《Cold || 黃仁俊 ✓》seven


"Listen up class, I got each group a giant canvas to use for this project. You could choose whether to work on your paintings at home or leave your canvases here and do your work in class. Ok I'll stop talking now and let you all get started. I'll be checking up every once in a while." She said and gave each group a canvas.

"So what are your thoughts on this?" Lily asked once receiving the canvases.

"We could work on the painting at home during the weekends and bring them back to school during school days. I guess we could alternate every week and whoever has the painting at home gets to bring the canvas to school the following day." Renjun suggested.

"Great idea, wow you actually said something useful for once." Said Lily as she recieved a light hit on the shoulders by her partner.

"I always say something useful. What are you on about." He said angrily.

"Since tomorrow is the weekend, we should decide who's place to bring the canvas too first. We could work on it after school so we'll get a head start." Lily states.

"Could we work on it at my place first? My parents are working till late night, and they're expecting me to take care of my siblings for the whole day." He asked.

"That's alright. We could go over to your place today. I'll just have to inform my driver first." She says as she took out her phone to text her driver.

"A little warning; my siblings are a bit annoying, if they say anything weird just ignore it. They're always embarrassing me I swear." He informs her beforehand.

"I'm sure they're not that annoying. No one is more annoying then the Huang Renjun himself." She retorted as he yet again hits her shoulders.

"Every single day, you just become more and more of a nuisance." He mumbles.


The bell to last period rang as it had come to the end of the day.

"Don't forget students, make sure to choose an artist of your liking to study! Incorporate their style into your final piece!" Miss, Wang exclaims before all the students started leaving the classroom.

Lily and Renjun were now walking out of the classroom side by side. Making their way out of the school building.

"Do you want to go to an art museum tomorrow? So we could view the artwork there for inspiration and also look at the other artists work so we'll be able to pick an artist of our choice to study." Renjun asked.

"Wow Renjun are you asking me out on a date? How sweet." She teases him as he quickly panics.

"It's not a date geez!" The lad fumes, Lily only laughing at him.

"Hey don't take it too seriously. Oh, to answer that, sure I'm up to go to an art museum tomorrow." Lily replied as he hums when hearing her response.

"*sigh* I can't believe you're making me hold this big ass canvas." Lily whines.

"I didn't make you hold it! You're the one who wanted to hold it you idiot!" He argues and then took the canvas out of her hand. Lily grinning to herself as she succeeded in teasing him again.

--- 🌦

"I'm home! Yujin,Yifan, Juyi!" Renjun calls out as he enters his home. Letting Lily in before closing the door behind them.

The light sounds of footsteps could be heard rushing towards the front.


"Injunieee!!" A sound belonging to a little boy echoed throughout the hallways. A small figure of a boy could be seen running towards them.

"Ah Juyi so this is where you are." Said Renjun. The little boy smiling sheepishly as he hugs his older brothers legs.

"Injun hug!" He asks. Renjun rolling his eyes before crouching down and carrying his brother in his arms.

Lily couldn't help but to smile warmly at the sight. The sight in front of her was too cute.

"Gosh Juyi you've just turned six years old and still acting like a baby." Renjun complains as the little boy pouts at him.

"Hmph! I don't care, as long injunie would hug me and take care of me then I'll keep acting like a baby!" The six year old boy whines.

Injunie, is that what his family members call him? cute.

The little boy then notices Lily who had been standing behind Renjun as she smiles at them.

"Hello, are you my gege's girlfriend?" The boy asked. Renjun and Lily choking on air as they froze at their spot.

"Ya Juyi where did you learn the word girlfriend from?!" Renjun scolds him as the little boy only giggles.

"From my friends at preschool! Hehe.."

"So are you gege's girlfriend?" He asks again.

Lily patting the boys head as she shook her head.

"No, well not yet at least." Her reply making Renjun glare at her.

"You stop messing around!" He tells her as she chuckles softly.

"What? I'm just telling the truth. I'm his uhh friend you could say. I'm Lily by the way." She said.

"Oh ok then. Hello Lily jiejie, I'm Juyi! I'm six year old, and I like to annoy injunie!" The little boy introduces himself. Well, he's one honest and bright soul.

"Nice to meet you Juyi."

"Juyi could you please tell your sisters to come down so they could greet Lily." Renjun asked as he puts Juyi down on the ground carefully.

"Aye aye caption!" He says in enthusiasm before running off.

"You're a sweet and caring brother. Why don't you show this side of you in school?" Lily said as she and Renjun walks over to the living room.

"Ew, I don't want people to know that I act like this. Besides they're used to seeing my bad side, it doesn't even matter." He replies. His answer making Lily go quiet.

"Well then, I'm glad that I could see this side of you." She says.

"Ok... you don't mind me leaving you alone for a while right? I want to change out of my uniform first." He quickly speaks. Wanting to quickly leave and idk scream into his pillows HAHAHAHAHA.

"I don't mind. Go get change, shoo shoo." She shooed him away as Renjun stuck his tongue out at her before going upstairs.

"!" Juyi's voice could be heard as he drags his two sisters to the front.

Lily looking over to the source of the sound as she sees Juyi pulling onto both of his sisters hands as they entered the living room.

"." Both sisters gasped when seeing Lily sat there. They went over to her in excitement. It's the first time their older brother had brought a girl home.

"." Lily greets them, the sisters waving at her as they returned the same gesture.

"." The oldest out of the twins introduces.

Ahh so they're twins.

"It's nice to meet the two of you." Lily smiling at them. Don't know why when she's around Renjun's siblings, she couldn't help but to smile. Genuinely.


"Woah are you injunie's girlfriend?" Yifan asked. Yet again she was hit with the same question. Like an arrow hitting her in the back of the head.

She could only let out a nervous laughter.

"No I'm not, I'm just a friend of his." She replied as the two sisters frowns.

"Aw thats sad."

Juyi climbed up onto the couch as he sat besides Lily.

"Jiejie did you know that you're the first girl that gege brought home?" Juyi said in a whispering tone. Lily's eyes widening as she looks at the twins. Yujin and Yifan nodding their heads in agreement.

"Oh really?" She asked curious.

"Yess! He used to have a girlfriend back then, but he never brought her home or introduced her to us. So we never knew what his girlfriend used to look like." Yujin tells her.

He used to have a girlfriend?

Oh Lily was all ears for this tea.

"But he said that she was a bad person after they broke up. Injunie said that he was scared to get close to any girl after that because he developed trust issues after dating her. Coward! We told him that not all girls are the same! Not everyone is mean!" Yifan spoke.

Oh, he got his heart broken as well.

"But your brother had a reason for not wanting to get close to anyone. He's scared to let someone in. It takes people time to overcome that fear. So don't pressure your brother ok?" Lily tells them as the two sisters nodded their heads at her reasoning. Maybe they did fail to understand their brother.

"Jiejie, you'll take care of injunie right? You won't hurt him and make him happy." Juyi asked. His question surprising Lily. Renjun was always seen through a bad light. He was like a painting that got disregarded, where people didn't try to understand it throughly.

"Of course I will. I'll try to make your brother happy." Her answer making the three siblings smile from ear to ear.

"Hey what are the four of you talking about?" Renjun asked once he was back from changing. The lad out of his school attire as now he was in a pair of sweats and a plain t-shirt. Simple but mighty fine as hell, holy shit.

"Nothing! We were just asking Lily if she wanted to stay over for dinner--- r-right Jiejie?" Yifan made up a lie as she smiled nervously at Lily. The girl getting her sign as she nodded her head a yes.

He only gave them a sinister look. Not seeming to believe them but only shrugs at the end.

"Injunie I'm hungry! Can you make us food, pleaseee?" Juyi asks. Renjun having both hands placed on his hips as he was about to refuse.

"But I really have to work on this art project with Lily-"

"It's fine, we could work on it later. I'll help you with the cooking so it'll be faster." Lily interrups him. Feeling bad for his siblings. He looks at her in worry.

"You sure about it?" Renjun questions.

"A hundred percent. Don't want to keep your siblings starving." She says and stood up.

"Well ok then. We should head to the kitchen now." He said and leaded her to the kitchen.

"Psst injunie." His siblings whispers. The lad looking behind for a second, not wanting to catch Lily's attention.

"What?!" He mouthed out.

"Please date her." They replied and showed him a heart sign with their hands.

"Hush! Are you crazy?!" He said in anger before walking off.


"Sorry that you have to help out with this. You could start on the project first and I'll do all the cooking." He apologises to her.

"Aish, its fine Renjun. I'm the one who volunteered to help. Besides, it's been a while since I've been in the kitchen and cooking something." She says whilst turning on the stove and waiting for the water to boil.

"What do you mean that 'it's been a while' since you've been in the kitchen?" He asked as he furrowed his brows. Currently cutting the vegetables.

"I don't usually eat. It became a bad habit. I don't usually go to the kitchen to look for any food." She explains.

"?" His voice rises a bit in worry.

"Why are you speaking Chinese all of a sudden?" She asked out of the blue.

"That beats the point. Stop avoiding my question, why are you not eating? Are you trying to worry the people around you?" He questions, looking over at her with a serious look. Seeing him this serious is really intimidating.

"I told you that it became a bad habit. I'm not trying to worry others, i swear. It started a long time ago when I started getting insecure with the way I looked and so decided to lose some weight. Besides, why do you even care anyways?" She sighs.

"Why do I care? Maybe because I actually care if you're doing well or not. Lily you have to take care of yourself if you don't want others to worry-- oh shit.*" His sentence got interrupted when he accidentally cut his finger.

"You're an idiot." She tells him as he hissed at her in pain.

"Shut up."

"Quick tell me where the first aid kit is." Lily demanded as he pointed at where it was kept.

Lily took a hold of his finger and gently cleaned the blood off.

Renjun wincing in pain as he held onto her hand to stop her action.

She sighed and inched her face closer to his. His breathe hitching as he struggles to breath.

"Renjun your finger is like dying. Please stop moving." She said and carried on with cleaning his bloodied finger. Renjun laying his head on her shoulders in agony. She then gently wrapped a bandage around it and was done.

"Ok you're all done." She said with her hands on her hips.

"Thanks." He replies bashfully.

"Oh, almost forgot one thing." Lily taking a hold of his injured hand and placing a kiss on it.

"They say that if you kiss a bruise, it'll heal faster."

Renjun looking away as his face started to turn the colour of scarlet. "Yeah whatever."

---- ♡

"I'll be going now, my driver is already waiting outside." She says as she wore her shoes. The three siblings sad that she already had to leave.

"Get back home safely." Renjun tells her as she flashes him a smile.

Him taken aback by her gesture. That was the first time she'd smiled at him.

"I'll make sure too. You're still up to go to the art museum tomorrow right?" Lily asked him as he nodded his head.

"I'll text you the location and time."

"Great. See you tomorrow then. And I'll see the three of you some other time, it was nice spending my evening with you all." She bids goodbye to his siblings as the three of them waves at her.

"Bye-bye, we'll miss you!"

Lily waving at them as she leaves and enters her drivers car.

"Injun are you sure that you don't want to date her?" Yujin asked again. Her question making their older brother glare at them.

"If you three don't stop!! Now go get ready for bed or else I'll tell mom and dad that the three of you were the one who broke mom's flower vase hah?!" He nags as the three younger siblings all ran inside the house.


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