《Robert Morningstar》Chapter 9: the council of empires and expansion outside of the Xian continent


Celestial Empire, Robert POV

An angel came to me and reported :>. I laughed at his report and said:>. The angel bowed to me and I told Jane that I will come with her to the council and she accepted, I ordered Raphael and Michael to prepare for exploring the new continent and find a possible invasion route, I went for the teleportation array in my palace.

Council of empires

Aurelius emperor of Gotzland

I came to the council and I saw the emperors of frosgore and Ranthor and the emperor of Arcadia and the head of the council is the demi human of gorgonia kingdom representative and I said :> the demi human Artemisia said:> and I answered:>.

Robert POV

I came to the council with my girlfriend and advisor and greeted them :>. Jane elbowed me whispering :>. Aurelius rose from his seat and said:> I thought about it and Jane said:>. The head of the council showed me my seat and I took it. > and he accepted, the representative of Mitford teleported and took his seat, the head of the council of empires cleared his throat with a cough and said:>. I told them:> I was interrupted by Michael reporting that the continent is filled with fearsome monsters like dragons and dokaeibi or high goblins and they are enslaving the remaining survivors of the human race while making them as a meal, Artemisia cried in a shock:>. A lot of people agreed but I disagreed saying :>. Michael continued his report :>. The emperors changed their opinion and agreed to delay the plan of attack, I was anxious after the report which means delaying my plan of expansion but I realized that I could order Azazel to explore the land so I whispered to jane:>. She shook her head and left to the celestial empire and I proposed an idea to the emperors :>. Aurelius and the other emperor agreed to my idea.

Jane POV

I teleported back home and I kept looking for Lucifer or Azazel finally finding Azazel and Lucifer, I told them both the order of the emperor :>. Lucifer teleported to hell and mobilized 1 thousand demon troops and assigned Azazel as it’s commander and I continued :> I teleported to the council and reported to the emperor in private that the devil divisions is ready for exploration mission.


Robert POV:

I was happy when I heard about Jane’s report and I told the emperor that I must leave in preparation for the exploration mission, we teleported to my homeland and I gave Azazel the permission to go on the mission, he asked me that if I want to go with him but I refused and told Michael and Jane to go with Azazel, finally the preparations began and I sat on my throne waiting for the exploration team to leave, I gave the permission for the mission and they left for the new continent.

Azazel POV: teraria continent

We landed in the new continent and I told my troops and I told them that we will explore the western side of the continent while trying to hide from the monsters and other exploration teams, I used my magic to create a fortress and after the fortress was created I said to my comrades:>. The troops from the empire teleported to our location and I created a wall around the entire western section and raised the imperial flag.

Robert POV

The emperors came to the council outraged and angry and one of them shouted :>.

>. I said it with a calm tone, the emperor of gotzland said that as long as I save the humans, the council will not bother with me.

Teraria continent

Azazel POV

I received a letter from the emperor stating that our expedition have been exposed due to raising the imperial flag and he requests that I send 15 million troops under my command and I told Jane to stay in our headquarter to protect it, I left with my troops checking for perfect location to build our new outpost and connect it to our central headquarter, after several miles I saw a tribe of goblin. >. I came to the location of the goblin tribe of the east and the goblin chief Olaf came to us and said :>. I ordered our troops to guard the entrance gate and I entered the tribe territory, I telepathically told Jane what happened and she gave me permission to exterminate the tribe, the chief introduced his family and children to me and the rest of the tribe gave me a tour of their territory, I smiled and said:>. The devils teleported to the territory in a black mist form to confuse the tribe warriors and slaughtered them all, the chief became angry over the treachery and tried to attack me but I blocked it with my black flaming sword and I attacked him with a soul spell and it destroyed his soul and body leaving nothing remaining from the chief. I created a big fortress using the magic of creation given to me by the emperor after my promotion to grey archangel and I said:> And the troops screamed :>. The roads connecting the east were built by magic. I left 1 million devils to guard the new territory and we went to fully subjugate the east because it is big, I saw a tribe of dark elves and I ordered my troops to attack them, we swarmed the unprepared tribe and we exterminated them all without wasting magical energy and raised our flag in their former territory, I ordered my army to continue moving, we encountered a slave market where they kept selling humans as slaves so I ordered to attack the market and kill the Non-humans in it while saving the enslaved human population, the non-humans fought fiercely but they didn’t know that our magic is strong and we wiped them all after a brutal battle with spells and we lost only 12 devil soldiers we escorted the 10 thousand humans to our fortress in the east and we continued our trip but we encountered the troops from the empire of frosgore, I greeted them:>. He responded to my threat :>. I was angry and I almost ordered to attack their troops but Emperor Robert teleported and stopped me. >


> I wondered curiously but he answered :>. He turned toward the frosgorien commander:>. He agreed to my offer and I sent a messenger to Mitfordien army commander to allow him to take the entire south, Robert told me to continue taking the north west of the new continent but he will have to wait because it is the territory of the dragons and the frosgoriens were known as dragon slayers and he would like to see their power. we waited for frosgorien troops and finally they arrived to the dragon territory, the commander brought his dragon slayer corps and told them to fight the dragons

Robert POV:

I entered the battlefield as the dragon slayers and dragons were exchanging fierce magic attacks finally one dragon was down and fell near me so I skinned him and took his heart and absorbed its magical energy, a dragon saw what happened to his comrade and tried to attack me but I burned him with my divine flames wave spell, the other dragon turned to ashes leaving its heart, I touched his heart and when I tried to absorb it, I got a premonition from the gods realm warning that the dragons are sacred and their killing is punishable by the god kings clans, so I screamed loudly:>. One of the dragon slayers nodded his head in agreement :>. The slayers retreated with me and I explained to the commander everything and told him not to panic. >. We continued to the north exterminating every tribe and saving humans from slavery, finally we met with the ogre kingdom I entered their castle myself and I told them:> the king refused and I said:>. Jane teleported to me and told me that she wants to return to earth and I asked worryingly :> she laughed:>. I smiled and I kissed her then I ordered the siege, mages started to fire at the wall and destroying the ones on top of it, the wall finally collapsed, the ogres and trolls attacked our troops, I blocked one of their attacks and used a soul attack targeting their soul, >, Azazel realized the reason and kept using soul magic, the trolls have been killed without mercy then the allied troops exterminated the ogre population. After the mission was completed I said goodbye to the frosgoriens and the rest of the imperial armies, we teleported to the Celestial Empire and I thanked Azazel for the success of the mission, later me and Jane prepared to return earth to year 2055 for preparing for marriage and to confirm our bond officially.

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