《The Diamonds》What happened to Abigail at the Battle for Shaw Castle?



As soon as I got back to headquarters I went straight to Patty after I was examined by the machine that does that to see if any DA has been compromised and if they need medical treatment.

When I went to Patty she had already called Wrinkler and Ron into the conference room for a briefing on what happened at the laser tag arena.

Patty stood before us and she didn’t look happy. “I’m disappointed in the rest of your team, you three.”

Ron, Wrinkler and I exchanged looks of confusion.

“Uh, may I ask why?” Ron asked.

“Well when Dr. Crow's agents showed up at laser tag,” said Patty, “everyone else turned tail and ran. But you three stayed behind and fulfilled your duties to protect the city of Canter as a DA.”

“But Ron wasn’t-“ I started.

“I was on standby in case you needed help,” Ron said. “But I saw you didn’t need any help, so I just stood there watching the fight. I must say, it was quite the show Black Daybreak Diamond!"

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that Patty," I said, "why did one of Dr. Crow's agents call me the fiercest Diamond warrior?"

"Oh that," said Patty, she shifted her gaze a bit. "It has a lot to do with your new codename. Apparently, Dr. Crow already knew about it before I gave you that key you have. That's all I can say about it for now."

"Okay." I said. Of course mom would know a lot more about what's going on.

"Abigail," Patty said.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I think it's time you talk to someone about the battle for Shaw Castle," Patty suggested.

Wrinkler gasped and covered his mouth.

"Do I have to?" I asked.

Patty nodded. "You probably should. It seems as though you holding everything in that happened to you makes you a ticking time bomb. If you talk to someone about it, you'll feel much better. I have an idea of who you can talk to about it."

I knew exactly who mom was talking about. She was talking about Ron. Which makes sense because Ron is my best friend after all.

I sighed, "Yeah I guess you're right as usual. I'll think about it."

"Good," said Patty, "well that's all I have to talk about. You're free to go."

"Yes ma'am," Ron, Wrinkler and I said.

* * *


When I heard that Abigail had been through the battle for Shaw Castle I wanted to talk to Agent Glass about this. The reason for that was because she knew a lot about the Diamonds like I did. I would talk about this with Patty but I doubt that she would tell me much about the Diamonds. During my interview with her she said that she would only tell me things on a need to know basis. Which makes sense because being a DA is a government job after all.

So I was granted entry into the city of Mason with my passport because this city was in another country. I saw Agent Glass, I hugged her. She laughed when I did it. "You know you always hug me as if this is the last time you'll ever see me."

"Oh, sorry," I said after letting her go, "I just need someone to talk to that knows about the Diamonds and that's not on a mission and that knows me personally. I can't tell my girlfriend about it because it'll compromise her safety if I do."


Agent Glass nodded. "Yeah I understand being a DA doesn't make things any easier even if you live in another country."

I nodded. "Yes but I also want to ask, does your twin sister Zion know about them?"

Agent Glass shook her head. "Nope and I prefer to keep it that way. For their safety because I know how Zion is about wanting to research things and poking her nose into places it doesn't belong."

"I see," I said. "Anyway, what I want to know about is do you know what the battle for Shaw Castle was about?"

Agent Glass nodded. "I do. It was to take back control of the castle from Dr. Crow. It was because that Castle held a lot of information on the origins of the Diamonds and why they were on Earth in general. I guess I should start back from the very beginning and Wrinkler you were the one that told me about this."

I paused and then raised an eyebrow. "Uh, how come I don't remember any of this?"

"Wrinkler, you were the ambassador for the Diamonds to come to Earth to my country in case their planet was destroyed," Agent Glass replied. "When the Diamonds escaped from the destruction of their planet I'm going to assume you went along with them. That could be the reason why you don't remember this after you transformed into a human. From what I know of the Diamond planet was a very strange and interesting planet. It got its name because the planet was made up of diamonds!"

"Seriously?" I said. "A whole planet made up of diamonds?"

At this point in the conversation, I wished that I had all of my memories back from being on the Diamond planet. But even with my key that I use to transform into the Man in the Red Hood I still don't remember everything. Although I've gotten to the point where I don't have to say the words that were written on my key just to transform at least.

"Yup!" Agent Glass said. "The Diamond planet came about shortly after Earth's universe was created. You asked me if the Diamonds could come to Earth and stay in my country but in the end they decided to be on the planet Earth but in a different country and that was fine by me."

"But why didn't they come to your country?" I asked.

"Because, another country was the better choice. Somehow another ambassador the Diamonds sent to Earth was able to make peaceful relations with the humans in another country before you came to my country," Agent Glass answered.

"Who did they send?" I said.

"They sent the king ahead of them. Let's just say that worked and wherever the king is I hope he's safe. But I have a feeling that the king is dealing with humans in some sort of government agency considering there's a division that's made of a mixture of the Diamonds and regular humans in the other country the Diamonds chose to stay in. I have no idea what that other division is called or what government it's under."

"I know what government they're under," I stated.

"Which one?" Agent Glass asked.

"They're in the same country I live in, the United States of America. The division is called the Diamond Division and the agents that work in that Division are called DA's, short for Diamond Agents. It's just like how it is for DA's in this country."


Agent Glass raised an eyebrow. "How do you know this?"

"Because, the Leader of that Division who is a woman named Patty, told me about it when I was interviewed for the job. Of course I got the job. I even have a codename when I'm out on assignments, it's Agent Dawn but nowadays even with a codename the bad guys just know me as the Man in the Red Hood," I said with a small chuckle.

"Oh really now? That's interesting," Agent Glass said.

"The reason why I wanted to talk to you about the battle for Shaw Castle is because there's a DA by the name of Abigail whose codename is Agent Black. She went through that battle and according to other DA's that went through that battle and survived, she was the one that stopped the war single handedly!" I said.

"Well, if she's a Diamond then that wouldn't surprise me. Did they say exactly how she stopped the war?" Agent Glass questioned.

"The details are kind of sketchy but from what I was told, there was a small earthquake and a bright light that came from the Castle. The next thing that happened, all of the fighting stopped. Apparently, Abigail had some sort of power inside of her that's only unleashed when she is angry but it has to be to the highest degree of anger," I replied.

"Well that's another reason why Zion doesn't need to know about who Abigail really is. If Zion pissed Abigail off enough by wanting to 'observe her' and she didn't consent to it, that could mean the destruction of our country as we know it!" Agent Glass said.

I chuckled at that thought that Abigail might blow up a whole country if Zion pissed her off enough. "Yeah I know. The funny thing is every time Abigail hears the word 'war' or sees blood she gets sick. She got sick after I had to kill one of Dr. Crow's agents to save her. Although it was really funny because Abigail kept throwing up on Dr. Crow before I knocked him out so we could escape."

"Yeah I know killing someone is a hard thing to deal with. That being said, how are you dealing with it?" There was a tone of sympathy in her voice and I understood why.

"I'm fine, really I am Agent Glass," I said reassuringly. "It's all part of the job and I knew that going in. Not to mention I already killed some people before I got the job. Why do you think I'm known as the Man in the Red Hood to the bad guys? If I felt I couldn't handle it then I wouldn't have taken the job. Too bad I can't tell my girlfriend Remi about it."

Agent Glass chuckled, "I know how you feel. There's certain things that happen at my job that I can't tell Zion about."

"Yeah it kind of sucks because Remi keeps asking me about it and I can't tell her," I glanced over at the clock on the wall on the other side of the room and sighed because I would have to go back home so I could go back to work soon so I'd have to catch an early flight in the morning. "It was nice talking to you about this, but I have to go home so I can get ready for work soon."

"Sure," Agent Glass said.

I gave her a hug and went back to the hotel I was staying in.

* * *


When I left the conference room I pulled Ron into my room so I could finally talk to someone about the battle for Shaw Castle.

"So how are you doing?" Ron asked.

I looked away not sure of where to begin when talking about what I went through. "Well, honestly I think I'm doing fine. But as Mom said, I should probably talk about…" I swallowed trying to keep myself from throwing up at what I was going to say next. "The battle for Shaw Castle."

Ron scooted closer to me. We were sitting on my bed and he grabbed me and held me in his arms. As soon as I was in his arms strangely enough, I didn't feel sick and I felt like I could talk about anything with him and he would understand.

"When the battle started I was on the outside of the castle, right in the very thick of the fighting," I said. "The screams of my fallen comrades were loud. But I knew I had to keep going as much as possible. I slowly made my way into the castle, but before I got inside I got hit by several different bullets in my side. I didn't care, I actually dug into my side and pulled the bullets out."

Ron gasped. "Seriously? You actually pulled bullets out of yourself?"

I nodded. "I was bleeding heavily after I pulled all of the bullets out. I didn't care, I had to keep moving. My main mission was to get inside the castle and take out Dr. Crow. When I entered the castle, I saw one of my friends get stabbed in the chest by one of Dr. Crow's agents. I killed him by punching him and sending flying into the ceiling. I went over and picked up my friend and she died in my arms."

I started crying as I recalled that part of the memory because that part of the memory was what hurt the most. "The next thing I remember was that there was a bright flash of light before my eyes. After that happened, I was on my knees shaking in anger. I felt mom put a hand on my shoulder and she told me that I stopped the war. Then for whatever the reason, I felt a prick of a needle on my shoulder and I fell asleep."

After I finished telling my story, there was a long silence. I finally broke the silence when I looked up at Ron and smiled.

Ron smiled back. "What is it?"

"Um…" At first, I wasn't sure what I should do or say next when I made up my mind, I reached up and shoved my tongue in his mouth.

Ron held onto me as I kissed him. I had also been curious about how strong he was because during training, he's been able to hold his own against me. I put my hand under his shirt and I smiled as I felt his six-pack he had.

I whistled. "I knew you were strong but I didn't think you were that strong."

Ron laughed. "What? Because I have a six-pack? Yeah I'm not that strong."

"Uh-huh," I teased. "Sure you're not. Let's see you almost won a couple of sparring matches against me. Unlike Asher who's too busy flirting with me to even fight me."

"I see," Ron said. He let go of me and took his shirt off. He started to hold me again and I put my head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat made me feel warm inside. We didn't do anything else. We did get under the covers and he held me as we laid down. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep.

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