《Inner-Self》Part 5
Inner-Self 5
Aiden, Collen and Sumiko made their way to Ekodo, Japan, a small section off the coast of Japan. After a few hours on a plane, they reached the coast and had to take a boat over to the small island they arrived seeing it mostly overgrown with plants and weeds.
“Hmph, looks like they don’t have a gardener or maintenance unit cleaning this place up” Sumiko commented. As they made their way deeper into the island, Cassadora suddenly located life several meters away. Sumiko sent his outra ahead while focusing his right eye to see through his other’s eyes. “Hmm, my outra is picking up life nearby, keep on guard”
“Maybe I should just use my other to take out the forest so we can locate our target sooner” Collen suggested. However, Aiden told him if they were to act without thinking, they could be ambushed easily. The outra user gave him an annoyed look as they continued through the growing forest away from the island shore. “I think I got something” Silencing his cyborg’s guns, he fired a shot in the direction of the figure’s location.
As their target came into view, it turned out to be an old man that had been stranded on the island by the look of his torn white shirt, blue pants and lack of shaving. “Damn, seems it was just an islander” At that moment, a black sand-like mist began to fill the forest, that’s when they notice it was circling around the outside of the forest but avoiding the inside. An abrupt group of mist formed together to create what they could only assume was an outra.
“So, you’re the fools that’s given my lord so much trouble. Well no matter, I shall dispose of you vermin with the power of my inner-self: Black Sable!” Aiden manifested his outra beside him as it’s blue king-like armor shinned from the sunlight peaking through the trees. “Shred her until she’s nothing bust pieces!”
Titan unleashed a barrage of sharp diamonds right for the dark outra. Just before impact, Sable became a cloud of dark mist as the projectiles pierced a row of trees, causing one of them to break and hit the ground with a loud crash. (Damn, there has to be a way to get her to stay still) Toyoko had his cyborg lock on to the cloud preparing to fire-off several small missiles at once. “Now!” Cassadora fired six missiles at once locked-on to the dark target. The outra split into several smaller pieces beginning to spread out in all directions.
Each missile followed the pieces of mist while Toyoko proceeded north in hopes of finding the user or the base where this “lord” was located. Aiden and Collen carefully followed behind him with their others still next to them. “Collen, have dark key scout ahead above the trees in case there’s any obstacles up ahead” With a nod the man sent his other up into the air just a foot or so above the trees so his creature wouldn’t be so easy to spot.
“Hmm, I don’t see anything yet, but I’m sure there’s something waiting for us…unless that black sand-storm is creating an illusion”
“Well since they already know where’re here, you might as well go with the plan you had when we first got here” Meanwhile Cassadora’s missiles caught up with the clouds fleeing from the coming danger. Finally two of the projectiles managed to blow up some of the pieces of the separated outra.
“Good! Seems the missiles hit her. But still have the four still chasing after her” At that moment, dark key descended back down into the forest, aiming it’s violet hand past Sumiko, toward the direction they were headed. All watched at the being sent a fierce wave of force outward, causing most of the forest to be wiped out until only dirt, grass and some broken trees were left laying on the ground.
“Whoa, I didn’t realize how strong his outra was” Aiden commented in surprise. With no more trees to block their path, Black Sable could be seen putting itself back together. “Hmm and here I thought the several missiles would’ve blown the outa to pieces by now” Toyoko sighed as the assailant abruptly grew into a 20 feet tall version of itself.
“I’ve had enough of your meddling, my outra Black Sable will finish you three off!” Her other’s voice now sounded deeper from it’s growth and they could feel great power radiating from them. “How could merely increasing your size make such a difference in power? Could it be all the dark-sand she was using to block our path? Meaning the more of her is formed together, the stronger her outra is?” Aiden thought to himself as they watched the giant made of black sand stand over them with red light gleaming from the eye holes.
“Die!” Sable opened her palm down in the direction of Aiden and Collen. Suddenly rocks as sharp as knifes came shooting out in their direction. The dark key was still meters away, however, Aqua managed to create a wall of diamonds by throwing it’s arm up just in time. The shards were so sharp they made cracks in the diamond wall. “How can mere shards of rocks create cracks in one of the strongest materials in the world?”
Using this as a distraction, Sumiko send his outra further in search of anyone else on the island. Using his scanner at a higher altitude, it won’t be as difficult to locate any sign of life. Meanwhile Aiden had Titan form dozens of shards above their assailant before having them rain down like shooting stars. The villain crossed her arms over her face as the dozens of shards pierced through her sandy body. It didn’t look as though she was getting harmed, but each hit caused part of her body to fall from the gigantic sand creature. Once all the crystals had went through her, she noticed she was back down to her normal size.
“Why you!” Sable advanced toward Aqua when suddenly the outra released a blast of immense water that liquefied the outra making it become a muddy creature. With Black Sable now filled with water, the outra was now much slower and felt heaver. “You asshole! Even if you defeat me, you’re nowhere near my lord’s power! He’ll kill ever single one of you!”
“Enough, be gone with your user” With that, Aiden had Titan unleash a full-power water blast, completely wiping out the other. “Not sure if that killed the user, or just destroyed the outra, therefore leaving it’s owner powerless. Either way, nothing is keeping us from continuing our goal to find her master and deal with this in person”
CHAPTER 2 The Outra Evolution
As they walked through what was once the forest but was now just a barren wasteland, they spotted an abyss that was so deep, it looked as though it went down forever. “Alright, I’ll have my outra Cassadora go down and scan for life since it also can see in dark places” The others nodded and watched as the cyborg made it’s way down into the dark abyss.
“Nothing yet…wait! I’m picking up life forms. All I see is the walls and floor of the rocky abyss. But I’m sure they’re probably deep underground through a tunnel or something” Suddenly the ground began to shake, a abrupt crack formed beneath Sumiko, causing him to fall into the bottomless abyss. “Toyoko!” Collen re-summoned Key trying to catch their ally before falling into the darkness. Sadly his outra missed and their ally fell into the abyss. “Cassadora!” Calling out to his other, the cyborg ascended halfway back up, catching his master just in time.
Descending down to the floor, Toyoko could see an opening leading to a tunnel with his right eye synced with his outra’s night-vision. “Should one of us stay up here in case something happens on the surface?” Collen questioned as both looked down into the darkness.
“Yeah I'll stay up here, with my outra, I can breakthrough any rock that might block your way-out with my diamond manipulation. Wait, I have a compromise, there’s a high level ability that all outra users can use but it takes a lot out of you and cut your Outra's power in half” Taking a deep breath, Collen watched as Aqua Titan split into two separate
Versions of itself, one focusing on it’s water ability while the other focusing on it’s diamond. “I'm sending the diamond version with both of you and keeping my aqua up here because in this state it’s water capabilities aren’t strong enough to really help down there and could possibly flood the tunnels”
Collen Nodded before descending down with Dark Key. Meanwhile Sumiko made his way through the dark, cold tunnel until he found himself in a large chamber underground. “Hmm, the target should be here somewhere…” An abrupt flash of light filled the chamber blinding the young hero. “My,my…Black Sable should’ve killed you all. Well done, with her sand-like body she isn’t an easy target unless you know her weakness. Never the less, seems you’ve reached the lord of this island. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Oakato Katsuo…the lord of the dark outra users. I’m only one of five dark lords that hold that title because of my outra’s immense power. Which by the way is too much for a low-class like you”
An abrupt cld pain washed over his body as he began to lose feeling all throughout his body. Slowly looking down he realized a black sword with red writing in the middle was percing straight through his abdomen. “Can’t b-be-my outra should’ve been able to locate your other before you could attack. Blood ran from his lips just as Collen came running into the chamber.
The hero watched as the blade was pulled from Toyoko’s chest, his outra Cassadora fading away…for the final time. “No…Sumiko…nooo!!!” The key advanced forward, throwing a blow with it’s muscular fist. However, Katsuo’s other blocked the coming blow wiyh it’s large blade, holding it merely in just it’s left hand. The cave shook from their power. Aqua Titan watched as The buff demon-like outra struck Dark key the moment his blow was blocked. The violent-colored creature hit the wet rock walls, hitting the ground.
Collen felt blood run from his lip, but he quickly wiped it off. “You bastard, I’ll have you pay for killing my friend” Just then, Aqua formed diamond armor around his ally’s outra to boost their endurance and force of his attacks. “Time to make you regret this!” Collen sent his outra full speed toward the man but was stopped by his demonic other.
“Come now, did you honestly think you could get past my outra: Primal Black Sun. Behold just one of his abilities!” The creature gripped his great sword firmly, instantly throwing it right for dark key. The hero’s other crossed it’s arms attempting to block as the blade flew right for him with the tip of the blade pointing toward him. Snapping his fingers, the blade broke into fractures of sharp pieces. The two watched as the projectiles pierced through Key’s diamond armor as if it were mere metal.
(D-damn it, are we really this weak? Or is he just that much stronger?” Collen thought irritated. He could feel all the wounds his outra had sustained moments ago, causing him to fall to one knee, shaking from the pain. Meanwhile, Aiden was done waiting on the surface and leapt down into the hole. Using his water manipulation, he stopped himself before hitting the ground by creating a wave of water, stopping himself.
“Now to hurry and reach Collen before it’s too late!” Making his way into the chamber, Primal Sun reformed the blade, slowly approaching the weakened hero still hurt from the attack. “Time for the 2nd kill” The blade came down when Collen felt a strange feeling through his body. Primal Sun halted his attack as Oakato watched the young man rise to his feet. A blue aura outlining his body. “What’s this now? Is this your final attempt in even hurting my outra?
Suddenly his outra began to change, His body was abruptly covered in cybernetic armor with the feeling of power raging around him. “Wha-what is this power I’m feeling?” His outra clinched it’s fist making a fierce punching motion, sending an immense wave of force with electricity within it. Primal Sun put his blade up to deflect the coming attack. The shockwave didn’t do much, but the electricity flowed inside his blade…Without warning, the blade broke into dozens of pieces before becoming ash.
“Behold, my dark key has evolved into the ultimate key. I will return the damage you have dealt us 10 times over”
“No…my outra will deal with you even without his blade. Go Primal Sun!” His other threw a punch toward his target but was stopped by the evolved Dark Key. The moment the outra made contact with their assailant’s, his other began to break apart into wisps of blood red light.
“Y-you won’t get away with this!” He watched as Oakato was utterly destroyed like his other…
Star made his way out of the tunnels, carrying the body of their deceased friend. “How could we let this happen…” Frost responded as his outra merged back into it’s normal Aqua titan. Collen agreed but assured him they did the best they could and knew their friend was now in a better place.
Their next step was hoping to find the other dark outra lords but sadly had no clue where they could be so they just decided to head back to the U.S and hope they locate them, or won’t have too much trouble to deal with…
Aiden sat outside his house staring off in the distance, hoping the pain he felt from losing his friend would fade away. Meanwhile Collen had went for a walk to clear his head after dealing with the loss as well. He made his way up a dirt path slanted to the top of a mountain. The narrow path had a line of trees on both sides as if walking straight up was the only way to go. Just then Collen Star thought he heard something in the trees.
The man had been walking for quite awhile with no sound aside the wind so this put him on guard. “Looks like I found you” A voice commented about 20 feet ahead of him on the path up the mountain. Star saw a young boy standing in front of him, he had light brown hair with green eyes, they wore a black long sleeve with blue jeans like an average teen, looking about 16.
“What is it that you want? I’m not in the mood to deal with a random stranger”
“My name is Isamu Aki, I’m a young outra user in search of a master in hopes of training me so I can save my family from this man that calls himself a dark outra lord”
Star was about to refuse his proposal when he suddenly realized what the boy had said… “Who did you say is behind this?”
“Some man calling himself one of the dark outra lords”
“Very well…I’ll be your teacher and help you save your family from the outra lord” The young boy let out a cheer of excitement as Star looked to the darkening sky. (I won’t let his family die from the same monsters that killed you Toyoko…farewell…my friend) A single tear ran from his cheek before quickly wiping it away.
“Alright, first show me your outra so I can see just what I’m working with” Isamu with a nod had his other zip out from the trees over to him in an abrupt bolt of electricity. “This is Creation, as far as I know about him, my creature can absorb energy, mainly electricity into itself and can shoot it out of itself or I can use it by shooting it out of my fingers. His outra looked like a beetle that was about twice the size of it’s user’s hand, it had a green torso with green eyes while it’s legs where brown.
“Hmm, I may be able to work with this. You’re young so I’m sure your outra has room to grow stronger over all. Now then…have your creature try and attack me” The boy was hesitant but decided to have Creation send a fast bolt of lighting from it’s mouth, however, the projectile went right for it’s target before changing course, proceeding to fly upward as if it had been deflected.
“I’m sorry master, for some reason I haven’t been able to perfect the accuracy of creation yet. I’ve known of my outra for a month now, but without anyone to help me, I haven’t improved much aside from learning the capabilities of him”
“Don’t stress over it, each outra is different and unique for each user that awakens their other. If their powers and abilities our difrent, I’m sure the source that powers them are also different”
“Well what awakened the potential of your outra?”
“What awakened my outra’s power…”
Collen Star lived in one of the fanciest mansions in the city of New York, he was just 16 when the young boy found out about the outra enlightenment. Just a few days after manifesting the key for the first time, he was walking home from a movie when he found his parents dead just a mile from their house. Emotions of anger and sadness raged within himself as his outra formed completely with no trace of transparency…
End Of Flash Back
“With all my pent up aggression toward my parent’s murders, I used my other’s immense power to take their life. Now I don’t use Dark key for revenge, I use him to protect those I love and those not able to defend themselves from all the selfish and evil outra users that believe they can just hurt anyone they deem below them”
Since it was getting dark they decided to make their way back to the small house just outside the city. They found Aiden fast asleep in the small bed without a blanket. They decided to sit in the small living before falling asleep as well…
They awoke to Frost staring at the strange in the room. Star awoke to see his ally with his outra formed beside him. “Who is this!?” Aiden said with his guard up. Collen told him it was a young teen he had found when going for a walk.
“He said something about a man calling himself an outra dark lord that may have taken his family. The boy’s name is Isamu and wanted a mentor to help improve his skills as an outra user. I decided to help him awaken the hidden potential within his outra which he calls: Creation”
“Your other D ark- I mean Ultimate Key should be able to open the outra’s mind and possibly see just how much power is locked away within it’s basic state”
“You may be right, let’s see just how much power I can see within his other. Summoning his buff outra to his side, the creature placed his palm on the boy’s forehead. His outra Creation manifested beside them. It was a little transparent but Collen could still feel the other’s power. “Hmm, seems it’s base form doesn’t have much power. Focusing more he began to feel more immense power. Amazing, this outra his holding great power within itself, though it’s true power is so deep, I’m not sure how long it will stay dormant within itself”
A few hours later when Isamu was awake, both men took the your teen out in the forest to train once more. “Alright Aki, let’s see what you can do now that you’re rested” The young boy took a deep breath summoning Creation at his side. Isamu moved the other at great speeds with a trail of transparent lightning behind itself. Firing an abrupt bolt of electricity, the two targets stood ready as it shoot right for both of them.
With a sudden movement Aqua Titan formed diamond around his hands, putting them up in a crossed position to deflect the coming attack. Isamu watched as his long-ranged attack deflected off of his target’s armored hands, right back toward it’s user. Aki was struck head-on by his own attack but didn’t seem phased by it.
“Heh, looks like the kid’s uneffected by his own attacks. But is your creature strong enough to protect you from one of our outras?” At that moment, Star had Ultimate Key advanced toward Isamu. Their combatant fired yet another lightning strike but missed by an inch, striking a random part of the ground behind them.
With no time to defend himself, Key threw a punch right for his target before stopping inches away. Isamu fell to his knees with his heart racing. The thought of almost getting struck by a strong outra made him feel anxious and out of breath.
“Take a deep breath, intense emotions can weaken or cause your other to lose control. In a real battle you never know what’ll happen so you’ll have to stay I control or you could lose control” Star told him…
One Week Later…
Isamu went outside before the sun came up to get some extra practice when it began to rain. He was walking back when the boy thought he heard foot steps behind him. Summoning Creation the teen sent it into the trees to use as defense while Aki proceeded to slowly walk towards their house which was still about a mile or two away.
A figure could be seen just barley as the rain came down hard. “A poor teen outside by himself. Where’s your babysitter boy? Surely you don’t think you can handle being out here all alone”
“Stay back! I’m not as weak as I look!” The male figure took a step forward causing Isamu to react in defense. Creation released a bolt of lighting head-on for the man. That’s when their outra manifested in between him and the coming strike.
“How pathetic, surely you can attack with more power than a mere shock” Aki clinched his fist in frustration. (This is my first serious battle, I can’t let myself fail after training for a week…I can do this) Taking a deep breath to focus his power, Creation moved at full speed preparing to strike with it’s sharp beetle-like hands. Just before contact, the assailant’s outra came into view. It was a demon-like creature, it was thin with white face and neck with everything below it was red and had orange eyes. His outra also had horns on his head.
His outra backhanded the teen’s small other across the small dirt path, slamming into an oak tree. “Ack!” Isamu fell to one knee from the pain shared by his outra. (Damn it! Why is my creature so weak! I have to become stronger like my mentor) Aki looked up to see his enemy’s other making it’s way towards the wounded warrior. The blood red and white outra lifted Isamu up from his collar with a grin on it’s face.
“You’re so pathetic, you don’t deserve to have an outra” The unknown other prepared to strike his victim when the dark-outra was struck in the back, sending him crashing into a group of large thick oak trees. The assailant turned to see Ultimate Key levitating a few feet away with Star and frost a few feet further.
“Hmph, seems the child does have baby sitters. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Avion Kenko. My outra’s name is Death’s Call. You may’ve caught me off guard, but I’m sure I can deal with you fools” Key went for another attack but came to a halt when Death’s call managed to paralyze both Key and his user. “Heh, seems I’ve paralyzed your outra so you’re wide open.
“I wouldn’t be so sure” Aiden responded as Aqua Titan formed a dome of diamonds around the assailant as a prison. Meanwhile Collen and his other stood motionless with faint sparks of red electricity whipping around him and Key. “D-damn it, no matter how hard I try, neither I or my outra will move!”
An abrupt shake could be felt below their feet when Death’s Call shattered the dome, sending shards of diamonds in different directions. “Nice attempt, but it’s going to take more than that to trap me” Rain poured down as Isamu watched a few feet away unsure of what to do with his inferior outra. Just then Avion send his creature head-on for his target. Aqua Titan created a diamond barrier between him and the approaching threat but was utterly shattered.
Frost could only watch as Aqua Titan was struck across the face, sending him hitting the ground paralyzed as well. “Shit, just how strong is this thing!” Aiden cried out now paralyzed like his ally. “Well well, seems this battle is coming to a close, the only two outras that can stand against me have fallen to the effect of death’s static paralysis. Too bad, once I kill these fools…I’ll finish off the boy”
The two warriors struggled to move while Isamu slowly got up. (I may be young…I may be new to having an outra compared to them…but I’m not weak!) At that moment, a bolt of green lightning struck Aki and his outra with immense force. All three watched as the young teen’s outra evolved into a new form. Instead of a beetle-like state it now had wings…
“Hmph, seems the brat’s outra has evolved. No matter, I’m sure my other is still superior to his” Avion stood between his paralyzed victims and his next target, sending his inner-self toward they young boy. “Alright kid, let’s see what your outra is capable of now” Death’s Call attempted to strike the young boy down with a finishing blow but realized he missed! “What is this? I was certain I aimed right for his face, there’s no way you could’ve moved fast enough to dodge it. Whatever, I won’t miss again!”
Once more the tyrant threw a blow right for his target, only ending up missing once again. Getting infuriated, Death’s Call began unleashing a barrage of blows, his fists and body engulfed in flames. Collen and Aiden watched as the once novice user moved at incredible speed. They could see a look of surprise on the boy’s face, as if his body moved on it’s own without the human’s reaction or thinking.
They watched as Isamu’s body was outlined with the green energy of his powered-up outra. This time, instead of dodging, he threw a punch right back at his striking foe. The paralyzing red electricity went from the villain’s fist over to Isamu. However, the red energy suddenly became green, instantly going back to it’s attacker. Kenko found himself paralyzed just like the others.
“Im-possible, how could you deflect my own attack back at me!? Isn’t it obvious? My out Creation…Act 2 has mastered energy manipulation. Your paralysis ability is an energy base move which is ineffective toward my inner-self” Kenko shook with anger. “No, I refuse to believe this…you little punk!”
“Time to finish this prolonged battle…Finish him off Act 2!” His winged outra unleashed a lightning strike from the sky of green energy, utterly electrocuting him. His allies could feel their bodies able to move again as the foe collapsed motionless into the dirt.
“Next time you shouldn’t go out on your own”
“You’re right, but if it wasn’t for this experience, who knows how long it would’ve took to acquire the 2nd form of my outra”
CHAPTER 3 An Outra Revolution
A month had gone by since the battle with Kenko, they mainly walked around the city or trained in the fields to keep up their strength. One day when they were just outside the city, they could hear screams filling the city as a figure floated over the large city as magma-like liquid began to cover the entire city like a tsunami.
The three of them quickly made their way toward the city. There they stood before a massive wall of what they presumed to be magma. “I can’t tell if I’m feeling heat or energy” One of them commented. Collen had his other approach the dark-red hot liquid, slowly reaching for it.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” A woman’s voice called out behind them. The red liquid rose into a dome over the city slowly rotating, trapping every living thing within it. All three of them spun around to see a a woman with black hair in two hair buns with green eyes. She wore a red Japanese warrior uniform. Her outra descended down from above the city floating beside it’s user.
“I am known as Fei Li and my outra is called Lady in red. With her unique powers, disposing of you will be simple. Allow me to show you…the power of my inner-self!” The trio of heroes stood motionless, focused on their new target. At that moment, Isamu fell to the ground crying out in pain as the young teen gripped his abdomen curled up in a ball.
“Enough of this! Star cried out in anger. Ultimate Key advanced toward the assailant reaching out to touch the other’s forehead to unlock it’s mind. Just as he was preparing to grab the outra, Lady in red separated her body into groups of red-goo, causing Collen to miss his attack. “What!?” With a smirk the outra covered Key within the blood her other was made out of. Collen fell to his knees, feeling as though tiny needles were stabbing into his entire body.
“Fascinating, so this is the power of the key”
“W-what are you talking about?” The user commented. She walked over to the weakened hero placing her hand on his head, suddenly a key symbol appeared. Both allies watched in shock once they realized what happened. “As you can see, I’m capable of using another’s outra abilities, so long as they’re engulfed within the blood of my inner-self. Now then, let us see what’s hidden away within your mind”
As she reached out to grab her victim’s face, a man stepped out from an ally not far from them. “Heh, seems we have a guest” Fei commented before looking to the left as a dark-haired man stood out in the open. “Just who are you? Can't you see I'm busy?”
“Hmph, I and the other warriors of my organization has had enough of your childish destruction, I've come to finish this and take you back where you won't be able to harm anyone ever again” The man wore black and dark blue mercenary battle clothing with a blade at his side. His eyes were aqua blue.
“Stop your pointless bluffing, it will get you no where except infuriate me wanting me to kill you more!” Pointing in the newcomer’s direction, she sent Lady in red right for the man as her inner-self threw a punch covered in her unique blood right for the man. Her target stood motionless with a serious expression. That’s when his outra abruptly formed between him and the coming assailant.
“Behold! Timeless King! Fei Lei didn’t hesitate to attack, she unleashed an onslaught of blows to the outra’s torso. She stood silent as her attacks hadn’t effected him at all. “My turn” The unknown man unleashed timeless king against her, striking her body far faster than she had. She could feel tingles throughout her body with each blow until his inner-self floated back over to his side.
“What was the point of that? All I felt was a tingling sensation”
“Wait for it” He responded with a slight smirk on his face. Suddenly her hair began turning gray as her face grew old and wrinkly, Lady in red began to become transparent as she grew weaker. “You-you bastard. What did you do to me!?”
“It’s Timeless King’s ability, anything I strike or attacks him will rapidly age. I stopped it at about 80 or so. You should be too weak to use your outra for battle at this point” Fei barely had any strength in her elderly state but attempted to attack with her outra once more. Her foe just stood and watched as Lady in red vanished in a burst of red wisps of light.
The stranger turned toward the trio of warriors saying: “Sorry to intrude on your battle, this woman has been wanted across the country for siphoning the blood of thousands of humans to feed her outra. Thanks to your help distracting her, you kept her here long enough for the O.J.S to arrive and weaken her”
“What is the O.J.S?” Isamu questioned as the three users walked over to him. “My name is Danny Kamasaki, head captain of squad one of the Outra Justice Syndicate. We are an organization that finds and traps outra users that rein darkness over the world as if they’re higher up than the rest of us. I swore to my father, Kenkaro Kamasaki that I would never let an evil outra hurt those under my watch. After my father’s death I joined the syndicate at the age of 17 to help fight against people like her. We have units all over the world to help lower the chaos these fiends put on the world”
“Are you aware of the six dark outra lords?”
“That sounds familiar, how is it that you know about them?”
“We’ve fought against one of them, we were told ther “We’ve fought against one of them, we were told there’s one hiding within each country but are unsure where they could be hiding” Aiden responded. Danny pondered for a moment before telling them to follow him. His outra came out, this time the group got a good look of it, his outra had a skeleton face with a buff body in knight armor along with a black cape and a crown.
They watched as his other pointed it’s finger out in front of them, suddenly a rift with a pink outline of light opened before them. They were surprised his inner-self had a power so different from it’s main ability. “This is my other’s final evolution, therefore he’s reached his full potential. You’ve seen two of his abilities…if you’re lucky, you might get to witness his third ability which was the power I awakened from his final evolution”
They made their way through the rift from the large open city, into a large flat land in the mountains. They were at the altitude where it was just beginning to snow but could still get a warm breeze from time to time. They made their way up to a large set of doors with the symbol of an “R” inside a silver sun shape in the center of the doors. The letter was red as the doors slowly opened. Isamu noticed the headquarters were literally inside the mountain, windows sticking through a hole in the rocks of the mountains.
“Welcome to the Justice Headquarters” They made their way into a large lobby with a white tiled floor and dark-red walls with their symbol on each corner of the room. Danny bound the woman in a steel bar he bent around her hands to the point she could barely move them. They followed close behind as they made their way through a hallway with tan walls and red carpeted floor. Isamu looked around, checking out everything in sight.
That’s when they entered a long metal hall that looked like a prison, rows of doors with bars with thick glass in front of the bars aside from a rectangular slot where they assumed was for food or communication. “This is the outra prison where we keep all of the dark outra users that tend to use their abilities only for selfish or murderous intentions. Collen looked inside the cells as they walked past each of them. “How do you keep all of these people inside their cells without worrying about their inner-self breaking through their cells”
“We have collars we place around each of our prisons that nullify the manifestation of their outra. Even if they manage to summon their outra, it wouldn’t be focused enough to physically damage anything or really use it’s abilities” They watched as a young woman dressed in a purple prison outfit grinned at them. She had purple hair brushed over her left eye with the right green one still visible. Her outra began to form into a black ghost-like being when her silver collar began to beep as a red light lit up on the side. She began to feel dizzy as her inner-self vanished.
“As you can see, that’s basically how it works when an inmate tries to use their outra in any way. Now then, let me find her a cell and I can escort you three to the administration office to see if you qualify as novice enforcers” Danny typed in a code on a key pad next to the empty cell. Each sell was nearly small enough for it’s inmate to touch both walls if they stretched hard enough. There was a few feet sideways between the bed and door.
Kasamasaki placed Fei on the bed, strapping a collar around her neck before placing timeless King’s hand on her face. Her old aged body soon revered back to it’s young self. As she became more aware, she got up from the bed commanding her other to attack. Just as before, the collar made her disoriented causing her to fall back onto the bed. Her hair now black again but hanging over her face instead of in two buns.
“Damn you, this accursed collar won’t trap me here forever, I’ll make sure you pay when I get my chance” The warrior closed the cell door before taking them back to the lobby up to the administration office. “Good luck, you have to take a quick test and depending on your score will decide what training you’ll receive. We have four main captains including myself. If everything goes well, one of us will pick you to join one of our squads and will work your way up through the ranks”
One Hour Later…
Each user completed their test, going to check on their score:
Collen Star – 98%
Aiden Frost – 95%
Isamu Aki – 85%
Star was sent to battle training, Aiden sent to power control and Isamu was sent for target practice…
Collen stood in a large arena as one of the captains stood on the opposite side about 50 feet away. “Now then, let us test your outra’s power. My name is Rosa Luna, 2nd squad captain of the Outra Justice Syndicate”
“Now then, let’s see just how strong your inner-self is” With a nod Star manifested Ultimate Key. With nothing to say he send his buff creature right for his combatant. Collen saw her outra for a split second before punching her right in the abdomen. She was sent staggering backwards off her feet, landing flat on her back.
“Are you alright?” The recruit called out. That’s when Rosa stood back up dusting her pink dress off without any injuries on her. (What happened, I know Key struck her head on in the gut, I felt him made contact and yet she seems unharmed…maybe she nullified my attack with her inner-self) She smiled as her outra finally cam into view.
“Come now, don’t tell me that’s the best your other can do. Surely if you can survive a dark outra lord you can do more than this” The warrior clinched his fist, sending his outra right for his opponent full speed, releasing a barrage of blows right for Rosa, each strike causing a slight shockwave from it’s incredible power. Moments later, Collen felt immense pain run throughout his body causing him to fall to his hands and knees having trouble getting his air back.
Looking up he saw Rosa vanish in front of him. “W-what…happened” The hero choked out. “It was an illusion, you were fighting nothing until your all out attack, that’s when I had your outra attack yourself therefore you took the full force of your own inner-self. My outra is called: Prima Donna, she has the ability to send a target into a hypnotic state as you’ve seen. My other has other abilities as well, but I’d like to keep them a secret until the time is right”
Aiden stood in an arena as well with the 3rd squad captain on the other side just like the previous battle. “Alright Aiden, this training is to control how much power you put into an attack. To be clear I mean you need to be careful what kind of attack you use, you can’t be destroying the city with a wall of diamond. Minimize your damage with small attacks instead”
His opponent was dressed in black with blood-red hair and hazel eyes. “One of the most uncontrollable things in the world…” That’s when the man summoned his outra to his side, sending a blast of fire right for the recruit. Quickly Frost created a wall of diamond, this time it was a small wall as big as him instead of his usual massive wall covering several feet along with being nearly a mile high.
“Well done, seems you reacted fast enough to create a personal barrier instead of a massive one that could cause dramatic damage to your surroundings…So let’s kick it up a little. I’ll show you more of my outra’s power. Frost watched as the man’s outra came into full view, it looked like a humanoid creature mad of blue flames. “Get ready, the power of Casanova!” Aiden stood carefully when his teacher unleashed three separate blasts of blue flames right for him. The heat of the projectiles were so strong, he began to sweat even from across the stage.
Clapping his hands together, Aqua Titian created a diamond barrier around himself, along with a tsunami of water in hopes of lowering the temperature of the flames. Inside the dome he could feel sweat running down his body with it becoming harder to breath each second. As his sweat began to become vapor from the immense heat, he decided to split his outra into two separate entities, his diamond Titan phased through their protective dome, flying straight for their attacker, the flame outra formed a dragon made entirely of flames but let out a roar as if it were a genuine beast.
The beast chased Titan while the half other shot diamond shards at the user in hopes of making them lose focus. (Damn, no matter what I do I can’t seem to get a clear shot on the captain, at this rate the dragon will reach Titan. Might as well try to end this while the heat is cooling down around me) Taking his barrier down, Aqua sent a tsunami toward the opponent. Just as the massive wave was a foot away from it’s target, his fire dragon turned back to it’s user, unleashing a vast breath of fire, turning the water completely into steam.
“You’ve gotta be kitting me”
“Aww don’t be so down, you’re doing well for our first battle. I expected you to submit after roasting in your dome. Well done, you pass for now” Meanwhile it was time for Isamu to practice his accuracy with Creation Act 2.
“So then, let’s what it is you’re struggling with in terms of aim. My name is Masoda Otawa, the 5th squad captain of the Outra Justice organization. Try to keep up with my inner-self, Arkomus!”
The young teen watched as a ninja-like entity manifested. It was white almost like a ghost but not transparent. That’s when it duplicated itself into six separate copies.
Aki was unsure but knew he’d have to try and hit his targets hopefully improving his aim. The moment Masoda’s others spread out around the fighting arena. Isamu closed his eyes, using the focus of sensing each outra’s energy signature in hopes of keep tract of them. Instantly he shot a fierce bolt of green lighting right for one of the clones. However, they moved at incredible speed as if dodging the attack with ease.
(Damn it, with their speed I’ll have to try and use other kinds of attacks in hopes of hitting them)
“I’m sure your inner-self can attack with great accuracy, you’re just not concentrating hard enough” Masoda commented. The young user closed his eyes taking a deep breath as power surged through him, wisps of green electricity whipping around his body as his eyes glowed bright green as well. Suddenly Isamu moved at an incredible speed, leaving a trail of lighting behind him. The young user moved right up to one of the duplicates. Arkomus managed to evade the coming strike just in time. However, Isamu expected it. Opening his palm he shot a lightning bolt right for the duplicate.
With them in such close distance his attack struck the clone head on, causing it to bounce of the clone and strike the rest of them. Masoda felt the fierce strike of electricity rush through his body but managed to keep his balance. “Impressive, I didn’t expect your attack to link between each of my duplications nearly instantaneously. Let’s see you keep up in a real fight”
Masoda sent all six of his clones right for their target. Aki slammed his hand on the ground, sending a storm of power right for the group of outras. Aki managed to electrocute four of the six outra, causing them to be stunned before vanishing like smoke. With two remaining, Otawa had his inner-self form daggers out of white transparent mana, tossing them right for the young recruit.
Instead of aiming for Isamu, the two projectiles went right for his other Creation act 2. The bug-like outra dodged the first one just in time but was hit by the 2nd dagger, causing a cut to appear across it’s user’s arm as blood dripped from the wound.
“I guess that’s enough for now. I’ll admit I do see potential within you and your outra”
- In Serial12 Chapters
Two hundred years ago, Humanity nearly wiped itself out in an apocalyptic civil war. When all was said and done, when the worlds stopped burning and the screams of the dying were finally quieted, The Terran Union staggered out of the ashes to ensure that such a conflict never took place again. Severe restrictions upon artificial inteligince, weapons, and naval production were imposed, technologies were purposefully lost, all traces were eradicated and monuments to the fallen errected. Now however, a new threat has arisen. Outnumbered and outgunned humanity faces a terrible choice, what sacrifices are they willing to make to win, and will it be enough? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taking place through the "eyes" as it were of dozens of charachters, bear witness to the unfolding war from both sides of the trench as politicians, soldiers, and AI engauge in a no holds bar struggle for survival and political supremacy which plays out over the galactic stage.
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Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed)
This is the second of male x chubby reader. I hope you all like the second book as much, as you like the first one. This I will have in the book Disney Marvel Dc Cartoon Movies Tv shows AnimeThis book is completed ✅ Not taking anymore requestsPlease enjoy the book and other books by meThank you and enjoy
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Beast Dao Cultivator
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the world was at the peak of its era in the pursuit of power and knowledge. People ascended to the heavens and returned, walking amongst mortals. Great Buddhists, Evil Demons, Heavenly Celestials, Unfathomable Sages, Riders of Grand Majestic Beasts, Beloved Beings of Nature. Countless kinds of beings rose and fell. Countless kinds of method to ascend were known but a sudden change in the world changed that. Pandemonium spread throughout the world and countless grand races and even grander sects and organizations fell. The huge surge had come to an end as each race went to one place or another to hide, higher beings ran to the higher realms to hide from the destruction of the lower realm. Countless deaths in all races happened and many are said to have been pushed to extinction. Today, the world has regressed to what can be called a mediocre shadow of what was once a massive power that ruled the world. The races have each slowly crawled out of their holes and slowly spread their numbers once more, rediscovering what was once lost. New sects were born, clans spread, nations rise and war once more appeared. Still the catastrophe had not only drastically changed the world but the energy of nature. Where once all kinds of power filled the air all over the massive planet no longer did this power appear. Instead the grand energies seemed as if something had snuffed a huge amount of it, now the areas were each energy appeared each possessed different kinds of energy. One region could simply have Qi, another could have Qi where each area within a region had specific element to it, there was mana which permeated the air in other regions, Spiritual force in others, infernal energy in another and so each massive region slowly claimed their own resource and their growth slowly diverted only towards these energies. Only there was one type of being that could survive and grow in each and every kind. The most mysterious which were all called Riders. Beings who were one with their mounts born for each other and cultivated together.
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Infinite Wishes
Daniel Nelvine Rosecrown, cough cough, i mean Kimy Shinguru, is just your ordinary super hardcore gamer, leaving his home to the outside world in order to replenish his food supply for another streak of nonstop gaming, suddenly dies a harsh death by arrows, just to meet god, whom said he killed him on purpose, and refused to give him life again on earth. God needed to transfer him to another world for an unknown reason, and as compensation, would not only make him younger and more OP, but grant him one wish, any wish. I truly do wonder what Kimy wished for...
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Merigold Lee
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Weasley Twins One-Shots
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