《The path of demonhood》Ch.16: Meeting new people


The carriage ride was less than pleasant to say the least. Myself, Eliza and German were traveling in the same unmarked carriage, all three keeping to ourselves for the entire two and half days it lasted. And to make matters worse the carriage wasn't fit for human transport and the road especially bumpy. I really wanted to un-mount and simply run alongside it. Alas only as a fantasy in my head could it exist. The carriage had come to a halt but German was hesitant to disembark. I truly wonder, what could make a luisent so fidgety.

German: The person we are going to meet has quite the personality but at the same time there's no better place to hide.

'Quite the personality' he says, I can't wait to meet them.

Eliza: are we not staying with you?

German: No. Being a Duc and Luisent I am rarely at my household. And between my family and servants there are far too many people to hide you there. Here is our best option.

His voice wavered a bit there at the last sentence, he needed a little push.

"Shall we go meet them then?"

German: Right! Yes, right away.

He finally exited the carriage followed my Eliza and finally myself. I had felt this from inside the carriage but now that I could interact with it directly I was sure of it, this place might as well be abandoned. Plant life had its own wavelength, it was very much the same across all plants that I encountered thus far with the only difference being the intensity. And from that very wavelengths I could tell that I was surrounded by overgrown wild weeds. A luisent should be wise enough to park his carriage at the entrance of a house and unless this person we were visiting was a hermit, living in a cave, their front step didn't painted a very good image.

I suppose that's rich coming from a squatter. Now let's meet the owner, for German to act like he did I have absolute high expectations for this person. We moved into the house, even from the front entrance I could tell that this place was meant for a very important family but now it suffered from mismanagement. The once grant reception hall, even bigger that the house I commandeered, laid filled with trash and clutter, clearly abandoned just as much as the outside. Just who lived in this place?

...: Brother is that you? I wasn't expecting you. Come join me for a glass.

A female voice, young sounding and fumbling over her words like the average drunk.

Eliza: I didn't know you had a younger sister!

That's what left an impression on you?

German: You see...

...: Compared to all the old men brother's the youngest, that's why he's 'brother'.

That is indeed some flawless logic.

...: Anywho. Did you got married brother? I didn't knew you liked them my age.

Eliza: No that is!...

I broke out in laughter, a deep one rising from the belly, I laughed so hurt my face hurt.


...: What's so funny?

I picked some annoyance in her voice.

"I could just picture their faces when you said that. Tell me are where they wide eyed with red cheeks?

...: ...Yes, that was a funny reaction.

This sentence her voice had mellowed, still drunk but calmer.

German: Listen. I need to ask for a favor. Can you shelter those two for the immediate future?

...: Get out.

She wasn't your average drunk, she was a professional given how quickly she sobered up when it mattered.

German: I beg of you, it is a matter of life and death, I would not implore you of this otherwise.

...: My answer is final, nothing will change it.

"Well that's that, should we get going?"

German: As I said...

"Yeah, you can't shelter us but you could 'hire' Eliza in your household."

German: The terminology is not the problem here, people will still recognize her and word will spread.

"Don't take me for a fool, of course I know this. What I suggest is to change her appearance before doing so.

Eliza: What!

German: You do realize what you are saying, right?

...: And how you suppose to achieve that?

There was genuine curiosity in her voice. Interesting.

"You know, rent a room for some time, gather some materials and then cook some cosmetics and a hair dye."

...: So you are talking about makeup?

"Exactly, with the right application makeup can change a person so much, not even the one they wake up next every morning will recognize them and if memory serves right there are no cases of dyed hair so no one will find out. See, it's the perfect crime.

...: That is your master plan? Makeup? I fail to see how that can help.

"Then you're more blind than myself."

...: How dare you!

I walked right up to her, bringing my bandages close to her face, I suppose it was a good thing I couldn't smell shit.

"You are quick to dismiss what you don’t know. I’m not talking about the miasmic shit people like you put in their face but actual cosmetics, so subtle no one realizes they are even applied. So stop flaunting your ignorance and stupidity so openly and proudly, will you."

...:Have you been informed as to whom you so eagerly and openly insult?

"Why, did you forgot it at the bottom of a bottle?"

...:That's it, I will not tolerate any more of this in my own house! Luisent Illises remove them from my presence immediately.

I turned my head to the door and, while making a show of avoiding all the trash, made my way outside. Breathing in a deep breath of fresh air, through my mouth, Eliza entered realm.

Eliza: That was not proper behavior.

"I suppose so..."

Eliza: What does that mean? Why couldn't you keep your tongue to yourself? I didn't commented on it back then but you did the same with German. Why must your mouth spill so much poison?


I took another deep breath as I closed the distance between us, since I wanted no third party in on our conversation.

"I know that I'm making things more difficult for us but I really don't want to deal with all this."

Eliza: I understand that our situation is not looking good but that is exactly why we need to keep our temper in check.

"You don't understand. If it wasn't for... that annoying spell of the luisent we wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be handed between people I don't know without even getting asked of my opinion. There are much more important stuff I could be doing right now than to argue with any random noble lady."

Eliza: That may be so but that woman you were arguing with, I believe her to be anything other than a 'random noble lady'.

"How so, you know her?"

Eliza: To say that I personally know her would be incorrect. That is to say I have heard a couple of rumors in particular that bring in mind this person.

I scoffed at her comment. Loudly.

"Rumors! If the world worked based on rumors the everyone would be a baby eating cannibal."

Eliza: I...I will keep that in mind going forward. What I'm referring to is His Majesty's first daughter was living hidden outside of the palace and away from the eyes of the populace. Her public appearances were limited and brief, many rumors circulated looking to give reason behind that behavior.

"And? Are you suggesting that the woman we just met is the first princess?"

Eliza: Given the mansion they live in and after meeting them face to face I am certain that the person we met is the First princess.


Eliza: Are you okay! What happened?

"I'm fine, it just left like an axe fell on my neck."

Eliza: That is why you should mind your tongue, both now and in the future.

"I guess you're right. I really need to stop sulking and get my shit together."

Eliza: Get what together... No, don't tell me, I will pretend that I did not hear what I heard.

"Don't worry, there's a lot to come for your ears to hear."

Eliza: That does scare me a little.

We both chuckled a little before turning our heads towards the mansion. The fact that the luisent was still inside meant that he was still talking to the first princess, now for what exactly we had to wait until he finished. In a weird way it felt like waiting for a parent to come out of the principal’s office and dish out punishment. I do find it in myself that I could care less but I did found myself worrying over it. After letting us stew in our thoughts for a while German finally made his appearance, signaled first by the sudden change in Eliza’s position and followed by his presence entering realm. For Eliza to not make a single move towards him the situation must look dire.

German: Now you don’t have anything to say?

"I feel like I already covered everything."

German: Good then, wouldn’t want you to forget throwing any insult before Her presence.

"So… What’s the verdict?"

German: For you. Death, I’m on my way to discuss the date with the executioner.

"I see, make sure he’s good looking."

German: On a more serious note. I convinced her to allow you a board, only it comes with a price.

"Well don’t leave us in suspense, tell us."

German: Tell me, how serious were you about those cosmetics?

"Is our host interested in some ornateness?"

German: Her highness gave you a week’s worth of time to produce satisfactory results.

"No way, it’s easier for me to find a bridge to live under."

German: Should I take it that you were lying to everyone back then.

"I do not need to lie to you people. The problem is that between everything it takes to make new cosmetics out of scratch one week is nowhere near enough an amount of time."

German: Can you do it or not.

"I know how to do it. To turn than ‘know’ to ‘can’, I need to review various ingredients, get access to the proper tools, find the right quantities, test different batches. It is a time consuming work that requires precision. And as you can I absolute lack in both departments."

I wavered my arms for better dramatic value.

German: Then how were you to make that plan a reality?

I wouldn’t, the plan was that while we would be waiting for results our last ‘traces’ would disappear. Mine were already burned and Lana should have taken care of Eliza’s belongings meaning than one final fire at the room we were staying would make us effectively untraceable.

"I’m not going to share my productions methods with anyone, before I turn in a profit."

German: Why do you have to be so difficult.

Why do you have to make my life so difficult. The luisent went back inside, to renegotiate the terms set by the princess. To be honest this princess must be a very nice person given how mild her reaction was. And yeah, I do own her an apology, not that I believe a simple apology’s worth much, I should really look into forming a proper relationship with her, maybe she could form a powerful ally. Who am I kidding , after what I said it’s cordial acquaintances at best. German once again graced us with his presence and from Eliza giddiness it was safe to assume that he came bearing good news.

German: I managed to convince Her highness to extend the deadline to one month.

Fifty four days versus nine, I much prefer those odds.

"In that case I will need an assistant."

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