《Robert Morningstar》Chapter 10: marrying my beloved girl and a big trouble with the gods and my cousin got kidnapped


Earth year 2054

Robert POV:

I teleported to my home and I saw mom happy for me and she was proud of what I achieved in the higher realm, I saw her with a costume and she said that she is preparing for our marriage, I asked:>. I wore the costume given to me, I saw a lot of my relatives including my cousin Sarah who hugged me and said :>. I smiled at her and my aunt saw her sister and she became shocked and fell unconscious, I told my mom it was from the shock from seeing you alive, >. We kept greeting the guests that kept coming to our house and finally the priest came and said:> but he was interrupted by the family of Jane announcing their arrival, I looked at my future wife and I was amazed by the beautiful make up she wore and having a nice dress, >. Priest Tony Andrews announced that he will start the marriage speech :> we kissed each other and the celebration with music started as everyone started to dance and have drinks and cakes, the atmosphere was very happy and fun and I danced with my wife but I didn’t drink, it was all fun and happy until my wife told me while we were dancing:>. I was concerned about the problems and I came to the people from the gods realm and greeted them carefully but they noticed my cautiousness around them and we moved away from crowded and said with a grim tone like a warning:>. I smiled and I asked :> And he answered :>. I looked grim and anxious, I returned to my wife telling her about what happened and she said:> I told her that it was a good idea and I told my mom that trouble will come so she told the guests that the couple meaning me and my wife need to relax, they congratulated us all and I saw my friend peter understanding what happened and asked:> I answered him: > he was scared but he wished me luck and teleported using his magic, just as the guests were leaving, the house suddenly exploded > I said it with a scared face moreover I saw two flying guys attacking randomly and killing people, I screamed at them to stop because they are innocent people and they said with a cold smile:> the fat guy charged a new spell and dropped it at my mom but I tried to block it with my flaming sword and it was too strong so it bounced of the sword and blasted my mom to ashes, I turned to where my mom was and started crying like a child, I was angry so I threw my strongest attack but he caught it by his bare hand and threw it to my wife but I successfully blocked it, I tried to avenge my mom and attack them but my wife stopped me and she was crying and saying:>. I called Peter and asked him about how did he know about the newcomers and he answered:>. I teleported to the higher realms with peter, I told him to call god but we were interrupted by an angel reporting that my cousin have been kidnapped and they demanded nothing so far except you come to the realm, I told my servants to call my mom and she came and she was very shocked, I told her what happened and she fell unconscious, I told all of my comrades:>. Peter teleported to the gods’ realm to inform god that I intend to come to the 7th realm that is the gods’ world; he came and told me that I’m permitted to come to the realm. I prepared myself and I tested my sword and magical power, I told my wife to stay and I entered to the teleportation station and I teleported to the gods’ realm.


The 7th realm Robert POV

I exited the ascension station and started exploring the surrounding area; I started absorbing magical energy from the atmosphere of the realm to increase my power, I had the map of the realm and head for the palace of the lord, he greeted me and said:>. I understood him and he showed me the location of the clan in the west part of the realm since it is a single continent but with water, I left the palace for the place where my cousin was taken.

Otutski Clan headquarters

Sarah POV:

I woke up after being conscious for four days, I felt chains hurting my hand, I cried for my mom and I cried for help but no one came, a guy came and said:>. I screamed while crying :> he answered while laughing:<< Oh no we don’t want you but we want your cousin whose actions have defied our rule that no divine empire in the 6th realm must be stronger thus, oh he didn’t tell you where he was and you call yourself his relative? I would have understood the fact that he doesn’t care for… what was that? >> a messenger reported that there is someone wreaking havoc in our headquarters, >, I screamed :>.

Robert POV

I heard her screams and went to its source, two clan soldiers tried to stop but I slaughtered them swiftly with my sword, I moved with speed and I found a heavy door, I kept hearing her screaming inside the room I’m outside it then Moshiki came and told me that if I pull this door I will save her and he will let us go but I told him that I didn’t believe him and attacked him with my sword and he said:>. We kept exchanging swords fiercely and the shockwaves broke the heavy door, I quickly grabbed my cousin and run away to the palace of god, I heard him screaming :>. He sped up and kept following me so I had to use maximum speed but his speed was impressive, so I had to dodge his attacks and I started absorbing magic to charge my energy but I noticed that the life force of each place I drain energy from gone, I saw the palace of god so I told the guard to fire at the one who is following us, the guards did and the enemy was heavily injured and exhausted from chasing me and I entered the palace and stopped speeding because I was exhausted god asked what happened and I said:>. She said with a smile :>. I healed her and I put her to sleep in the nearest bad, I told god that I will stay here to settle the matter by myself but he said:> I slept with her in the bed because my body is too exhausted to walk.

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