《The Diamonds》Nurse Nova



The next day I was rested enough to try and figure out a game plan that hopefully wouldn’t result in me getting slapped or Wrinkler breaking another desk. When I went to the main conference room I was surprised to see another agent in the room beside Wrinkler and Asher and he wasn’t Simon. Okay, who’s this guy and why isn’t Simon here?

"I know what you're thinking, why isn't Simon here?" Patty said. "Well, Simon's out on a solo mission."

I raised an eyebrow but before I said anything I looked over at the other Agent who was standing beside Wrinkler and I snorted at the look on Wrinkler's face as the Agent looked he weighed at least three hundred pounds! He had a bag of fast food in his hands and it looked like he was eating mostly cheeseburgers. Well, at least he's getting his daily helping of cheese.

Patty cleared her throat, "Since Abigail is on a side mission," I could tell from the look on Patty's face that she was trying so hard to keep it together knowing that she was lying. "The current mission that you three need to complete, there's a need to add another Agent into the group. Asher, Ron and Wrinkler, meet Shawn and his codename is Agent Jaws."

I covered my mouth to try and stifle a laugh. I composed myself, "Are you sure his name isn't Prince Jaws?"

Patty snorted, "Prince Jaws? Seriously Ron? Ah, no he's human."

Shawn paused. "Well duh! Of course I'm human! Oh and it's nice to meet you guys, I've heard so much about the top twelve ranking Agents in the Diamond Division! Boy I never thought I'd get to meet you! It's too bad I haven't gotten a chance to meet Agent Black!"

"Uh, Shawn," said Asher, "how many cheeseburgers do you have left?"

"Six, why? You want some?" Shawn replied. He offered Asher a cheeseburger and Asher turned it down. Shawn shrugged. "Oh well, suit yourself." He blinked when he saw everyone staring at him. "What? I always eat a big meal before a mission. It helps calm my nerves."

I raised an eyebrow and gave him a pointed look. "A stress eater huh? You know that's not healthy for you right? Exactly how did you pass all three of the very stressful tests that you need to pass to get into the Diamond Division in the first place?"

Shawn didn't answer my question, he shrugged and then stuffed his face with another cheeseburger. He looked at Wrinkler. "Do you want a cheeseburger?"

Wrinkler gave the cheeseburger Shawn offered him a look of disgust. "No thank you."

Shawn raised an eyebrow. "You look like a skeleton! You need some more meat on your bones if you ask me. Although you are handsome, ever thought of being a model instead?"

Wrinkler's face turned red. "Yeah again, no thank you."

Asher snorted and I could tell he was having a field day with this, just as much as I was. Then Asher gave Patty a pointed look and grinned. "At least Shawn's getting his daily helping of cheese! Hey, Shawn, do you like extra cheese on your cheeseburgers?"

Shawn swallowed the rest of the cheeseburger he was eating. "Why yes! I'm glad you asked that question, I always add three extra slices of cheese to my cheeseburgers!"

I couldn't stop myself from laughing at Shawn's reaction to Asher's question. That's because he had no idea what Asher was implying but Patty caught onto him. "Okay I get it! My jokes are terrible, I'll try not to do it anymore. Keyword, 'try' and no I don't have a comeback joke for this."


At this point I was on the ground laughing so hard I was gasping for air and I wasn't sure if I was going to stop laughing anytime soon. Patty cleared her throat again and I stood up and tried my best to compose myself.

"Anyway, all funny business aside," said Patty. "This mission is an exchange of information mission."

I paused. "An exchange of information mission?"

Patty nodded. She turned to the computer and pulled up an image on it. My eyes widened in terror when I saw it was the hospital where Abigail got captured.

"Yes, yes I know," said Patty, "this is not the best place you want to start out at but it's the best place for this information. I have an informant on the inside now and she can give you the information you're looking for. The information you're looking for is information on the Ruby Statue."

"Okay." I said. "So that's the plan? Go after the Ruby Statue again?"

Patty bit her bottom lip and nodded. "Unfortunately, yes, this mission wasn't completed and…" She trailed off and I could tell she didn't want to say anything else.

Shawn stopped eating and gave Patty a look of concern. "Are you okay Ms. Patty?"

"I'm fine," responded Patty, "Ron, you're going to be the leader on this mission. Oh and Shawn, you should probably know everyone's codename, Ron's codename is Agent Silver," Patty pointed to Asher, "Asher's codename is Agent Purple," Patty pointed to Wrinkler, "Wrinkler's codename is Agent Dawn."

Patty looked at us. "Listen, since there is a low ranking Agent with you guys now, no rooftop traveling, got it?"

Asher frowned. "I got it, I don't like it but I got it."

Wrinkler and I nodded to show that we understood Patty's orders.

"Okay then," said Patty, "everyone is free to go get ready for this mission except Ron. Ron, I need to speak to you in private."

Once everyone left, I sat down because I had a pit in my stomach and I felt like I was going to be sick. Patty sat down across the table from me. "Ron, stay with me here, you're going to meet the informant I have at the hospital. She can tell you about Abigail's whereabouts. I know you said Dr. Crow wants you to come to Shaw Castle but that's way too easy and no you're not offering yourself up to get close to Abigail. I told Asher to knock you out and carry you out of harm's way if you start to even think about going that route. Do you understand me?"

I nodded. "Yes, I understand. So exactly who am I looking for?"

"Okay once you get to the hospital, go to the front desk and ask for Nurse Nova," Patty said.

"So do what I did last time?" I asked.

Patty shook her head. "Don't go in your mission outfit, go in regular clothing, make sure to keep your brooch and your key on you at all times. Make sure Shawn follows the same plan. If you were to go into a hospital at the front dressed in your mission clothing and asked for a nurse, I think they would refer you to the psych ward where you found that little video message that Dr. Crow left you. Ask for Nurse Nova and don't do anything stupid cause if you do I gave Asher orders to knock some sense into you."

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah I understand, I just want Abigail back. I want her to feel safe, honestly if there was anyway I could get her away from this job because of-"


Patty sighed, "No Ron, that's not possible."

"Huh?" I said.

"Well, once an agent signs on to work for the government, they pretty much have you in their clutches," explained Patty. "Even if you're not up to par, you're still an agent."

"But if we're not up to par how can we still be an agent?" I asked.

"The government has special health facilities to treat their agents and nurse them back to health. Once the agent is back on their feet, they're sent on missions again," Patty answered. "Even if there is emotional trauma that happens to an agent the government will not let them go. It's very rare that an agent gets let go. An agent's injury has to be so severe that there will be no chance of them being able to work at all. When that happens, then the government will let them go. If an agent needs to be disciplined for whatever the reason, well that's what the holding cells are for. Trust me, you don't want to go there."

"Oh." My mind was reeling at the fact that when Abigail and I signed on to work for the government we signed our lives away. "So can I-"

Patty shook her head, "No I wouldn't do that. You'll scare them, focus on saving Abigail and we'll figure out what to do next. Okay?"

I nodded. Without another word I got up and left the room.

* * *

As we made our way to the hospital, I told everyone about the plan Patty told me about. We had our brooches with us and made sure to go there in plain clothing. Before we even got to the hospital, I guess Shawn decided to make an ass out of himself by trying a 'pick-up line' out on Wrinkler.

I have no idea what Shawn said to him but I heard Wrinkler kick Shawn in the nuts pretty hard before he said, "Uh no thanks, I'm spoken for! And if I wasn't, I don't think you're my type."

Shawn wheezed, "Duly noted!"

I went up to the front office and the clerk sitting there smiled at us. "May I help you?"

I nodded. "Yes, I'm looking for Nurse Nova? Is she working here today?"

"Oh sure," the clerk typed a few keys on her keyboard and smiled. "Yes she's working here today. May I ask who's asking for her?"

I paused because I didn't want to make the same mistake that I did at the mattress store. "It's Silver."

The clerk paused. "Is that your name?"

I nodded. "Yes, that's my name."

"Okay then," The clerk said. "I'll give her a call."

The clerk picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Yes, I need to speak to Nurse Nova. There's someone by the name Silver that wants to talk to her," The clerk paused. "Okay I'll let him know."

The clerk hung up the phone and looked at me. "Nurse Nova is on her way here. Have a seat please."

When I saw Nurse Nova walking down the hallway I gasped because she looked very familiar. As a matter of fact, she didn't look like a she. She looked like a he and I knew which he it was. It was none other than Simon aka Agent Shadow. Apparently, they got Simon to dress up like a girl and I must say he did it pretty well. He had on blue scrubs, fake boobs, a blonde wig with long blonde hair and he obviously had contacts in to hide his hazelnut eyes. His eye color was now blue. He even had a mask on a state of the ark mask that can hide his facial features and no one would be the wiser.

I knew it was Agent Shadow because even though most of his features were well hidden, there was no hiding his birthmark that was on his right ear. I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from falling over laughing.

Wrinkler looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

I pulled him to the side and said, "Nurse Nova isn't a woman, Nurse Nova is a man dressed as a woman. I know which man Nurse Nova is too."

"Who?" Wrinkler asked.

I whispered into his ear as quietly as I possibly could. "Agent Shadow!"

Wrinkler snorted, "W-what? Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I know that birthmark on his ear when I see it."

"Well, are you two going to stand there and talk to each other all day or do you want the information that I have for you?" Nurse Nova asked.

I smiled trying to keep a straight face. "Uh, yes I would love to hear the information, uh Nurse."

Asher gave me a bewildered look. "What is so funny, Agent Silver?"

"I'll tell you later," I replied.

"Anyway," said Nurse Nova, "the information on the one you seek to find is here and this is all I know for now."

Nurse Nova took out of her or I should say his pants pocket a piece of paper. Nurse Nova handed it to me. My jaw dropped when I read it. What the note on the paper said was: She's here disguised as a Doctor. Don't know which Doctor but from what I was able to find out, she's here.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

Nurse Nova nodded. "Yes I'm sure. I don't know if the details are correct but that's what I've been able to find out. Yes, I know you know who I am Silver. Whatever you do, don't blow my cover and don't do anything stupid. Remember offering yourself up for her isn't a good idea."

I nodded. "Yeah, that's what Agent Purple is here for. Patty gave him instructions to knock me out if needed."

"Anyway," said Nurse Nova, "I have to get back to work."

"Oh and Nurse Nova," I said.

"What?" Nurse Nova replied.

I whistled and teased, "Looking good, I wonder, can I have your number? Oh and what time do you get off work?"

Nurse Nova rolled his eyes. "Ha, ha very funny Silver. You know I could kick you in the balls for that, but I'm nice so I won't."

I snorted as I saw Nurse Nova walk away trying his best to walk like a woman. But I can say that I'm surprised no one's been able to figure out that Nurse Nova is a guy yet.

"Something's weird about Nurse Nova," Asher said.

"That's because Nurse Nova isn't quite who you think 'she' is," I said. "I mean she's trying but I'd say A for effort."

Wrinkler snickered. "Yeah I can agree with that."

"Huh?" Asher asked.

"Again, I'll explain later," I replied.

I couldn't believe that Patty sent Simon on a mission dressed as a woman. Although I do know that he does cross-dress sometimes. So I guess this type of mission is right up his alley.

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