《Hadar #Watty2014》Chapter 10


Black wings seem to flutter with delight, rolling my tongue in her she hums a little. My blood is on fire, as I urn for more. I want this woman, more then I want air. She groans causing me to rethink about how she feels, pulling away her eyes seem annoyed.

“Not you, my father told me were leaving” Huffing, she’s anything but pleased. Though I have heard other lines to get away from a man, my feels are pricked as I ask anyways.

“Are you just saying that, to get away from me?” She giggles, with her knees touching mine.

“No. I really have to go home” God she’s stunning, no lie flashes across her face. Not even a little bit, do I see her looking for an escape route.

“Very well. I will request your transfer, and my Alpha will be in touch with yours” Her eyes seem to of clouded a bit, but she brushes it aside.

“Thank you Jackson, you don’t know what the means to me” Leaning down, giving me a kiss on the cheek. The tingles are to short as she pulls away, leaving me in the garden. Standing up, her eyes look over at me. Those hips move to their own rhythm, longing to hear just what she hears I watch till she vanishes into the main building. Sighing I chuckle looking up at the star covered sky.

“Seems like you two hit it off” Alpha Serge says, walking out from the shadows.

“How long have you been spying?” Giving him a warning growl.

“A few minutes. She’s quiet something”

“She is, and I expect you to keep your dirty hands off her” Turning around to see him holding two glasses, of Whiskey.

“I’m hurt. And here I brought you a glass of that rich bastards best Whiskey. And you think I’m going to steal your new toy” Ticking his tongue a few times, he hands me the drink.

“Your reputation around woman, hasn’t changed. You’ll forgive me for making my intentions clear.” Sipping the drink, as I raise a brow.

“Very well, I wont dive in for the kill.” Chuckling, as he diverts from telling me what I want to hear.

“Do you know about her?” Maybe his all nosey ears have picked up something along the way.

“Umm, depends” Shrugging. Here we go, he’s always on the look out to get something.

“What will it cost me, Serge?” Taking another sip.

“Perhaps for a little info on the darling, I could get a bottle of that infamous scotch your always drinking?” Growling. He knows how hard that is to get, but for info on my angel I’ll gladly give the twit two bottles.

“Done, one bottle. Now spill it” Taking the rest of the drink.

“Her name is Fina correct?”

“Yes” Nodding as I take up the seat.

“Umm, you’ve found yourself the daughter to Luther Heart. Mother is Rachael Heart, the Alpha Beck’s Daughter. Luther is an enforcer for Alpha Jex. Word is Jex offered the title to Fina, but in the heat of things she turned his offer down” He shrugged. Well isn’t this interesting. So my little Angel was to be that punks Enforcer and in front of his pack she turned him down, girls got more balls then some of my men.

“Do you know why she turned down his offer?” This should be rich.


“No. And if someone does know, there not talking.” He finished off his drink, before taking a seat next to me.

“I presume Fina’s father received the title of Enforcer for Alpha Jex?”

“You’d be correct, he’s been the Enforcer for Jex father. Now it seems he’ll be doing it a lot longer. A few other rumors have been floating around.” I swear if he asks for another bottle, I’ll shove it between his eyes.

“And they are?” Keeping my voice to a hum.

“Umm one being that Fina had a mate, but he rejected her.” I let out a protective growl. What moron in his right mind, would turn her down.

“It gets better, not only was she rejected. But he did it the night of the ceremony.” Serge watches as my face twists into the nasty Alpha I am.

“Who was he” Snarling, clenching and unclenching my fists.

“No ones saying, who ever he was he has found away to keep it in the pack. And I’m guessing Fina hasn’t spoken a word about it.” Of course she wouldn’t the woman’s got pride coming out her pours, even I can see that and I’ve only spent a few hours with her. Not to mention the humiliation she must of felt, no wonder she wants to get away from her pack. That bastard is probably everywhere she is, taunting her with his smug ass. If it’s the last thing I do, Fina is moving into my pack by the end of the week.


Its been two days since the party, not a word has been spoken to me about the change over of packs. Maybe Jackson’s Alpha didn’t agree with the change, it does require a lot of paperwork. Which I know all to well about, since father comes home with his fair share of it. I’ve been keeping myself, as busy as possible. Tossing things out and just trying to pack away clothes from spring and summer. No sense in having a swim suit out, in the dead of winter.

Just because I’m a wolf doesn’t mean, I’m stupid enough to go polar bear swimming. Crazy ass humans, who in their right mind would think that was a good idea. Just like sky diving or bungee jumping, sorry but no way in hell am I jumping out of a perfectly good air plane or launching myself off a cliff face to seek a once in a life time thrill. Cause my luck it would be a one time thing, as my body makes a cartoon splat sound against the laughing earth. As I get deeper into my thoughts, my mother calls for me from the kitchen.

Dropping the swim suit into a large box, I sway out to her. My body freezes with Jex’s smell in my house, keeping my growl to myself I step into his view.

“Yes mom” Making sure to look at her.

“Alpha Jex has something to talk to us about, he says you already know about it” She looks puzzled, and a little hurt. Father on the other hand, looks like he about to kill me. Ohh goodie news finally reached home.

“You want to tell them Fina, or should I?” Jex growled.

Those voices that tell you when to shut up, or put up started rambling.

Oh tell them about how you’re my ex mate, cause you rejected my ass for another.


Or how I rejected your offer so you could feel better about yourself, for rejecting me.

Or perhaps this is about me leaving this sorry excuse of a thing you call a pack..

Sadly I didn’t go with any of them, I went with my gut. Turning to my parents, I gave them a half smile.

“I’ve been offered a place in a different pack, and I’ve excepted it” My mother gasped, covering her heart. While dad held her, trying to keep from punching me in the face.

“How could you” He growled.

“Dad, its not like you’ll never see me again” Sighing.

“Could of fooled me” Jex snapped. My eyes traveled the few feet where he took refuge in my house, and I glared with all my might. His initial shock was what made me grin, before he recovered himself.

“Its nothing personal Alpha, I just rather live somewhere else”….without you. Twisting around he seemed to want to do more, but stopped himself.

“Fina what pack is it?” My mother cried.

“Green wood” Her breath hitched, as she looked at my father. His eyes were wide, and without missing a beat he shook his head.

“That pack is dangerous, their Alpha isn’t kind”

“That’s a rumor, and a bad tasting one at that. I have already spoken to one of their Alpha’s members, he assures me the Alpha is tough but fair.” Holding my ground.

“What makes you think he’ll except you?” Jex snaps.

“Because why else would you be here?” Not liking my answer he snarls, but I catch the tightly gripped piece of paper in his hand.

“I take it those are my transfer papers?” Stepping to him. The sparks from are closeness, are making me uneasy. He doesn’t pull away or, make any kind of move to with hold them from me. With the greatest of easy, I remove the papers without touching a single hair on his body. Even without touching, were practically shooting fireworks off. He hasn’t marked Mari as his own yet, which really did surprise me since he was announcing her his new mate.

Opening the papers I looked them over, to see the blood red pen signature of Alpha Hadar. Grinning I looked up at Jex, he was anything but pleased.

“I should get packing, don’t want to be late” Waving the papers in the air. A loud knock on out door, stopped me mid stride. Frowning Jex opened it, showing off Kem.

“Kem?” Turning all the way around.

“Alpha Hadar as asked me, to make sure your safe traveling to his pack.” Smiling with all his might. Even without the mask, he’s stunning.

“Oh, thank you” He nods, looking around the room now feeling uneasy.

“Did I come at a bad time?” Before Jex has the gull to answer I shake my head.

“No, just a family goodbye, would you mind helping me with my things?” Giving a sweet heart warming smile.

“Not at all” Stepping into the house, he closes the door behind him. My father nods, as my mother is in tears. I spear no extra glace at Jex, as I lead Kem into my room. Closing the door, I let out a loud breath.

“You alright?” He asks looking around my room.

“Been better, so I’m not taking everything.” I give him an idea as to what goes and what doesn’t. As soon as I finish with my list, he nods.

“I have a few men waiting outside, I’ll go get them”

“Okay, thank you Kem”

“My pleasure Fina. Alpha wouldn’t have it any other way” His tone was different, in the sense that Kem really looked up to his Alpha. Leaving my room, he was replaced with my mother. She flopped on my bed, tears stained her face.

“Mom” Sitting next to her, taking up her hands.

“Why baby? Why?” She whimpered.

“Because I don’t fit in here. And because I can’t deal with Jex, we don’t get along and as long as he’s Alpha and dad is his Enforcer I’ll never be happy.” I wanted to tell her, I really did. But it would break her heart more, knowing her daughter was rejected on the same night as the wolf blessing. Being slapped and spit in the face would have been less humiliating for my family, then being rejected.

“I’m not going to be able to see you” Tears started to fall again.

“That’s not true. I’ll come visit. And I’ll call you all the time, you can call me whenever you want. Please don’t worry mom, Green wood isn’t as bad as everyone says” Running my hands up her back, I lean my head on her shoulder.

“But you’re my baby, what if that Alpha is mean to you” You can hear her wanting to growl at the thought, its sweet but nothing she should worry about.

“I doubt he’ll have time mom, besides I plan on keeping myself busy” She nods, kissing my forehead as Kem reenters.

“Everything okay here?” Three men stand behind him.

“Yes mother daughter moment” Grinning. He makes an Aww face, before pointing to some boxes for them to take. Mom had mentioned my father walking off with Jex, so I didn’t have to worry about seeing them for a while. With the last of my things packed into the large SUVS, Kem stands ready whenever I am. I wanted to say bye to my father, but my mother can’t seem to get a hold of him. She frowns holding me tightly, trying to buy time.

“Fina, we must be going now” Kem whispers, trying not to upset my mother anymore.

“I know, thank you” He nods, holding the door open for me.

“Fina” turning around my father and Jex have returned. Smiling Kem nods for me to say goodbye. Heading to my father Jex, leans against the house.

“It wouldn’t of felt right, not seeing you.” He growls, trying to hid his fatherly instincts.

“I love you to daddy” Wrapping my arms around him, he starts to shake. Kissing my cheek quickly, so no one sees.

“You make sure to call your mother, I don’t need her upset. And don’t let anyone bully you around, specially that Alpha. Or I’ll..”

“Dad Alpha Hadar is now my Alpha, please don’t.” The silent growls from my new pack, as a threat was made to our Alpha. Jex was growling as I made the statement.

“Very well” Nodding, he pats my head before walking to my mother. My eyes land on Jex, who hasn’t moved a muscle.

Finally I am free from your brewing ass…….

Turning around I head back to the cars, Kem smiles as he helps me in. Waving my parents goodbye, Kem closes the door getting into the driver seat.

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