《Inner-Self》Part 8
Yuno stood in his room looking out from a window of the castle he once found himself trapped in but now lived their working under Michael Guiney. He wore a black suit with a cape with echoing whisper at his side. It had been a year since he made that deal to save his friend. "To think I work for the very man I spent so long hunting down. I could escape, the contract keeps him from killing me, but I can't leave Joel here by himself. Sigh, what a predicament I've gotten myself into..."
Just then Aranda walked in. "Alright, the boss gave us our orders, we're to track down a man by the name of Arsen Tanaka, he's said to have a formidable outra that can cause a great deal of damage. On our list of studied outras, he's between an "S" and "A+" So don't take him lightly. "S" Is the highest-ranking while "A+" Is just below that. To make it easy for you here's the ranking system:
S - High Threat - avoid at all costs
A+ - Mid Threat - avoid if possible
B - Low Threat - Kill if needed
C - No Threat - Ignore or incapacitate
"There is a rank D but most of those are non-outra-users so no point in gathering info on them unless they're closely related to them. Let's go to Kutire town, that's the last location our subordinate located him" Aranda, Yuno and Omicron left the castle, heading out for the city. While Echoing Whisper and Selfless gave their users the ability to fly, Aranda sat on a circular platform made of black energy as they flew through the sky just as the sun went down over the city.
They reached the city and walked into a bar called: "The Drunken Mermaid" They sat in a large black booth with red cushions, the floor was tiled black and red giving it a 50's vibe to it. "Welcome gentlemen, how may I be of assistance to you this fine evening?" The man was dressed in a black tuxedo wearing white gloves, along with a top hat and a cane. He had a long beard with dark-brown hair with green eyes.
"We'll just take three wines please" Aranda answered with a nod. "Very well, I shall return with your drinks" They watched as an outra formed beside him making the drinks behind the counter while the man stood beside it watching his customers enjoy themselves. After a moment, his inner-self handed him the drinks. Instead of phasing back inside him it stood starring at them from behind the corner. It wore a black suit with a gas mask as it's face.
"Here you are. Oh, how rude of me, my name is Alonzo Dan but my friends call me Top hat Dan. Please enjoy your time here" Just then a man dressed in a black sleeveless shirt with brown pants and black shoes walked in. He had short black hair with brown eyes.
"That might be our guy" Aranda Momo commented sipping his glass of wine before setting it down on the black marble table. (Hopefully I can knock him out without anyone noticing) Sending his outra under their table towards their target, the man's inner-self suddenly manifested behind him just as Secret Door appeared behind him. His outra was a buff matalic outra with brown skin with red eyes, long black hair with a red aura.
"No one can sneak up on me that easily" He said as his outra grabbed Secret Door by the throat before throwing him out the door of the bar out into the street. Omicron sent Selfless right for him, it's large fists throwing a punch right for the man's skull but was caught by his other's hand.
"Just because my inner-self Whisper In The Dark is a strong type, doesn't mean it doesn't have the speed to back it up" It clinched it's fists with rings of skulls on each finger right for Selfless, sending it and it's user flying across the bar before Dan caught him.
"I'd rather you all fight outside, I won't tolerate it here" They went outside where Aranda was getting up. Arsen stood a few feet away from his three opponents. Omicron could feel the air knocked out of him along with feeling weak already.
"Ugh, that blow must've done more damage than I thought, I feel weak already"
"That's because my inner-self steals your energy the moment it makes physical contact with you or your outra. You might as well give it up"
"We'll see about that" Yuno knew this man was innocent so he had no trouble going up against him. Using his ability to stop time, he unleashed a barrage of strikes right for the man's gut before his ability wore off after five seconds considering how much power it used. He tried to hide the fact he was drained from Arsen as time began to move again. The buff man staggered back a few steps before catching himself.
"Ugh, seems this isn't going to be as easy as I thought. You're a fast one aren't you?" Kaisen held his breath, he knew he could only use that ability one more time before running out of stamina...
Michael sat in his chair in his large master bedroom when Joel walked in. "You needed something sir?" Getting comfortable in his chair crossing his legs he replied: "Yes, seems multiple interesting targets have popped up thanks to my information gathering team. It's your job to convince them to join our team. Bring them here by force if you have to. Since I know you're not really good at forcing others to do as you say I'll pair you up with...Sokodo Young, I use him for small assasination missions so I'm sure he'll work just as well in this situation. Now go"
CHAPTER 1 Gathering Members
Joel and Sokodo ventured out towards the city just a few miles away from the HQ's location while their other unit was miles away in the opposite direction...
Back in Kutire...
Selfless created a small black hole the size of a pea, shooting it straight for the brute. That's when Whisper Night caught the sphere in it's palm. Instead of being sucked inside the void of the black hole, he absorbed it's power.
"What!? How is this possible!? You can't just grasp a blackhole without getting pulled inside it's endless void" Omicron responded in shock. "Maybe your so called: "Blackhole" isn't as powerful as you thought it was" Purple energy swarmed around the outra's fist as he threw another blow right for them. A fierce shockwave of wind rushed past them, ultimately destroying the drug store right behind them leaving nothing but a pile of bricks.
"Well now, seems that sphere had more power than I thought, wasn't expecting my attack to do so much damage since I was holding back" Cutting his loses, Yuno once again brought all time to a halt throwing a blow right for Arsen. His inner-self's fist going right through the assailant's stomach out his back as blood splattered out of the back of his body before freezing in mid-air from his time manipulation. Echoing Whisper returned into it's user as he fell to one knee, unable to hide the fact he was drained from using such an op attack.
His teammates watched as their target shook in pain, blood filling his clothes before he fell on his back gasping for air before going motionless. Pulling out a small device Aranda spoke into it: "Target eliminated sir, you can thank the noob for the quick kill"
"Very good, I'll be sure to give him a reward when you all return' As Aranda put the device back into his pocket, a familiar face arrived to the seen. They touched down just a few feet away. His red hair, green eyes with pale skin. Instead of wearing a hoodie he was dressed in a white and black battle uniform with a black cape.
"Stop right there! I Sumiko Toyoko won't let you three get away with such a horrific crime!" Yuno looked at his new target, he felt as though he'd seen that guy before but wasn't sure. He saw a black sun with an "R" on the left chest area of the man's uniform.
"Go Cassadora!" The large armored cyborg-like outra fired off four missiles right for the trio. Just then Secret Door appeared from a mist of black essence swiping it's hand at full speed.
"Secret technique: Demensional rift" A black rift formed where S.D (Secret Door) had swiped it's hand, taking in the coming projectiles before closing. Making another swift move a rift formed right behind the warrior as his missiles went flying right back at him. Three of them struck his outra while the last one blew up near his feet knocking him off his feet.
Kaisen attempted to manifest his outra but had no luck. His stamina was far to drained. Omicron sent Selfless right for the open opponent, unleashing an onslaught of blows at a fast right before ending it with one large blow to Sumiko's chest, ending his flying across the road hitting the side of a closed store before landing in an alley between two places.
(Shit, these guys are too strong for me, I'll have to call for back-up) He raised his left hand up, pressing a small red button on his wrist before laying his hand back down unable to even get up. As his opponents approached him, a familiar ally arrived just in time. He slowly looked up to see Dark Key standing in front of him. Guarding the wounded hero from any attacks. Collen stood on the roof of a store watching from his inner-self's eyes.
"I'd suggest you don't come any closer unless you want to be crushed by Dark Key" His outra had a purple-muscular body with what looked like stars all over it. It's face didn't have a mouth but had white eyes with no irises. His user wore the same uniform as Sumiko with dark blue hair and blue eyes. "Been awhile since I've had to use my other in a real fight against targets. Let's see what you all got"
Once more Omicron unleashed his robotic stone for a melee attack. "Go Selfless! Mob the floor with his ignorant ass!" The large cyborg threw a barrage of strikes once more but couldn't keep up with the speed of Dark Key that's when the new combatant struck Selfless in the stomach with his bare palm with force that shook the street. Instead of getting pushed back, Omicron realized he couldn't move his inner-self.
"What is this!? My outra isn't responding me at all. It's just standing there!" That's when a keyhole appeared on both his other's and his chest. What the!?" He looked back at his enemy who's other came advancing right for them. Aranda had S.D move to intercept the coming attack, catching the being's wrist before it could hit them.
"Enough of this, we're done playing around" S.D prepared to create a rift to trap the target when Dark Key managed to strike his outra across the face, sending it crashing through a library behind them, books landing all over the floor with shelves knocked over like dominos. Aranda spat out bllod when he realized he had a key as well. "Damn it! What do we do!? Yuno are you rested enough to summon your outra!?"
Taking a deep breath, he summoned Echoing Whisper to his side. (Ugh, I'm still drained but have to at least try!) He created a sphere of black energy, sending it head on for Dark Key. The colorful other prepared to deflect it when it paused a few feet away when it gave off an abrupt soundwave, shattering windows for miles. Citizens in the vicinity either running away covering their ears or on the ground with blood seeping from their ears as if having a stroke.
His user was just far enough away to cover his ears becoming dizzy. "Crap, he was holding that much power!?" Collen fell to one knee trying not to succumb to the sick feeling within him from the dizziness. "Where is that guy, I got here in no time yet he's just taking his time!" Suddenly a dome of thick diamond formed over the battle expanding nearly two miles! "Hmph, it's about time and here I thought I was going to have to do all the work" He called Dark Key back as Aiden touched down on the same roof as Collen. He had dark skin, hazel eyes with light brown hair. "Rest Star...Aiden Frost is here" His ally gave him a nodded before collapsing...
A Few Miles Away...
Joel and Sokodo made their way into a hospital where they looked at the photo of their first target: "Akira Kamoda, age 16" As they walked through the halls Joel used Dragon Force to feel out those with the highest heat signature which meant they probably had an outra. They continued when a nurse stopped them.
"May I help you? Visiting hours are over" That's when a golden gun formed in a flash of light in Sokodo Young's left hand. Before the nurse could let out a cry, he pulled the trigger. (Silent shot) No sound came from his pistol and a red beam of light struck her forehead. Blood gushing from her head, her green eyes lit up red as if possessed. "You are needed in room 101 and have no memory of this"
"Yes, I must go" She said in an emotionless voice before walking past them. Joel looked at his partner asking: "What happened, what'd you do!?"
"Possession shot: One of my outra's unique abilities. It has the ability to control anyone that gets struck by my gunshot. It's name is Killing shot" They reached room 303 where they found their target. It was a young teen. He had long light-brown hair with red eyes and wore a black long-sleeve school uniform. He sat in a chair in the small room when the pair walked in.
Akira Kamoda, we'll need you to come with us, our boss is very interested in you and would like to meet you" Without a word Akira summoned his outra, a tall red creature dressed in a red cloak with glowing green eyes. "Go Fire Of Passion!" The red being clapped it's hands together. Engulfing itself along with it's user in a wall of flames before shooting of like a star made of flames.
"Damn, I didn't expect him to have such an ability! Quickly, we need to catch him before he gets help!" Sokodo shouted as they raced out into the hall before jumping out of a window seeing the teen still in fire form shooting across the sky. Aiming his gun carefully, he fired six shots right for the blast of fire. His red beams condensed into bullet-shaped projectiles made of energy that followed him at great speed. Even with it's great velocity, he was struck in the leg by one of the projectiles, falling from high in the sky towards the streets below just a mile or so away from the pair's location.
Joel summoned Dragon Force, sending it right for the descending boy before his reptilian inner-self caught him. "There we got him" Joel said unsure what to do now, feeling sorry for the young boy.
"Target captured sir" Sokodo said talking into one of the small speakers just like Aranda had done. "Well done, send him through then look for the others. Be cautious, seems a big threat has found Yuno and his unit, if the syndicate send their best out to attack, even I might have to step in" Michael responded as a portal formed in front of them leading inside the castle. They tossed the wounded boy through the portal before it immediately closed.
Back in the other part of the city Aqua Titan, Aiden's outra shot an onslaught of diamond shards right for the trio of enemies. With Collen too weak to sustain Dark Key any longer, the link between the other outra-users were restored and they could move again. Sumiko was finally getting to his feet about to attack one of them from behind when S.D struck him in the gut before picking him up by the throat with his right hand while forming a rift behind him to keep any shards from hitting him.
"To think you've joined some kind of team and yet you're this weak, it's about time you faced reality head on. With a striking motion to his opponent's throat, he cut off the air from his victim's throat. Yuno watched as the poor hero was tossed onto his back unable to breathe. In a last attempt, the warrior summoned Cassadora to his side. (Just one chance...Full Self-destruction) Still gripping his throat with his right hand. He commanded his outra to use his last resort of defeating his targets.
The large cyborg opened to reveal it's blue core. All of it's power went towards it becoming bigger turning red. His face now blue, Sumiko activated his finishing attack. (Collen...Aiden...we've had fun...I'm sorry, but this is good bye) Cassadora's body turned red from the immense heat before erupting in a devastating explosion filling nearly the entire dome. As the smoke cleared, Sumiko Toyoko was dead in the street with the surrounding streets completely destroyed.
Omicron and Aranda laid in the streets motionless but were alive meanwhile Yuno slowly got up, his body badly injured from the fierce attack. His feet felt like mush. It took a lot of strength just to remain standing. "D-damn it, the boy killed himself...such a loss for this world" He fell towards the ground when a hand grabbed him, pulling him into a portal before it all went black...
Meanwhile Collen and Aiden stood in the street, everything around them nothing but piles of rubble. Even Aqua Titan's dome was shattered near to the point of breaking. "I...I can't feel Sumiko's life force!" Aqua Titan soared down the street over to the lifeless body feeling for a pulse... "As I feared, he really is dead. I'm sorry Sumiko, I couldn't protect you. If only I got her earlier. RRaagh!" Aiden struck the ground in anger as tears ran down his face. "We-we need to let the alliance know. This isn't just another mission. This...is a war"
CHAPTER 2 Coming Outra War
Yuno sat on a swing in a park, many people played and had picnics there. It was a happy place. Just then a wisp of light flew over to him. He got up, following it. He felt compelled to follow it where ever it went. As he ventured across the park, everything seemed to fade away until nothing but a white void was all that remained. A wall of golden light appeared in front of him.
"This is-the way of the beyond...does this mean I'm dying? I feel a great feel of warmth from the light, as if it's calling me to let go" He reached for the light when he felt a force pulling him away. Just then a hand touched his shoulder. He turned to see Sumiko. Only he was made of transparent blue light.
"You're not ready Yuno, I can feel you have a good heart, you've done some good deeds for people. Your time doesn't end here. You still have more good to do for those you care about. I know you're lost, but I can help you" He pointed away from the light in the opposite direction revealing a small rift that showed him inside an incubation chamber within a room. The chamber filled with a glittery green liquid with a mask on his face letting him breath within the fluid.
"You must return to your body, whatever you do, don't look back, only think of your desire to live and change your fate and the fate of the world. If yo reach your body, you will have something no other outra-user has never reached before. It's called: Sukaira. Only those who are this close to death and survive it may experience such an honor. Only strong-willed users can reach their body. Good luck"
He ran through the void towards the rift, the park came back but he ignored it, he made his way up to it but felt something pulling him back. He focused on his drive to go back and change his fate, the more he focused, the less he was pulled. Suddenly everything went away, he found himself back in his body...
His eyes snapped open as he took off the mask with the sliding glass door opening with the healing liquid spilling out as he stepped out into a small room only wearing shorts. His body nearly-fully healed, he felt a weird tingle in his body but pushed it off thinking it was from being in the chamber. (Weather that was real or not, he's right, I need to find a way to break free from the contract with the boss and save Joel.
He walked into the boss's room. "I'm done working for you, seeing that man with the same drive of me destroy his outra along with himself was horrible to watch. I was trapped here with Joel for an entire year but it's time I remember why I use my outra to fight, to protect those in need"
"Hehe, have you forgotten? As long as you made that deal, you can't turn your other against me in anyway"
"We'll see about that! As Yuno took a deep breath, he focused his inner-self. A collar and shackles made of red energy formed around his body, he could feel himself being weighed down by them as if they were real. "N-no, I'm not some p-pawn you can push around...I'm not letting this go on any longer" His face was red from the immense pressure on him, sweat ran down his face when suddenly, a white being of light gripped the shackles, shattering their hold on the warrior.
"Impossible! No human can break the contract, what are you!?" A new outra revealed itself at Kaisen's side. It had silver skin with no moth with eyes that emanated light. A white cloak covered them. (So this is what Sumiko was talking about)
"He is no longer Echoing Call or even Echoing Whisper, he has become Unification Of Life...the very first sukira outra!"
"What the hell is a sukaira outra!?" He started at the new inner-self, god-like power emanating from itself. "Your time has come Michael, the ray of light of my drive to keep those safe has finally awakened, with this power fate has given me, I shall use it to end your treachery once and for all. Who knows just how many lives you ruined with Sinner-man's ability"
"Enough bluffing! You may have broken the seal of my deal, but my outra is still far superior!" Sinner-man unleashed a barrage of fierce attacks that shook the entire castle, striking Unity in the abdomen at super-sonic speed but had no effect on the being.
"Your efforts are in vain, an ability my true self has acquired is: Negative nullification. Meaning he nullifies anything that can negatively affect him. Your were once one of the strongest users, but that has come to an end. His outra made a punching motion right for Sinner-man, the immeasurable force of the blow struck the tyrant with such power, it was like a cyclone drilling through his abdomen going out his back. The man fell to one knee, blood dripping from his mouth as he shook with pain.
"Y-you don't get it do you, I can't be beaten, even if you manage to kill me, I'll just come back" A slight smirk grew across his bloody lips as Unity aimed it's finger toward their weakened target. "Heaven's light" A golden beam fired from his other's finger, going right through the target's chest. He hit the ground motionless, his outra gone...
"Hmm, what does he mean he'll just come back?" His outra dissipated as he stood over the lifeless body. "Well, now that he's dead...hopefully all the contracts with his outra are broken and they can be free...
Meanwhile a man that was once with the boss but had his memories erased by Isamu's outra Care Taker suddenly hit the ground, his soul leaving his body as a new one entered. The man slowly got up, a smirk on his face...
[Flash Back]
Michael was born to a sufficiently well off family. Bright from an early age, he attracted attention from his peers. Both good and bad. Many times, he was bullied by others who for whatever reason hated him. Any attempt to have adults fix the problem was temporary, so Michael decided to fix it himself; the bullies ended up losing their possessions and ending up hurt, no one the wiser of Michael's involvement. Michael was inspired by this newfound confidence, so much so that he made it his method for getting ahead in life. Any problem he could not overcome, he would make it so others would lover the bar for him As an adult, Michael joined a prestigious law firm. Here he used his skills to gain adoration and acclaim from his co-workers as he wormed people into deals that they would eventually regret but could do nothing about. He was on top of the world.
On a seemingly normal day, Michael made a mistake. He misread his target and it backfired. The company was sued for a substantial amount and Michael was then fired, nearly dying later that same day as the same man he tried to manipulate attempted murder. The result of such atrocities, nearly dying and the determination to not give in unleashed his outra, Sinnerman. This newfound power allowed him revenge on those who tore him down, none stood in his way. It was not until later he found he can extend his power. With the power of sinnerman, Michael was back on top. Through the deals he made for power, he was financially secure and needed nothing. But he didn't let his guard down. His near brush with death taught him that there would eventually be someone who could dethrone him once more. He had to ensure his peace. Through an underling with clairvoyant abilities, he learned of an outra user destined to be the grandest of them all.
Michael sought out this user, ending up in a small Japanese village. Thinking it was one of the two adults living there, he slaughtered them, leaving an infant girl orphaned. Realizing the opportunity, he took the child and raised it, learning from the same follower that this girl could change the world.
Michael raised the girl, instilling great love and loyalty in her. But he learned something some years after that fateful night; there are criteria missing in order to reveal her true power. Now, Michael build his forces as he enacts his plan; to create a world where he would never lose again...
[End Of Flash Back]
In a hidden room of the HQ, a young girl sat all alone in the darkness. As tears filled her eyes, she could fell that the one that had raised her had died. She stood up, her body emanating a red aura as she left the dark room, walking out into the hallway of the base. (Angel Witch, we must locate the ones who killed my dear father...lead me to this horrid man") Her outra formed at her side, an armored angel in black armor with red eyes with a purple cloak and magical staff in it's hand.
She made her way outside, she wore a pink jacket with black jeans. Taking a deep breath, she responded: The culprit is nearby, let us end him" She and her inner-self ascended up into the sky, taking off at great speed, soaring through the blue sky, her black hair blowing in the wind reveling her right eye which shinned red while her left eye was only blue. In mere moments she found her target. He stood on the sidewalk looking up as the girl landed on the street facing him a few feet away. "You...you're the one who killed my father!"
Yuno stood before her, wearing a white cloak, his cloak blowing in the end as unity formed beside him. "So, you're the child that monster raised. I'm sorry you had to live which such a person, but you're free now. You don't have to worry about him any longer"
"I wasn't afraid of him, he took care of me...I-I want him back, give him back!" Her outra Angel advanced for Unity, throwing a punch with it's open fist but missed as Unity dissipated like smoke at the last second.
"There's no point in fighting me, if your father couldn't defeat me, I doubt you can either. Besides, I'd hate to hurt such a young girl" That's when the girl's red aura flowed through her body, her hair floating as if in water turning red.
"You understate me, there's more to a person then just gender or age" Her red eye suddenly became black leaving the red iris. As Angel witch raised Her staff up toward the sky, the crystal ball glowed red as the blue sky changed to dark-red. "Prepare to face my inner-self!" Her outra surged with power, charging right for her target. However, Unity evade each attack with no hesitation. She tried sending Angel for his user instead when Unity. Stepped between him and the coming assailant, aiming his palm toward the coming punch.
(Seems she's able to greatly boost her outra's power. The question though is what's the ability itself? There's no way this is just her power fighting at full power and that punch from before was her going easy on me. I can feel her power regenerating, her outra won't run out of stamina at this rate) He looked at her, seeing a cold depression and rage in her eyes with her face still red from crying. Yuno could see her outra getting faster with each attack. (At this rate she could be a problem, I should knock her out before things get worse. Just then she halted her attack looking past him with wide eyes.
"I-it's you!" She cried out...
Meanwhile Omicron and Aranda finally regained consciousness. They felt strange, as if a weight had been lifted off them. "Wait a minute, did something happen to the boss!? I don't think our contract is connected with him anymore!" Aranda said standing weakly on his feet still injured. Omicron was too beaten to even stand and just sat up against a wall with bruises all over his body.
"Who's next in line to be boss then?"
"If I remember correctly, he had a daughter that he kept hidden from most of the members incase this happened. Though she could only be 12 or 13 by now, Why would he in trust her with the entire organization to a mere child?" Aranda responded. (Could she have an outra more powerful than the average inner-self?) He thought thinking deeply about it...
Back in the other side of town near the base, He stood behind Yuno a few feet away. "Don't worry Raioko, daddy is here to save you, just help me with your unique ability" She nodded with excitement as red energy transferred from her outra to Michal as immense power floated through his body.
Yuno turned to see his foe Michal standing before him as Sinner-man formed beside him, a far greater power swarming around his body. The resurrected villain walked over to Raioko placing his hand on her shoulder. He looked up at his foe announcing: "Your power may be out of my reach for now, but with my daughter's help, I shall reach a power similar to yours" In a flash of light they vanished.
(So her power can not only boost her powers but others as well. I need to hurry and find them. But first, I should find a friend to help with this growing problem) He took off at super-sonic speed heading off to locate the only person he thought could handle such an amplified outra...
At the Outra Syndicate Collen and Aiden finally made it to the alliance where they burst through the door running up to the front desk. The floor was white tiled, the walls were red with a large lobby with doors on both sides of the desk and a row of chairs against the wall of the lobby. "We need to see the boss immediately, our friend has been killed and we aren't strong enough to defeat such fierce assailants, who knows how many there are hiding in the shadows that are planning to attack!" Aiden responded with both hands on the desk as they took deep breaths from racing across miles to reach the HQ.
"Alright remain calm, just wait here while I go see who's available, some were sent out on missions. She got up going through one of the doors while the pair sat in a chair waiting...
Back in the growing night...
Michael found an old a banded house deep into the woods. He found an old hatch that led down into a labyrinth of many tunnels. A smirk grew on his face. Good, this will surely come in handy. Now...I need to gather new members of my cult. This is no longer about putting hits on minor threats, I shall gather enough members to kill even that shit user Yuno Kaisen once and for all, I won't play 2nd bet to someone who belongs beneath my foot. Stay here, daughter, if you sense any trouble hide in the labyrinth"
"Yes father" Michael took off into the night in search of fellow outra users to ally with him in hopes of having enough power to defeat his growing enemies...
At the Outra Justice Syndicate the desk clerk finally returned. Isamu Aki, Masoda Otawa, Danny Kamasaki and Rosa Luna. "These four should be able to help you on our mission to stop those horrid villains that killed your friend" The clerk commented before going back to her desk.
"You said Sumiko's been killed? Man, I can't believe we'd lose such a powerful member. Let's go, me and the others will help you finally stop this rising chaos before it gets worse than it already is" Rosa had green eyes dressed in a black dress with black hair. Danny had black-hair, green eyes and wore a black mercenary uniform. Isamu had black hair; blue eyes dressed in a black suit. Lastly was Masoda, he had blonde hair, blue eyes and was wearing the same black mercenary uniform as Danny.
As they prepared to search for the tyrant Michael, Yuno found the hospital he had followed Isamu to and there was his friend, sitting outside eating a freshly killed pig in a fire. "Why did I know you'd be here, you'd think with an outra of such power you could warm the memories of someone to let you stay with them or a landlord to think you paid the rent"
"I could do that, but that wouldn't be very good use of my power would it? You should know, I'm sensing enormous power rom you so I can only assume you've reached a state of inner-self far beyond anything any other outra has ever seen"
"You're good, now...I came here because I need your help, I killed the tyrant of the cult but it seems he's returned from the dead, right before Unity struck him down, he said it wouldn't matter if I killed him and he would just come back. I fear we're dealing with an immortal outra" Kaisen responded looking at his ally with a little worry.
"Hmmm, that could be a problem I shall help you, by the way call me Kento from now on, I've come to like that name more he said. Yuno nodded agreeing to call Isamu Kento now. They too went to attack and end Michael's treachery...
However, the villain soon found several outra-users that agreed to join him to kill the heroes who dared cross their path. The boss of a new cult returned to his new hideout, using the center of the labyrinth as his throne room. "Hehe, seems a war if soon to come, with my new team members I'm sure we'll kill most of the trash that finds there were here. But first...they must find me in this endless labyrinth hehe..."
CHAPTER 3: So It Begins, Old VS New
Joel and Sokodo returned to the base to find Omicron and Aranda sitting in their room, being the only two members in the entire base. "Where is everyone else?" Joel asked sensing something was wrong.
"Our boss is dead and his daughter is gone and we don't know where she is"
"Wait the boss is dead? Doesn't that mean the deal is broken and I'm free!?" That's when the pair summoned their outras in front of the excited man.
"Contract or not you're still part of this cult and can't leave unless the leader says otherwise. Until we locate the girl, I'm the current boss of this organization. So then, do you want to follow orders like a good dog, or would you rather me and the others kill you here and let the police scrap your corpse off the pavement?"
That's when Sokodo fired a shot right for Aranda. A read ray of light went right for his head when his outra Secret Door pulled him out of the way just in time. "You would dare betray your lord? After all these years as his assassin!?" Aranda shouted.
"I served Michael, but since he's gone, I have no reason to stay in this cult any longer. I will stand by Joel and help fight against you both and find his daughter to help her find her way. I may kill those I'm ordered to, but I'm not as heartless as I seem"
"Very well, then we shall eliminate you along with the boy as well" Aranda Momo summoned S.D sending him right for them His dark inner-self advanced straight for them, reaching for Sokodo. That's when an abrupt blaze of flames filled the entire base, immense flames began to consume the hallway as Dragon Force Floated beside it's user.
"Fire won't be enough to stop my outra Selfless!" The robotic other manifested a small but powerful blackhole, shooting it into the center of the room as everything began to get consumed by it's fierce pull into the void. Both warriors could feel them losing their balance getting pulled closer towards the dark sphere. Sokodo let go of Killing Shot as it spiraled in mid-air towards his targets. That's when a shot rang out, going right through Omicron's chest.
A searing pain rushed through the wounded target's body as his eyes lit up red, possessed by the gun's laser. The black hole began moving back towards them, Aranda was caught of guard, getting pulled into the void. "No! This can't be how it ends! I will be back!!" His entire body along with his outra were pulled through the hole as Omicron stood motionless, unaffected by the pull of the black hole.
"Just leave him, I doubt he's strong enough to follow us with injuries like that" The gunmen commented before his gun vanished in a flash of light. They took off, leaving Omicron in a mindless state. A figure came out from behind a large oak tree outside the base as the pair left. The figure had black hair, hazel eyes and wore a fancy black suit. He carried a black book with a dark-red star in the center with an "S" on the star. He stepped through an empty window, shattered glass in the scorched hallway, mild flames still around the area but slowly going out.
The unknown man placed his hand on the mindless user as a white aura outlined his body, the silver light flowed down the man's hand as his book opened flipping through pages before stopping at a blank page. A picture of Selfless along with the outra's info began to appear as if a wisp of pink light was writing it. Once completed the man let go of his target letting him hit the ground still unaware of the situation.
"Since you're under a mind-control, you don't realize what's happened, but I assure you...Once their ability wares off, you won't be as you were before" With that he walked off into the forest...
Meanwhile most of the outra-users going after Michael gathered to the location above the tyrant's location being able to sense great energy from the location. "Why hide if we can just sense his inner-self's energy?" Aiden said as he and his group stood in front of the worn-down house along with Yuno and Kento.
"Let us finally end this destitute. Be aware, there are several users below, this isn't just his power you're all sensing. With Unity's far greater senses he can feel in greater detail of each source of power. However, something's strange, it's as if something's messing with our ability to sense an outra's specific power. Meaning, I can feel if a user is nearby, but can't tell who it is. In any case, let's get this over with" Unity stood in front of the house with the others watching a few feet behind as the Sukimara Outra swiped both hands in different directions, causing the ground before them to burst open leaving a massive hole in the ground.
The group followed Yuno down into the hole as they proceeded through the tunnels. Not long after entering they came across three paths. "Hmm, I think it's best we split up into three groups, if you locate our target without being detected, try to wait till we all regroup, if not, hold out for as long as you can until one of the other groups reach you. I know this is obvious, but I insist none of you doing anything stupid like breaking through walls to make extra pathways. You could end up getting yourselves trapped down her or even killing someone. So keep that in mind Kaisen suggested as he and Kento took the center one which was path two.
"Alright, me and Masoda will go through path one while you both go with Rosa Luna go through path three Danny Kamasaki responded before proceeding through their tunnel. "Alright, let's go Collen said as the last group went through path three...
"Here they come...let's see what happens" Michael said to himself as he waited...
Deep In Path one...
The outra captain walked carefully through the rocky tunnel, using his outra's mana as a light source in the dark tunnel. "So... what do you expect we'll find down here?" The fellow female captain asked as they made their way further into the tunnel until a light came into view. Both moved more carefully as they got closer to the lit room.
A man dressed in a black suit with blonde hair and red eyes stood in the center of the room waiting for them. Both froze still in the tunnel hoping the target hadn't seen them. "There's no point in hiding, I know you're there, might as well come out unless you'd rather be crushed by my outra Burning wrath" Danny sighed coming out standing 10 feet away from his opponent with Rosa right behind him.
"If you pull your outra out, I'll kill you on the spot" Both sides stared at each other for nearly a minute they stood motionless until finally both Danny and the foe manifested their inner-selves as Timeless King looked like a being with silver skin dressed in a blue royal robe with blue eyes while Burning Wrath was a red-skinned demon-like outra with four arms, yellow eyes, white horns and black hair that seemed to stand up as if floating.
Both users threw a strike simultaneously with King missing a mere moment too late. His outra was struck across the face getting launched back into the wall. Danny wipped faint blood from his mouth as Timeless King stood motionless, waiting for their target to attack...
"I may not know what your outra is capable of, but since i have the upper-hand, i assume my victory is assured. Let's hurry and finish this little duel, if you don't intend to go all out against me then there's no reason to prolong this any further. I'll at least tell you my name before you die...Senon Obaraki, the one who sent you to the after-life!"
The assailant sent his true-self straight for Timeless King, throwing a punch straight through his abdomen, blood splattered all across the dirt floor as Senon smirked at his clear victory. An abrupt cold feeling rushed through Senpn's body when everything changed, Burning Wrath had struck right through it's user revealing it had all been an illusion.
"H-how could this happen? No way i could've been put into an illusion. He looked up toward the pair to see Rosa's outra in view it was a small child-like creature with green skin and long tenticals with oink bells at the end. (It can't be...was she the one who tricked me?"
"It's my inner-self's ability, i can put anyone into an illusion if they look at my outra"
"B-but, i never saw an outra manifest, this is bull" His inner-self dissipated as he hit the ground motionless in a pool of blood.
"This was more gruesome than I was expecting, but we must do whatever it takes to end this torment this cult causes upon those they deem lower than themselves" Rosa nodded as they ventured further through the tunnel, a few turns along the way but they did their best to consistently stay forward instead of going in circles...
Meanwhile In Path Two...
Yuno had Unity at his side, using the golden aura around his body as a light source as they advanced through the labyrinth. Kento was right behind him when he got a strange feeling, as if something was right behind them. Both turned but saw nothing.
"Don't worry Kento, even if an outra is nearby, our powers far exceed the capability of a normal user. Stressing yourself out will only make you vulnerable for an ambush"
"You're right, I'm probably worried over nothing" The finalluy could see an opening leading into a large circular room with lit torches on the wall like before.
"Seems we've found our first opponent, prepare yourself" They entered the room to find it empty, nothing but their own shadows.
"Glad you both finally made it, especially you Yuno Kaisen, the new boss told me you're his main concern and should be killed as quickly as possible. I may not know much about the boss or his gruge with you, but he's offering 50K cash for whoever kills you!"
"Then why are you hiding? If you're so motivated to get the money, then why not fight me face to face?" Kaisen responded looking around for any signs of moment but saw no one.
"Aww, what would be the fun in that, why would I risk getting attacked in person when I can just my outra inside the labyrinth while I watch from a safe distance? Besides, my true self is already here...Say hello, to Hollow Shade" One of the pair's shadows out in front of them grew darker as it rose up forming a dark liquid-like mass in the shape of a person. It wore a purple jacket with no under-shirt with a fur collar and purple pants. "Let's begin shall we, I'd love to end this as quickly as possible. I hate to waste time...Separate"
Yuno watched as the dark ink-like liquid separated from the outra's body, forming duplicates of the outra but were just figures with yellow eyes and no clothes. "I'll start you both off simple with merely two shades" The clothed inner-self stood and watched as the duplicated charged both targets at human level speed so they didn't seem like much of a threat. Care Taker formed in front of the one coming from the left, quickly cutting the shade in half easily as it split in half before hitting the ground in a puddle of what looked like black ink.
Just then two figures rose up from the puddle, now there were three shades. "Ah, you have the ability of a hydra, if one's killed two more appear. Only a weak outra would have such an ability. However, you can't multiple if there's nothing to use as it's source" Care Taker formed a blade made of energy preparing to attack. The other shade lunged toward Kaisen attempting to expand around him to consume him and absorb his power.
As the goo-being attempted to land on his target, Unity formed a barrier made of golden light, stopping the coming attack. "Instead of completely destroying your shades, how about we do this" Unity moved at such speed, only Yuno could keep track of his outra's location. The Sukara outra placed his hand upon the puddle of the shade that had tried to attack him before moving to the other two duplicates. A red "K" formed on the spot the inner-self touched glowing as each one was warped to a different dimension.
"Now that your duplicates are trapped what do you plan to do now? Create as many as you wish...but I'll send them all into an inescapable realm until you're unable to create anymore"
"Hmmm, very well, seems I'll have to fight you head on with my true inner-self. The original shade aimed his index and middle finger toward his target, firing a piece of him right for unity. The ink-like mass went right through the outra as if his inner-self had become intangible. The mass hit the wall, beginning to expand all around them, covering the walls with his ink-like essence. "Hehe, with my outra's ability to expand across any surface, you doomed yourself to be absorbed by my outra! Become one with Hollow Shade!"
Yuno prepared to create a rift back outside when he saw Care Taker's leg become consumed by the black goo as it worked it's way up the outra's body. I can't move!" Care Taker cried out as he attempted to move with only mere twitches. "Noooo!"
Hollow Shade - Apollo274
- In Serial78 Chapters
100 Luck and the Dragon Tamer Skill!
An ominous message puts everyone on Earth into a state of panic, and not long afterwards millions are kidnapped from their homes by a God-like entity. After being gifted with powers and abilities beyond their wildest dreams, they were left to fend for themselves in a strange and dangerous new world.Unlike the others, Alkelios Yatagai is one of the few who find themselves alone and separated from everyone else. With only a ridiculous amount of Luck and a unique skill to help him survive, he travels through a land teeming with dangerous monsters and... dragons. Volume 1 can be bought on Amazon: Dragons can be cute too! Volume 2 can be bought on Amazon: Dragons can love too! Volume 3 can be bought on Amazon: Do Dragons love war? Volume 4 coming soon... Warning: Tagged 15+ for Gore and Violence.
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Bound by Fate
A young orphan who defied his fate and fought his way to success and love, dies at the threshold of his happily everafter. Only to be offered a new life in a new world. He starts with everything he lacked in his past life but must still fight to keep it all. In a world where power is everything, where gods are real and scheming, devils and demons abound, where magic is just another branch of science and talking animals a pain to deal with, he is bound by his fate to defy fate. ---- Author's Note ---- Its the first time I am letting a story escape my head. I aim to intially release one chapter a week as I build my confidence and the story. When I get to a point where I am able to churn out a chapter regularly on the same day and time per week, then I will aim to eventually get to 2 chapters a week and then to 1 every other day. I hope I can learn to tell my stories well and put something up that's enjoyable.
8 213