《Vampire's Betrayal》Chapter Eleven


I tried to search my memory if I have even heard of that name. I could have, but just don't remember. My attention and thoughts were elsewhere when ever I was walking around Seadonna Tower. Also I hardly ever left my room in the first place unless I got dragged out by Ashley, or I had to go to classes.

"Don't worry if you don't know who he is. I'm sure you will see him more often now," Vlad told me.

"Why do you say more often?" I asked.

He smiled, "Because even though I'm no longer part of the Seadonna family, I still have a good relationship with my brother."

Hearing that made me smile. But it also made me a little sad because Donny couldn't have that kind of relationship with his brother. Boss was sure to ruin that for some reason I still couldn't understand. Suddenly I had an eye opening moment as I talked to Vlad.

Nana was right about me ending the war between to the two families, but it wasn't the way everyone thought. My job was to find the corruption and put an end to it. I had found the corruption, but I couldn't put an end to it. The people who are supposed to help me refused to do so. Which also didn't make sense to me.

"Vlad?" I suddenly said, making him look at me, "If you find corruption being caused by someone really high up in a business, what do you do?"

I didn't expect him to answer me. So it surprised me when he took the question seriously, "I guess you remove the corruption, but it isn't easy unless you have all of the evidence you need to prove it. Why are you suddenly asking that?"


"Because there is someone corrupted in Seadonna Tower," I answered honestly.

"Shouldn't the Royal Guard take care of it then?" he asked.

I let out a sigh, "The Royal Guard is what is corrupted."

Vlad looked at me shocked. "You're kidding?"

I shook my head, "I wish I was, but Ricky discovered it after I had some suspicions about it."

He shook his head in amazement, "I can understand why you left now. And, here I thought you left because you rejected David."

A small smile formed on my lips, "I just need some time to process all that has been going on before I face that part of my life."

It was the truth. Maybe being away from everyone that was constantly telling me to be with David will help me figure out this whole connection thing. I can sort out all of my thoughts and feelings without seeing his face. If I discover that I feel some sort of affection towards him, then I will give him a chance. Until then, I will just live the way I want.

"Son of a bitch!" Vlad suddenly yelled, making me jump, "Those fuckers still have Donny's card!"

He ran down the hallway in sudden panic. I watched him from the doorway with a smile on my face. Feeling glad that I at least had one ally in this family who understood what I was going through. Well I guess I also had Donny, but he was hard to read and I couldn't trust my feelings towards him. I still had that first impression of him playing in my head.

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