《The Diamonds》New Mission, Rescue Agent Black



The next time I woke up, I gasped for air because of the feeling of having the wind knocked out of me for some reason. I looked over to see Dr. Crow grinning at me. "Well that's what I call a rather rude awakening but I felt that having a little bit of fun with you would be nice because we might not be able to have much fun for a little bit for two reasons. The first reason is you're going to put on a little show for your DA friends. That is after you get cleaned up, dressed and you've eaten something. You know I'm kind of disappointed in the Fog. I thought for sure I'd be able to look at your memories and find out where everyone was, so that should be a sense of relief for you."

I narrowed my eyes at him, not believing his words, not one little bit. Evil people like Dr. Crow never tell the truth.

Dr. Crow put up his hands. "Okay I get it, you don't believe me. I'm not a big fan of lying to my enemies especially when I'm torturing them. I'm also disappointed I haven't found my Queen yet."

Based on the sad look on his face, he really seemed heartbroken that he hadn't found Patty yet. "Yes you can go ahead and speak. I loosened the Fog a bit so you can tell me your thoughts."

"Okay what's your deal you asshole?" I snarled. "You spent the last couple days assaulting me. You put me underneath the Fog and yet you still have no idea where whoever Queen Pearl is or Prince Silver is so you can go back to assaulting them? I find it very hard to believe that you haven't found what you wanted to find through my memories. Here I thought the Fog was such a dangerous weapon!"

Dr. Crow snorted. "Boy you're a card you know that? I always loved your defiant remarks toward me when we were back home on the Diamond Planet! You always called me ugly names and you were very strong willed too. You tried your best to steer clear of me so I wouldn't be able to touch you. You can see how well that worked out. As I said before, your body was so sexy back then and now that you're even sexier now! You want to know something about the Diamond Culture?"

I paused and blinked. "Diamond Culture?"

Dr. Crow nodded. "Yup, Diamond Culture, it was acceptable for me to do what I did to you because you were of age."

I raised an eyebrow. "Exactly how old is a Diamond when they become of age?"

"Thirty years old." Dr. Crow answered, "And the Elders wouldn't put a stop to it either. You want to know why?"

I sneered, "Why, you sicko?"

"Because the Elders are Royal Advisors to the King and Queen," said Dr. Crow, "they won't do anything because they weren't the law back on the Diamond Planet. Those that were the law were people like you Princess."

I blinked. "Say what now?"

Dr. Crow nodded. He seemed to be serious about what he was saying just by his tone of voice. At this point, I didn't care, he was going to die one way or another. "Yes I know, you and your DA friends that have those keys were handpicked by the Elders themselves. So even if your other teammates got wind of what I was doing, there would be nothing they could do about it. Now what was against the law was those outside of the family assaulting a royal family member." He sighed, "Yes that happened to a couple of your teammates. The crystals that made up the Diamond Planet record everything that goes on everywhere on the planet. So that was enough evidence to bring those outside of the royal family to justice. Your teammates that were picked to uphold the rules of the law of the Diamond Planet were Princes and Princesses just like you Princess Black.


"You were considered the best of the best as far as a royal pedigree goes. The Elders were right about that. They also picked mostly based on how much skill you had on the battlefield and how much magic you had too. Yes, that's right, magic. Your magic was the strongest one! That makes sense because you were the daughter of a Queen and you still are. Just because you're not on the Diamond Planet doesn't mean you don't have your royal title. You know something else? Your dad was sent ahead of us to make peaceful relationships just in case you had to flee the planet all together.

"That was a good call too. The Diamond Planet was destroyed. You want to know who destroyed it? Because I know who did it."

My curiosity got the better of me. "Who?"

Dr. Crow gave a sinister laugh, "It was me. I destroyed it! I had been planning to do it even before I married your mother. When I found out how much fun it was to sleep with you and your personal bodyguard to the throne Prince Silver, I had plans to take you two with me. But as you can see, it didn't work. Ever since I came to Earth, I've been looking for you desperate to have you back in my arms again. From what I heard, the government here actually allowed you guys to grow up in a government building. You were given different names because of the government that protected you. Who'd thought that once you guys got old enough you would actually be working with the government! To tell the truth, I'm glad I have you back in my arms again. Now all I need to do is find the others. I'm thinking about maybe not having fun with just you and Prince Silver, I can have fun with everyone else.

"I want you in tip top shape because I'm going to send you out to capture your DA friends that will surely be after you. They'll probably be working desperately to save you. Aww, isn't that cute? Although from what I know of you are a very famous DA."

I gave Dr. Crow another look of disbelief, Dr. Crow rolled his eyes. "Yes I know, you're not going to believe anything I say. That's understandable. I'm the enemy after all. Anyway, let's get you taken care of. Once you're taken care of, you'll look like a million bucks. I'm tightening the Fog so you can't speak now. If you do speak it will be my voice talking for you. And one more thing, I'll be able to see through your eyes because of the Fog. So you won't be able to hide anything from me no matter how hard you try."

Dr. Crow snapped his fingers and that was all he needed to do in order to tighten the Fog. He laughed as he walked out the door and I heard the click telling me that once again he locked the door.

* * *


We headed out back to the hospital where Abigail was possibly being held hostage at. Once we got there, Wrinkle looked at me, "What do you think Agent Silver? Where do you think Agent Black is?"

I thought about it and hospitals have some sort of psych ward area where they keep those that are mentally insane. "What about the psych ward?"

Asher blinked. "Psych ward? Why would she be there?"

"Think about it, Agent Purple," I said, "Dr. Crow could enter Agent Black's room wherever it is, do whatever he wants to her and no one would come and help. Why, because the other Doctors and Nurses there would probably think that's Dr. Crow's treatment to help Agent Black get better. No one would be the wiser."


Wrinkler agreed, "Makes sense to me! Since you're the leader this time Agent Silver, give an order and we will follow."

I nodded. "Let's go find-"

There was an announcement on the intercom, "Dr. Crow please come to psych ward room 24, one of the patients has gone into cardiac arrest. Again, Dr. Crow please come to psych ward room 24 one of the patients has gone into cardiac arrest."

I rolled my eyes, Dr. Crow was making it way too easy to get to Abigail. But if this is a trap I don't care. If that's the best way to save her. I'll walk right into a trap and save her at all costs. I don't care what happens to me. I'm pretty sure the others will figure something out.

"So what do you want to do?" Asher asked.

"I think we should find where the psych ward is and go to room 24," I said.

Asher rolled his eyes. "You know this is a trap right? Why would you want to-"

"Walk right into it?" I said. "Honestly, I could care less about what happens to me. You can either find another way to save her or come with me. I don't care."

Asher slapped me. "Are you nuts! You're not thinking straight Agent Silver! You're so overcome with-"

"Knock it off, Agent Purple!" Wrinkler said. "If this is what Agent Silver wants to do then let him. The closer we get to Agent Black the better. Unless you have another idea on how to save her?"

Asher sighed and shook his head. "No, I don't know any other way to save her. As it stands, Agent Silver's plan is the only one we've got. So let's go…"

* * *

Once we got to the psych ward and found room 24 no one was there. But what we did find was a video recording of Abigail getting assaulted by Dr. Crow. My heart broke every time I heard her scream and beg for help. When I couldn't take it anymore, I sank to my knees in anger, closed my eyes, covered my ears and shouted, "Turn it off! Turn it off! I don't want to hear it anymore!"

"I got it," Wrinkler said. I heard him punching the recorder and I looked up to see that he had punched it to where it was smashed and the pieces of it were on the floor.

When I was able to stand up, a flat screen Tv rose up from a trapdoor on the floor. When it turned on I saw Abigail sitting on a bed where she was, I had no idea. Dr. Crow was sitting next to her.

"Well hello DA's, did you enjoy watching my little video I made with Princess Black?" Dr. Crow asked. "Oh well if you didn't I can understand considering that was me torturing her."

"You sick bastard!" I snarled.

"I bet you guys are yelling at the screen calling me a sick bastard and who knows what else," Dr. Crow said with a smug look. "I don't care. Princess Black here is my new girlfriend. Who'd thought I'd get back together with an old flame of mine? Oh and there is one more old flame I would like to add to the party because me and Princess Black have an open relationship. If you can hear this Prince Silver, come to me and I'll treat you right. We'll be reunited once again, one big happy family! I was wondering what our children would look like? Oh well it doesn't matter. I just want Prince Silver back in my arms where he belongs. Anyway, the location that I'm holding Agent Black is actually in the basement of Shaw Castle. I bet you DA's didn't know that Shaw Castle had a basement. This location will only open up for Prince Silver! So Prince Silver or should I say Agent Silver that's if you're a DA like Agent Black is? The last time I heard of you, you were given a sub name, what was it? Oh yeah, that's right! It was Ron wasn't it? If you want to rescue Princess Black, you'll come to me. If not, that shows how much you care about her. I'm going to have fun with her one last time before I send her to capture as many of you DA's that she possibly can. Well, this is goodbye for now."

Before the TV turned off, I saw Dr. Crow climb on top of Abigail and I was steaming. I wanted to kill him so bad. I was still on my knees in anger. I started punching the ground and crying until my fists were bleeding. I stopped punching the ground when Agent Purple put a hand on my shoulder. "Take a deep breath Agent Silver. We'll find her, I just know we will. Once again, I don't think walking into a trap is the best way to go." He looked down at my fists to see the color of my blood. "What the hell? What is that on your hands Agent Silver?"

I sighed, "It's the color of my blood."

Asher blinked and had a look of confusion. "What are you talking about?"

He seemed even more confused when we looked over and saw Wrinkler grinning.

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you so happy about?"

Wrinkler shook his head. "I can't tell you at the moment and not because it's classified information. Honestly, I want you to remember on your own what this means. I'm pretty sure once your magic has been unlocked, you will remember who you truly are. At least I hope your magic gets unlocked and the sooner it happens, the better."

Okay I'm not the only one that's lost their minds lately! I need help and at least I'm willing to admit it. Maybe I should check myself into this fake hospital psych ward? I thought. That would make it easier for Dr. Crow to find me. I still don't care if that happens. I just want to see Abigail again and make up for not doing my responsibilities in protecting her.

Wrinkler chuckled, "I know that look, Agent Silver. No one's lost their minds and neither have you. Like I said, you'll figure it out sooner or later. Let's hope you figure it out sooner."

I nodded. "We need to regroup and come up with another plan. We're going to save her. If all else fails, I will walk into that trap. If it means getting closer to Agent Black, then that works for me."

Wrinkler and Asher gave me looks of uncertainty like I have lost my mind. I might have lost it but I at the moment don't care.

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