《Legend Of Blood And Flame》Chapter 19 Purple Domain


LBF Chapter 19 Purple Domain

"Hahahaha...you have a unique sense of humor my friend. I have one...the name's Nino Butwa. He chuckled and answered. Though he appeared to look younger than Damien, the opposite was the truth.

"So, Nino. What do you want from me? What made you get one of your servants to fetch me?" Damien asked. His body was tense. This guy was acting overly familiar. Damien didn't want someone as powerful as himself within inches of himself. He was doing everything in his power to curb his body's instincts to prevent himself from jumping away, or instead pushing Nino away.

"Now now! There is no need to be in such a hurry. You have plenty of time for sightseeing and the likes. All I am going to use up is a bit of your time." Nino said, dragging him into a leaving room and gesturing towards a couch.

He moved towards a cabinet, taking out a bottle containing a black drink with tiny light spots flickering within. Two glasses were also retrieved and the liquid was poured into them. All the while, Damien's eyes on the man.

"This bottle is of the starlit night wine...rare here in the outer state, but abundant in the central state." Nino explained while carrying over the glasses and giving one to him.

Nino then took a seat opposite and put one leg over the other. He swirled his wine glass causing the light spots in the dark liquid to brighten a bit.

"What do you want?" Damien asked, just setting the glass aside without even taking a sip.

"I want you, Damien Okoye, demigodslayer, as my servant. Name tour price." Nino adopted an expression of seriousness.

"I already figured. But currently I don't want to offer my services to anyone. I want to first travel around." Damien refused. There was no way he was going to cast in his lot with a faction without having all the information first.


"Okay! That can wait then! Let me introduce you to the purple domain." Nino uncrossed his legs and sat up straight, tapping in the table, his serious look withdrawn.

The table, which had been solid a while ago ripples and, like an artwork being made, some if the areas sunk down, and others rose. Some became filled with water elemental particles while the other particles of the seven elements formed others.

"This is the map of the Purple domain. Its triangular as you can see. Its tip is pointing to the center of the continent."

"The Purple domain is further decided into three states, the outer, the middle and the inner states. Right now, we are here." Nino pointed to the largest piece of land.

"The outer state. This state is filled with a bunch of small startup clans. There are millions of them."

"If you head deeper, away from the edge of the continent, you come across this river, the Ring river. It runs through the entire continent and separates the outer states from the middle states in all the domains. It's millions of kilometers in width, needing large ships to cross it, or aerial vehicles." Damien was sucking up the information like a sponge.

"Across the Ring river is the middle state. Remember all states have resources, but the deeper you go, the more precious the resources. Whoever built this city is a genius! In the outer state, resources from one elemental string to three elemental strings are abundant. The middle state...tsk! It produces resources capable of even being useful to demigods."

"Your family clan has to at least have a single demigod among their ranks for you to be eligible to settle in the middle state."

"So with that information, this mountain range separates the middle state from the inner, which can produce god level resources, right?" Damien finished.


"And some very precious demigod resources." Nino supplemented.

"The inner region is where the power is really concentrated. Only clans with a god among their ranks can settle there. To rule this entire domain, the god from that clan has to convince the other gods. Now you see. All the land here is hotly contested. Vagrants cant hope to grab a piece of the pie."

"Yes, but how many demigods due because of power struggles?" Damien asked.

"Around 10 every hundred years, but you have to know that there are millions of demigods on Pantheon."


"Yes, this land is far reacher in resources. 99% of all demigods in this galaxy are ascended from Pantheon city...though I would rather call it a continent." He added a piece at the end.

"Here there are treasures beyond your wildest imagination. Some even formed from those weird 'secondary elements', but capable of aiding even demigods.

"Let me give you a demonstration of one." Nino stood up and went towards the exit upon seeing Damien's sceptical gaze.

Damien remained in his seat and took a sip from the glass, his gaze in the map, appear ring to be deep in thought.

A few minutes, as Damien was starting to get impatient, Nino came back, a grin on his face and a fist sized silver sphere in his hand.

It was resting in his palm and Damien observed that it wasn't really solid, its particles moving around, acting like a liquid.

"This orb is a creation made from metal elemental particles and adding trace amounts of others." Nino started talking.

"Metal elemental particles?" Damien asked.

"Yes, they have some of the properties of mortal metal, so the name was given. The chassis of the car you came in is made of them. They are the most abundant secondary elements on this continent."

"But, what's truly valuable about them are their fusions with other particles. The results are many and bizarre. But there are some useful ones. For example, this." The conversation went back to the sphere resting in his palm.


Nino said and then, like butter brought near a flame, the sphere appeared to melt, coating his palm and it didn't stop there, but the metallic liquid moved along his arm, covering his entire body in seconds. What appeared before Damien was a man covered in metal. With a few ripples, the metallic armor took on a scaly pattern.

"This is an armor capable of resting demigod level attacks for sometime." The metal covering the face withdrew to the neck allowing him to talk.

"It also increases the physical strength of a demigod by 30%" he continued.

Damien was so shocked that his knee knocked on the table when he abruptly stood up causing his drink to almost spill. He came by Nino and flicked his chest, causing a metallic clung. He even felt a numbness in his fingers after the flick.

"Amazing!" He commented.

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