《Legend Of Blood And Flame》Chapter 14 Lifetime Pass To Pantheon City


LBF Chapter 14 Lifetime Pass To Pantheon City

"Did you know that she is the second female god to appear?" The man behind the desk asked.

"Yeah! I heard from my father that she was born a goddess, just like him, how envious!" Lily commented.

Her comment prompted the demigod to turn his attention to them.

"Ah! Princess Lily! What an honor!" He was enthusiastic. Even though he came from one of the powerful clans in Pantheon city and a demigod. He was just a peripheral member. She was a genuine child birthed by a god, so her status was higher than his.

"What can I do for you?" He asked. His gaze directed at her, completely ignoring Damien.

"He's the one you should ask." She gestured towards Damien.

Damien out a hand in his pocket and took out a crimson orb. It started enlarging until it reached about two meters in diameter. The red turned into liquid and withdrew back into his body.

What was left behind was a pale white flame floating above the desk.

"This is...Demigod Pale white? I can feel his aura. Hmmm..." A minor shock rippled through the man. He had extraordinary memory. Demigod Pale white was one of those on a list of scourges needed to be hunted...criminals no one wanted alive. He had memorised their auras and that was how he recognised this white flame.

"Clad in red...you must be Demigod Blood! Its an honor to meet your esteemed self." He greeted with even more respect. This was one of the few demigods everyone respected. Demigod Blood's name had even reached Pantheon city.

"I believe he's the tenth. Now can you give me my ticket?" He asked.

"Yes, sir. Wait a moment." He said before heading inside a door behind himself.


"You sure are popular, more popular than I, the daughter of a god." Lily said. She wasn't angry, on the contrary, she was happy for him.

"This was effort. I am not like you who had the luck to be born as a child of a powerful figure." He answered.

He returned with a disk-like card, placing it at the top of the desk.

"This is it?" Damien was suspicious.

"It is. Princess has the same one." The man answered. The card was beautiful. It was like a ring of flames. The flames looked like river waters always moving in the ring.

Damien picked it up and found that it was cold to the touch.

"This card was designed like the solar disk which produces light above Pantheon city." The demigod explained. His voice had some envy to it.

"Thank you." Damien said before turning to walk out the building. Lily followed behind.

"A pyramid ship will be arriving three days later at the edge if the solar system. Be there." The man shouted at the two.

"Are you really going to Pantheon city?" She asked.

"Yes. I have plans which won't allow me to come back here. It will be a long time before I see this system again." He answered.

"What kind of plans?" She asked.

"I will only tell you this because I want you to give up on me...

...I am going to become a god. After that, I am going to search for a partner among the goddesses." He said.

"...hahahahaha...are you for real?" She laughed, taking it as a joke.

"Am not joking. I have had to watch as many of my friends died from old age because they failed to merge with another elemental string..."


"...I don't want to watch that happen to the person I fall in love with. With no other option but to watch as she dies." Damien's serious words silenced her laughter.

"Which is why, I am going to make sure that I become a god. When I do, I will only settle for a goddess as my wife. If you hadn't broken up with me, I would have probably only had the option of watching you die, or me myself dying with you still alive. But now, I have a purpose a goal."

"I heard that you have beeen slacking off. Many people have seen you appearing on Earth, at parties and beyond. I wouldn't like someone like you to become my companion. When I become a god and you are still a demigod, what will be the point of being in a relationship with you?" Damien looked straight into her eyes.

Lily blushed in shame and embarrassment upon hearing his words. He was working hard to prevent himself and the person he falls in love with from being in pain while she, wasted her precious time on mundane useless things.

"I will offer you some advice. Merge with a seventh elemental string and step into the ranks of gods. If you don't, you won't even have a chance with me." He said before walking off and leaving her standing in place, stunned.

'I will spend a few days harvesting resources for Lino and his descendants.' He thought as he flew away.

Lily, who was left behind stood in place for quite a while before a single thought appeared in her mind.

'I need to contact father.'

After a few moments, she flew north.

The north and south poles were the coldest most harsh places on planet Nearth. The minimum requirement for surviving in these places was for one to be a demigod at the least.

The temperature was so cold that a five elemental string individual would freeze instantly the moment they set foot on the continents there. They weren't even continents, but massive giant glaciers of frozen water element particles. Some of the particles had even bonded with wind elemental particles, making the wind here scathing.

Sometimes, these glaciers would erupt like volcanoes, except, that they discharged a toxic combination of wind and water elemental particles which could freeze even the space itself!

Nearth didn't rotate at a tilt around the sun like the Earth, so its north pole was directly on top of the planet. There was a barrier of green and white light ten kilometers in diameter at the place.

Lily directly entered the barrier with no obstruction the moment she arrived. She was greeted with a climate drastically different from that on the outside. It was warm and even vegetation was growing on the soil...yes, soil. This was a piece of land surrounded by compressed ice glaciers!

The barrier was only meant for her to pass. Anyone else would fail unless they were a god, and even then, they would have to put in a significant amount of effort.

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