《Journey to Boundless Infinity》Introduction


A talentless 8 year old orphan who is bullied throughout his life finds out that he can only count himself to survive in the world. Using the thrown away cultivation resources from the other people, he tries to raise his cultivation and himself. The orphan's name is Jack Ness. He gets some guide from the Creator of the World but for the most part he is on his own.


*Oh my god a creator of the world is here. But wait, that is not all.*

Author 37 [Yo guys I am here. So do I get some scenes of me being part of a story.]

*You will be pushed to the side mostly, barely mentioned.*

Author 37 [What, that's bullshit?!]

*This is not a story about you*

Author 37 [Every story should have me as one of their main characters]

*Just go away.* Author 37 is send directly to True Author

*Let's begin the story*

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