《Legend Of Blood And Flame》Chapter 16 Leaving


LBF Chapter 16 Leaving

After confirming that there was no one nearby, he once again directed his gaze at the space ship that had arrived. Its hull was purple, with the same logo almost painted across it as that in that Gods Alliance branch he had entered back on Nearth.

Purple light spots were being produced from the hull, floating into the nearby space, giving off an illusory beauty.

"Demigod Blood, I hope your tales continue even in Pantheon city." The man, the demigod who had been at the desk in the branch office said from his side. He had accompanied him to wait for the space ship.

"We shall see." Damien didn't dare promise anything as he hadn't even stepped into the city yet.

He stepped on the empty void and walked towards the purple colored ship. Each step crossing kilometers of distance. Nearing the ship, he was amazed by its colossal size. It even had its own gravitational pull, which he felt tugging at his body the nearer he got.

Damien also sensed a faint pressure from the hull, signifying that its origins weren't simple. It was made from a group of purple plates, arranged like scales, resembling the logo. The pyramidal vessel had seven levels, like steps on an alter.

Damien flew towards the second level from the top. It was the second smallest, after the topmost level.

The levels weren't just an aesthetic construction but served a purpose. A purpose to separate the different levels of lifeforms on board.

The level Damien flew towards, was for demigods, while the topmost smallest, was build for gods, though they rarely used it.

A hatch opened and he flew inside, appearing within a purple corridor, a black automation waiting, like an attendant.

'She didn't come. Good!' Entertaining that small thought, he followed behind the robotic being.


The walls of the corridor had transparent inch thick pipes, carrying liquefied elemental energy, lighting up the place. It didn't make the corridor appear gaudy, but added an aesthetic sense of beauty to it. The pipes twisted, looped and wound around each other in gorgeous ways.

"Wow, I never knew that an automation capable of rivalling demigods in power could exist!" He commented upon taking a good long look at the robot.

"That's because you have never been to Pantheon city, sir!" It commented. Disdain was in its tone, causing a flicker of surprise in Damien's eyes.

"So you are sentient? Sorry if I called you a robot. I didn't know you were another life form entirely." Damien apologised. The automation didn't turn around at all.

"Its okay, sir. I am a robot, created by the partriach himself. Its just that the materials used were special, granting me awareness." It said.

"Really!?" His voice spiked up, more in surprise than shock.

"Yes. Pantheon city has many elemental ore mines, even those capable of producing god level ores." It commented.

"I can even merge with another elemental string to evolve into a god." Pride appeared in its voice at that.

Damien became too stunned to speak. But that was only because he hadn't come into contact with gods or god level materials. If he had, he wouldn't be surprised.

"During the age of chaos, one of our brethren managed to glimpse into that level, but died due to a trap..."

"...now that we are in an age of peace, probably one of us might step into that level, creating a legend."

"But I heard that there were always nine gods, how come I have never heard of a tenth?" Damien asked.


"Because the news was suppressed. Only the people connected to the large clans know about it in Pantheon city." It explained.

"We have arrived at your room, sir. The ship will be in the warp tunnel for a week." The automation said before walking away.

Damien wasn't one for snooping around so he took out his disk like card and checked himself in. He frowned upon entering. The room was colored purple. It had been beautiful before, but now he was starting to get tired of the color.

'Is there an option to change the color somewhere?' He wondered.

[Welcome, esteemed guest. Would you like to change the color of the room?] A hologram with the face of a woman appeared in front of him.

"Yes." He answered. "Red and white."


It said and the purple receded, like clouds, red and white replacing it.

In the void, the tip of the space faring vessel lit up and a purple beam was released into the space in front of it. A purple whirlpool appeared in the space and the vessel entered it vanishing from this space.

Damien, now in his room, lay down on the soft bed.

"Its amazing how a space ship is capable of moving from the edge of the galaxy to its center in just a week!" He mumbled in amazement.

'I will need a plan when I get to Pantheon city. But first, I must first collect information about the factions, to know whom to not offend.' He thought as his eye lids became heavy. Due to the intensity of the activities in the previous 50some years, he hadn't slept a wink. And now that he had relaxed, sleep took him over.

Sleep, no matter how great you evolved, it couldn't be chased away forever. According to a paper written by one of the gods, it was related to what all lifeforms called consciousness. Something no one had yet figured out how it works, let alone its existence.

As he slept, his breath became became even and he curled up, like a child.


"So he has left. I hope you make friends, my friend." Back on Earth, as Lino beheld the the treasury of his clan filled with elemental treasures from Nearth, he wished well of his friend.


On Nearth, within the barrier, Lily opened her eyes, cocked her head to the edges of the solar system and...

'I will appear before you once again. At that time, you won't be able to run away.' She thought before closing her eyes and going back to manipulating the emerald string within one of her cells to merge with the amalgam of six.

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