《The path of demonhood》Ch.20: A young lady's anguish


Rise morning instead of Eliza who usually was the one to tend to me Estelle shoot into the room like a cannonball.

Estelle: You won't believe it!

"Is there concrete proof in support of the rare earth hypothesis?"

Estelle: No, but I will have you explain that to me later. Here look at this.

"I'm all ears."

As soon as her rational caught up with the rest of her, embarrassment replaced excitement. She stood silent and unmoving, most likely realising what had just left her mouth, in the future this memory surely will be one to surface out of nowhere and sour whatever her then mood would be.

"Getting back to the demostration you were saying."

Estelle: Give me an hour to reorganize my thoughts and figure a better approach.

"So either what you want to convey to me cannot be spoken in words or you fail to form to right ones?"

Estelle: Very much so. I don't know what exactly happened, only that after you retrieved to your room last night I felt inspired, my body wanted to move, this rush of energy overcame me. I started practicing when this idea or consept or whatever popped into my mind and before I realised it I could do it, I did it.

"Love the enthusiasm, let's move to the practical part of the demostrasion."

Estelle: Right! Will it really be okay?

"Unless you found a way to magically alter the colour of objects I can see it better than you."

Estelle: Then I'll start.

Releasing pixie mist I could 'see' clearly in a one meter area around myself. That wasn't limited to living people, albeit existing outside my body it still followed the same rules of inner energy, meaning that it bounced off of solid objects. Given that I wasn't expecting a huge mental distraction I made sure the mist was extra thick so I wouldn't miss a single one of those juice details.

She looked over my nightstand, aranged by none other than Eliza, pondering over something. She finally picked up the hairbrush used on my hair, strangely embracing it close to her torso. Slowly I saw her inner energy enter the object until it filled it completely, a perfect outline, only to then twist in shape. I heard some groans coming from Estelle as the shape got more wild. It appeared that reality does not quite match the image she had in her head. Her energy kept pouring in until the object's original shape was nothing but a distant memory. She finally pulled the object away from her cutting the feed of energy in the process, she was done.

Estelle: Did... Did you saw it.

"From every angle."

Estelle: And? What do you have to say?

"As far as my opinion goes there is only one word to describe it as. Amazing."

Estelle: Re-really! Even if it didn't turned out the way I wanted it to?

"That's but a small detail before the fact that you can actually do something like this."

Estelle: Even then I forgone sleep so I could practive and just when I was getting familiar with this power of mine it failed me once again.


"Is that so... All you need is practice, sooner or later you will get the hang of it."

Estelle: Did you needed practice to use your magic.

"Our situation are not ones to be compared."

Estelle: Why, becuase you're 'special'.

"Yes, actually, you see 'I' got super lucky. My magic can direclty trigger an effect, the causality is immediate. 'You' on the other hand have to 'unfortunately' channel the effect through a medium. That one extra step in the process means that your magic and mine are to completely different beasts.

Estelle: I-I see...

"Sorry for raising my voice. It's just... Look at it this way, you are an artisan and although your art can be beautiful it takes time, dedication and pratice to master."

Estelle: Do you really believe that?

"I don't 'believe' it. I know it for a fact. Both this ability that you shared with me and yourself have the potential to reach unbelievable heights. Now onwards into a new day, time to be better than ourselfs from yersterday."

Estelle: YES!

Throwing the misshapen brush to the bed she turned around and stormed out of the room all the while I stood there half naked and dumbfounded. Estelle sure has gone... wild, unhinged? Well regardless Eliza, after realizing that I was nowhere to be seen walked in and helped me get dressed. I was excited to see how this developed, I already had a few ideas as to the 'true nature' of Estelle's magic but I didn't wanted to bring up the discussion since it would be better if she discovered it by herself. As time did it's funny little think by endlessly and steadily progressing into the future I saw Estelle's descend into madness. In a tale as old as time itself instead of a gift her magic proved to be a curse. The first day everything was sweet and dandy, we cut our lab time short due to Estelle being highly distracted and she spent the rest of the day shut in her own room, practicing. The second day we only 'saw' her during dinner time and by the third she had turned into a second Asteria.

Dawn of the fourth day it was time to act. Even before entering her room realm gave me a strange readings from inside. Opening the door I unleashed pixie mist to get a more solid picture of the wraprness now surrouding me. Nothing was spared, everything that she could could put her hands on was twisted into an amorhpous mess, all the objects, furniture and even the room itself twisted even looking like some attempts had fused together at some places. For the first time in my life I absolute regretted not having eyes to witness this sight in all of its glory. Truly seeing all the materials and colors bending in unnatural twists and turns, creating shapes than can not be interpreted by mathematics or fall behind any logic, beauty like this can not be carved by human hands, a human mind is not meant to conseptualize it nor comprehend. Simply put the Estelle, before me, laying at her side in a fetal position in the middle of this masterpiece was not the same Estelle I once knew.


After basking in the sight I passed by her, heading towards the window. The curtains were drawn closed, I let the light shine through and with effort opened the pane letting the fresh air wash away the staleness of the room. Even if this staleness proved a massive contribution to the aestetic it did no good to Estelle's mental health, if fact a change of scenery and, minor, shock might be what she needs the most right now. Opening a portal underneath her I dropped her out on the overgrown garden, back when I thought that the front garnden was a neglected mess I sure was up for a surprise. With flora reaching up to our necks and completely undisturbed fuana it was like a domestic safari out there, nothing than pure untamed nature to calm a worn mind. Jumping out of the window myself I was met with her first word in a while.

Estelle: What is your problem.

"In a broad sense lack of hygiene, lack of spices and ingridients, lack of any tangable possession under my name, you know the obvious. Right this moment specifically you. You are my problem."

Estelle: Leave me be. I have no intention to deal with you.

"Too bad, it's not up to you anymore."

Estelle: Shut up will you.

She charged at me full spead, the tall grass somewhat obstructing her presence. Or had it grown weaker when I was not looking? Regardless I did not managed to react in time as it landed perfectly on my face. It was a solid punch but it still lacked in strenght, she hadn't figured out how to put her whole body behind her strikes. Gaining some distance I activated pixie mist just in time to be alerted to a followup attack. Hastily dodging this one I throw myself out of balance as a result only to be hit by a weak kick sending me to the ground. She was out of blood and albeit lacking power she had a pretty solid flow, I would like to see how far she can go.

She left me no time to think as I had to literally crawl on the ground away from her attacks, only rolling forward to get back on my feet once I got enough distance. In stance and with pixie mist ready I could now start my counter, or at least that was the plan, with my guard up I more or less ended up testing her fighting style and my reaction time againt it. As the sequence of attacks intensified I could feel her growth, her movementes becoming more streamlined and effiecent, she was levereging her body better, her once stiff and forceful attacks were relaxed and swift, she was learning at an astounding rate.

But as all in life it was about time for this moment to reach its conclusion. While I was keeping my movements to the absolute minimum as I blocked her flurry of attacks she didn't carried such concerns in mind. Drunk with emotions she swang without regard for sustainability tiring herself out. I could hear her gasping for air between sobs as her onslaught siezed its intensity.

"It's okay. Let everything out."

A whirlpool of emotions broke out as she colapsed to her knees, breaking in tears. I moved next to her, dropping down to rest my arm in her back.

"It must have been hard."

Estelle: You don't understand.

"To try a hundred times and fail a hundred and one."

Estelle: You...

"The essence of progress is not found in our successes but in the failures that lead to it."

Estelle: But...

"Do you want to know a secret?"

She lightly nodded her head.

"About my 'forbidden knowledge' regarding magic, it's all falsehoods, misinterpretations, lies and fiction."

Estelle: What!

"That's right the people that came up with those ideas were unable to put them to practice. The very definition of magic is the use of the 'supernatural', that that was beyond their reach, to influence the natural."

Estelle: Why are you telling me this?

"Well the point is that those falsehood were at one point or another proven to be such and the people moved forward in search of the truth, always wondering, always questioning. They stumbled once they raised again, they stumbled a million times, they stood up a million and one. The mistakes of yersterday became the foundations of tomorrow."

Estelle: Still each and every time it's the same. Every time I try to use my power it ends up worse than the last time.

"Then we simply need to take it step by step, deciphering and understanding each one. Let's do it together."

Estelle: I don't want to anymore. Let's go back into the lab, I really enjoyed our time together cooking cosmetics, so why don't we forget about all this and go back to those times.

"If that is what you want then fine. But first riddle me this, what is water."

Estelle: What is water?

"What does water, wine and blood have in common?"

Estelle: They...flow?

A smile formed on my face.

"And what does that flow mean?"

Estelle: I don't really follow where you are going with this.

"You see liquids do not have a set shape instead taking the shape of whatever container they are put on.

Silence, throught pixie mist I could tell that the gears in Estelle's head had started to turn, her face twisting with inquisition. If I had to take a guess she had a case of 'Einstein's' insanity and the true nature of her magic allowed for a more simplified approach. Out of nowhere she shoot up and run towards the nearest door disregarding the rest of the world, it would appear that my nudging did managed to reingite her interest in magic. Now if only Eliza managed to have a breakthrough but again given it's passive nature I doudt it will be anything like Estelle's. Still I should probably move up my plans in the schedule, with Estelle it should be possible to do so.

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