《Journey to Boundless Infinity》Chapter 3 - Zone training


Jack (Almost forgot something.)

Jack packs the wolves inside his bag to sell them later. He then reads the book and obtain zone by just reading the book.

Jack (I can just get this technique by just reading the description? Something tells me this isn't right but oh well.)

*Techniques needs usually have to train and follow a some instructions before being able to use it.*

Jack see a note in the last page of the book.

Jack (Lee's note.)

The note saids:

Lee's note-

Proceed with caution

This can kill you if you are not careful

This technique relies on base power rather than total power

This technique can't not be negated through outside forces

This technique put huge stress on people's physical and mental bodies.

This technique is really good for training and be the training force for other things.

This technique will put your body to it's maxium effect.

This technique is broken as fuck. It's a must have.

This technique boost your energy control, physical abilities and techniques.

This technique have serveral abilities that you can train to get.

Every level that this technique gain is much different from the previous level.


I made the technique in a book so you can read it and learn it. People usually learn it when in a very difficult situation.

First you start of with 1-2 seconds then you get stronger each time you use it.

Best to be at your peak when training with this technique and don't push yourself or you will die in a heartbeat.

You have aptitude with this technique so you probably can use all of the abilities early on.

Back to Jack

Jack (This is a fairly simple note...Ok let's use the technique.)

Jack use the technique and in a second Jack felt pain and pressure in his body. He also spew so blood.


Jack [What? I feel so much pain after a second. My body is literally shaking right now.]

Jack (Best to rest now.)

After a few minutes Jack keep doing this again and again raising his energy control, physical abilities, pain resistance and time usuage.

He raise the time from 1 second to 5 seconds.

After he rest for little while Jack went back to train again.

Jack (I feel like I don't need to sleep.)

*This is due to one of zone's abilities.*

Jack train in zone by literally being in it.

After night Jack can use zone for 5 minutes which is impressive for training in this technique.

Jack (Feel so much stronger)

During his training in zone Jack body is strengthing from the recoil of zone. All of his physical, mental and energy abilities are boosted tremendously. In terms of average strength, Jack is on par with an middle copper maxer. A maxer not a rusher.

Jack went deeper in the forest to hunt some more monsters to sell. He used conqueror's haki to kill (not knock out) hundreds of copper rank monsters. Jack even weaken some silver rank monsters and killed them using his new strength.

Jack (That's a lot of monsters I killed. Better stat dismantling them.)

Using zone Jack dismantles monsters more than 10 times faster than before. However, he still get the recoil from the technique and have to rest once in a while. With half a thousand of dead monsters dismantled, Jack went back to Onu's place to sell some stuff.

*Note-Jack have to use quite a few bags even thou his bloodline ability increase.

Bags in bags equals infinite amount of bags. This is one of the loopholes of this ability.

Onu [Oh, it's you again. Selling some monsters.]


Jack [Not some monsters but a few hundred. So please come outside with me.]

They both went outside to check the stuff that Jack got.

Jack puts his bag and opens it which contains even more bags and again more bags and after that more bags.

Onu [You selling me bags?]

Jack [I have monsters in the bags.]

A little more then 500 monsters came out of the bag.

Onu [What the?]

Jack [That's everything]

Onu [Most of these are copper rank but a few of these are silver rank. Ummmmmm. How I about I give you 2400G.]

Jack [That sounds decent.]

Onu use his storage bloodline ability to store all of the 500+ monsters things.

Onu [I going to get big bucks after this trade.]

Onu goes inside and gets a storage ring for Jack.

Onu [Here's the 2400GB. You can keep the ring if you want. I even give you the rest of the volumes of the book you have.]

Onu throws the ring to Jack and he catches it.

Jack [The rest of the volumes?]

Onu [The book you brought before have 1000 books in it's series. I am giving you the rest of the books to you. It's up to you to read it or not.]

Jack [Oh, ok.]

Jack later then go eat something and go back to the orphanage. He then use zone to read all of the books that Lee created. Using zone Jack is able to memorize all of the things that Lee have written down.

He can now use zone for one hour. His strength is enormous compare to the same rank. He can rival Late Copper rank maxers.

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