《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》nine



"What'd you do during the weekends Lia?" Lily asks. The two of them in class as they waited for their homeroom teacher to arrive.

A tired and annoyed groan left her best friends lips.

"Well, my intentions were to just spend my weekends alone at home to relax in peace, or I had another plan and wanted to go over to Chaeryeong's place. But these two- Ugh!* these two idiots just came over to my place UNINVITED and made themselves at home. Just like that my weekend was ruined. It would've been fine if they came over and just i don't know act like normal human beings?!?? But noooo, they gotta act all mad goofy and shit." Lia complains. Her whining entertaining Lily on this depressing Monday morning as she couldn't help but to laugh.

"Don't laugh at me, you're laughing at my pain." Her friend whines as she places her head on the table tiredly.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. Did you perhaps tried to kick them out of your house?" Said Lily.

"Of course I did! But it was no use!" Lia exclaims in distress. Again Lily only laughed at her pain. Laughing her heart out, until she was interrupted by the loud sound of the classroom door opening.

Her going silent. The sound startling Lia as she arose from her seat to look straight at the front. Seeing Renjun enter the classroom with a cap over his head suspiciously. A mad and distraught look on his face as he walks over to his group of friends.

"Why's he wearing a cap to school? It's the first time seeing him wear one, why so suddenly?" Her friend whispers over to Lily. The girl shrugging her shoulders in confusion.

"I don't know as well. Maybe it's for fashion who knows." She replies. Both Lily and Lia secretly glancing over at Renjun and his friends.

"Woke up in the wrong side of the bed?" Jeno asks him. Renjun threw him a look as he rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Don't I always wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" He let out a bitter laugh.

"Why are you wearing a cap by the way? It's the wrong season to be wearing a hat you know." Haechan questions him. His question making Renjun grit his teeths in fury.


"Why am I wearing a hat? Because my annoying siblings were playing stupid hairdressers when I was asleep and started messing with my hair. Hell my two sisters were painting my hair to pretend that they were 'dying' it and my idiotic younger brother decided to cut chunks of my hair off. It's ruined and I had to get a haircut because of these demonic kids!" He explodes as he took his cap off to show them his new hair.

His group of friends all gasping as they covered their mouths in utter shock.

Lily and Lia were as well shocked to say the least. He had shorter hair now. Dyed jet black from the previous hazel colour. He looked less fierce, yet why did he look a lot more attractive in Lily's eyes? Snap out of it Lily.

"If I were you, I would've put up all my siblings for adoption. My hair is precious and I don't like anyone else touching it." Haechan cries as he had his hands on his head. To make sure that he still had some hair on his head. Renjun could only sigh before he sat down on his seat.

"I wish I could do that. I was of course furious to say the least, but when they knew that they fucked up, they immediately had a look of regret and shame on their faces. I wanted to scream at them but they beat me to it. They were already crying, all three of them and asking for forgiveness. Of course I couldn't bare to yell at them and make them even more sad. As much as I was upset with what they did to my hair, I'm not that evil to make a bunch of little kids cry. So I just told them that it was alright and immediately went over to the salon to get it fixed. But I think the salon just fucked it up even more." He explains fully.

His explanation bringing a small smile upon Lily's lips. How sweet of him to control his anger towards his younger siblings. (ok but why was she lowkey observing him though 😭)

"Wow you're stronger than me injun. I would've thrown a fit and be crying for days, hell I won't even leave my room until my hair decides to grow." Said Jaemin, patting his friends back in reassurance.


"Your new hair doesn't look bad though, i think it quite suits you." Jeno told him, Renjun smiling a bit before he shook his head a no.

"Stop lying to me, it's ass."

"It's not ass. It looks good on you, I think you look a lot more attractive with your new look."

Renjun and all of his friends looking behind as they looked at Lily with their eyes wide open.

What did she just say?...

His friends having to stop themselves from squealing and teasing Renjun in front of her. A smirk all evident on all their faces. All besides Renjun who was appalled.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better." He said, not seeming to believe her words. She shook her head.

"." Lily changing the language so only Renjun could understand her. His cheeks started to heat up as he nodded his head hesitantly.

"Thanks Lily." Quickly facing the front as he covered his face in the palms of his hands, hiding the fact that he was madly blushing.

His friends immediately asking him what Lily had just told him. Shaking his shoulders so that he'll answer them but the lad refused to speak. Still flustered as he couldn't progress any words.

Seeing his reaction made Lily grin. The girl removing the hair that was on her face as she then looks over at Lia who had already been staring at her for the past minute or so.

"Are you starting to take a fancy in him?" Her friend asked with a big smile on her face. Lily pushing her face to the side so she didn't have to see that large scary smile on Lia's face.

"Perhaps? What if I said yes."

Lia taking a hold of both Lily's hands as she looks at her in glee. "Then that's a great sign. You're starting to soften up, that hard ice that was shielding you is starting to melt by the help of none other than Renjun himself."

--- 🌁

"I'm home." Renjun calls out once he had finally gotten back home.

"INJUNIEE!" The sound of his three siblings could be heard echoing throughout the hallways.

"Gege we went to the convenience store on our way back home from school and got you your favourite snacks. Sorry again." Juyi stated. Still feeling guilty as he had a frown on his face.

"We used me and Yifan's allowance to buy it!" Yujin added along as her twin sister nodded her head.

Hearing that made his heart warm. His siblings are really precious. How could he possibly get mad at them?

"Come here all three of you." He said and brought his siblings into a group hug.

"Thank you for cutting my hair (because of that Lily said that I looked good in this hairstyle HAHAHAAH)." His sudden statement confusing his younger siblings.

"Hah?" They all had a puzzled look on their faces.

"Are you ok? Did you hit your head somewhere?" Yifan asked in concern as she held his forehead. Weirded out by his behaviour, he never acted like this before.

He let out a blaring laugh.

"No I didn't hit my head. I just wanted to say thank you and that I really love you three allot. Also thank you for getting me my favourite food with your allowance, how about we go out and get ice cream? I'll pay as a sign of my gratitude." He tells them as their eyes lit up.

"So you're not mad at us anymore?" Juyi asks.

"Of course not. So what's your answer?" His answer making them all smile.




[ apologies if you can't read, just zoom into the picture 🥲 ]

renjun kesambet setan apa, tiba2 ilofyu ilofyu 🤣🤣

can we also ignore the fact that I made a spelling mistake in winwin's reply. I wrote 'contect' instead of 'context'. Idk what shit I was on last night, bro I was crying over my physics exams so my apologies on that 😭

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