《Inner-Self》Part 7
Inner-Self 7 (confused on 6)
Dante Manamoso stood in the forest looking up at the stars admiring the night sky when a beep went off in his black jean pocket. Pulling out a small square device it said a name, their age and the city they lived in.
"Connor Harris, age: 30 and lives near Karsville. Hmph, should be easy enough, epically if it's a mere human" Summoning his outra he sent it far into the city. His other was a black skeleton dressed in a red robe. Non-outra users couldn't see it making it rather easy to soar through the night sky.
Spotting his target inside a bar, his outra Infinite Eternity made it's way through the doors. Multiple people watched as the doors opened and closed on their own as the other made it's way past the humans undetected. Connor sat at the bar drinking beer when Eternity made his move, "true death" His palm was engulfed in a dark purple aura before sending a blow to the side of the man's head.
The dark flames enter the man's body, killing him nearly instantly. Everyone in the bar began panicking at the sight of the man dropping dead out of nowhere.
Meanwhile Dante called his other back before heading deepper into the woods. "Another flawless kill, to think it's been so long since I've faced another outra-user like myself, be nice to have a challenge from time to time"
CHAPTER 1 A Cry Of Sound
Yuno Kaisen was a 21 year-old man who worked for a news corporation, his job was to look for a good story each day. That's when he heard about Connor Harris' death. The man was really just a nobody, however doctors couldn't seem to figure out what caused the poor man's death.
They checked sighs of a heart failure but his body seemed healthy, at least for a drinker's standards. He had a slight crack on the side of the skull but they weren't sure if it was what caused his death. In the surveillance tape it showed Connor enjoying a glass of beer, hesitating before falling out of his chair dropping dead.
"Hmm, strange how could a man just drop dead without a cause? Yuno wore a black jacket, blue jeans and black shoes. He had short black hair with hazel eyes. "I may know what the cause of dead is...an outra it'll be tricky, but I need to hunt them down and stop them before it happens again...Go Echoing call" his outra manifest at his side before ascending into the sky looking for anything suspicious.
His outra had black skin with golden armor with a thin body, speakers on his palms and yellows eyes that just looked light light.
While Yuno walked casually through the streets of Tokyo he looked through his outra's eyes to keep track of his other's sight and location. Just then he spotted a quick moving figure, like a ninja dressed in red. (There!) He sent his outra Calling Echo right for the fast moving figure.
Pulling out a small circuler speaker, Echo threw it past the target a few meters ahead. It abruplly came to a halt, levatating in mid-air before unleashing a devestating force of sound, pushing the figure backwards off it's feet landing on it's back.
"I got him! Now to see if this is the outra that killed Connor. I may've not known him, but i can't let a murderer run loose!" Eternty stood up, it's undead face loking dead on at Echo.
"Stay back if you wish to keep your life" It said as a scyphe manifested from his dark energy. Talking through his outra Yuno snapped back: "Try me!" This time he aimed his palm in the black skeleton's direction, unleashing a massive soundwave head-on for his opponet. The other blocked with his sycphe as his hood blew back along with him sliding backward from the immense force.
"Is that all your inner-self can do? Observe, the power of my outra Infinite eternity" The undead creatute aimed his scyphe toward his target, firing a beam of red energy right for him. Echoing call threw a speaker out in front of him attempting to stop the coming attack. He watched as the beam broke through his defense, hitting him head on. A red aura outlined Echo's body as the world around him fadded into utter darkness.
"Damn it, my outra won't move!" Just then an army of the skelleton manifested made of his red energy. He grinned as they advanced toward their paralized foe.
"You're in my outra's illusion which i like to call death's void. As long as you're within the void, you can't move and even if you could...these duplicates are mere illusions meaning you can't damage them in any way. You might as well give up. My outra's stamina is strong enough to hold you in here for up to three hours. So then, still think fighting me is a good idea?"
One of the beings moved right past him, slitting his shoulder. "Rrghh!" Yuno fell to one knee with blood running down his shoulder staining his clothes. "That bastard"
"Since you refuse to submit, i'll kill you now so you aren't a nusence later. Good bye fool, learn your place in your next life!" Eternity rushed toward Echo in reality swinging it's blade right for him. That's when reality itself seem to shatter like glass. The assalient looked in front of him to see the outra unharmed and free from the void.
"That can't be! I'm sure i felt my blade make contact with his torso. Not only that, he should've been able to escape my hypnosis so easily" just then another outra manifested out of blue and purple wisps of light.
"Sorry to interrupt, but you won't be killing anyone tonight"
"Just who are you? The undead outra responded ready to attack with his blade once more. The colorful being aimed his hand toward the villain. "You can call me Care Taker, my user will remain a secret from you. So give up or I'll have to capture you and force you to submit"
"Don't make me laugh, no one can match Infinite Eternity!" Both watched as the black skeleton advanced toward them, his dark red aura swarming around him preparing to attack. In a sudden move their foe was knocked back hitting a store wall.
"Just what is your outra's ability?" He said as his other got back to his feet. The colorful figure crossed it's arms. "What be the point of that? The outcome will be the same either way"
"Enough! Time to show you the true power of my outra. Behold...Eternal deamination!" A wave of energy left the inner-self's body headed right for them. "If you're going all out, then I'll use a special move of my own...Entire... universal fracture" Aiming his hand toward the target, he sent a wave of force, hitting his target in it's forehead. The dome of darkness broke into pieces as if it were glass while the outra fell to it's knees becoming transparent.
"T-this can't be, I've defeated so many enemies without a scratch. How could someone like you utterly weaken me so easiley!?"
"I have the ability to effect the outcome of any situation. So your chances of winning where never that high the moment I found you. If I used enough of my power, I could even erase you from existence, but I see no use of wasting energy on such trash like you. Also, not sure what would happen to history if I prevented the deaths of the ones you killed. So, go ahead and go back to your master, I assure you...you won't escape"
The weak and transparent outra began to fade when Care Taker raised his hand into the air. "Reverse position" Snapping his fingers a flash of light appeared as Dante Manamoso stood where his outra had just been.
(This is crazy...has it finally happened...the one so many criminal outra users fear...the most powerful outra!?)
"I can tell what you're thinking, my outra is vastly powerful yes, but that doesn't mean I'm the strongest one. With such an ability I would consider myself in the top 10 or even top five but that's just me. So then, I'm sure you weren't working alone, where's your boss and the others"
"Piss off, no way would I ever tell you! I'd rather die"
"Suit yourself. You, use your ability on him, I will find a way to make him talk" Echo nodded walking over to the bruised and weakened man dressed in a black coat with red hair, hazel eyes and black pants. He aimed his palm just inches from the criminal's face before blasting a ear-piercing sound from his palm's speaker.
"RRRggh!" The force of the sound hurt the man's ears shaking his entire body. Taker had this go on for a full minute before stopping his ally.
"So then, are you ready to talk?'
"B-blow it out your ass, I won't say anything"
"Very well, I'm sorry you feel that way" The colorful figured walked up to the man, placing his hand on the villain's face, "Fade fracture" A loud sound of glass shattering echoed before the figure let go of his target. Dante laid motionless in the street, his face pale.
The outra-user turned back to Yuno who wasn't sure what to say. "He was mentally stronger than I thought. Seems nothing would convince him to tell me where the others are. Guys like him are always working in an entire organization. Be careful, I'm sure they'll find out you were involved and come after you. Come with me, I'll take you somewhere safe. If you return to work you'll just be putting your associates in danger"
Yuno followed the outra through the dark streets of Japan when he came to an old hospital, the entrance was smashed with the black steel doors laying on the ground."What happened here? I've never seen so much destruction, especially at a hospital"
"An outra-user was having mental problems which also effected his other. No matter what doctors did they couldn't help him"
"Shouldn't he have gone to a mental institution for something like that?"
"It would've made no difference, a non-outra user can't interact with an inner-self, so it would be pointless. If we had doctors who possessed one then maybe they could've helped. We're unsure if the man had some kind of mental disorder or the outra caused it. Either way he ended up attack dozens of innocent people. This is all that's left of the massacre. I'm not sure if the man's dead or not which is why we should be careful"
They made their way down the silent empty hallway, sunlight shining into the halls from holes in the walls. That's when they reached a large steel door still intact. The outra opened it to reveal a flight of stairs going down into the basement.
"Welcome to my hideout for now. I hope to find something better but when trying to stay under the radar i can't just buy a random house, I'd eventually be recognized especially considering how many criminals there are out there to gather information on what goes on around the city. Anyway, we'll stay here for now, i have several people search the city for info on the targets we need to find"
Yuno looked to see a man with light-brown hair with hazel eyes dressed in a white coat. "My real name is Isamu Akodo" Yuno replied: It's great to finally meet you in person" After awhile Kaisen decided to explore the hospital, walking through each hall, looking through each room. He was looking outside looking out at the city through a window when he saw a man dressed in a red cloak approaching the hospital from the left side near the forest.
Before Yuno could call out to his friend, he suddenly felt a fierce wave of pain in his back. He fell to the floor slowly looking behind him to see the man standing over him holding a black staff with red energy swarming within the ball on the tip of the staff.
"I'm guessing you're wondering what happened, well...I sense your outra so i know you're aware of what it is. However, unlike your average outra being synced to the enlightenment of one's mind, this outra is within this very staff, the power of such a being in the palm of my hand"
"G-go Echoing ca-" Suddenly another fierce pain surged through his body as he struck the floor with blood running down his face.
"Give it up, you're no match for Dark Whisper. I get the name doesn't mean much but i find it fitting. Now then, unless you'd rather be killed here, I'd say you submit and tell me where your friend is. I know you're not the only one here" Just then Care Taker came soaring across the hall at incredible speed. That's when the staff lit up in a dark-red aura as everything around the user was frozen in thime. "Heh, how futile. To think he would be here and show himself instead of keeping himself hidden. I was told to be careful. The outra know as Care Taker was told to have the ability to shatter fate itself which is rather troublesome"
Dark whisper manifested in front of his user, it was a muscular made out of a black mist. Similar to a demon with a strange smoke-like mist emanating from it's body. "Time to break him before the fight even begins! As the tyrant prepared to strike the outra with a chop attack, a crack formed between him and his target from the air itself!
With a loud shatter, Care Taker threw a blow right for dark whisper, sending a fierce blow to his abdomen. "Uggh! He staggered back hitting the wall of the hallway. "T-that shouldn't be possible! With time standing still he shouldn't be able to command his outra to react!"
"Maybe now you've realized...fate is stronger than time itself. My inner-self Care has only lost one fight since I've had him. You might be strong because of your time manipulation. But what if you lost your ability? Just how useful to your boss would you actually be? There's plenty of outra-users who never push their other past their limit. Now tell me, where is your boss, the last one didn't talk, but i doubt you're as unbreakable as he was"
The colorful outra threw his palm forward in a stabbing motion as The man attempted to stop time once again. As the staff lit up in the red aura, Taker struck him in the chest with immense pressure. The once red aura suddenly changed to rainbow color as time remained in motion.
"What is this!? Time should've came to a halt, why isn't my power working!?"
"Simple...I struck near your heart where all life energy resides. As long as that ability is in affect, you can't use your outra's unique abilities. So is the power of fate"
"Rrggh! You piece of trash! I won't lose to the likes of you!" Dark whisper unleashed a barrage of strikes but watched as Care-Taker dodged each coming strike as if it were moving in slow-motion. In a calm voice the rainbow-colored outra struck the foe in the center of their forehead. In a calm voice he announced: "Complete Paralysis" Both Dark Whisper and his user froze in place unable to move.
"Enough games, I have the power to give you a terrible death...Now tell me what you know along with your name"
"Never! I won't tell you anything" Kaisen managed to look up as the powerful other aimed his palm toward the man's face. "This is your last chance, the last one to experience such a horrifying death was a horrified pale corpse with nothing but fear in his eyes" As his hand slowly inched it's way towards the paralyzed man, he finally broke down crying out: "Alright I'll tell you! My name Zankaro Arkachi, my boss and the others are located In the upper-part of Japan. It won't be easy to locate, and I'm sure he'll send many out to stop you from reaching him. He plans to reset the universe and rid the world of the people he deems unworthy of living"
"What about his inner-self, what powers does it possess?"
"I don't know" Isamu prepared to unleash his attack when the victim cried out: "I swear I don't know! He's never shown his outra before so we all have no idea aside from maybe his 2nd in command, she's around him all the time I'm sure she's seen it at least once!"
"There was that so hard. Since you gave us the information we need I won't kill you, instead I'll do this...Disappear" Taker chopped the center of the man's skull as a flash of multi-colored lights filled the hallway. Yuno watched as the dark outra vanished and Zankaro hit the ground out-cold.
"W-what happened?" The young man asked slowly getting up from his small puddle of blood. Isamu walked down the hall finally up to him as Care Taker vanished. "I erased his memories. Not an amnesia, his memories are completely gone and unretrievable unlike an amnesia with a possible way of remembering. With his memory gone he won't know who we are or how to use his outra any longer"
Kaisen reached own picking up the black and red staff as he felt strange for a moment. He looked into the red ball on the tip of the staff to see both Dark Whisper and Echoing Call floating in the glass sphere. "The staff isn't the outra...it sealed outras within it!"
"Fascinating, but since I don't know how it works, I shouldn't touch it, it could seal my inner-self within it as well. Who knows just how many outras the staff can hold. But if it can hold multiple others, then the man must've recently been given it to only have one. The question is, was that his inner-self, or did he steal it from someone else?"
CHAPTER 2 An Unknown Ability
After they rested for a few hours, they made their way to the upper-part of Japan. It was still dark so they could move through the sky without worrying about many seeing them. Yuno used sound waves from his outra's hands to stay airborne while Care-taker could fly without using a substitute. They were half way there, about an hour away when they decided to rest at a hotel. They went up to the desk clerk who was a tall woman with long purple hair dressed in a dark-blue glittery dress with blue eyes.
(She seems overdressed for working at a hotel) Yuno Kaisen thought as she looked up at them with a smile. "Hi welcome to the Rokavin hotel, how may I help you?" She looked at the staff in the young man's left hand before looking back at them. "That's a fancy-looking staff you have their sir"
Clearing his throat, Isamu responded: "Hello, my name is Isamu, we would like two rooms for one night" She insisted they stay for more than one night considering how nice it was. "Are you sure you only want to stay for one night? This is one of the highest-rated hotels in Japan along with great prices"
"I'm sorry but we only can stay for one night" He gave her the money for their two rooms before making his way to the elevator. Yuno looked around, admiring the fancy look to the hotel. Black carpet floors with a large couch in the back right corner of the room facing a large flat-screen TV. Along with a snack bar in the next room over to the left while the public pool was to the right. He grabbed a map to the hotel as he followed his friend just as the elevator doors opened.
They stepped inside and chose floor 10 which was where their rooms were. The elavator floor was a red carpet with black walls. The buttons showed there were 50 floors in the hotel.
Isamu was in room 100 while Kaisen was in room 101 right next door. The young warrior laid watching TV before passing out...
He was awoken to someone messing with the lock on his door trying to open it. He gripped his staff tightly in his hand as someone managed to get in, walking over to his bed. That's when Yuno aimed the staff right for the figure, focusing Echoing Call's power within the staff. The outra appeared before them, sending a devastating wave of sound right for them. He jumped out of bed turning on the light to see the desk clerk hit the wall on the right side of the room which was one large window looking down at the public pool and city below.
"Hmph, I'm surprised you had your guard up. Anyway, I'll be taking your outra staff and bring it back to it's true owner"
"If you know what this is, you must be part of the group Zankaro told us about"
"Hmph, I see he's told you about us. Once I kill you, I'll find him and kill him as well for revealing info on us. Come Stitching Knot! An outra manifested beside her, it looked like a sewed together brown scarecrow from the head to it's torso with the rest a long string. "My outra shall kill you here" The woman made a quick hand motion as Stitching shot a thin string wrapped around a sewing needle right for Kaisen.
Focusing on both power sources, Yuno attempted to summon both Echoing Call and Dark Whisper simultaneously. Though His main inner-self formed at his left side, Dark Whisper formed transparently before fading back within the red ball. He could feel his body already running out of stamina trying to control two outras at once.
"Fine, go Echoing Call!" The string and needle went right for the human before his other caught the side of the needle, pulling the outra toward him. Turning the volume up, he threw a punch right for her and her other. Without making contact, a fierce wave of sound rang in the woman's ears as she fell to her knees as the large windows behind her shattered, falling into the public pool.
"M-my ears...this ringing...is unbearable!" She felt her body shaking as she looked up at her opponent. She clinched her fist, sending four needles attached to strings right for him around the room in different directions. Echo created a shockwave causing three of the projectiles to fall to the floor while the 4th came from the right, stabbing into his right leg.
"Ha got you! Time to finish you off before your friend shows up"
"I'm already here" Her eyes widened as she realized Care Taker was standing right behind her. "B-but how did you remain hidden for so long!?"
"Simple, Echoing Call can nullify any sound thereby making it seem like I'm not even here. Tell me, who's this owner you're referring to? I assume you're talking about your boss. Tell me, do you know his inner-self?"
"Don't move! Get any closer and I'll strangle this brat with my outra's strings!" Yuno could feel the string wrapping around his throat with the woman's inner-self gripping the other end of the string in it's grasp preparing to choke the life out of the man.
"Go on...I assure you it'll mean your defeat. Surely you know the ability of Care Taker, in this situation my outra's name means what it says. I will Take care of my ally and stop you"
"Enough, it's over!" Stitching Knot pulled the string causing it to tighten when Isamu made his move, his other advanced forward, placing it's hand on her shoulder. Her outra vanished as the string around the hero's throat faded away. He fell to one knee coughing as the hotel room faded away through the eyes of rhe woman as she stared at a black void. "What's going on!?"
"I've placed you under an illusion. So long as you're within this illusion your real body will stay motionless. Don't eve try to summon your outra, in this void you have no acess to your inner-self. Now tell me what I want to know unless you'd rather die here"
"Y-you don't have the guts to kill me"
"Are you sure about that? I was the one who killed Dante and as for the other one, I chose to wipe his memory since he didn't seem completely heartless, he seem more lost, clouded by the fear of you and clouded by the power he was given. With his mind now free of all that I'm sure he'll go on to live a normal life. As for you, just like Dante I feel nothing but evil from you. Your next move will determine my next move"
She stood motionless for a moment before pulling out a gun firing five rounds right for him. The bullets stopped in mid-air inches from his face before fading into particles of blue light. "I assumed you were smarter than that. Logically speaking, you're just a conscious form of yourself, even if the bullets hit me, they wouldn't affect me since you're trapped in an illusion. You've made your decision, now stand by your choice"
The black void shattered away to reveal Care Taker striking the back of the woman's head as she hit the ground dead. "Sigh, I can't keep saving you Yuno. That was my last aid I'll give you until we reach their boss. Until then, I say we go are separate ways, I'll find you once I've located the hideout or meet you there if you find it first"
The next morning Yuno headed out on his own. He was still an hour or two away from the part of Japan they were told the target was. He used Echoing Call to fly through the skies beside his outra. After he though he flew long enough, he landed in a large town where he expected their target to be.
"Alright, this should be the city, now the only thing I can do is wait for something suspicious to come up so I have a lead on where they might be. Just then a hand tapped on his shoulder. He jumped back preparing to summon his inner-self when he saw a man, he was dressed in a blue uniform that looked like a battle uniform. "I saw you earlier, I'm curious to know what you're doing here. Not many new people come to this part of Japan, along with having an outra. Which you should be careful about using. An enemy could see you and shoot you down if given the chance"
"Just how do you know what an outra is?" Kaisen responded aiming his staff toward the mysterious man. "Isn't it obvious? I possess an outra as well" The man watched as a gray-skinned figured appeared beside him with a dragon head but figure of a human. It had red eyes with red and blue lines across it's body. It's user had black hair with red eyes as well.
"Behold my inner-self Dragon Force! Now show me yours"
Standing the staff down on the ground still holding it. He manifested his outra beside him as well, revealing Echoing Call. "This is my inner-self Echoing call. Now tell me who you are and what is it that you want"
"My name Is Joel Olimaru. I use the power of Dragon force to keep this place safe. There's a lot of crime that the police either don't see or won't do anything about. When I was a kid...I wanted to help people, my father Jiro Olimaru believed that if you had the power to help someone, you took that chance. My father was a good man, he never fought with me or my mother. However, at 15 he was killed fighting of a robber at our house. I sat by him as he laid in a pool of his own blood from a stab wound. For years I was in pain at the thought of my dad's death, I couldn't protect him, my own father, how would I hope to protect anyone else? But one day I saw a man robbing another man on the street. My anger of losing my father, along with my motivation to help those in need. A figure formed in a burst of flames at my side...I had finally achieved my own inner-self"
He looked at his other than back at him. "With the new found power I used Dragon Force to stop that fiend in his tracks..."
[Flash Back]
Joel stood on the sidewalk, watching as a mugger dressed in black robbed an old man across the street. The old man reminded him of his father, a pent-up anger boiled inside him as he watched it unfold. The moment the criminal struck the elderly man in the face, the teen snapped, the very ground beneath him shook as flames surrounded him. In a burst of flames a figured appeared at his side. Instead of worrying about what just happened, he thought about what his father said. "If I have the power to help someone...I take that chance"
He sent his newly acquired outra straight for the thief, sending a blow right to his back. He watched as the man dressed in black felt an immense weight on his body, forcing himself to the ground unable to move. "W-what's going on!? I...I can't move!" Joel walked over to the pair standing over the criminal, a flame-like aura emanating from his body as he looked at him with a cold expression.
"Scum like you are the reason so many innocent people are hurt. Both emotionally and physically. Allow me to show you" His inner-self aimed it's palm towards the target, clinching it into a fist. The man laid on his stomach, a pressure so great, he felt both his legs break.
"Ah! my legs!"
"That'll show you not to steal from anyone ever again"
"How are you doing this!?" Since the man wasn't an outra-user he couldn't see the outra floating beside the boy. Without another word, Joel gave the elderly man back his wallet back, slowly walking away...
(I've acquired the power to save people and stop this injustice...I shall try to live up to your expectations father and save everyone)
[End Of Flashback]
"We were given these powers for a reason, why waste them hurting others when they could be used to help others. With more and more outra-users popping up, it could cause even more harm to those who are defenseless against them. Over the years I've only fought two people that's possessed an inner-self. Having Dragon Force for several years now, I've learned how to use him in case another enemy attempts to attack me"
"Is that so? Then please...allow me to test that. You both really shouldn't be standing out here in the open. You've made it rather easy to find you both...You must be Yuno Kaisen, the one who bested two members of our cult. I can assure you that was a stupid decision on your part. Allow me to show you what happens when you go against us!"
A man with short black hair, silver eyes dressed in a mercenary outfit jumped from a light pole, landing in front of them. He summoned his outra which appeared to be a mercenary as well dressed in blue, it's face concealed by a mask. "Guns of 20 go!" The inner-self pulled out a red grenade, throwing it right for the pair. Joel used Dragon Force to make himself lighter to move faster and step out of the way just in time while the grenade blew up in Calling Echo's face just as it manifested in front of it's user.
Blood ran down his face as Echo's face was scorched by the powerful bomb. "Hehe, one attack and I already call first blood. You must not be as strong as the master says you are. Either that or the others weren't as strong as they pumped themselves up to be. If they lost to you then they didn't deserve to be part of our team"
Guns of 20 pulled out small gray disks, throwing them at both warriors simultaneously. Dragon Force rapidly struck the ground when both disks suddenly hit the ground 10 feet between both sides. A green light flashed as it beeped before exploding in a blinding flash of light.
(Fascinating, seems the reptilian outra is capable of effecting the weight of the ground itself. Better keep that in mind) "Alright then, you impress me. Tell me your name boy. I would love to remember the name of such a interesting fighter such as yourself"
"There's no point, you'll be dead here soon enough. It'd be a waste of breath" Joel Olimaru responded advancing his inner-self right for their target.
"So, it's a waste of breath is it? Then let's see how you fare against one of my unique attacks. Go! Guns of 20 land mines!" The other slapped it's gloved palm down on the pavement as 20 landmines manifested all around them. "Go on, let's see if you can get past such an attack" Kaisen watched as his ally didn't stop, Dragon Force ascended up over the rows of mines when all of them abruptly shot electricity at him as he was floating above them.
Joel!" The man watched as his ally hit the sidewalk on his back, his entire body scorched from the electricity all over his body. The warrior's outra had dissipated and he laid motionless. "You, you bastard! I will never forgive you for this!" A Blue aura swarmed around his body as his hazel eyes changed to blue as well.
"Enough of your buffing, if he couldn't defeat me what makes you think you can?"
"Because...I won't let a friend who's in danger die"
"Heh, sorry to tell you this, but it's too late for that" The assailant fired a shot towards Yuno but hit his shoulder instead of his abdomen. The blue aura vanished for a moment before coming back even more immense than before.
"What is this power I'm feeling!? Wait where's his outra!? He looked behind him to see not the slim robotic outra with black skin and gold armor he had saw before, but a more buff-like form with blue robotic-skin with a golden cloak around it. Echo lifted the man up by the throat, sending fierce vibration through his body causing him to grow quickly dizzy.
"I'm not sure how it happened...but you're not dealing with my formal outra anymore. Behold...Calling Echo Act 2!" The evolved inner-self let go of the man, combing the force of his soundwaves through his fist and the strength of his fist, punching the man across the street, smashing into a store. Echo quickly moved toward his opponent, standing in the doorway to see him laying against an isle of food that was knocked over.
The light flickered as the other proceeded forward. "Stay back!" His outra Guns Of 20 appeared at his side, pulling the massive bomb of his back throwing it right for his opponent. That's when two massive surround sound speakers formed beside Calling Echo, sending a devastating burst of sound directed towards the bomb, causing it to land beside it's owner.
The man only had time to look at the bomb right before it blew up, completely destroying the entire store. As the smoke cleared Yuno was already walking over to his injured ally. He used Calling echo to carry him as he walked back over to the store just to find the man had escaped.
"Hmph, even if he tells his boss about me, he's far to weak to fight back for a while. Besides, my first priority should be getting Joel to a hospital quickly"
The wounded man managed to reach a large castle hidden in the forest. He walked inside till he reached a stone hallway where there was a fancy steel door. He opened it and fell to his knees still covered in blood barley able to stand. "I'm sorry my lord, I was unable to stop them. I was lucky just to escape with my life.
The figure sitting in the chair in the small room summoned his outra, decapitating the wounded follower as he bit the dust, his head rolling over to the boss's feet. "What trash, why even call yourselves warriors if you can't even beat two low-level outra-users!? Fine...You two...since all others have failed, I'll have you both stop our obstacles so we have no more to deal with and if you both fail, I'll have no choice but to do it myself!"
Both men backed away in fear and nodded before heading for their targets...
Back in the city Kaisen sat by his wounded friend's bed side while his friend was out-cold, bandages around his body. "I'm sorry this happened to you. I know it wasn't, but I feel as though this was my fault. I'm so sorry Joel. The wounded man weakly opened his eyes letting out a cough before saying: "Please don't blame yourself, I took the role of a hero to defend anyone in danger. If-if it wasn't for you, I'm sure I'd be dead, instead of just banged up with some bruises. Trust me, you don't need to feel sorry for yourself. In no time I'll be healed and ready to go for the next match against those guys"
Joel smiled with a tear running down his face before he passed back out. Calling out his inner-self, Kaisen had Calling Echo watch outside their door while he remained in the room sitting in the corner. (I'm sure he knows as well as I do that there will be more on their way to kill us. With my outra guarding outside there's no way they can get past me)
He saw a doctor approaching the room so he had Echo move out of the way as he walked in. "Hmm, he seems to be in bad shape. Let's check his heart rate. That's when an outra manifested over the unconscious man. Yuno had his other smash through the door, stopping the coming blow to his friend's gut by blocking it with his arm. A weird sensation rushed through his body as everything went quiet.
(What is this!? Why has it all gone quiet!? He turned to see the man dressed as a doctor take off the disguise revealing himself. He had black hair; brown eyes dressed in dark-purple clothing. "Who are you!? Are you yet another member of the cult I keep hearing about!" Kaisen yelled. However, he couldn't even hear his own words. It was as if...he had gone deaf!"
"I'm sure you've realized it by now, I have the ability to stop up to two of your senses at a time including movement. By how you're responding I assume I took away your sense of hearing which will still work to my advantage" The dark other dressed in black and violet turned to Yuno throwing a barrage of blows while Yuno fell back out into the hall trying to get some distance while using his right eye to look through his outra's eye to keep up with the inner-self's constant attacks.
"Might as well give it up, I Aranda Momo and my inner-self Secret Door have never lost a fight and I don't intend on losing this one" With an abrupt blow to the hero's abdomen, he felt his hearing come back but become paralyzed unable to move including Calling Echo. "Heh, that's one down" He sent a fierce blow to Echo's skull knocking the user out before turning back to the bedridden man. "I could just kill you know but what fun would that be? I have a better idea"
CHAPTER 3: Locked In a situation
Yuno Kaisen awoke hanging in a cell by his hands bound by rusty chains. He looked around but saw no one else, not even Joel. (Damn it this isn't good. I don't know where I am, where Joel is or even where Isamu is. If he doesn't show up soon, I'm as good as dead. Calling Echo is inside that staff. Along with Dark Whisper. If the staff isn't within five feet, I have no access to my outra! Sigh...I never thought it would end like this. I'm sorry Isamu, Joel...looks like I've failed you.
Meanwhile down the hall, the staff had been placed on a shelf on the wall in a small room. Aranda was a big lover of cats. However, he forgot to leave the door open for his cat so it was stuck roaming around the room. It jumped from the large couch in the center of the room jumping onto the shelf, causing the staff to fall, shattering the red crystal ball holding the two outras. Became orbs of light, Echo blue, Whisper red. Since Dark Whisper was Kaisen's last user, it was also completed to return to him.
The two outras entered his chest. Without the power of the staff to keep the two spheres of energy separate, they morphed into one being. "Come...Echoing Whisper" His outra manifested transparently as a shadow-like creature but made of silver energy. "M-my otra...it seems to have fused with the other one that was still inside the staff. But how has it returned to me and how is it possible for them to fuse as one entity!?"
He was still weak and could barely keep his inner-self in physical form, both of how much power it had, along with the new kind of power making it harder to manifested it as if he had just gotten his outra. Not to mention how hurt he was from both fights. He decided to wait for the right moment to strike...
After 30 minutes of hanging helplessly on the dirty stone walls, Aranda and another man banged on his gate looking at him. "So...this is one of the guys were supposed to kill?"
"Yes Omicron, this is one of the bastards responsible for killing multiple of our members" Yuno lifted his head looking at them. "I've never used a fused outra before, but at this rate I won't have much time to wait" Omicron wore a black jacket and black shorts with brown hair brushing across the right side of his face. He opened the door walking into the victim's cell.
"So you're Yuno...One of the shits giving us so much trouble. Sorry to tell ya, but the boss ordered us to kill you and your friend in a nearby room" He brought out his outra revealing a large floating robotic creature with no legs, large arms connected to a sphere-shaped power source with a yellow ring behind it's head. It was black except it's face which was white.
"Take a good look at my inner-self Selfless, because it will be your only chance to see it" The other clinched it's fist preparing to strike.
(f I don't use it now I'm done for!) Just before selfless could kill his opponent, his user was sent flying out from the cell, hitting the stone wall.
"You bastard!" Omicron prepared to use his special ability when Kaisen vanished, free from his shackles. "What is this!? Where'd he go!?" Just then Echoing whisper appeared right in front of Omicron, unleashing a barrage of immense blows before reappearing back over to it's user who was down the hall behind them.
"Ack! T-this is bull...how could trash like him be so fast" The assailant laid up against the wall spitting out blood as Selfless dissipated. (Do think he'd have this much power...even in the state he's in) Aranda let him go while tending to his wounded partner.
"The boss can take care of him on his own, I won't let you die here" He placed his outra's hand on the man's abdomen speeding up the healing process...
Meanwhile Yuno and Echoing Whisper checked each room before finding Joel laying in a cage with a man standing next to it. He had light-brown hair, blue eyes and was dressed in a black suit with an orange tie. "Who are you!?" Kaisen shouted in frustration.
"I'm the one you've been looking for...I'm Michael Guiney, the boss of this entire cult and I'm done dealing with you, my men were supposed to kill you but I'll deal with them later. For now, you'll face the power of the ultimate inner-self, Sinner-man. Laugh all you want, but all it'll do is make you lower your guard!" A brown demon-like outra with red eyes and red-vein-like lines running across it's body formed between him and Kaisen advancing him quickly.
The hero attempted to bring time to a stop but Echoing Whisper was struck across the face with such power, it felt as though his bones would shatter. It's user fell to one knee, spitting out blood before wiping the rest onto his arm slowly standing back up.
"Give it up, you've never faced an outra like mine before, if I was like low-class users I wouldn't be in control of those who organization. I'll give you a chance to serve under me or I'll kill your pathetic friend in the cage"
"Stay away from him!" Kaisen launched his other head on for the tyrant combing his time stop with his incredible speed when Echoing Whisper was suddenly struck in the ribs. Yuno saw Sinner-man floating between his user and the hero's outra.
"Oh, I forgot to mention, everyone who works for me has given me bits of the abilities thanks to my outra's special ability. I assume you know who I'm referring to. Thanks to his ability that you're also using, I can briefly use time manipulation as well there by canceling out what I assume to be your trump card"
"D-damn it" He took a step back, his body shaking from the immense pain surging through his body. As he hit the ground, a hand grabbed the boss's pants leg weakly responding: "Please don't kill him. I'll do anything to stop you from killing him"
"Really? Then what is it you want?" A grin grew across his face as his prisoner sat up in his small cage. "Just don't kill him!"
"Very well, it's a deal" His outra reached his palm out for his hand out toward the weak man to take his hand. Joel took Michael's hand, suddenly both men were fully healed as an "S" appeared on the prisoner's chest before fading into them. Sinner-man's body outlined in a red aura before fading away.
Yuno stood up looking at himself, realizing his body had fully healed. "What is this? Why did you heal me!?" The boss let Joel out of his cage responding: "Your friend made a deal with me if I didn't kill you. So, to keep you from dying, my outra's ability went in to affect, healing your wounds completely. Your friend here has no choice but to serve me while you can choose to join him or waste the very reason your friend made that deal. You either join, or you're a real pile of shit to call yourself a friend"
Just before Kaisen could respond, Isamu and his inner-self Care Taker burst through the wall standing beside Yuno. "Well now, here I thought you tucked your tail between your legs and ran. I was told the boy had an ally helping him aside from the one with the light-brown hair. However, you're a fool to think you have any chance of beating me"
Isamu sent his outra right for him, throwing it's left palm out in a stabbing motion. As Sinner-man stepped to the side at great speed, a sudden force caused Isamu to fall to his hands and knees. "W-what is this!? It feels like the gravity just multiplied 10 times. I...I can't even make Care Taker move!"
Michael put his left hand on his hip looking down on his intruder. "How sad, to think an inner-self with such incredible capabilities can be bested by a mere gravity manipulation. Seems the outcome of this battle is clear" Yuno could only watch as Sinner-man approached the bound man unable to move aside from twitching. "Have any last words for your dear friend?" The boss commented with his demonic outra's hand in a stabbing position.
"Take me instead, he doesn't deserve to die because of me"
"Sorry but I can't make that deal, with Joel's contract in affect I can't kill you. So unless you have anything else to say then this man's life comes to an end!" The young hero attempted to summon Echoing Whisper to defend his ally when he was abruptly knocked back out into the hall. Yuno stood up only to witness his friend's death, Sinner-man's palm going straight through his abdomen before pulling it out. His fingers dripping blood.
"That's when Yuno blurted out: "I'll make a deal: Please save him!" Tears filled his eyes as his friend laid in a pool of his own blood. His outra went over to Yuno as the hero took his hand. In a flash of light Isamu opened his eyes, the hole in his chest now closed and healed as if it had never even happened.
"Why Yuno...why couldn't you just let me die? Now you're trapped with him"
"Maybe so...but I'd rather be trapped here saving you than be free with all my friends dead. If it wasn't for Joel I would've been dead as well. Go...I'll be fine" Isamu gave him a sad look but nodded flying off into the sky as light shined through.
"Now you both belong to me and don't even try to attack, it's pointless" Yuno turned to his foe attempting to manifest his outra but realized it wouldn't form. "As I told you, those under a deal with me can't harm me in anyway. If you even attempt to turn your outra against me the contract you've sealed won't allow you to harm me in anyway. But I can still attack both of you. I just can't kill you since that would break the contract forged between you and my inner-self"
(Care Taker - BY Return_To_Cinder)
(Sinner-Man By Xenomaster)
(Selfless By Feirizani)
(Guns Of 20 By Mythioss)
(Secret Door By Yue683)
Fire Force By - Jacky Drayer)
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