《Journey to Boundless Infinity》Prologue- The new world


So ok, there are many different things that are different in this world than the original world.

First of all, talents are fixed. Now lower talents can now cultivate but at a slower pace. In exchange of this they can get access to certain abilities. The higher talents can cultivate faster and gain more levels for their techniques but the higher talent makes it harder to learn special techniques. Lower talents are still look down upon but is now less compare to the old world. The talent nunber ranges from 0-1,000,000.

Second, the jobs are fixed. Nobody above Houtain wants to take blacksmithing and enchanting but now it is easier to learn those skills and for people to get the good stuff from dungeons need those jobs. So it became more popular and people actually started to do these jobs a mains.

Third, spawn system is changed. Equipment and other things are change to be mostly in dungeons. About 80% of all things are in dungeons rather than in certain areas where people can monopolize those spawn points.

Fourth, people can be born with more than one bloodline ability to help them in their journey. All people have 10 abilities but need to be awaken one after the other to get more abilties. Of course each ability can be awakened to become an awaken bloodline ability.

Fifth, the rank of Celestial Immortal won't freeze your body age. So people who are still growing can grow still.

Sixth, the world is influenced by author 37, meaning there are most races than the original, plus the environment and people is more beautiful, cool, badass, pretty, cute, or colorful. There is also a lot more food.

Seventh, there are more evil things and people. Because there is no people like Lee deleting evil people there is more people going around killing other people.


8th, there is no element you are born with. Only the elements you work and want to get.

There's more, I can't think of any now.

In a village called HillsB village there is an orphan called Jack Ness. He is a talentless orphan who have never seen his parents. The orphans are measured by the talent measurements which means that Jack's talent is 0. Which means he can learn any technique without consquence but have no help in leveling up those techniques or cultivation speed.

Jack goes out hunting animals.

Jack (A blue bear. A rare breed.)

Jack takes out his a cross bow and loads a bolt.

Jack (Die)

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