《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》eight


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"Renjun!" Hearing his name being called made him look up from his phone screen. Seeing Lily waving her hands as she did a little run to him.

Oh wow. She looks ethereal.

"Sorry for taking long. There was a bit of traffic on the way here." The girl apologises. Her not getting an answer as Renjun was still stunned by how beautiful she looked.

"Uh Renjun? Hello earth to Renjun!! Are you spacing out and meeting your alien friends up there??" Lily waving her hands in front of his face to get him out of his daydream.

"O-oh, what did you say?" He finally snaps out of it as he scratches the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Weird, you're acting weird today. Nothing i was just apologising for coming late." She says.

"That's fine. I wasn't waiting for long. Oh by the way you..." Renjun struggling whether he should compliment her or not. I mean he wanted to, but his mouth was refusing to speak.

"I'm???" She says confused.

"You, uh.... (Holy fucking shit why won't my mouth function properly. What's the point of having a mouth if it won't speak the word that you want it too.)"

Lily only nodding her head as she waits for him to complete his sentence.

"You look really beautiful today. Omg I don't know why i was struggling to say that, my mouth really holds a huge grudge against me." He finally spoke.


His compliment making Lily smile. Her teeths being showcased as her eyes dissapears behind that smile.


"Thank you. Wow Renjun gave me a compliment. I should write this down on the books of record so I won't forget this special moment." She says as he scoffs at her and nudges her elbows.


"Well we should head inside now before the museum starts getting full." He said and headed inside with her.


"Hey frog." Said Renjun as Lily hums in reply for him to continue since she was currently eating.

"My sisters said hi and that they missed you allot." He said, his eyes still glued to his phone.

Once she was done chewing, the girl couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Haha already? It's only been a day."

"They're losers. Arghg!*" The lad messing up his hair as Lily looks at him in concern.

"Yo, you ok?" She questions him.

"No. The more I'm texting this family groupchat, the more insane I'm becoming. There's a high chance of me being sent to a mental asylum because of them." He threw her a tired look as he showed her the text messages in his phone.

"They keep asking for your pictures. Fans much? They're making me look like your personal paparazzi." He complains as Lily let out a laugh.

"Your family is cute. Its fine, you could take pictures of me since they're asking for it. Who knows maybe whenever you miss me you could just look at those photos." She says as the frown on his face turned into a straight line.

"You're crazy. You know what, I'm going to go to the bathroom and then I'm gonna pay for this meal. Take over for me, I'm so tired of texting them." He handed Lily his phone before leaving their table.

She only shrugs before going through his family's recent chats. Her face turning red when reading the messages.

Ya why is my face heating up. I feel so stupid right now. Ya Xu Lili why are you getting flustered???

"I'm back. Sorry for taking long, the guys were taking so long to get out of the toilet. Geez, I just wanted to wash my hands." Renjun states once he was back from the restroom as well as from paying.


"Here's your phone." Lily handing back his phone as he thanks her before putting it inside his pockets.

The two of them then left the restaurant as they waited for Lily's driver to pick them up.

"So which artist do you want to study?" Lily asks.

"Honestly I really want to try Van Gogh's style since he focuses on abstract paintings. But then again, it wouldn't match our whole theme and aesthetic since he works with really dark colour. How about you?" He answers which ended up with him questioning her back.

"Well, I think Claude Monet would be the perfect artist of choice since his work has a modern style to it. Also the colour scheme that he uses would go well with our work since he uses really soft and vibrant colours, and the majority of his work is based off nature. I don't know just my thought though." She replies.

"Ahh you have a point there. You have a good eye, I think that he'll be the perfect artists to study." Renjun agrees with her words. And of course, Lily couldn't be more happier than that.


It's 3am lol, but here's a triple update for today. Not a super fun fact but I studied Claude Monet as my artist of study for my final coursework. He gave me a good grade lol 👍🏼

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