《The Diamonds》Do You Really Care About Her?



The only thing I could think of to regroup is to go back to headquarters and figure something out from there. Once I got through the process of making sure I wasn't compromised or anything like that, I went to the main conference to report what happened to Patty. I really hate going through the normal protocol. Of course, there was an announcement saying who had returned from their mission. It didn't surprise me that Abigail was listed as being out on a mission probably because Patty doesn't want anyone to get wind of Abigail being captured and at this very moment being tortured by Dr. Crow. Who knows what that bastard is doing to her. I can only imagine that he's put her under the Fog already.

"Uh, Ron?" Patty said. "Are you still with us? Or do you need a break and we can talk about this later?"

I looked up when Asher put a hand on my shoulder. "Huh? What's up?"

"You zoned out mid-conversation," said Asher, "right after you said what the video we saw contained."

I looked down, "Oh. I'm-"

"No, no, don't even say it," said Patty, "it's not your fault that this happened. As a matter of fact, it's not anybody's fault that this happened. Every DA that works here knows good and well that anything can happen on a mission and that includes being kidnapped by the enemy. If there is a war going on the same thing. The Battle for Shaw Castle was just like that. DA's went in there knowing they could possibly be killed. Yes, a lot of them were killed. That's the unfortunate problem with this line of work. But someone has to do it.

"I have the same feeling you do. It's very possible that Abigail's been put underneath the Fog. From the way you described how Abigail acted in the video, she's under the Fog alright. Since you described her looking like a puppet and not doing or saying anything, that's what the Fog does. We don't know how Dr. Crow was able to make such a weapon. We don't have that type of weapon ourselves. Thanks to the Agents that we have as informants we were able to make the antidote for the Fog.

"Honestly, I hate to think of what Dr. Crow is doing to her now if he was…."

"Please don't say it!" I shouted. "It's bad enough I-"

Asher slapped me in the face. It was such a hard slap I was surprised that it didn't snap my neck.

"Ron seriously, knock it off!" Asher growled. "It is not your fault! So stop acting like it was! Wrinkler and I were there too! What's gotten into you? I mean, I know you're her boyfriend and all but it is not your fault that she got captured! It's bound to happen in this line of work. Every DA knows this! Even you know this!"

"Oh," I said. "I just… I guess..." I shook my head, the memories I've recently had were too bizarre to even explain. I mean, did I really work for Dr. Crow once upon a time? Or was there something else going on? Patty and Wrinkler know a lot more than they're letting on and I have no idea why they want to keep me in the dark about it.

Asher once again surprised me, he made me stand up and he hugged me tightly. I don't know what came over me but with Asher hugging me, I felt comfortable crying on his shoulder.


Patty gasped, "Asher! I've never seen you this sensitive before, what happened to you? Did you switch places with your twin or something?"

Asher sighed, "No I didn't switch places with my twin, Ron's upset and traumatized. I'm surprised you're not the one doing this, Abigail's supposed to be your daughter! As a matter of fact, why aren't you crying? Aren't you heartbroken about this or is this your way of not caring for your child?"

At this point, the flood gates had opened, and my tears wouldn't stop falling. There was dead silence in the room. The only thing that could be heard was me sobbing like a fool on Asher's shoulder. Then there was a loud sound of a two by four being smashed.

I stopped crying and Asher let go of me. Asher and I were stunned when we saw that the desk in front of Patty had been broken and shattered. I looked over to see Wrinkler seething with rage.

"You know something?" Wrinkler snarled. "Asher's right, sorry about the desk, I'll replace it, you can take it out of my paycheck. You aren't acting like you care about your daughter right now. You're being way too professional and you could at least show a little bit of sympathy."

When Wrinkler got done with his rant, he composed himself.

Patty blinked. "Okay, I've never had an Agent break a desk in front of me before. I've heard stories of that happening and no that's not a punishable offense although I wish it was at the moment. Anyway, yes I care about my daughter. I want her back home safe where she belongs. Why do you think I didn't tell the higher up's about this? Abigail's the strongest DA we have and we need her back at all costs. I mean she-"

"Single-handedly won the Battle for Shaw Castle?" I growled. "Yeah I know, let me ask you something, Patty. Do you care about her sincerely? I mean really sincerely? Or do you want her back because she's the strongest DA that The Diamond Division has?"

Patty's jaw dropped and she hesitated, and not just hesitating for a second hesitating either. She hesitated for a good five minutes. During those long five minutes, she stared at us as if she lost the ability to speak. She stood up and composed herself while wiping the debris from the broken desk off her. "Well, I think we have said everything that needs to be said. As far as a game plan goes, you guys can figure it out. Get out of my sight now!"

I left the room, I didn't know what to think about Patty's reaction to my questions. All I knew is I was going to save Abigail and my name isn't Prince Silver it's Ron.



After the little 'show' Dr. Crow wanted me to put on for the DA's that would be sent after me, he made sure I was ready to go out and fight them. Part of me being ready to go after whoever would possibly be sent out after me was to transform into Princess Black Daybreak Diamond, that is after I took a shower and got cleaned up.

I was starting to get pissed off by this but there was nothing I could do about it. Until I found a way to break free from the Fog, all I could do was be Dr. Crow's little puppet. I was thankful that I was being sent out to go fight the DA's that would be sent after me because it meant I wouldn't be assaulted by Dr. Crow at that time. I hoped that I could find some way to drag the fight out and I wouldn't have to bring the DA's that were sent after me back right away. But on the other hand, since Dr. Crow can see through my eyes and hear my thoughts now, I didn't think that would be possible either.


Before I headed out to figure out which DA's had been sent after me, Dr. Crow called me into his, what he would like to call, 'office'. To me, it looked more like a throne room. Well, he did say he was a step-king to The Diamonds. Honestly, I think what he told me about me being a Princess along with Ron and everyone else that got those stupid keys being royalty and being the law, was just nothing short of a fairytale.

Apparently, facial expressions are considered regular bodily functions, or at least to Dr. Crow they are. I thought he told me they weren't. I guess if he wants me to give him comic relief I can snarl at him?

Anyway, as I walked into the 'office/throne room' Dr. Crow was sitting on his chair that he made fashioned into a throne and he had a sinister smile on his face. "Come closer Princess Black, you're all the way on the other side of the room."

I didn't want to go any closer to him. Unfortunately, I had to go closer to him. All he had to do was motion with his hand and I stepped closer to him.

Dr. Crow's evil grin got wider and wider until finally, we were face to face. He put a hand on my chin and made me look at him, making sure I couldn't leave his gaze, not for even one second. "Well, Princess Black, do you have anything to say to your boyfriend before you leave?"

When I didn't say anything he rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll loosen the Fog so you can say those three special words. Hmm, the sentence starts with an I and ends with you."

Nope, not talking. I thought.

Dr. Crow chuckled, "Look at you being all defiant and sassy! You're such a charmer aren't you?"

Gee, thanks? I thought.

Dr. Crow let go of my chin and gave me a playful pat on the head. "You know, I could use the Fog to make you say it. But I guess if you don't feel that way, then it doesn't really count now does it?"

Yeah, you need help, nah actually you need to be put out of your misery. I thought.

Dr. Crow snorted. "I love your little witty comments in your thoughts, Princess! Just you wait, one of these days, you'll be my wife and once I get my hands on Prince Silver he'll be my husband. Won't that be nice?"

Yeah, and I can't wait to see how ugly our children will be! I thought. I already feel sorry for them and they're even born yet. Oh well.

Dr. Crow was having a field day with my 'witty' thoughts to him. He couldn't stop laughing at this point. He stopped laughing finally. "Okay then, I know you're DA friends will be after you but I want you to go after a couple of them first. The DA you're going after his sub name was Simon last time I checked? I don't know exactly which Simon he is but I do remember his name before he came to Earth was Prince Shadow."

My eyes went wide when I heard this. I tried my best not to think of anything except another witty remark. Wow, so you're into twins now? I didn't know that, gee I wonder when is your dick going to fall off from having too much sex?

Dr. Crow laughed, "Ha! Now that was funny Princess! You know exactly where he is, don't you? No, I'm not into twins, not my type. You know why I want you to bring him to me. I want as many of the originals as I can get under my belt. When I finish building up my army the government here won't be able to stop me! No, I don't think of your twin that way. The only two people I want are you and Prince Silver. Actually, I take that back, I'm still searching for my Queen and I know she's here on Earth too. Queen Pearl's sub name was Patty last time I checked."

I scowled and thought, Now that I think about it, she is one person I don't mind handing over to you. I know exactly where she is.

Dr. Crow raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Why are you so eager to hand her over to me?"

Because she's a stupid bitch that could care less about her children! If I remember correctly when I worked as one of your Agents she pretty much handed me over to you so you could assault me! As a matter of fact, I wouldn't mind putting her out of her misery too. I know for a fact that the only reason she would want me back is that I'm the strongest DA she has! I thought.

"Wow," said Dr. Crow, "while that might be true, I don't think other DA's would agree with her. I bet even if there was an order not to come to save you, your friends would come to save you. Especially Prince Silver, you want to know why?"

I tilted my head and thought, Why?

"First of all," growled Dr. Crow, "it's getting really annoying talking to myself. Second, Prince Silver was the one that me and Queen Pearl picked to be your bodyguard. We and the Elders also decided that when you two got old enough you would be married. No, you didn't work for me as an Agent, you were a Princess and you still are a Princess. You were younger back then. We had so much fun together. Good times huh? Oh yes, I did the same thing to Prince Silver. I must say, boy, you two are good in bed. But you're not really a full-grown Diamond adult, even though you're a human adult nope not yet."

This time I did talk out loud once again because Dr. Crow managed to gain my curiosity. "Huh?"

Dr. Crow smiled. "It's about damn time you said something out loud! Well, what I'm talking about is that you haven't developed your magic yet. Diamond adults have magic and that magic you have to unlock first. That's because once you develop your magic, you will grow fangs. The fangs signal that you are an adult Diamond again."

"Wow," I said, "your fantasy land just keeps getting stranger and stranger, okay humor me. How do I unlock my magic so I can develop these fangs? How do I keep from growing them?"

"Oh please, Princess!" Dr. Crow said. "You couldn't stop puberty even if you tried! It's the same thing with humans."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, are you going to answer my question or are you going to leave me on a cliffhanger?"

Dr. Crow stared up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "You know what? If it'll get you to come back to me willingly and not underneath the Fog then I think I will leave you on a cliffhanger."

I rolled my eyes again. "Gee thanks my not boyfriend. I sooo can't wait until I come back."

Dr. Crow gave me a sinister smile. "Aww you're so cute, I'm hurt that you don't love me though. Oh well, it's time for you to go Princess. You know where to find him or maybe he'll find you? Don't know and I don't care as long as you bring him to me. Until next time, goodbye Princess Black, and have fun fighting those DA's for me will you?"

He made a dismissive wave to me and I left the room. I had no idea what I was going to do. But I felt the Fog tighten on me and now I had only one mission, to find my brother and Ron and bring them back to Dr. Crow.

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