《Is this some kind of joke, God?》The beginning | 0


Hello, my name is Toshiro Takahasi, I was born on August 4th, 2000, in Japan, that means when I died I was just 22. I Used to live simple life of a young adult, that is, if you could call me that. I was living with my parents, playing video games and watching anime without any friends, not that I need them, I always was bullied because of being fat and introverted. While leaving from fast food restaurant on about 3 AM, I have encountered the guys that always have bullied me for no reason at all. Apparently my sheer existence is enough to make them do that. This time they've crossed the like I never had thought they would. They came near my home, like they knew when did I leave my home. There were five of them, their "Leader" Akihiko, he wore black jacket with silver buttons on it and jeans, he was working out on a gym which is why he had a lot of muscular strength, he was very popular among people in school, typical popular bully. His friends wore similar outfit to him, I don't really remember their names, not like it matters anyway. They waited for me near the restaurant in a dark allay, how typical. Anyway, our exchange went like this:

"What do we have here...", Akihiko said and grinned.

"Why are you guys.. here?" I asked in obvious confusion.

"We were just bored, and you live nearby! This is a great occasion to have some fun, don't ya think?"

Their sheer presence made me scared, after being abused mentally and psychically for such a long time, it was the only possible response, or so my psychiatrist would have me believe. I almost forgot to mention that I visited the doctor fairly frequently due to that. My mental health had deteriorated to the point where I caught myself staring into nothingness for longer amounts of time, drawn in my thoughts.

"How long will I be able to endure this?".... that thought appeared when they closed the distance between us, "Will I be able to finally fight back?" after all no one will other then... well me. I was alone in this godforsaken world even my parents started to just ignored my existence doing their daily life things at least they let me live there for almost free, nevertheless, at this point they were about 1 meter away from me, still closing up the distance between us.


"What did I do to deserve this?", I mumbled. They where quite shocked to say at least, I always stood quiet, or well lay, depends if they've beaten me or not. And there I was, talking something. For sure that made things more interesting for them.

"What did you do to deserve this?", he grabbed my arm.

"You're weak! Our plaything, you don't need to do anything! You just exist, and that is our problem, fat ass like you wasting our oxygen."

"Now, shall we have little fun?", he threw a punch into my stomach, and then just kicked me on the ground.

"Please, stop.", I said, of course I was ignored if anything that just made them more exited on beating me, "They'll never stop" I thought of all those animes and mangas I've read where the main character stands up for himself, or someone does, and then he finds that he has some rare talent that will allow him to get powerful liked and popular, all of that was impossible in the real world, we are all alone, and no one will help, not even god.

"Are you having fun like I do?", Akihiko asked.

"I don't please stop", I mumbled yet again.

I've standed up, preparing myself for whats coming at me. Two of his "gang" or whatever they were trying to do, grabbed me and hold in place while Akihiko punched me and punched, blood dripping from my nose, he still was beating the shit out of me, what did I expect really, the fact that I dared to talk when they were around probably exited them, sick bastards.

One of them asks, "Aren't we doing too much?", Akihiko responds, "What, are you pussing out? You can leave if you want you know?", He didn't leave, he still was grabbing onto me. After while, they beated me to the point I was passing out, the Akihiko had a great idea of putting me on a road and looking if I could make it home. Well too bad for them, a red car have appeared speeding, thanks to my luck the driver was drunk, he drove into me the last thing I have hear was

"Oh shit."

I blacked out, the place I was in was completely black and seemingly endless, I could walk for hours and I didn't bump into anything. "Is this how life after dead looks like?", if it was the truth, it would be shit. I couldn't feel anything, not pain, nor hunger and thirst. It was boring, not that I wanted an adventure after the end but still... an endless void. After some time beyond measure, well measure... how could you measure time in a place like that? I lost count after two minutes... A screen of some sorts poped up.


Starting up..... "Hello I'm God! You probably wonder where you are right now."

"No shit, of course I would."

"This is...."

He stops for a moment, looks like he's thinking.

"A purgatory of some sorts, you could say."

"A purgatory?"

"You'll have to choose your ability, and the system will give certain restrictions for you to overcome!"

"Ability, overcome? What is this shit?"

"Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out yourself."

"Myself? Is he high?"

Suddenly menu pops out

MENU CHARACTER INFORMATION Name Toshiro Age 22 Race Human Level 1 EXP 0/10 Titles None Ability None [User did not choose yet.] HP 100 Stamina 1 Strength 3 Intelligence 20 Charisma 1

"The hell is that"

Confirming..... confirm. User identity confirmed, please choose ability.

"Choose ability?"

I quickly thought of good abilities... super strength, I could be a hero with this... but I have no idea where will I end up, from what I know, I could go into some weird ass fantasy world with dragons and shit, or some end-of-the-world scenario so I have to choose wisely. After some time I came up with great idea, ability to summon an army. I would gave me advantages anywhere I end up.

"Ability to summon an army and buildings I need along with personnel needed to operate it."

User choose ability, generating restrictions... generated.

Another menu pops out.

MENU ABILITY Soldiers 0/5 Planes 0/0 Tanks 0/0 Ships 0/0 Transport Vehicles 0/0 Buildings 0/0 RESTRICTION User can summon only equipment to the year 1945 from original world. Additionally, user will have to level up in order to summon more troops, user will start at level 1, with first officer rank of the army user chooses, it will scale to the troops user can summon. Summoned entities will call user by that rank. User can summon this menu at any time, think "Menu." to do so.

"What the hell?".... "1945... wasn't that World War 2 era? And army of my choosing? So I can pick one?"

User requested to pick an Nationality of the army.

"Who had the best army in World War 2....", I tried to think of history lessons I've had, and all the war games I've played.

"Germany... Yes! Germany they had the best army and tactics!", Well that is at least what I've learn thru internet and school.

User pick nationality.... Germany. Setting rank to... Leutnant.




Generating world....




Generated..... Teleporting user....




Everything disappeared, it's all black again.

After several what feels like minutes a bright light appeared, it started consuming me. When I was fully in bright light, I've woken up.



"This isn't earth is it?", I said.

"Wait I can freely talk again!", I shouted. That was really good information... after all... dead no longer have voice...

The world I had been transported into was well a weird fantasy-like, there was a beautiful view from the mountain I was, there were flying islands with cities on them, I could see a dragon and well a ogre from a distance, for sure I ain't going there, I could see plain hills filled with blue jumping things, and I could smell and feel the world, so it wasn't my imagination, that crossed my mind.

"What did it say in that menu again?", I thought to myself.


MENU ABILITY Soldiers 0/5 Planes 0/0 Tanks 0/0 Ships 0/0 Transport Vehicles 0/0 Buildings 0/0 Nationality GERMANY RANK LEUTNANT RESTRICTION User can summon only equipment to the year 1945 from original world. Additionally, user will have to level up in order to summon more troops, user will start at level 1, with first officer rank of the army user chooses. Summoned entities will call user by that rank.

"Only five soldiers?"

Well that was troublesome, with only five soldier I could make up a squad, at most. I'm not sure if it will be even able to work normally with such small personnel count.

"Is this some kind of joke, God?".

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