《The path of demonhood》ch.19: Unreasonable and suffocating


The next day started with me in the lab conveying the results of my conversation with the princess to Estelle. What was discussed was mainly a general idea of her skin type based on nothing else than her observation and also how easily removable the cosmetics should be. Which she replied, and I quote, "No". That did sparked my quriosity a bit so when we were all free I gathered the girls to have a 'civilized discussion regarding the princess'. Sitting in a dark room with nothing but a candle light in our long dark robes like proper cultists our conversation began, or at least that's how I had it in my mind, to the rest it must look like normal tea time.

"So to the point. What is the reason behind the princess obsession?"

Eliza: You shouldn't pry into other people's lives.

"Well I'd argue that prying into it will help us deliver a better product, more tailored to our client."

Eliza: Still... I do not know. It does not feel right.

Estelle: From the first and only time I meet her I saw no skin of hers. Her entire body, and I mean entire, was covered. On top of a heavy apply of makeup she wore a dense veil in her face.

"Is that so..."

Eliza: To be honest the first time we were graced by Her Highness' presence she was not wearing any makeup or veil. But I do not want to talk about it.

"Then I won't press you on the matter anymore."

As much as I was dying of curiosity it was not like the arachnid resting on my shoulder, I could put it aside... for the moment. Finishing tea time we were all to head our own ways when I held Estelle behind. Saying some bullshit excuse about a discussion regarding the lab Eliza left us alone.

Estelle: So...

"What do you think is it? Congenital or acquired."

Estelle: What does that even mean?

"Place your guess, was she born with a skin condition or did something happened growing up."

Estelle: Does is even matter. I can't see how that falls in line with 'developing a better product'. It's purely being curious at this point.

"If the condition developed later in life or something similar then there is a possibility that we could work a cure and score even better reward from the princess."

Estelle: So even if it is 'acquired' as you called it, there could still no cure?

"It's wierd, you see there are conditions that can pass on their own, that need varrying amounts of treatment, that are produced by the body itself and it's very much impposible to cure. Ailments are complicated and the medicine used to fight them even more so. Most of the times is like shooting in the dark and a case by case study."

Estelle: So one cure that works for someone may not work for another person?

"Pretty much."

Estelle: Back on topic. If, for arguments sake, Her Highness was born with a defect then I highly doudt we would be interacting with her in current times.

"I was leaning towards that myself, but without knowing the specifics this is as far as we can go, a subject to pass time during tea time."


Estelle: And we are not going to get that information from Eliza.

"I did promised her. As it stands it's more likely that the princess will tell us herself if we pressure her."

Estelle: Then the truth is truly lost to us.

"Hey I said 'more likely' compared to Eliza, not that there's no other way to obtain the information."

Estelle: Another way... Luisent Illises!

"That's right. Albeit I do not know how willing will he be to share such information."

Estelle: Even if he died than tell us, I'd still find him more accomodating than the princess.

"That is to say I don't blame her. Being told to hide your face from a young age can do that to a person."

Estelle drowned in silence, most likely pondering over our conversation.

Estelle: How are you feeling.

"Surprisingly drowsy, Eliza might have accidentaly slipped more chamomile than usual."

Estelle: You know what I mean.

"And you clearly see that I don't want to talk about it."

Estelle: Fine then. But know that I am here if you ever fell like it.

As if I'd even want to talk about how much free time I have in a day all to myself. Who, in their right mind, would complain about something like that. Fuck I really need some fresh air.

For the next few days I cut back on everything, all types of interactions and training, outside from doing my part in the lab and some basic exercise to burn what I ate, I spend my days resting in order to be on top condition and during a wildless night I decided to go for my walk. Leaving the arachnid by the next it had created between the bedhead and the wall I walked down the hallways that I had memorised like the back of my... yeah I reached the door when I was suddenly stopped by a presence entering realm behind me.

Estelle: Heading somewhere?

"Shouldn't you be sleeping or something?"

Estelle: Right back at you.

"You sure are concered about me."

Estelle: As a matter of fact we both don't have a good record of heading out.

"I just feel like breathing some fresh air, I can't head far either way."

Estelle: Then you wouldn't mind me joining you, right?

"Improper sleep can cause premature aging, you wouldn't want to develop wrinkles before Eliza would you?"

Estelle: I feel like you know a recipe to prevent that from happening, so I'll take my chances.

I let out a deep sigh. There was no shaking off.

"How did you even know that I would do this?"

Estelle: Aren't I your partner in crime? Of course I could tell that you were up in no good.

"That so? Then you also 'knew' that I would use the front door instead of exiting throught a window."

Estelle: I didn't, that's why I waited and followed you outside of your range.

"Is that so... I didn't expected that."

Estelle: Do you believe I would be calling myself your accomplice if I couldn't do that much.

"Fine, if you're so opposed to me going out, stop me."

Estelle: Good. Let's head back for now, we can discuss this tomorrow morning... What are you doing?


I had raised my guard, legs spread diagonaly to my body, shifting my weight between them, my hands raised to cover my face.

Estelle: What is the meaning of this now.

"What does it look like to you? We are in conflict of intentions and to resolve it a duel is in need."

Estelle: Don't be unreasonable.

"To me you're the unreasonable one."

Estelle: Fine, have it your way then. But don't cry for me being unfair to Eliza later.

A toothy grin, I wouldn't have it any other way. The truth was Estelle appearing before me couldn't be a better turn of events right before heading out to seek trouble. Now I wasn't eager to fight for the shake of fighting, no I wanted to test something, a new breaktrough i made and it's effectiveness under a stressful enviroment.

Estelle's presence closed in just as I unleashed it, a thin layer of inner energy, spreading to only a meter away of my body. I had learned from my mistake and minimized the scale of this magic, creating what I ended up calling 'pixie mist'. The only effect that pixie mist had was to turn the blurry presence of a person into an outline allowing to better distinquish and respond to their movements. During this state using a spell, either inner or outer, would result in the spell failing and me losing the energy used in pixie mist majorly weakening me. Well given my magic If I allowed anyone to get within one meter of myself then I did something wrong.

Long story short she closed in with a wide telegraphed punch, she even had her thump protruding outwards, all clear signs of an amatuer in pugilism. The only think that compensated her display was her speed, which relatively to mine was greater. Even with the difference in speed I had enough time to tilt my head enough to avoid the hit and, while she momenteraly froze in surprise, tap her in the hip with my leg. Due to her poor footwork she almost fell over.

"Is that all you got? Form is everything when it comes to a brawl. Make sure to always have a steady base and firm fists."

Altough she did fixed her legs by copying my stance her hands remained the same albeit she was clenching the a tad too hard.

"You can all to easily break your hands by punching the wrong way. Make sure your nails touch your palm and your thump the middle phalanx, the middle part, of your fingers."

With my instructions she quickly adapted and decided to put what she learned to the test by preparing another punch. It was the same telegraphed one from before and as such I simply repeated the same tilting of the head to avoid it. In response she let out a yelp while I tapped her in the hip. She did not wavered this time, well I wasn't expecting professional boxing from the second punch, not when it's doudtful if she even has seen one getting thrown before. That's why in my next breath I had closed what little distance and thrown a straight jab, stopping mere centimeters away from her face before retreating just as fast back to my original position.

"That's how it's done."

I began walking past her, retreaving my energy as it would still take time to recover otherwise, as far as experiments go I could tell this was a successful one.

Estelle: So you are not going out?

"I've done enough, I'm satisfied."

Estelle: That so... Should I take it as me winning the fight?

"And I ask you back 'do you feel like a winner, girl'?"

I left Estelle behind as she stood there, unmoving, pondering. As soon as I was back behind closed doors and no one other than the arachnid was within realm I did my best to massage my shoulder with the dorsel of the other hard, that punch sure managed to pull... everything. It hurt so much I wanted to be very vocal about it but alas it was for the best no such vocalities left my mouth. If anything I did found out of a glaring oversight. No matter how much I trained my body it would all be meaningless if I did not got it accustomed to the right moves. The knowledge was all there, provided by Arthur, but instead of using it I left it in the back of my mind like a confortable pillow to fall back to.

I punched the air, I throw everything at it like a madwoman like I was trying to defeat an invisible and invurnable enemy. I would prefer it if I had an actual target that I could 'image train' against but solving all my problems with tricks and magic meant that I didn't had an actual idea of any one of my opponents physical cababilities and the fact that Arthur doesn't have any memories of worthwhile opponents doesn't help either. Maybe I should ask German to spar with me and give me a few pointes the next time he drops by, that way I will both get an idea of an opponent and a glimpse into this world top of the fighting culture.

Depleted of stamina I dropped my body into the bed like a sac of potatoes and as soon as I setlled down the arachnid jumped straight to my head, ruffling through my hair like a mischievous child. That did drew a chuckle out of me and I guess that was its purpose becuase as soon as I did she jumped off of my head landing before my face on the bed. Thus far it had shedded its exoskeleton twice growing in size considerably, by a thrid if I had to numeralise it. I unleashed pixie mist once more to see its visage. It had a really jugged look to it, full of edges and points, even it's head was trapezoid with a 'crow' of shorts decorating it. Its body larger than what I anticipated with legs being on the shorter side similar to a tarantula rather than a giant house spider. To be honest it looked threatening to the point I doudt my first reaction would be a positive, or even neutral, one if I saw it living peacefully on my walls. Still...

"So that's how you look my creation. Good."

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