《Journey to Boundless Infinity》Chapter 4 - Jobs


With zone Jack read all 1000 books in 2 weeks non-stop while taking some breaks for food because he is still need it for living. Jack understands most of the content in the books but still have some questions.

Jack (I have a lot of questions from what the Creator have written. Like how to get easy mode. The activation to easy mode is to put easy mode in your mind and click it? What? How am I suppose to do that?)

*Jack is thinking too hard. It is literally straight forward. Imagine the words easy mode in your mind and click it.*

There are also lots of other techniques and abilities that can make Jack, Lee's level when Lee started to cultivate and become OP. However, Jack doesn't understand the techniques and fail to become broken as fuck pretty much.

Jack (Time to get something to eat.)

Jack walk downstairs to get some breakfeast and run into Rin.

Rin [Oh, Jack. How you doing?]

Jack [I doing great.]

Rin [What are you doing? All these days I didn't see you go out and work.]

Jack [I don't need to work everyday if I have the money I need. I going to buy something after I eat.]

Rin [Oh. I will just wait for you.]

Jack went to eat some bread and some vegetables before going with Rin to buy stuff.

Rin [That was fast.]

Jack [That was normal.]

Rin [Usually not this fast.]

Jack (I guess my physical abilities makes simple things fast for me.)

Jack [Anyway let's go.]

Jack and Rin goes to the main street of the city where lots of people come to buy and sell things.

Rin [So Jack. How money do you have right now? The products they sell here isn't cheap.]


Jack [I have quite of money I saved up.]

Rin [Is that so then what are you going to buy?]

Jack [Some tools. Then I going to head to the library.]

Rin [What for?]

Jack [Stuff]

Rin [So you haven't decided.]

Jack [I got an idea.]

Rin [Well, be careful of scams. They are everywhere. I have to got to work now.]

Jack [Don't worry about me.]

Jack and Rin seperate.

Jack looking at all the stores look at the cooking department store and enter it. Activiting zone, Jack's senses is enhance to a degree that he is able to tell conditions and stats of the things he is looking at. This is further helped by charka.

An employee of the shop notice Jack and went up to him.

Employee [I'm Je Ku. How may I help you?]

Jack [I'm looking for a set kitchen tools. Can you help find the best one's.]

Employee [Are you sure you can afford such equipment? The best quality equipment is on average 10GB.]

Jack (Only 10GB? I guess they don't have cultivation rank tools in these stores.)

Sensing the entire area, Jack didn't feel even one cultivation rank equipment.

Jack [My budget is 30,000GB.]

Je [What? Are you a noble?]

Jack [No. I'm just a guy who can make a decent amount of money.]

Pointing at the tools he wants, Je pack up everything and put it up on the counter.

Jack (Je is actually very honesty. She pack up the best quality products at a reasonable price.)

Je [That would be 350GB.]

Jack put 350GB on the counter and store the things in his storage rings. Jack this this in the alchemist, blacksmith and cultivation stores. This cost Jack a total of 3,000GB.


While coming out of the cultivation store, Jack feel something different.

Jack (What's going on. *You got the bloodline jobs.*....What?)

Jobs is a bloodline ability that allows it's user jobs to get stronger and have different abilities. It only allows one job at a time.

Jack (There are so many jobs to choose from; I will researcher this later.)

He heads towards the library is free to everybody but there is gold-platium rank cultivators guarding the library. The guards didn't pay attention to Jack as they don't think him as a supicious person.

Looking at the library, Jack feels the force of thousands of cultivation books around him.

Jack (Looks like there is good stuff at every corner of the library.)

The library doesn't only contain stories and information but also cultivation technqiues and a pratice area.

Jack (I going to try this job here.*Scanner*)

Picking up the first book of the shelf Jack flip thorugh the book at incredible speeds and learn everything in an instant.

Jack (This ability is out of this world.)

Using the ability, Jack is able to flip through and read the books at a pace that makes his seems like he is looking for something.

Jack (Can I combine this with zone.*Zone*)

Using zone and scanner, Jack speed is super computer like. Even though Jack is doing things at extreme speeds, he barely make any sounds and didn't bother anyone. Learning passive and active techniques makes Jack more and more powerful as he reads more. Some of the information in the book is false information but is already corrected in Jack's mind from the information in Lee's books.

Doing this for 12 hours straight Jack feels tired. However, he read the entire library. Using his zero talent, zone, and his new job bloodline ability to learn all of the techniques in the library.

*Low talent allows one to learn new techniques easily but harder to level them up.

Jack (I grew quite a bit stronger. I guess I should go back hunting.)

Noticing the Wu goons, Jack show an evil grin on his face and use conqueror's haki to murder the lot.

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