《Vampire's Betrayal》Chapter Eight


The moment we arrived at the place that Donny made a home out of, I go the welcome I was expecting. As soon as I walked through the door, a knife was pointed at my throat. Making me look at the person holding it. I wasn't too surprised to see a familiar face, but I've seen so many followers I couldn't exactly figure out where I actually saw him.

He had bleach blond hair with strands of dark red. His bottom lip was pierced on both sides and his red eyes were heavily lined with black eye liner. He was also so pale that he looked sickly.

"Stand down, Maxwell," Donny ordered as he walked further into the building. But Maxwell didn't listen to him as he continued to stare me down. I just stared right back at him.

"Why are you here?" he asked without moving a muscle.

"So predictable," I said as I rolled my eyes. Looking back at him I answered, "I left the Seadonna family and I have to where else to go. I know you can't trust me and that is fine. Let's just agree to stay out of each other's way."

At that moment Donny removed the knife from my throat and from Maxwell's hand. Which he didn't like. He ended up stomping off and going to a room to the left, slamming the door behind him. Donny watched after him then entire time. It was probably taking him all he had to keep himself from going after him.

After a small sigh, I gave Donny a small smile, "That could have been worse."

He rolled his eyes as he hid the knife somewhere in the area we were standing. Afterwards, he motioned me to follow him. With little hesitation, I did what he wanted. Following him up the stairs and walking down a long hallway with door cracked open. It was hard to not notice the eyes peeking through those said cracks.


"It's probably safer to have you stay in my room until they get comfortable having you around," Donny explained, "I don't need them trying to kill you while you sleep."

"I take it they aren't allowed in your room," I mentioned.

He stopped at a door at the end of the hallway and turned to look at me, "Not if they want to live."

After saying that, Donny opened the door to his room and we entered. My first reaction to his room was that it was dark. The walls were a dark gray surrounded by black furniture. The color scheme was very similar to his brothers, just darker.

"Have you noticed that you have similar tastes to your brother?" I heard myself ask.

He gave me a small smirk as he responded, "We are twins. So it only makes sense."

I rolled my eyes as a response. It only made Donny smile more as he walked more into his room and towards his closet. Leaving me to take in more of the room.

The layout was pretty similar to David's room back at the house in my home town. A king size bed sat at one side of the room with a set of french doors leading out onto a private patio next to it. On the other side of the room was a small sitting area with a couch and a large screen television.

Donny came out of his closet with a black comforter and a pillow. I watched as he placed them on the couch. Seeing him do that only made me assume that I was sleeping there, but he was quick enough to explain his actions. "You can have the bed. My mother raised me to treat women like queens."


A small smile played on my lips, "That explains why Ricky is so ready to spoil Ashley."

He nodded in agreement. But didn't say anything else. I was learning pretty quickly that Donny was the twin with very few words. But he was also the most serious one while Ricky was the more laid back one. Maybe me leaving Seadonna Tower would form a great friendship between me and Donny. Sadly, the thought of thinking we could be more than friends didn't sit well in the pit of my stomach.

"Is it okay if I go out on the patio?" I asked Donny. Making him nod in response.

With a sign, I headed outside and sat down at the small table he had set up. The sun was already going down and it was hard to believe that I walked away from everything. My thoughts went to the twins and wondered how they were doing. But the other main thing on my mind made me confused about my feelings. Even though we never saw eye to eye, I was starting to miss seeing David as well. It really put that saying 'you never really miss something until it's gone' into play.

My cell phone suddenly went off, reminding me that I had brought it with me. All this time I thought I left it behind with everything else. Pulling it out of my pocket I saw that I had a message from David. It was as if he knew that I was thinking about him.

Opening the message I was greeted with the faces of my children that I was forced to leave behind. It took everything I had to not burst out crying as I looked at the picture. Not because it was a picture of the twins, but because David knew enough to send it to me. Thinking that I was missing them terribly already. You could say that it was the little things that always got me.

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