《the human (r.h)》fifty four: out of the woods


As hell broke loose all around the two former loves, it was as though they couldn't see it nor hear it. Nothing else existed to them.

Rosalie couldn't help but also drop to the amazingly clean patch of snow she found Delilah knelt on. "Why are you doing this?" She spoke after what felt like an eternity.

It was heartbreaking when Delilah let the saddest smile break out on her face, "There's nothing else left for me, Rosalie." If there was any time for the truth, it was now, "I found myself a family. Those three girls have been amazing to me. However, I have lost everything I love. My Maya is gone, she has no idea who I am. The same with my parents, although I'm not sure how hard it really was for them to forget me. Kathryn, the person who taught me it was okay to be myself is dead."


"- I know you don't understand, and I'm not asking you to. But Jane had shown me so much love, Rosalie. I never believed someone like her had any humanity or kindness in them..... you'll never know how wrong I was. You may think I'm heartless, but you don't know how much it hurts to know she died thinking I betrayed her."

Rosalie removed her hand from Delilah's neck, and placed it on her cheek, "She would never have thought that of you, not even in her last moments."

The sad smile, only grew sadder, "I'm sorry Rosalie. I'm so sorry. I have been blinded by bitterness and anger for so long that I wasted so much precious time with you. I think that might be the regret of my life.... that I loved you so much but couldn't push my pride to the side to see it."

"Delilah, we still have time. We have all the time in the world."

"I don't deserve that time, Rosie." She knew now, Delilah was never the good person she claimed to be, "All of the pain I have caused you, all of the hurt. I don't deserve you, nor do I deserve all of that time."


Rosalie wasn't sure what had gotten into Delilah. This wasn't the girl she knew. No matter what Delilah would never admit to her wrong doings, she always found a way to twist the blame. The irrational - or maybe rational - part of Rosalie missed that side of Delilah. She would give anything to have that Delilah in her arms right now.

"Delilah, I have never done anything that makes me deserving of you. You think you've never been a good person? Nor have I. Nothing you could do would make you undeserving of me. Nothing I could do should never be enough for you to forgive me."

The brunette laughed slightly, "Since when did you become so critical of yourself?"

Rosalie shrugged, "I've always been this way."

"I don't like it. I miss my Rosie."

"I never stopped being your Rosie."

As much as Delilah was staring to like this conversation, she didn't think she deserved forgiveness yet. "Rosalie, I killed your brother."

"I saw."

Blunt, was that good?

"If you want me to say sorry for it, I'll say sorry until I'm blue in the face. That doesn't mean I am sorry though."

"I understand, Delilah. Alice had killed your friend, you had to avenge her. Truly I do understand." Maybe blunt was good?

"Rosalie, I think we're fucked in the head."

"Did you just quote Taylor Swift while we're in the middle of a battlefield?"

This was the strangest scenario, who would have thought it was so easy for Rosalie and Delilah to forgive each other? Must less to be laughing in the middle of a battlefield while their loved ones lie dead around them.

"It seemed like the perfect time to quote her." As the two smiled in each other's faces, Delilah realised how much she has truly missed Rosalie. In the most messed up way, she knew she did all of those bad things just to fill the hole the Hale girl had left in her heart. Did that make her a bad person? Possibly. But she would do all those bad things ten times over if it meant she got Rosalie back, "Can I kiss you?"


The stupidest smile broke out on Rosalie's face, "I thought you would never ask."

In the most cringiest way possible, Delilah truly felt happy once her lips touched Rosalie's. She wasn't worried about the destruction happening around her, and she temporarily forgot all about the death of her friends. It was like Rosalie's touch had taken away all of the bad things swimming around in Delilah's mind, and replaced them with all the love the pair share.

Of course, once they left the field. They'd have some serious talking to do. Neither of them could deny that the heat of the moment forced them to say a few things. It didn't mean that the words spoken weren't truthful, it just meant they needed some time to really heal the wounds caused by both of their actions.

"Rosie?" Delilah pulled away from Rosalie's lips, as much as she didn't want to, "I think we should move to Nice. I've found a nice little house for us there, they might have somewhere we could go strawberry picking too..... or even grape picking."

Rosalie smiled against Delilah's lips, she was so thankful Delilah never forgot about that dream she had. Even if when Delilah had first told her about it, it was with Leah (it was probably just the memory loss talking then).

"I want nothing more than to move to Nice with you."

"If I asked you to move to the middle of fucking nowhere, would you?"

"Lilah, I met you in Forks. This is the middle of fucking nowhere. And yet the middle of fucking nowhere happened to give me the best gift."

Delilah laughed, for once she felt carefree. "I've never heard you be so soppy. I'm not sure I like it."

The problem with Delilah's happiness, was that it had always been temporary.

It was a curse that it seemed she would never be able to shake.

"Delilah, I -"

Rosalie could not even finish her words as Delilah's face went blank. The ecstasy that was once swimming around her eyes now replaced with horror.

"Rosalie?" Was all Delilah managed to get out before her head was pulled clean off by the curls she treasured so much.

For a few seconds, Rosalie didn't move. She couldn't take her eyes away from the place Delilah's once was, she didn't want to look down at the now still body, and she definitely didn't want to look at the face she knew all too well.

"I'm sorry, Rose."

Still, the blonde could not look up. She had never felt as betrayed as she did now. She didn't even feel like this when she found out about Mary, or when she found out Delilah had joined the Volturi. Those things could be justified in some sort of way, this couldn't.

"I'm sorry...... but she had killed Jasper."

Alice fucking Cullen. Rosalie's own sister. Had killed Delilah George.

i hate writing short chapters, and i know this is ridiculously short. im so sorry!!! but there was only so much i could write, it wouldn't have been right to carry on alice's vision past this point.

please accept this sincere apology for the length of the chapter and also how long it took me to update. i had writers block <3

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