《Legend Of Blood And Flame》Chapter 18 Invitation


LBF Chapter 18 Invitation

The man had demigod level power as Damien could sense a nascent divinity within him.

"Oh! I don't think I am so important that your young master has to invite me." Damien tried to subtly decline.

"No no no...don't joke with me Mr. Damien. You are someone important. Even if my young master didn't send me, many others would have come if he didn't block the news of your entire journey." The man said, his eyes looking into Damien's.

"How could I be valuable? I just arrived in Pantheon city, not yet even had the time to sightsee."

"Killing ten demigods in combat with no trucks applied is a feat which cannot be easily replicated you see." The man was determined.

"So, what does your young master want with me?" He changed his tune.

"He himself will tell you." The man refused to give way.

"You really want me to meet your so-called young master, huh." Damien was intrigued.

'Mmmm...it would be better to give him a bit of face.' He thought.

Damien sighed, before nodding and letting the man lead the way. They walked through the crowd until they eventually came out and the man led him towards a sleek black car. It was made in a way that it had a likeness to 21st century Earth, though it was hovering a bit off ground.

The man opened the door to the back seat and held it for him. Damien didn't stand on ceremony and entered.

"Oh! What's this!?" Damien was shocked the moment he sat in the car. He had sensed elemental particles that weren't related to the seven natural ones. It was bizarre. The entire car was made out of such weird particles.


"What are these elemental particles?" Damien asked the moment the man took the driver's seat.

"Pantheon city was constructed by someone who surpasses godhood..." The man started.

"I have heard the rumors." Damien said.

"It is true. Anyway, due to certain conditions, elemental particles are susceptible to mutation. That's what leads to these bizarre 'secondary elements' making up this car." The man explained as he entered a wide road and drove inwards.

"Such bizarre elements can exist!?" Damien was still in shock.

"Yes...the gods themselves also said that these particles will appear on their artificial planets, years in the future. There are even rumors that they are waiting for the first lifeforms, capable of using these elements to appear, but so far..." The man shook his head.

Silence settled after that conversation and Damien directed his eyes out the tinted windows into the streets of the city. Skyscrapers were everywhere, like grass and many businesses were alive in this city. Some, even causing Damien to cock an eyebrow...like restaurant chains. And the bizarre thing was that they blatantly advertises that they could even satisfy demigods!

Damien couldn't even remember the last time he ate a meal that made him as if he wanted more. He had the urge to chuckle but repressed it. There was no way that Pantheon city was made up of idiots after all

"I do hope your young master isn't so far away that I will get bored and jump out of the car." Damien said after tiring of the outside scenery.

"Hehehehe...you have a great sense of humor Mr. Damien. Its just a few hours away from here." The man chuckled and reassured him.

"Can you tell me a bit about your young master?" Damien asked after a silence.


"He's one of the many descendants of the patriarch in this purple domain. He has lived for a few thousands of years and he's someone mature, if you are wondering whether he will be like those silk-pants you have heard about." The man said.

"A descendant...well, so far he is acting like them, after all, if he valued me, he would have come himself." Damien didn't show mercy.

"There are some circumstances that prevent a direct meeting. Like I said, there are many who would want to meet you. If he had come himself, they would have sent spies and found out, then all hell would have broken loose." The man didn't frown or show dissatisfaction. He explained patiently.

"Let me hazard a guess...all the scions at the demigod level are fighting for a piece of this purple domain and your young master is probably going to invite me to join, right?" Damien asked. He was now thinking about the current problem, having gotten enough of the city's surprises.

"I am just a servant in an errand. Young master will communicate with you personally." The man didn't divulge anything.

"It looks like I won't be able to pry anything out of your tightly sealed lips...then I will wait until I get to the young master then." Damien leaned back into the seat.

After seeing that the guest had given up, the man breathed out a sigh of relief.

An hour later, the city was left behind and nature began to appear. Hills, plains and many other formations containing colorful and bizarre vegetation...from flaming trees to floating tufts of grass.

"I have to say, Pantheon city is as legendary as its cracked up to be." Damien commented. He was used to being quiet, but during his hunt if the ten demigods, sometimes flapping his gums could be awarded with intelligence, so he wanted to find a breakthrough to the man.

The car drive for another hour before going off the main road towards a dirt one to the side. Massive gates appeared before long, and after a few seconds, they opened and the car drove inside.

"Welcome to my humble abode! Legendary Demigod Blood!" A man appeared out the door placing a hand over Damien's shoulder as if they were friendly.

He appeared to be youthful. He was thin, tall and appeared to be the chatty pushy type.

He had purple eyes and was wearing a brown shirt neatly tucked away into his black pants.

Damien frowned at the man's treatment but repressed the urge to pull himself away. That would be considered rude.

The mansion was built from brown stones with a dense amount of earth elemental particles.

Damien raised an eyebrow as every servant they passed, (he figured since they were wearing the same outfits) was emanating the elemental flux of a five elemental being.

"So, does your name begin with young master? Or do you have another?" Damien asked as they walked down a corridor.

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