking out, he closed my door behind us. Kissing my hand, causing me to feel a little nervous. Alpha Serge had stayed the night, along with a few of his pack members.

“Morning, love birds” He chirped from the living room, reading a newspaper. Jackson growled, huffing out his annoyance leading me downstairs.

“Morning” Being polite for both of us.

“Where you two off to?” Looking at his watch.

“Breakfast” Jackson growled, pulling out his keys from his deep pocket.

“Well good to see your feeding her, I was worried for your health love” Winking at me. Moving me closer his side, Jackson snarled at Serge. Chuckling it off Serge went back to his paper, leaving us to walk outside.

“Why don’t you like him?” I asked as he opened my door to the Cutlass.

“How said I don’t?”

“You. That way you act I mean” Slipping my legs onto the floor board. Closing my door her rounded the car, getting to his seat.

“He’s a special kind of friend. One I need to make sure doesn’t over step his welcome” Starting up the engine.

Something about that didn’t make any sense, why was Jackson putting Alpha Serge in his place. Wasn’t the Alpha’s job, not Jackson’s? Looking my way, he caused me to forget about what I was thinking as the heat from his eyes pushed all reality out the damn window. He soon brought up a new topic, bringing me back.

“How’s the nursery coming along?”

“Good, I need to sketch out the last three walls”

“Really?” His eye turned to me, before looking at the road.

“Yea. Sam said it looks good so far” The low rumble didn’t go unnoticed, but I didn’t say anything.

“Sam saw it?” Gripping the steering wheel.

“Yes, he came to get me for dinner” Nodding his grip loosened.


Pulling the car into a small lot, killing the engine he quickly got out opening my door. Smiling as I took his hand, he again kissed it. Walking up the pathway to the small dinner, opening the door for me again.

“Thank you” Moving a piece of hair behind my ear.

“Your welcome” Wrapping his arm around me waist, as a petite girl walked over.

“Good morning, just two?” Looking mostly at Jackson.

“Yes” He answered, tightening his grip on me.

“This way” Grabbing two menus, showing us where we would sit. Placing the menu’s down, she held on to his body for dear life. I caught my lip raising in a wolf fashion, before I bit it back down. As I was about to sit on the opposite side of him, he quickly scooped me next to him. The waitress frowned a little, before walking away.

“What was that for?” Whispering, as I held my menu.

“I didn’t like the look she was giving you, besides I’m not interested in her” Draping an arm over my shoulder, holding the menu with his other hand. Pride shown all over my face, as I’d never once had a man want me for his own. Leaning my head on his shoulder, he kissed the top before closing his menu.

“Know what you want?” He asked.

“Yes” Closing mine as well.

A male walked up holding a pen and pad, smiling at the both of us.

“Hello I’m Rick, what can I get you two this morning” Jackson turned to me, nodding to give my order first.

“Can I get the 3A with a coffee”


“Sure thing, how would you like your eggs?”

“Scrambled” Jackson kept his eyes on me.

“And for you sir?”

“The Texan with coffee as well” Handing the man our menu’s.

“Good choice, I’ll be right back with your coffees” Taking the menu’s he walked away. The quiet talk around the dinner was calming, as we sat in comfortable silence. Rick soon returned with two hot cups of coffee, and a awards winning smile. Dropping a few sugars and cream, I stirred mine till it got a nice light tan color. Jackson took his black with two sugars. Sipping causally I turned to him, I had wanted to know more about the Alpha.


“Umm” Taking another sip.

“How come I didn’t see the Alpha, at the dinner party?” His brow creased, as he looked over at me coffee mid sip.

“He was, but you went outside.” Shrugging. Just my luck, stupid emotions screwed me again.

“Oh” Returning to gaze upon my coffee. It seemed to spark a conversation as he placed the cup back on the small plate.

“Is it really that important to you?” I drop another sugar cube, before looking at him.

“I suppose not. But its just weird, my old pack was very formal about meeting new members.” I state matter of fact. Taking a longer sip of his coffee, he nods once.

“Yes, he normally is the same. However there has been some recent out brakes, and his attention is placed there. I wouldn’t worry to much about it, he’ll find you in due time”

“Out brake?” Turning from me, he seems to be deep in thought.

“Its nothing you should worry about” I was about to protest, when our food showed up. Putting it to the side, I began to eat. Silence flooded over us once again, but that peaceful moment was soon crashing down around me. Two men stepped out of a yellow bmw, both looking stunning. My lip twitched as I recognized them, Jackson looked at me before looking out the window.

“Friends of yours?” He asked, leaning into my ear.

“No. Far from it” Holding down the snarl.

“Would you like to leave?” Taking a look at my plate, I was already finished.

“I need to use the restroom first” Tossing my napkin on the table, before pushing out of the booth. As I turned the corner into the female’s rest room, they entered laughing about something. Splashing water on my face, calming down my eyes held the mirror as I leaned over the sink. Huffing in annoyance, at my stupid childish manor Jackson must think I’m so immature. My cell buzzed, pulling it out of my pocket it was from him.

*There in the back, come out when your ready. J* Smiling, he was being really nice about this.

*Thanks. F*

Stepping out of the bathroom, I stopped as Pret stood just as surprised. His eyes trailed along my body, before smirking in a dangerous manor.

“Hello Fina” Gloating, Beta Pret was a snob.

“Beta” Turning to walk away, but he grabbed my arm.

“It’s a shame we couldn’t work together, wouldn’t of mind having a shot with you” Licking his lips. He knew all about Jex rejecting me, in fact he seemed the most pleased about it. Ripping my arm out of his hold, I growled. On normal circumstances I would never say something that hadn’t been disused with the a joining party, however I was beyond logical thinking at this point.

“Not that its any of your business, but I’m already spoken for” His eyes widened, giving me my turn to smirk.


“What?” His eyes darkened, as fists tightened.

“Yes, and I am fully satisfied.” Flashing my eyes, in the most sexual setting possible. This rendered him speechless, as I strode away full pleased. Pushing open the dinner door, as the little bell chimed making my way to the already started up car. Getting in I smiled brightly at Jackson, who looked completely confused.

“Everything alright?” Backing out.

“Better” Clicking the seat belt.

With the radio on softly, the drive to the house seemed more controlled. Today I would do another wall in the nursery, maybe spring. Jackson kissed me before he was off to do work, walking to the nursery I spilled over a painting shirt. Sketching the first wall, I had a great idea and just kept going till all the walls were completely sketched out. Four hours later I was finished with Spring, and was now painting summer. Taking a break halfway through, I needed a snack. Stretching out my limbs, walking to the kitchen I bumped into Kem. His cheeks flushed red, as did mine.

“Aw Fina, I…”

“Its fine. I shouldn’t of been walking about like that” Sighing he smiled.

“Well its not like you have anything to be ashamed of” Winking at me, before heading to the office. Squeaking I blushed, quickly power walking to get a snack. My back to the main room, staring out the window a cough echoed. Turning around to see Serge leaning up against a wall, his proper everything glowing with such dominance.

“Fancy meeting you here” He purrs, strutting in the rest of the way. Really who says that, I live here not him.

“How cliché Alpha Serge” Rising my left brow.

“Aw you been spending to much time with Jackson, he’s bad attitude is rubbing off” Pouring himself a glass of water.

“There isn’t anything wrong with Jackson’s attitude” Sipping my soda. He laughed dryly.

“See that’s where your wrong, he’s a brute. Stubborn as an ox and even tougher then a War bear” Leaning against the counter. Holding my temper, I didn’t see who these two got along. With friends like him who needed retards.

“I’m not sure what your trying to get at, but I’m not biting. Good Day Alpha” Turning on boots, he chuckled.

“I am implying that you can’t handle him. He’ll break you, things about him aren’t as black and white as they seem. You should cut your strings, it will be easier that way”

The soda can was feeling my wrath, as I gripped the thin tin with to much pressure. Biting my lip, I could taste the blood. How was it everyone always managed to stick their noses into other peoples business, when they had no right to even be looking in the same direction. I couldn’t stop the bile that lifted its ugly head, as I spun around.

“I’ll have you know that what Jackson and I do, is none of your business or concern. And whether or not I can handle him is my problem, though it seems I haven’t spilt in half so I’d say were good down there. As his friend I would advise you to, piss off” Turning around before my mouth got the better of me for the third time today.

Once in the nursery I shook with angry, placing my can on a small table. Grabbing a brush I started painting again, hoping the fine detail would distract me from slitting the Alpha’s throat all over this fine house.

Three days later I was fully aware of my boredom, as I sat on my window seat reading the same book for the second time. Jackson had an emergence he needed to tend to, so I was left to my own devices. Grinding my teeth was getting old, as I tossed the book to the chair grabbing a pair running sneakers. Twisting my hair into a tight bun, before I grabbed a wind breaker.

Since I couldn’t run in wolf form, a human run seemed the next best choice. Closing my door heading down the stairs, as I passed Sam.

“Going out?” Stuffing his hands into jean pockets.

“Yup, I’m so bored” Walking off. Taking the stairs two at a time, I jumped the last three. The back door was my best bet as I closed the sliding glass door, slowly jogging into the woods. It was a little foggy out, but nothing that seemed to hit a nerve. Jackson had mentioned that pack property was enormous, so I never had a fear of crossing into another packs territory. One in particular, to be exact.

The twisting pathway was covered in reddish brown pine needles, with the deep green of small shrubs scattered around the sides. Taking in deep breaths, the white frost from my breath coming out thicker as I heated up. My arms arched next to my sides, as I picked up the pace.

The evergreen trees stuck out against the falling colored leaves, like a black fox on a snow covered tundra. My eyes flickered to a red squirrel, digging a hole stashing his winter supply. More sounds started, the chirping of birds a babbling brook. Deer hooves trapping over crunching leaves, heavy panting…..panting. Sliding to a stop I let my natural born sense pick out the panting amongst the other noises.

Sounds of two….four….no five different rhythmic breathing patters, had me wondering who they were. Jackson said we have guards, but that had a system in patrolling. Besides who was stupid enough to go tromping through this particular Alpha territory, only one kind of wolf came to mind…rogues. The heavy paws pounded through the leaves, giving away their location. Mindless creatures, no sense of right or wrong.

Holding my ground I waited as the first of five came around trees, and rocks. A rogue is a wolf that no longer has any self-control over its brain process, they are no better then a rabid dog. Only difference is they can speak, and seem to love the thrill of a hunt more then normal wolves would. Where as normal minded wolves hunt to eat, rogues hunt just to kill. They’ve acquired the taste for blood, more then they can even imagine.

Snarling at them, my warning is simple leave me the hell alone. I’m not so naive that I really think it will do anything, but it makes my position very clear. One of the five shifts, without any consideration for my poor eyes. His build is lanky with a tone chest, but nothing that would make me drool. His eyes hold black rings, while lips are pale and twisted into a deformed smirk.

“Aye what have we here?” Hissing a little. His buddies growl, or laugh I couldn’t really tell you.

“Get off this land” Snapping my jaw. I’ve curled my fingers, letting my nails come to a point. If I were in wolf form, my lips would be completely curled back, while the hair on my back would be at attention along with my ears pinned to the far part of my head.

“Aww feisty little devil. Daddy likes” Taking another step.

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