《Legend Of Blood And Flame》Chapter 20 Fated Encounter


LBF Chapter 20 Fated Encounter

Hours passed and night eventually crept in. What was amazing was that the ring of flames which had been blazing above the Continent had shifted colors to a soft white, like that of the light reflected by a moon. Even the raging waves has turned calmer.

Shoes tapped on the pavement as a man dressed in red walked on the side of the road. His crimson gaze wasn't focussed on anything in particular. His hands were in his pockets, his red hair waving in the wind.

Damien had been driven to the edge of the city, and now he was exploring, but his mind wasn't currently on exploration. Meeting that Butwa young master had given him plenty to think about.

The young master had said that he was going to give him time to think it over.

Nino had brought out information about other kinds of treasures produced by the continent and he had been tempted. Some of the treasures were so helpful to him that he had almost jumped on the guy's bandwagon, but caution had been branded deep in his bones.

'Should I join him or...first collect some intelligence?'

Damien was pondering many things and one of them was that. His heart hadn't stopped beating in excitement at the treasures he had seen.

'Damien Damien Damien. Don't let the treasures cloud your judgement!' He chasitised himself.

"Its amazing how the day here lasts as long as that of Earth." He mumbled as he raised his head to the sky, letting the moonlight grace his features.

He passed by many people on the street. The city was bustling with people and life. Many cars were also on the road, floating inches above the ground as they drove by.

'I saw many food establishments here. I gotta try some.' He thought. He started looking around to see of he could spot one of those establishments.


Finally, after some minutes, a stall entered his vision. A customer had just walked away and now its front was empty.

'They even have snack stalls!?' He was shocked and amazed. He decided to go over and see what the man manning it had to offer.

"My man, I have just arrived in this city. Could you introduce me to these fine delicacies?" Damien talked to the man.

"Welcome to our great city. I sell these flaming branches. They can either be served with icelys or ignition sparks." The man introduced.

Icelys looked like a thick cold liquid which was giving off a cold mist, while ignition sparks were liter rally sparks. They were glowing inside their bottle.

"Can you give me a recommendation?" Damien asked. He wanted to know which condiment would be better.

"Sir, can I have one of these flaming branches?" A mellow almost soothing voice came from the side causing Damien's heart to leap into his throat.

He hadn't detected its owner at all. The woman(he had judged by the voice) had appeared within a meter at his side without any of his senses registering how she had appeared! He strained his neck by hurriedly turning his head to the perpetrator, only for his heartbeat to speed up, this time for a different reason.

Badump! Badump!

His heart hammered at his chest at what he had seen.

A figure with golden hair trailing behind her all the way to her feet stood at his side. She was dressed in a high collared golden feather dress which made her seem like a noble, someone far above him. It trailed at her feet like her hair.

Damien was only catching her side profile, but he had no doubt that she was beautiful.

'Look at me! Look at me!' That aggressive thought took over his mind as he stared at her side profile like a lovestruck loon.



The past couple of days had been hectic for Nina. But she had also been excited. Everything in Pantheon city had been a marvel all on its own.

She had searched the inner state of the Purple domain for a place to establish her clan. The gigantic ships hadn't docked at the edge of the continent as they always did. They were transporting a new goddess' clan, so they had directly made their way to the inner state. They had housed her clan as she searched for a place.

Now, her clan was disembarking while she had snuck away to enjoy the city in secrecy.

Her travels had brought her to this urban establishment and she had seen these flaming branches.

'I wonder how they taste.' Her mouth watered as she conjured an imagination based on the aroma.

Someone else, a customer had been there but she hadn't paid much attention to him as he gaze had been attracted to the meal she was about to have.

Though, after a few seconds, she started to get irritated by the guy at the side. She was conscious of his lust and desire filled stare. Her brows wrinkled a bit at his rudeness.

'I won't expose my power. I will just chasitise him a bit.' She thought as her neck turned to him.

The moment her gaze fell on him though, she froze, everything else flying away from her mind. Only those crimson eyes, the perfectly chiseled face and his demeanor, like that of a wild beast, a predator made her heart jump in her chest. An unknown emotion took root in her chest as she beheld him.

Just like that, two people who had previously been strangers met and locked gazes, everything else fading in the background.

'Damien! Damien! Damien! Wake up! Don't fall for her charm! At most she's a demigod. Remember your goal is a goddess for a wife.' Damien's rational mind tried to get him out of the daze but he felt as if he couldn't extricate himself from those golden pupils. He saw that they also had become attracted to his.

'Is this love at first sight?' Nina asked herself while staring into those crimson pupils. The wild air emanating from the man was intoxicating to her like fine wine on her lips. She felt her body heat up as her emotions set it afire.

"Hey!" The stall owner's voice finally managed to break through the invisible wall they had set around themselves causing the two to simultaneously take a few steps back as if they had been shocked by electricity.

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