《Journey to Boundless Infinity》Chapter 1 - Books for idiot cultivators


Jack use one of his bloodline-effects on the bolt. He uses paralysis and stealth effect on the bolt to kill the bear. The bolt hit the bear leg which makes the bear frozen.

Jack (Now is my chance.)

Jack load another bolt with armor piercing and homing. The bolts fires and it directs itself to the eye of the bear killing the bear instantly.

Jack (I wonder how much money can I make out of this one.)

Jack goes up to the bear and dismantle it.

Jack uses his bag that have the effects of storage and space.

*Effects is a degraded ability compare to ability.

Jack (More than half a ton. I would get a good haul from this beast.)

Over half an hour, Jack dismantle it to it's valuable components: fur, meat, core and some bones. Jack heads back to the city to sell the bear. He heads to a place where he's sell his stuff for a reasonable price. It is run by a by scary guy but he doesn't really care about anyone. His name is Onu Jack clothes have the effects of stealth and illusion so people won't be bother by him.

*A ringbell sound*

Onu [Welcome]

Jack [I'm back.]

Onu [Oh, it's you again. Selling more stuff.]

Jack [That's right]

Onu [Just put it on the counter.]

Jack opens his bag which let's out the blue bear with some deer and rabbits.

Onu [Hmmmmm....3290G.]

Onu gives Jack 3 GB and 290 G.

*GB means gold bill and G means gold coin*

Jack [Thankyou.]

Onu [No need to thank me. Do you need anything else?]

Jack look around the room and sees a stack of books for 10G.

Jack [Those books are pretty cheap.]


Onu [Oh, you mean those books over there. Nobody wants them so I put a cheap price on the books.]

Jack [How come you don't raise the price? Won't you get a deficit?]

Onu [Those books are here for quite a while. The other books gets sold instantly while these books have not been brought by anyone yet. The first few pages ridicule you and the other pages are blank. The books is at least hundreds of years old. I can give you it for free.]

Jack [You sure.]

Onu [Nobody would buy them anyway.]

Jack [Ok, thankyou.]

Jack store all the books but one in his bag.

Jack open up a book and reads it.

Jack (The books ridicules me which almost makes me to almost throw it out.)

Jack flips the pages until he gets to the real chapter that congradulates him for making this far and actually somewhat talks about cultivation.

Jack (This is some strange writing.)

It is noon so Jack heads out to a cheap noodle place to eat. Jack goes to the place and order some udon noodles. He sits at the chef's area.

Jack [I would like udon supreme.]

Cook [Coming right up.]

??? [This is your thousandth bowl. When are you going to stop eating?]

??? [Until I reach a million*slurp*]

Jack (That guy can really eat a lot.)

Jack notice some kids coming into the shop. These kids are part of the Wu family whichs mostly bullies commoners. They are at least 5 years older than Jack and their cultivation ranks are at least early copper. Their names are Lang Wu, Fang Wu, Dong Wu, and Zhao Wu. The leader of the group is Zhao Wu. The group notice Jack and


Zhao Wu [Well, well what do we have here. A talentless orphan. Ummmm. Get out here trash.]

Zhao punch Jack in the face, knocking him to the floor. The other people don't care. Jack couldn't defend himself unless he wants to be killed by the Wu family. They beat up orphans to less nobles children because their family is so great. They do under the pretense of keeping them in check. They are who of the most spoiled children you will ever see.

Zhao and the others beat up Jack until they are satisfied. Jack is actually pretty fine. His trained body can tank punches of Late copper (Of course not without damage.) To not get beaten up more he act like he is unconcious.

Zhao Wu [I'm done. Let's go guys. I think we should eat at the super expensive restaurant at the main street.]

Wu goons [Alright, goons.]

The Wu family left and when they are out of sight of the shop Jacks gets up and sit back as if nothing happen. Of course Jack is bruised all over and cough up some blood. Jack can recovery from injuries

Jack (When I grow up I will make your entire family pay)

??? [I'm suprised you didn't kill those children for doing evil things.]

??? [I'm not going to that much stuff from now on.]

??? [Is that so]

Jack (What are two people talking about)

*Lee and Author 37 is talking super fast (I gave out their names)*

The cook finish the noodles and gave it to Lee.

Cook [That would be 20G.]

Jack handed the gold coins to the Cook and eat. Afterwards he goes to the orphanage to read more about the books.

Jack (So I should start training in the 3 energy techniques, physical body and energy control it saids. Ummmm...The words he use makes it sound easy. Lets learn to use the 3 energy techniques, once I get to the orphanage.)

The orphange is mostly empty because most of people work outside to gain working experince and gain money. Some of the kids are too young and others are cleaning up the orphanage and cooking food.

Jack went to his room to train.

Jack (According to this book, I should focus on concentrating and mediating until I feel like there is 3 types of energy in me.)

Jack mediates.

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