《the human (r.h)》fifty three; killer queen


The five girls didn't even have to move as people started running towards them. Volturi members flinging their fists at them, the girls ducking and twisting before wrapping their hands around the members and pulling.

So far their kill count was around five between them, one more and it would be Delilah's favourite number.

The leader board went:

Delilah and Clelia were both very disappointed that Mabel was winning. The three girls were very competitive. So Delilah was determined to get the next kill, that was until Jane was in front of her.

The other girls knew not to go for Jane, or any of the members that Delilah actually liked.

"Jane, I-"

"What are you doing, Delilah?" Jane was angry, more angry than normal. More angry than Jane had ever been with Delilah, for she had never been angry at Delilah. Or at least not that Delilah could remember anyway.

The brunette leaned on a body that Clelia had kneeling on the floor. Delilah almost cried when she saw that Clelia was getting the next kill, but she decided against it when she realised Jane would not be the most happy about that.

Anyway, she still decided to lean on the body, "I'm not gonna kill you, Jane."

This didn't settle the girls anger, "What about Aro?"

Delilah did not intent to kill Aro either, just because she was stood on the opposite side it didn't mean she wanted him dead. "Jane, you don't get it. I couldn't have stood with you."

"What about everything they did to you?"

"It's not about what they did to me," Delilah was getting frustrated, "You don't get it, Jane. It's about right and wrong."

"I can't believe you just said that to me." Now didn't really seem like the time for an argument, "I loved you," Or maybe it wasn't an argument (?) "I loved you so much, Delilah. I would have done anything for you. And I can't believe you weren't stood there with me."

There was so much to unpack with what Jane had said, "Jane-" But they would never have time to unpack it.

Suddenly there was a hand around Jane's neck, forcing her on the floor. Alice stood behind her, both of her hands touching Jane, her eyes never once looking at Delilah.

"Alice?" Delilah was confused, she couldn't move herself to push Alice away, or grab Jane out of her grip. She couldn't grasp what was really happening in front of her. "Alice, what are you-?"

Delilah didn't even have time to finish her question before Alice tossed Jane's body to the side. For a split second it was as if Alice had shown Jane mercy, that was until Sam- who was in his wolf form, obviously - pounced on Jane's body.

She couldn't even make a noise as she watched Sam savage her best friend. It was weird. It was like Jane had accepted her death. She didn't even put up a fight, or try to wiggle out of his grip. She didn't even scream.

Jane had just been killed at the hands of people she supported. Her best friend had been killed by people she had stood in solidarity with. People that she had been fighting for.

For a few seconds, it was like Delilah wasn't even on the field anymore. As she looked into Jane's eyes all she could see was the time they had spent together; the time Delilah taught Jane British slang, hearing Jane say 'peng' was one of the funniest times in Delilah's life. The time Delilah introduced Jane to One Direction, and the blonde then forced Delilah to watch the One Direction movie everyday for two weeks. And then the simpler times when they would just braid each other's hair.


It was like Delilah had introduced Jane to life, and now she had a part in taking it away.

And she was angry about that.

Delilah looked away from Jane's lifeless eyes and into the living ones of Alice. There wasn't even an ounce of sympathy in them.

"Delilah," Alice offered a smile, Delilah wanted nothing more than to rip it off Alice's face. But that would not be enough pain for her.

Delilah turned away from Alice, her mind running wild with all the things she was going to do to the good for nothing people on the field.

Her eyes searched for her friends. She spotted Jolie who was already on her way to her. Mabel was busy ripping the head off of some Volturi member, Clelia right behind her. She just couldn't see Kathryn.

This didn't cause Delilah to panic. Kathryn was a smart girl. A good fighter. Someone who could hold her own.

"Lilah." Jolie's hand was touching Delilah's shoulder, her eyes soft and full of sorrow. "I'm sorry about-"

"-It was Alice." She interrupted, "She killed her."

"What....." Jolie hadn't noticed Jane's body lying on the floor a few feet away from them, "I mean when Bella-"

"-When Bella what?" Panic set in Delilah's stomach, she wanted to make them all pay for what they'd done to Jane. But not Bella, she wasn't going to hurt Bella, or at least not physically. "Jolie, when Bella what?"

Jolie didn't know how to say it, how could she tell Delilah what Bella had done?

"Jolie!" Her patience was wearing thin.

"When Bella and Edward they......." Jolie fidgeted, "There was nothing I could do......" It almost looked like tears were in her eyes, "Kathryn wasn't scared, she didn't even know-"

The brunette stumbled, her foot sliding over the dead body of someone she didn't know causing her to fall on the floor. "What?"

There was no other way to tell Delilah, "They killed her."

The scream immediately ripped through Delilah's throat, she hardly even had time to process Jolie's words as she stood up and tore the head off the first person she saw.

She did this until she reached Jasper Hale.

"What are you doing, Delilah?" Jasper spoke as he stopped the punch Delilah had thrown at him.

The girl laughed, pulling her fist out of his grip, "What do you mean? Isn't this the girl I've always been to you? I'm just embracing the crazed psychopath."

Jasper grunted as a geek connected with his face, he was yet to throw a punch back, "You know we've never thought about you like that."

Mabel appeared behind Jasper, her hands on his shoulders, pushing him on to floor. "Mabel? Call Alice, I want her to watch."

As Mabel used her gift to project her voice in Alice's head, Clelia and Jolie held her back. Flames from Clelia's skin tickling Alice's skin as they forced her in place.

"Jasper, do you really want your last words to be a lie?"

The floppy haired, golden eyed vampire could not believe he was going to die at the hands of Delilah. He tried to manipulate her mood, try to stop her from going through with it, "Delilah-" but he couldn't.

Delilah flicked her eyes to Alice and smiled as Mabel held Jasper's head in place while Delilah pushed a heeled boot into his chest.

The sickening noise Jasper's body made rang out in Alice's ears. She wanted nothing more than to run to him and try to fix him, but she couldn't because of Jolie and Clelia's arms holding her back.


Or she had thought Clelia was holding her back until she saw her stood lighting Jasper's body on fire from her own finger tips. So who was holding her back?

Alice looked to the side of her to see Jolie holding her right arm back. She then looked to her left side to see another Jolie back.

"I'm sorry, Alice." Now there was a Jolie in front of her, all three Jolie's speaking to her, "Actually I'm not fucking sorry. I'm undecided on if you deserve all the pain you feel yet."

"Let me go." Alice wasn't in the right mind to question Jolie's triple appearance right now.

"I can't." Jolie would have normally felt bad for conflicting all of this pain. Well, she wasn't really conflicting it herself - just aiding with it. "Delilah doesn't want you dead. She just wants you to feel the pain Jane would have made you feel."

Alice pushed against the Jolie's, "This is worse."

"Good." Jolie smiled, "Maybe this will teach you not to kill."

Meanwhile Delilah, Mabel and Clelia were keeping busy.

"Do it, Clelia." Mabel ordered, fixing the hair had fallen out of her pony as she spoke.

Clelia laughed, she loved doing stuff like this. "Clear the danger zone, ladies."

The two brunettes stood behind Clelia as the blonde rubbed her hands together, sparks igniting between her palms. Within a few seconds, there was a rather large fireball in between Clelia's hands, so big that her palms could no longer touch. "You ladies ready?"

Mabel threw an arm around Delilah as the latter spoke, "Fire in the hole!" At least the three of them could have fun with this.

With the drop of her palms, the fire left Clelia and set fire to the floor in front of her. The ball rolled all the way from Clelia to tree at the end of the field, everything that it touched going up in flames.

Unfortunately the thrill of Clelia's power only burned for so long. It seemed one of the Cullen witnesses was unhappy with this development, and threw his hand on the floor, creating a split between the ground. The girls were not sure if this was meant to eliminate the fire Clelia had created, as it only served to their favour.

As there was now a flaming pit in the middle of the Battle ground.

"Ugh, how fitting." Delilah was now thriving. "You girlies take anyone you don't like the look of. Leave the interesting ones to me."

Delilah knew who she wanted.

The person who started this all.

"Isabella." Delilah purred as she watched the newborn drop the head of a Volturi member, "I'm so glad we got to come together like this again."

Once upon a time, Isabella would never have thought Delilah would harm her. However that was a time when Delilah wasn't even sure of her own name. Now? There was no doubt in her mind Delilah wanted her dead.

And Isabella was right. Since the moment Delilah saw Jane dead on the floor she wanted Bella dead.

"Like this again?" But this time Bella wasn't scared of her.

Delilah kicked a burning hand that was on the floor, "Well, isn't this just like that time in the ballet room? Apart from this time, I'll be sacrificing you for me."


"-I don't care what you have to say anymore, Bellatrix. I don't care if you live or die. I don't care if you hate me for the rest of your life." Then Delilah had a truly sickening thought, "I just don't know if I should kill you or you'll little spawn."

This angered Bella more than she had ever been angered before. She had never hated Delilah as much as she hated her right now.

"How dare you?"

The brunette moved, she pressed her chest into Bella's back as she wrapped an arm around her neck, speaking into her ear. "I remember how good you were to me when I was ill. For that, I'll spare you. You're welcome." Delilah pressed a kiss to Bella's cheek, "But don't think I forgot or forgave any of the shitty things you did to me.....I'm thankful that death woke me up to how shitty of a person you are. So take all of your family being dead as punishment for that."

Delilah felt as though she could now finally die truly happy. She had lived to see Bella and Edward face their justice.

"Just so you know, it's all your fault their dead." With that Delilah pushed Isabella away from her and onto the ground. She didn't care to be touching that filth anymore.

As Delilah looked around the field, she could still see the three Bell sisters alive, good. She could also still see Edward, Bella and Alice alive, the only Cullens still living double good.

"What about me?" Delilah whipped around to see the girl she knew all too well.

Rosalie looked as though not one hair on her head had been touched - it probably hadn't. Everyone was too scared to touch Rosalie because of Delilah, even if they hated each other they were still soulmates.

Delilah was bound to avenge her.

The brunette walked over to the blonde, their faces emotionless. Even though there was so much going on around them, it seemed so silent.

Rosalie didn't flinch as Delilah caressed her cheek, she didn't move her eyes away from Delilah's as the latter knelt down at her feet.

Delilah's mind was running wild as she placed Rosalie's cold hand around her tanned neck. Delilah forcing Rosalie to squeeze it tight.

"Kill me, my love."

hi babies! my phone is super broken and seems messing up. it's like an invisible force keeps tapping the top of the screen, so it keeps exiting the app or moving where i'm writing/getting rid of things. so there might be a few mistakes in this. but i only have so much patience with it!!

anyway i have an over explaining problem so tried to keep this short and simple. idk if it makes sense but i work an 9-5 now so i used as much brain power as i had left for this. also had to keep it dramatic and change it all up a little.

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