《Journey to Boundless Infinity》Chapter 2- Beginning of Cultivation


Jack mediates for 15 minutes until he feel something in his body. 5 more minutes another energy is coming and 3 more minutes after that Jack have all three energy in his body.

Jack (I feel different. I feel stronger. What does the book says after that?)

Jack grabs the book and read some more information.

Jack (These are some crazy abilities. The author of the book really looks down on people.)

Jack laugh a little.

Jack (Nobody reads these book? This is absurd. *Laugh* This is too much. I should train some more.)

Jack train in the 3 three energy techniques just outside of the orphanage and learn some new abilities.

Jack (It's almost dinner time.)

Jack went inside to go eat. All the other kids went inside already.

Jack (It's just rice and some vegetables but that's fine.)

One of the kid notice Jack's smile.

One white hair cute girl say something to Jack.

Orphan kid [Did something good happen to you, Jack.]

Jack (This girl is Rin Hu.)

Jack [Yes something did, but I not going to tell.]

Rin [Why not?]

Jack [It's something I suppose to keep a secret.]

Rin [Why is it a secret?]

Jack (Trying to guess the secret.)

Jack [I have no reason to show you now.]

A group of kids are jealous of Jack right now. Rin is one of the cutest girls in the Orphanage. The group who is about to pick a fight with Jack are Kang, Kong, Fu, Sim, Sai.

Kang [Rin why are you talking with that punk. He is a useless talentless trash.]

Kang is a black belt and the others are Purple. Rin stand in front of Kang. Rin is a Purple-Black.


Rin [Kang what are you saying. Just because Jack is talentless doesn't mean he can't cultivate.]

Kang [Really? Then why don't I see the employees of the orphanage to give him lessons on cultivation. HAHAHAHA]

Jack stays silent and continues to eat like he didn't hear Kang.

Rin [Grrrr..]

Kang [If he is not really trash then he should be at Blue belt right now. He is so weak. What does he do as his job? Someone who cleans people's houses. HAHAHAHAHA]

In truth, Jack can destroy all the orphans without the 3 energy techniques.

Kang [If you want to speak up for him, use your own power!]

Rin feels intimidated from the group because she can't even handle Kang.

Rin looks back at Jack who is unfazed by Kang's words.

Rin (I guess it doesn't matter if Jack is not hurt by this.)

Kang [Like I said that trash already accepted his fate. I guess my job here is done. Let's go guys.]

Jack (Those people sure do like to trash talk.)

Rin [You don't have to listen those fools. I'm pretty sure you can cultivate in the future.]

Jack [Rin, you don't have to care about me. I can take care about myself.]

Rin [But it is good for an older sister to take good care of her own brother.]

Jack [First of all, we are not siblings but do understand your good intentions. You should take care of yourself if you want to take care of others. I'm not that fragile. See Yea.]

Jack finish his bowl and left to go outside.

Jack (There is more training to do. I need to grow stronger.)

Jack heads off into the forest using the Body flicker technique follow by the boost by Nen.


Jack (I'm going super fast. It's like I'm a different person.)

Jack went to the forest and encounter a pack of demon wolves. Monsters doesn't start with the belts, so all of these monsters are early copper. The wolves howl at Jack.

Jack [Bring it.]

Jack uses conqueror's haki to strike fear in the wolves and increase his own power. The wolves are unfazed by the haki.

Jack uses haki in his fist while using ko and charka to punch the wolves. The wolves all die in one hit.

Jack (This is very tiring. One strike cost so much energy but it couldn't be helped. After all it haven't been a day yet since I learn these abilities.)

A sudden presence is notice by Jack right now.

Jack (What was that? My senses was blurry for a second.)

Jack turns around to see a guy having a can of cream soda.

Jack [Who are you?]

??? [What. You do not recognize me from the noodle shop.]

The man smiled.

Jack [It's you with that glutton from the noodle shop.]

??? [That's right. My name's Lee. The other guy is well...you can call him 37 or you can call him a bottomless pit but that's your choice.]

Jack [Why are you here for?]

Lee [Nothing much. Just wanting to give you an apology present.]

Jack [An aplology present? What for?]

Jack is on his toes about Lee.

Lee [You see I use to take down evil people no matter how strong they are but I didn't do it today so I am giving you a present so you can become stronger and take out evil people.]

Jack (This guy is too mysterious.)

Lee [Here.]

Lee throws a book at Jack and he catches it.

Jack [What's this]

Lee [That's a book about a technique you definity want to learn. It's called Zone.]

Jack [Zone. What does it do?]

Lee [It multiplies a person body and power, plus it also increase your skills in martial arts and other stuff. However, it puts a serious pressure on a person's energy control, physique and mental ability. It also drain stamia when you haven't fully master the level of the technique. It's really good at training your body for your level.]

Jack [How do I know this isn't a fluke?]

Lee [It's your choice. I don't really care. Nobody listens to me, especially the books that I write. You are the first to read those books you know.]

Jack is speechless.

Jack (What? This guy is the author of those books.)

Lee [Anyway I have to leave. We will meet again.]

Jack is back from his speechless state.

Jack [Wait a minute.]

Lee teleports away.

Jack (I really want him to be my teacher....Zone huh.)

Jack opens the book.

Jack (I wonder how much stronger I can get.)

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