《The path of demonhood》Ch.15: Bedridden distractions


Before I could unravel anything the energy disappeared, replaced by the same outer energy that permeated everything, at least I was still alive... Everything inside realm felt so distant, so abstract, I couldn't tell apart objects or people from air. And my face, it felt all awful and slimy, hurting like poison was spreading all over. They had me bandaged up completely, unable to see anything or move my mouth, or at least I wanted it to be because of the bandages even if it wasn't 'black' that I was seeing. Lana sure jumped quite a lot of seats in my priority list. I will deal with her and when the time comes I won't repeat her mistake.

Well for now recovery took precedence over any notions of vengeance, no matter how salivating they appeared in my mind. Most likely I was under the luisent's care but where exactly escaped my knowledge, as did Eliza's location and condition. Even if she visited me I simply couldn't tell her presence apart from anything.

My recovery was progressing smoothly, at least when it comes to realm, it reached the point where I could clearly tell apart my surroundings but still I was unable to 'see' the nuance that made it possible for me to tell people apart before, everyone was the same person. My body, from the neck under, was in good shape since when the need to move came to me I was able to stumble my way to the closest window. I sure gave a scare to the person that walked in on me. At least I found out that my hearing's coming back. Her voice scuffed and distant, drowned by the silence, still rung familiar in my ears, Eliza was here with me and she had rushed over with the luisent as soon as she heard about my latest development.

I really wanted to see the expression she wore but I knew that was improbable, instead I had to settle for her distant crying. I walked towards her, placing her voice to her presence, and opened my arms right in front of her. Without hesitation she lunged herself at me embracing me so tightly I heard my ribs laughing in joy.

Eliza: I'm so glad you're alive.

So am I. Having someone worry about you sure is a great feeling, even if I couldn't answer her properly. She turned away from me, to the other presence in the room, telling them something that I couldn't quite catch. I guess my hearing has gotten reduced in effective range by a lot, just like realm they lost their effectiveness, only time will tell just how long this predicament of mine is going to last.

We were left alone in the room, Eliza had created the perfect opportunity to let her emotions run free and she took full advantage of that.

Eliza: When I saw you falling my vision went white. By the time I regained awareness of my surroundings German was carrying me away. No matter how I protested he didn't stopped and I can't blame him for it. All I could think while you were recovering was how if I wasn't there German would be protecting you and those injuries wouldn't have happened.

I hugged her tightly, with enough strength to leave no space for such thoughts. And it seemed to work for a while as she stopped talking and quietly sobbed at my shoulder.


Eliza: The doctors, German made sure to get the best ones in the territory... They couldn't do anything, all of them gave you only but hours to live. When they realized you refused to die they cleaned your face and bandaged it...

Whatever thought crossed her mind was enough to send her over the edge as she started bowling her eyes while hugging me even tighter than before. It took her a healthy amount of time before she had her fill and composed herself.

Eliza: They had... They removed.... Lana had crushed your eyes and nose so they removed them. Same with your teeth most of them were broken. And then there was that mucus, no matter how much they cleaned more appeared covering your face. German had to intervene and said to leave it like that, to bandage you with the mucus underneath. I am just glad you are alive.

Damn, like DAMN, couple in my white hair and I must be looking like every kids boogieman under those bandages. I mean what the fuck, this sounds like an absolute terrible joke. How can I take this seriously when she tells me I look like that Cage character minus the fire... Wait! I can add the fire... In the midst of shaking away such thoughts my mind was interrupted.

Eliza: I will make sure she pays for this.

That cold, emotionless voice, uncharacteristic of Eliza, managed to send a chill down my spine. If I didn't looked after her thing could turn real ugly real quick for her. At least if I could train her, but even if I physically was able to I had no idea how to translate what I knew to actual teaching material. I suppose this is my food for thought until I recover.

On that road to recovery German paid me a visit, the luisent himself. He sat across the room still keeping distance between the two of us as if I'd pounce him in my condition.

luisent: Young lady I own you an apology. If only I had realized that I was being followed this could have been prevented.

To speak the truth I also didn't expected this. At best I thought that Lana would be bedridden and recovering, unfit to stalk people. Not only that, her control over her spell had grew stronger. At the mansion she broke out of her 'invisibility' long before she attacked but that night the opposite happened. A spell that makes one's physical presence and wavelength both disappear completely and she's getting better at it, how terrifying. And to think that this power comes from the maid of a second-rate noble, what a crazy world to live in.

luisent: In all my life I never expected to meet two luisent in the same night.

That was interesting. I had no idea what he was referring to and it only made me all the more curious. He had my full attention.

luisent: Of course you wouldn't know, only the Royal family and us Luisent know about this and from now on you too. During the first expedition, when our people first landed in this land the title of Luisent had a very different meaning. It didn't referred to the pillars of the kingdom, back then there was no kingdom for them to support. A Luisent was that, a shining example of someone who took a step beyond humanity. Their powers differed greatly so their name originated from the fact that they were the sun that most aspired to reach. Over the years, with order and stability in the Kingdom and for other reasons, the overwhelming abilities of a luisent became obsolete so both their strength and quantity declined. Until their name became a title for the Ducal families to carry.


So that confirms it, the suspicions I had concerning magic, they were very much in line with what German just told me. But for him to be saying all this to me in the first place, I don't like where this is going.

German: That woman's ability and your unique physique are very much on par with what I learned growing up. You two displayed abilities befitting to be considered luisent.

If my mucus is enough to make me a luisent then wait until he hears about my magic, not that I'm going to tell him that is.

German: On another note I reported you dead to the Comte. The only way for me to 'lose' the tracks is if the person I'm tracking dies before I get to them. After Eliza explained the situation to me I elected that it was the best course of action. Officially you are dead, even the doctors that oversaw you are sworn and paid to secrecy.

All that was fine and dandy but still he was not only avoiding the most important part, he had, not so subtly to add, changed subject. And it continued like that as he exited the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I highly doubt that he told me all this simply to inform me of my nature or due to Eliza, no he was aiming at something. And I had no intention of being a part of it.

During my recovery we had a new discovery, one that shocked even me. While they were changing my bandages one day they noticed that in my mouth were there used to be bare gums new teeth started peeking out. With traits like mine I could officially be called a reptile. A surprise to be sure but a welcome one since I need not worry anymore about my food or speech. Well I don't think that this extents to anything beyond teeth given the scars on my hands so I do not expect more surprises down the line.

'How do you run away from someone who can perfectly pinpoint your location at any given moment'. This question was constantly haunting my mind, every second of my bedridden existence. I don't believe he was lying or exaggerating when her maintained that only dead one can escape him and even if he did it's better if I moved assuming that was the extent of his abilities since I would need to consider more variables. Lana was able to pass his detection but that could very well had been due to her not being his target. It would certainly be interesting if Lana's spell was the natural enemy of German's tracking but even if I could replicate it, at whatever magnitude and efficiency, what about Eliza? If he could no longer track me he would then naturally turn his attention to her.

I suppose that no other option was available other than playing his game. If you can't beat them... Who knows maybe I'll walk out of it a winner at the end... No, I'll make sure to come out on top of everyone else.

Around the time all my teeth had made their appearance Eliza informed me that we were to move. German was going to smuggle us into his territory. And this was as good as a chance to test out my idea. With a low voice I asked Eliza to sent the attendants away. I didn't wanted to raise my voice or open my mouth too wide since I would sound weird.

Eliza: What is it that you want to say?

"There is something that I want to try. Grab my hand."

Eliza: A-are you sure!

"You want to grow stronger right?"

Eliza: Yes!

"This might help. Take my hand. Close your eyes. Deep breaths.

Her face turning serious her hand lunched forward, her fingers squeezing into my palm.

"Focus in your hand. If you feel anything tell me.

Eliza: Okay.

"Here I go."

Now I wasn't doing a palm reading. The only way for Eliza to learn magic in a short span of time that came to mind was to directly stimulate her inner energy, to force the feeling upon her in a sense. And to do that I the only solution I could imagine was to inject my energy into her body and she want happens from there. I wanted to have this whole process to go smoothly, to take it slow since I played with ideas I did not fully understood. In theory inner energy is used to influence causality and at same time it was tied with ones physical health. The effects of injecting someone with this energy were vastly unknown to me and unfortunately Eliza was bound to be my first test subject.

That's why I took it slowly and yet... As soon as I guided my energy out of my body and it touched Eliza's skin it was as if a vacuum had been activated and my energy rushed out without control. Eliza zapped her hand away from me and started caressing it with her other hand. He face jumping from her hand to me, she opened and closed her fingers one by one repeatedly.

"It is numb!"

I could 'see' her! Not her wavelength but her inner energy spread throughout her body. It was like a 3D model without the render. Her inner energy even had a 'color' to say, a mix between her hair and eyes. And that very energy was fighting mine. The 'battle' was costly for Eliza as she had to spent close to double the energy I had injected in order to completely dissolve mine.

Eliza: I feel a bit lightheaded, if you'll excuse me I need to lay down for a while.

She walked out of the room, her presence exiting realm. The moment the last bit of my energy was purged I lost that vision. This was by far a very interesting discovery...

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