《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 11



Mail is scattered all over my desk, as I have tones to go through. Picking up a yellow envelop, stamped from Alpha Hadar. Just the name makes me shiver, the man is dangerous. What could he possible want, using the silver letter opener to break the seal. Scanning over the pages, I think I just died. He is filing for a pack member of mine to be transferred, as of immediately to his pack. As I scroll downward, I growl slamming the papers on the desk.

Name: Fina Heart. Sex: Female

Father: Luther Heart

Mother: Rachael Heart Age:20

Damn it, its bad enough she turned down the title as my Enforcer, but now she’s gone and gotten the vicious Alpha known alive to request her in his pack. What the hell is she thinking. I have done everything to ensure she has a good life in my pack, what would she need to leave for. Her parent are here, hell I’m here. Why is she doing this. Linking her father, I need to know if he knew about this.

He enters my office, stand in the front. Tossing him the papers, he looks puzzled.

“Did you know about this?” Growling as my finger hits her name. Taking up the papers, he quickly scans turning green before my very eyes.

“No, I knew nothing about this” He’s hurt, along with pissed. Not that I blame him, I’m feeling the same. Heading to the house, we will sort this whole mess out, and she will be staying here. Her mother is in the kitchen when we walk in.

“Honey, Alpha?” Our faces give us away, as Luther asks his wife to call Fina out. She does, and the little doll walks out. Not sparing me a glace, only infuriates me more.

“Alpha Jex has something to talk to us about, he says you already know about it” Her mother says, looking worried. Fina pauses, looking around the room. Her father holding more to the mad side of things, then the hurt.

“You want to tell them Fina, or should I?” All but dragging her out of the house. The silence is think, as she thinks everything through. Then as if she’s made up her mind, she turns to her parents.

“I’ve been offered a place in a different pack, and I’ve excepted it”

“How could you” Her father, is now at his breaking point.

“Dad, its not like you’ll never see me again” Sighing as she answers.

“Could of fooled me” Growling, while looking to the side. Her eyes turn giving me the most hate filled look I have ever seen on her face, she’s not looking sweet and happy like she did before. Now she’s angry and full of pain, her eyes might be glaring at my heart but their also crying in pain. Her words are just as hate full, as she spits venom at me.

“Its nothing personal Alpha, I just rather live somewhere else” My title is sour on her tongue, like its nothing more then dog shit on her shoe.

“Fina what pack is it?” Her mother breaking my hold with her.

“Green wood” Her mother cries, as she holds her mate.


“That pack is dangerous, their Alpha isn’t kind” Luther growls, he’s known all about that packs history.

“That’s a rumor, and a bad tasting one at that. I have already spoken to one of their Alpha’s members, he assures me the Alpha is tough but fair.” She’s holding her ground, as she defends the new Alpha. Her cocky attitude has me brewing with rage, as I snap.

“What makes you think he’ll except you?”

“Because why else would you be here?” She gloats, looking down at my hands as I clamp down on her transfer papers. Her eyes sparkle, for the first time in months as she take the few steps towards me. It’s the closest she’s been to me, since the bon fire. Wolf is screaming as she closes the distance, reaching for the papers she careful not to touch me. But it wouldn’t make a difference, her closeness is enough to turn me hot. She smells so good, and I fight to lick my lips.

Her wide smile as she keeps reading the pages, as if its gold in her hands. I’m torn between seeing her smiling face, and feeling enraged. For I am not the one who is giving her that smile, these disgusting papers are, the Alpha who has proven to take her away from me. He’s the one making her shine like that, feeling inadequate to a piece of paper is more then I can handle. Looking up at me, I frown.

“I should get packing, don’t want to be late” Waving the paper in my face, like a red cloth to a bull. Her door knocks, almost tearing it off the hinges. Alpha Hadar’s Beta stands at the ready, smiling at her.

“Kem?” Turning to him. I want to kill, she’s already on a first name basic with the prick.

“Alpha Hadar as asked me, to make sure your safe traveling to his pack.” Giving her a smile, and making her smile more. They walk to the back, entering her room. I can’t be in here anymore, calling for her father we walk outside. Seeing a row of black suvs, we snarl together. Heading into the woods to calm down, we talk. He’s confused and doesn’t understand why she’s leaving her home. Sadly I know why, and I’m the bloody cause.

“Her mother will be heart broken.” Luther drops on a stump, holding his hands to his face.

“I don’t trust that Alpha, no good can come from her going into that pack”

“But he’s already accepted her, and she of his pack” He whines, I’ve never seen this man this broken. We go silent, fear to speak anymore about this. Or maybe just not wanting to, Fina is a smart girl more so then I realized. As much as I love Mari I can’t deny the fact that Fina is my true mate, and the one who makes me feel both feeble and brawny. But that’s what a mate does, they can crush your very soul or make you higher then cloud nine.

A little after leaving he sighs, getting to his feet ready to say his goodbyes. I’m not as willing to go, feeling empty as the only strand I have left to her is the one held on by our mate bond. Its weak even in the state of rejection, but its still there at least till I claim Mari, or if someone where to claim Fina. With the growl contained I push the thought of another’s hands on her, out of my mind. As we head back around, she’s getting ready to leave.


“Fina” Her father yells, causing her head to turn. Leaning up against their house, I try to seem indifferent even though I’m dying.

“It wouldn’t of felt right, not seeing you.” He says with a low growl.

“I love you to daddy” Hugging him tightly, he shakes from holding down his tears. How much he must love her, to allow her to leave. With a quick kiss he’s compelled to hide he pulls away clearing his throat before speaking.

“You make sure to call your mother, I don’t need her upset. And don’t let anyone bully you around, specially that Alpha. Or I’ll..” She stops him, causing me to pay closer attention.

“Dad Alpha Hadar is now my Alpha, please don’t.” Her new pack members growl at her fathers threat, while I growl at her already speaking of the new Alpha as hers. She’s already replaced us, without so much as a heartbreaking sound. But that’s just it he’s not hers, she’s mine. I’m her Alpha.

“Very well” Nodding to her, before walking to his mate who is in tears. I am surprised when she stairs at me, holding my gaze for the longest time since before we knew we were mates. Her eyes are brewing as she smiles, as if saying she is finally done with me. Once and for all. My foot uncrosses as I urn to touch her, just once let me touch her. But just as a point to end me more, she spins around getting into the car and waving bye to her folks. We watch as the cars trail out, kicking up dust in their wake.

From now on she’ll only be able to link to her parents, and her father will be my only way of knowing if she’s okay. I break a little more inside, as its finally sinking in for real. She’s gone, for good. Wolf snarls calling me every name in the book, making me wish I hadn’t rejected her.


Pacing the foyer of my house, I wait to hear from my Beta. My hands hooked behind my back, as my head watches my feet take one step after another. What’s taking him so damn long. Shooting my head to the clock, I growl again pacing.

~Alpha, Fina is in the car. Were headed home~ Sighing, I run my hand through my messed up hair.

~Bout time Kem, what the hell took so long?~

~Family drama. Also her Alpha was there~ I let another growl loose, that bastard isn’t smart at all.

~Fine, hurry up.~

~Yes, Alpha~

The entire pack has been warned, not to call me by rank in her presents. If they so much as slip up, the punishment is grave. It has been a nightmare in its self, passing the paperwork through. But I refused to wait any longer then necessary, Fina belongs here. I have even go as far as to make her room, adjacent from mine. Though I would rather it be in mine, beggars can’t be choosers. The entire pack has been turn up side down, just to make her feel more at home.

Kem has been doing a lot of the dirty work, as in getting me files on her parents along with school records from her. Seems little Fina was a good girl in school, never late and not even a detention on her file. However something are going to have to be told by her, and not from some file. Which I’m perfectly content with, seeing as how I’ll get to know her better.

Sounds of gravel being run over, stop me as I look out the window. The black cars park, as Kem runs around opening the back door allowing her to step out. Her eyes look everywhere as she takes in her new home, the sight of her is magnificent as she smiles at the house. Pleased with her loving looks, I open the main door.

“Jackson” She beams, walking to me.

“Hello Fina, was the drive alright?”

“Yes, Kem was a very good chauffeur” Giggling, as he smiles at her.

“Good, I’ll show you to your room.” Sticking my elbow out for her to take it. Slipping her hand threw I lead her into the house, letting her walk slow to take everything in.

“This place is huge” Awing at the house I seem to ignore, until now that is.

“Its no different then any other pack house” Trying to feel less, triumphant.

“HA, if you say so. Our pack house doesn’t smell like baked cookies, or walnut bread” Sniffing the air, I really hadn’t noticed.

“Huh, hadn’t given it much thought.” She laughs, causing me to look down.

“I hope your not a tracker, or the Alpha will be greatly disappointed” Covering her mouth, as she continues to laugh at my blank face. Leading her up the stairs, we head down a hallway.

“This is your room” Opening the door, letting her go in first. The room is decked out with everything should could ever want, a large queen sized bed. Two nightstands, a dresser with a round mirror over the top. Her own private bath, and vanity. The large bay window houses a sitting area incase she want to read, while looking outside. A full walk in closet, with a few items I picked out.

“Holy shit” She slaps her mouth, as I laugh.

“You approve then?”

“Jackson, this is to much. I would have been content with a simple room.” Shaking my head, I refuse to let the beauty be anything like content.

“This was the only room available.” I lie, trying to make her feel better.

“Please tell me your kidding?” Placing her hands on her hips.

“And if I’m not?” Purring at her, she smiles.

“So where’s your room?” Raising a brow.

Oh crap……

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