《Robert Morningstar》Chapter 8: The failure of the major offensive on the capital but victory in the war


Robert POV

Jane told me that if I show my forces that they are right at their capital they would panic, I listened to her and deactivated the invisibility magic and she was right the moment the demons sensed our presence they panicked. > I said my order with a calm tone, the mages started throwing holy fire continuously at the shield surrounding the capital, infernal canons started to fire their magic finally breaking the shield, I ordered to swarm up the enemy, > and swarmed up the capital, flying horses reinforcements arrived from the celestial empire after I sent an order for it.

Emperor Voldigord

I decided to lead the defense of the capital. > I issued an order that no step back by our mages and our infantry. As the enemy came swarming I ordered archers and mages to fire at the hordes of angels at demons.

Robert POV

Casualties of our troops began to be high as enemy mages fired at our troops so I ordered the flying horses’ cavalry to fire at them, the angel cavalry begun firing holy arrows so Agrivis decided to retreat a little bit and decided to use ballista firing flaming arrows, I panicked seeing my horses were being slaughtered by the arrows that I told the air cavalry to start being mobile and focus on the arrows, our land forces began to clash and a fierce battle started and became chaotic, everyone began slaughtering each other and corpses were everywhere in the battle, in the midst of battle I began tearing through enemy striking everyone who came in front of me with my sword and I casted” divine light of judgement” a light ball shaped spell formed up and I dropped it and it exploded killing as many soldiers as possible and I was about to meet Lucifer but was interrupted by a child catching me and when I tried to kill him, he initiated the self-destruction spell which exploded killing celestial troops around me and injuring Lucifer, my body regenerated and I told Lucifer:>. Lucifer left to tell Azazel and I asked Jane the commander of the air cavalry through telepathy :> and she answered:>. I heard a massive explosion near me, I turned around and I saw the tower is crumbling and fell down on both of our armies after a holy javelin spell was thrown at it.>. The demon imperial army started a new counteroffensive after the destruction of the ballista tower. > I casted a wind element spell “hurricane of destruction” the weather changed and it became rainy and a hurricane formed and began destroying everything in front of it, I told jane to immediately retreat and she screamed at telepathy:>. I ignored her and I told my troops to fly, both angels and devils flew out of the ground to avoid destruction, the Corinthians realized this and begun some incantation.


Agrivis POV

I told my comrades in arms :>. I told them to recite this incantation” oh demon god, we are facing a greater foe protect us and help us defeat them and save our race from a genocide of the angels>>. The spell changed the behavior of all my soldiers, they became ferocious and their aura became strong and very demonic, energy started to create shockwaves and energy started to leak from our swords so we directed it toward the hurricane and our attack collided with the enemy’s spell, massive shockwaves were created by the collisions of our spell but in the end the hurricane faded.

Robert POV:

I was shocked to see my most powerful spell destroyed > every one of our troops tried to go down to the ground, jane warned me against the order but I ignored her, disaster happened as enemy spells started to hit accurately and after we have landed I found out that we lost 2 billion soldiers in the entire war and 500 million soldiers just to land on the ground, we swarmed in their capital, a fierce fight started in a river called Inchon river later becoming a river of blood as soldier from both of our sides fell, I ordered Jane’s cavalry to attack them but her troops were ambushed by dragons .> the celestial army immediately retreated, we were on full retreat until Azazel troops of grey angels and asked:>. I answered: >. My troops were completely demoralized and were still insisting on a retreat until I gave a speech :>. The soldiers hearing that a disastrous defeat is going to be a reality for our empire they decided to start fighting again, we marched our troops to halt the advance of the Corinthian coalition.

Azazel POV:

I told the emperor :> he accepted my offer, I told my mages and cannon to fire, both mages of angels begun firing every spell like light arrows and light javelins but the enemy kept dodging the attacks in massive speed. >. The troops obeyed my orders and the long pike angels advanced encircling the enemy killing it’s cavalry, the demon emperor realized that he fell into my traps but it was too late as my grey angels tore through his right flank and slaughtered the allied troops with their spells which were similar to demon and encircled his armies, seeing this I told Robert to attack with his troops and I ordered the same, we encircled the enemy troops and turned the fight to a one sided fight annihilating the allied armies leaving no one alive, the emperor resisted but his magic energy was exhausted and was eventually killed, his heir proposed peace and I told him:> he was forced to accept the offer and we have executed 100 million of the demanded children and women who were powerful eradicating any potential threat of to the domination of the empire and Robert said:> I answered with a smile:>. I granted his wish and we teleported home and I saw jane and my family and friends holding a huge feast >. A parade was held for our victory and I drunk heavenly water and I said:>

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