《the human (r.h)》fifty five: happiness


"Oh you are already falling in love with me."

Delilah George sat with her feet dangling off of one side of the sofa, her back flat against the cushions. Every now and then she would take a bite of her home made rice crispy white chocolate cupcakes. Although her eyes never once left the screen. "I'm gonna make you wish you were dead." She mouthed along with Kate Hudson.

Midway through a bite, she was interrupted by none other than Kathryn, "What are you doing?"

The brunette didn't even bother to lift her head from the sofa, instead she finished her bite with a roll of her eyes, "Watching 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days."


"Because I want to?"

Kathryn was sick. Not physically. She was mentally sick of Delilah. For the past two weeks she had done nothing but sit on the same sofa, watch the same films over and over, and eat rice crispy cakes until she inevitably had to throw up.

Kathryn wanted Delilah off of her couch.

Without a second thought, Kathryn went over and grabbed the remaining cakes from Delilah's stomach, and stood in front of the television.

"Oh Kathryn, please don't do this again." Delilah was also sick. Sick of Kathryn that was. She didn't understand why she wasn't allowed to just do nothing - it wasn't like she was causing any harm.

"Delilah, you have done nothing but wallow in self pity on this sofa for 15 days. I-"

"-15 days? Why not just say two weeks?"

Kathryn dropped the hands that were on her hips, everyday she felt like she was losing a battle with Delilah, "What? Delilah honestly, what has happened to you?"

Delilah threw her hands up and let them flop above her head on the sofa, "Oh my god, nothing! Just because I want to watch films and eat rice crispys there's something wrong with me?"

"Yes! You move from this couch twice a day - once to make your cupcakes, and once to throw them up. So obviously there is something wrong with you! You're missing something, Delilah. You've lost your fight."

In true Delilah fashion, the brunette let out the loudest scream possible. She had been watching too many 2000 films, and it was fair to say that the dramatic characters were rubbing off on her. "Why does everybody keep saying that?"

First Jolie had sent her this massive paragraph about how she missed the Delilah they had first met. Then Mabel had sent her a link to an article on 'How to be yourself again'. Worst of all, Jane had left her a voicemail calling her a pussy - she didn't exactly use that word, but she might as well have.

"Maybe because it's true? Delilah, after that day something changed. You don't care anymore -"

"-What am I meant to care about, Kathryn?" Delilah flung her legs off the chair and sat up to stare at Kathryn, "She killed me. Alice fucking killed me."

"It was a vision."

"So? If she hadn't shown Aro that, she would have done it. No one would have stopped it either, so what am I meant to not care?"

Kathryn moved to sit opposite Delilah on the coffee table. "You're meant to care, Delilah. You're meant to be angry about it. You're meant to be terrorising her for even thinking about killing you."

The brunette softened her features and grabbed her friends soft hands, "I know it's hard to believe, but I'm done with revenge.... look how far being angry got me. I have spent my whole vampire life trying to ruin the Cullens, yet it didn't work. Every time they came out on top, and I was left trying to come up with a better plan. Kathryn, they never lose."



"No, Kathryn! I mean it. I'm done."

Delilah George had come to a realisation. No matter what she did to the Cullens it didn't matter. She could probably plant a bomb in their house and it would still be standing. She had truly wasted her time trying to ruin them, and because of that she had lost the three great loves of her life:

Luckily her fourth love would never leave her: .

"So what, you're just gonna live on my couch?"

Delilah looked at her friend as though she had grown another head, "Yes?"

"And if say, Bella, or Alice, or Rosalie show up at the door, you wouldn't be angry?"

It was silent for a few seconds, Delilah pondering the question before she flopped back into the sofa with a shrug, "No."

With a laugh, Kathryn stood, "No?"


Heels clicked as Kathryn walked away from the couch, heading straight for the front door, "Good." She stood a few feet away, "Because we have a visitor."

Within a second, Delilah was stood with her back pressed against the door, her arms sprayed along the walls either side of her. "What the fuck, Kathryn? Who is on the other side of this door?"

If looks could kill, Delilah would be 36ft under, "Move."

"Who is-" Before Delilah could finish her question, Kathryn had shoved her away from brown door, and twisted the handle. Delilah watched with betrayal as the door opened in front of her.

"Rosalie hi, please come."

If Delilah had been a cartoon character, smoke would have been flowing out of her ears, her face would be beetroot red, and the horn of a train would be heard when she breathed. However, Delilah wasn't a cartoon character. So instead, she just stood with her arms flopped at her sides, and her jaw wide open.

"Thank you for inviting me, Kathryn." Rosalie Hale walked into the room looking like she was attending a counselling session - upon more thought, she probably was. Her hair was pulled back in a low bun, her face had been brushed lightly by some blush, and her outfit was semi-formal.

"Have you been watching youtube tutorials?" Were the only words that popped into Delilah's mind as she stood next to the wall.

Rosalie turned her body towards her former lover, her lips tight in a frown, "What?"

"The hair....I've never seen you do your hair like that."

"Delilah," Rosalie rolled her lips together as she tried to stop a smile, "I have been alive since 1915, I have been doing buns since before they were on youtube."

The sound of Delilah scuffing her shoe against the floor travelled through the room, "Well, I was just wondering."

Kathryn flicked her eyes between the pair, a sort of smirk playing on her lips. "Okay," She clapped her hands together, "I'm really sorry, Rosalie, please excuse my hosting abilities. Although, Delilah has practically moved in here so I'm sure she can look after you. I totally forgot I'd promised Jolene we'd go shopping." Delilah widened her eyes as she realised where this was going, "There are plenty of blood bags in the fridge - Rosalie, I even bought the vegetarian kind. Delilah, there's some O negative in there for


The brunette let out a nervous laugh as Rosalie laid her golden eyes on her, "I don't like human blood."

Her lie would almost have been believable, if she didn't have red eyes.


The blonde cleared her throat before pointing a finger at her own eyes, "Your eyes."

Within a few seconds, the once red eyes were

brown, "Whoops."

"Have fun you guys, don't go messing up my house with your long, hard..... screaming at each other." With that, the door was slammed behind Kathryn.

One would have thought walls were the most interesting thing in the world the way Rosalie and Delilah happened to be looking at them. If they just moved their eyes the slightest bit to the side, they would have been gazing at each other. However, neither of them had the nerve.

"Would you like a drink?" After almost thirty seconds, Delilah broke the silence. "Don't worry, I won't be drinking any negative O around you."

Rosalie followed Delilah to the living room that conjoined with the kitchen, meaning they could continue their conversation with enough distance between them, "I thought you'd stopped drinking human blood?"

It was obvious where this leak of information had come from - Jolene was obsessed with Delilah and Rosalie rekindling. It had gotten so bad, that Rosalie even had to temporarily block the sweet girls number because of the daily updates.

"I tried." Delilah poured half a glass of wine, and half a glass of 'vegetarian' blood into two glasses, "I'm an addict though. It runs in my blood - Maya's addicted to drugs, or at least she was. Mothers addicted to being a bitch, and fathers addicted to porn so."

Thankfully Delilah hadn't passed the glass to Rosalie yet, otherwise the vampire would have dropped the blood all over the white rug, "Porn?"

Delilah shrugged as she passed the glass to Rosalie and sat on the opposite end of the couch, "I don't have any proof of that, but you know when you get that feeling? I just look at him and alarm bells go off and all I can hear is '' in this massive booming voice."

As Rosalie took a sip of her drink, she tried to keep her laugh contained, "You're not related to them though, so how would it be in your blood?"

Again, Delilah shrugged, "Maybe I've been using them as a way to quench my thirst."

If it was Delilah six months ago that had said those words, Rosalie would have been tempted to believe her. However, the Delilah sat in front of her had not caused even an ounce of trouble since the Volturi visited. Besides, the George family hadn't got any suspicious marks on their body that Rosalie knew of.

Delilah smiled as she took a sip of her drink, her eyes never once leaving the blonde sat in front of her. It felt weird to be in her presence and not be arguing. A good weird. "What are you doing here, Rosie?"


Rosalie could have sworn her unbeating heart jumped a few times. It felt like years since that name had fallen from Delilah's lips. Although, it left a bitter taste in her mouth, "Did you call her that too?"

A puzzled look was shot Rosalie's way, until Delilah realised who Rosalie must have been talking about, "Rosemary?" It hurt them both to hear her name, "No, she was always Mary to me."


Delilah took another, longer sip, "Because you were always my Rose.... or my Rosie. Whatever you want to be called."

"No," Blonde curls bounced as Rosalie shook her head, "Why did you love her?"

The question was pondered a few seconds before Delilah answered as best as she could, "Because I couldn't love you."

Silence engulfed the pair, Rosalie wasn't sure what the correct answer to that was, "Delilah -"

"-No, Rose. You won't understand, and I will never ask you to understand anything that I did. But when I was with Mary, I had her and the Volturi. The Volturi who yes, may be my friends, but are some of the most sick and twisted individuals. I was surrounded by darkness with them.... Rose I felt like I was becoming the darkness."

"Delilah-" She tried again.

"It was lonely. I felt evil - I was evil. Then I met this girl who was blonde, and kind to me. In some way she reminded me of you... in most ways she didn't. I think that's exactly what I needed...... I felt like you had forced me to turn to that darkness, and Mary was the only one that could get me out." Delilah wasn't even sure she was making any sense. "I loved her in a way that I didn't love you, although I never loved her more - I don't think that's possible..... I'm sorry for being so hell bent on killing you all. I was angry."

"Are you not angry anymore?"

A deep frown set upon Delilah's lips, "I'm tired, Rosalie."

While the sentence was small, it's impact on the Hale girl was massive. For as long as she had known Delilah, she had carried this hate around with her. Even when she was human she walked around as if she was so hard done by, and it was everyone else's fault. According to Maya (pre memory loss) Delilah had been so angry when someone asked how her parents died, that she pushed them off the top of the play frame - she was only seven years old.

Delilah George had always been a person filled with this flaming ball of anger, and never once had anyone considered it would extinguish.

"Lilah," Rosalie moved closer to the girl, her cold hand finding Delilah's equally cold hand, "I'm worried about you."

Everyone was worried about her - Edward included. They had been waiting for her to start terrorising them again. In some strange way, they missed whatever plan of evil she was going to execute against them.

"You shouldn't be," Delilah squeezed the hand as reassurance, "I'm fine. I'm just.... moving on."


Delilah's brown eyes searched Rosalie's golden ones, for a second the blonde felt as though they had travelled back in time to before all this mess had happened.

If only Edward and Bella had kept her away that day, maybe then Delilah would never have been dragged into all of this. Maybe they would have had a chance at a short but better life together. Maybe it wouldn't have ended this way.

"Because I've lost you, Rosie. Only I've lost something I never had."

this chapter is dedicated to my lovely grandma. who probably isn't happy that i'm writing a lesbian romance, but would love me all the same. she'll be missed forever <3

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