《Is this some kind of joke, God?》New Horrible Start | 1


So here I am now, the word seems to be at medieval stage, I could see people in armor and on horses when some kind of convoy went on nearby road,

"I need to see my character menu again, maby something new has showed up."

"Character Menu"

MENU CHARACTER INFORMATION Name Toshiro Race Human Age 22 Level 1 EXP 0/10 Titles None Ability Summoning HP 100 Stamina 1 Strength 3 Intelligence 20 Charisma 1

"It worked!"

"So I'm level 1.... and my race is human, I guess it means there are some other races, and my ability simply got named as "Summoning", very interesting indeed. "... too bad my "summoning" power sucked. I could summon only five soldiers...

"Now that I am at it, I probably should summon those 5 people."

"Now just how do I do that?", I though, menu popped out again.

I imagined soldiers appear, I wanted someone with accual millitary expiriance to help me lead and summon additional units later on, I honestly have no idea how army works someone on about my rank should be fine since they lead troops from the ground level. Five soldiers what appeared to be wehrmacht marched poped out of thin air, they all saluted me, the Leutnant I have summoned stepped out of the line.

"Hallo Leutnant, ich bin Leutnant Heinz. Ich und diese Soldaten werden von nun an unter deinem Kommando stehen, sie sind jeweils Soldat Hans, Soldat Claus, Gefreiter Peter und Obergefreiter Manfred."

"The fuck? I have no damn idea what is he saying...", I looked at him confused.

"Stimmt etwas nicht, Leutnant?", he continiued.

"Uhh."... I really had no idea what to say at this moment... he then interrupted me.

"Wie ist unsere aktuelle Situation, Leutnant? Und wo sind wir genau?", He said while looking at me.

"Fuck... did I really had to choose Germans...."

User communication with summons is unavailable.... generating solution.... the entities will communicate in the language the user is able to understand.

"Could you repeat that please? I couldn't really understand you there well.."

"Of course Leutnant, I am Leutnant Heinz. I and these soldiers will be under your command from now on, they are Soldat Hans, Soldat Claus, Gefreiter Peter and Obergefreiter Manfred." (I'll leave German rank names because I'm more comfortable with them than English ones.)


"What is our current situation, Leutnant? And where are we exactly?", he continued.

"I'm happy to see you with me Heinz.", we both shake hands and I get welcome the other soldiers as well.

"Our current situation and Location in unknown.", I said, he didn't even look surprised he just nod and said few orders to the men. Then he looked at me.

"I've ordered them to check our area and gather as much information of the surroundings as possible." then he proceeded to check the area himself.

They seemed to be equipped with M36 uniforms and Stahlhelme helmets, the four of them had Karabiner 98 kurzs, all of them seemed to have two Stielhandgranates. The one in charge of them seemed to only have side arm Walther P38, and the same uniform as them, their only difference in uniforms was the ranks.

"Now that I think about it, how did the know I'm an Leutnant?", I then looked at myself, and to my surprise I was wearing Wermacht officer uniform, and it seemed like I had a sidearm as well, I glanced at my shoulder and I see officers silver stripes. On my head was officer hat, I couldn't even feel it on my head. After several minutes, Heintz came back to me with paper that was written something on it.

"We're on a small hill, on the North of us is a village about 2-3km away we can see it from here. In the West and South there is a forest with thick growth of vegetation, I don't think moving thru it in our current state is possible. On East there's just plain hills, Men reported several unknown hostile creatures. They looked like a pudding jumping around.", he said while staring at the paper.

"What are our orders, Leutnant?", he continued.

"What would you advise Heintz?", I asked, after all I have zero experience with military, and I honestly have no idea what to do.

"I advise going into village, we don't know the enemy on the East, and the forest is just too bulky to move in.", We have no idea if the villagers are hostile though, but I guess it is the best choice we can make.


"Alright, gather man, and we'll move towards village."


The men gathered and we moved out towards village, after one kilometer we could clearly see a village, and estimate how big it was. It wasn't bigger than reactively medium rural towns. And not so long after we arrived there, the villagers were staring at us, well I can't blame them we look totally different than they do, they probably think some outsider army entered the town. Then a men in armor approached me,

"Hello sir, why do you visit our simple town?", he asked. Well he approached us like he knew we won't attack him, that's good I don't want to start some kind of regional war or something.

"We're simple here for informations.", I replied.

"Oh, I understand sir. What kind of information you need?", he asked while glancing on all of us. I proceeded to glance at Heintz, he seemed to understand my non-verbal question.

Heintz took the initiative and said, "We simply need information of the nearby places, we don't know where we are nor do we know where to go. I also would what to know what these jumping hostile puddings are."

"Oh, you're in the the village called "Light", and the uhh... jumping hostile puddings are slimes. The lowest of lowest among monsters. They are from level 1 to level 3 at maximum. Surprised you didn't know it, you looks like adventures.", he then glanced at me.

"We're adventures, but we just started and we don't know much.", I replied. After all, I don't think they'll believe some random stranger in Uniform with the I got teleported here story. I hope he'll buy my bullshit.

"I understand sir, well I hope you and your party have a good time. You should visit the adventures guild for more informations!", He happily said. Then he marched back at his standing spot. For unknown reason to me it was unnerving talking with him. Over all all their stares make me nervous.

"Heintz, we're going to the adventures guild. I want to see what's this world is. I seemed to somehow know the name slime.", I'm a dumbass, how I didn't recognize that the damn pudding is a slime! Of course I would know it, it's in all of the RPG games I played! He just nodded.

"Now that I think about it, I have no idea where the damn guild it!", I proceeded to look for some banner, or text with hopes of finding something that guild would have. After a minute, I saw a slime and two swords banner, like the swords were behind a slime, that must be the guild.

We've went into the guild, it was surprisingly empty, there were 6 people in total, some lady at the counter and 5 people scattered everywhere drinking and eating. The lady at the counter glanced at us and said,

"Hello, there! You must be new here, I never saw you!", she said.

"Uh yes, we just got here into the town, we actually wanted to ask a few questions.", I replied.

"Hm, a few questions... Okey!", she smiled. Something was off in her smile, it wasn't a happy smile... more like psycho I'm about to kill you smile.

"What is going on here", I think to myself.

Something just want right about his place, I could see there's some people but all of them were glancing at us like predators on a prey, I got that weird feeling that we're about to be fucked. I noticed that my men had the same feeling like me, I could see someone way back in the kitchen, the door was fortunately open, I could see what looked like human bones and some meat on a plate, then humanoid creature that changed shape to human again left it and welcomed us again with psycho smile, it all looked like we've stumped upon a mimic town. Does god hate me that much? What is this luck of mine shit!

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