《The Diamonds》He's a good fit for Abigail



"What's wrong with her this time?" I asked.

I looked out at the CT Scan machine with worry about Abigail. She had just come back from her mission and she didn't look good at all.

"I'm sure she's fine the CT Scan isn't picking up on anything just yet," Patty said.

Patty is the Head of the Diamond Division, as I talked to her I tried to keep my worries at bay but it wasn't working. Something inside of me told me that Abigail wasn't fine. She might be Agent Black but she was also Abigail the daughter of Patty. Abigail is a damn good Agent. She hardly ever got herself into any trouble on any mission. That is unless the mission has a lot of blood involved and the word war to go along with it. But for as long as I've known her, she would make sure to get herself to a safe place before she even passed out.

Patty looked at me and smiled. "I know how you feel about my daughter Ron. I must say you would certainly be a good fit for Abigail. Now Asher on the other hand, yeah I don't like him either. I definitely don't think he's a good match for Abigail. The guy's an idiot and full of himself. I don't think Abigail likes him either. Which is a good thing in my eyes."

I choked on what Patty said. She thinks I'm a good fit for Abigail! She thinks I'm a good fit for Abigail! Well, I guess it's a good thing to get the parent's seal of approval. Although it is just Abigail's mother. I don't know about her father. From what I know her father hasn't been involved in her life much.

I smiled and looked away. "Um, well thanks, Mrs. Patty. But I don't think Abigail even notices me."

Patty snorted. "Yeah I know Abigail's so focused on work being Agent Black just seems to be a high priority for her at the moment. I guess that's understandable because she gets it from me. It's always work, work with her. According to the information Agent Dawn gave me, James William Crow prefers to go by Dr. Crow for short. When Agent Dawn came to rescue Abigail there was a lot of blood involved and well let's just say Abigail was able to use her vomit as a weapon against Dr. Crow. Agent Dawn overheard Dr. Crow saying he was thinking about making something so his agents could use the same technique."

I snorted. I tried my best to keep a full-on laugh coming out around Abigail's mother. I'm not sure if she would think highly of me if she heard my laugh.

That's Abigail for you. Leave it up to her to be resourceful when fighting the enemy.

"It's okay Ron, believe it or not," said Patty, "I've heard your laugh before. So there's no need to contain it."

I blinked. "Um, excuse me?"

Patty nodded. "Oh yes, I heard it when you were talking to Simon a couple of times. It doesn't sound bad. If you ask me it sounds kind of cute with a little squeak that goes along with it."

I deadpanned at the thought of the fact that Abigail's mother heard my laugh and she thinks it's cute. If I didn't know any better… Yeah, nope I'm not finishing that thought. Nope, I'm not doing it.

Patty snorted. "I'm just teasing Ron. Yes, your laugh is cute but don't go getting any ideas. I'm too old for a guy like you."


A couple of lights lit up on the CT Scan making me jump in surprise. The lights that lit up didn't mean anything good. Two red lights on the machine lit up. That meant the machine found something wrong with Abigail. That freaked me out big time.

Patty sighed, "Calm down Ron! The machine has found something, but it's nothing serious. It seems Abigail has a cut going down her right leg. I thought the doctors looked at that. She's just a little sick, it almost looks like she has the flu but I know it's probably that she's sick from seeing blood."

"About that," I said, "why does Abigail get sick at the sight of blood? Or if she hears the word war for that matter?"

Patty tilted her head. "You don't know? She didn't tell you about it?"

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Abigail was involved in the battle of Shaw Castle over ten years ago," Patty stated.

I gasped. "I heard about that! Over a hundred Diamond Agents got killed or harmed very badly. Some agents were taken hostage and from what I heard they were-"

Patty nodded. "Interrogated? The enemy didn't show any mercy whatsoever. Although I don't blame them. It was war after all and not to mention we did the same thing to the enemy Agents that we captured. Abigail was one of the Agents that was taken hostage for a short time after the war. I can only imagine the things she saw. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That's why Abigail is still a good Agent. She'll make sure she's at a safe place before she even thinks about passing out. If she feels she needs to sacrifice her own life to save her fellow Agents she will do that. Tell me, did Abigail tell Simon about this?"

I shook my head. "No, he doesn't even know what she's been through."

"Oh really now?" Patty said. I could tell by the look on her face that she was surprised by the fact that Abigail wouldn't even tell her twin brother about what she went through. "She hasn't even told Simon about it?"

"Yeah, she hasn't said a word to any of us about it," I replied while nodding.

"I see," Patty said. "Well, I'll just have to have a talk with her about that then."

I nodded. I wasn't concerned about Abigail not talking to us about the battle of Shaw Castle. I was more concerned if she was going to be okay.

* * *


"Ow!" I said. I looked over to see that Remi decided to bite my ear. We were laying in bed and getting ready to go to sleep for the night and once again my mind was on the job of being a Diamond Agent.

My girlfriend Remi is beautiful right down to her blue-dyed hair. I love playing with her hair after we've had sex. It's kind of funny, I found I had an attraction to her right after we graduated from school. I thought for sure I wouldn't have feelings for a woman because even though I broke up with my ex-boyfriend Fred, and at first I just thought I was straight-up gay until I got together with Remi.

It's unfortunate that now I have a job that I can't tell Remi about to protect her. I figured the less she knew about the job the better. But even still it is possible that the enemy could capture her and use her as a bargaining chip for me to give up some information on the Diamond Division. I'm not letting that happen either.


My name is Wrinkler and I work for a government agency called the Diamond Division. It's said the reason why there's a separate Agency for the Diamond Agents is because of how strong they are. It's been said that a Diamond Agent can jump from a fifty-foot story building and land on their feet like a cat and walk away from it as if nothing happened! I know the truth about them. I know what they are and why they are so strong. Yes, a DA can be killed unless they've unlocked their powers. I can't tell anyone about how I know that either.

If Remi found this out, she would go nuts about it. However, there is one Diamond Agent that I'm curious about the most and her name is Agent Black. From what I've seen of her track record, she's the strongest Diamond Agent ever and she was involved in the battle of Shaw Castle. No one knows what happened to her exactly but she won't go down without a fight. Even that means throwing up on the enemy if necessary. I saw that first hand when I was sent to go rescue her. Honestly, I didn't think the girl needed saving. She probably would've found out a way to save herself but since she is a rather important Diamond Agent, she needs to be kept around for as long as possible.

I can tell with this job, working as a Diamond Agent myself, there's never going to be a dull day on the job that's for sure. Not to mention I got an awesome codename Agent Dawn. Although even before I started working with the government I was always known to the bad guys as 'Man in the Red Hood.'

Remi decided to nibble on my ear again and it snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What are you daydreaming about again?" Remi asked.

I smiled. "It's not much, I'm just excited for this new job I start working tomorrow!"

"It's that awesome huh?" Remi asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Well, it is for right now," I said. "I guess when I start the job, it might not be as exciting."

"So can you tell what job you're working at?" Remi begged.

I shook my head. "Sorry dear but I can't. Let's just say it's a super important job and I can't say anything else."

"Aww, man!" Remi whined. "I wish I could have a super important job. You know, like being a secret agent or something like that. It would be a lot better than working at the Ice Cream shop with Pixie all day. I mean seriously! That woman just goes non-stop 24/7! It's like she runs on sugar all day. It's kind of annoying too."

I snorted. "Yeah Pixie tends to do that a lot, unfortunately."

I groaned when Remi moved her hands down towards my dick.

"I love making you moan," Remi panted into my ear.

"Uh-huh." That was all I managed to say.

* * *


I sat down at the edge of Abigail's bed waiting for her to wake up. She finally started to open her eyes and she groaned in pain as she did.

"Where am I?" Abigail groaned.

"You're in your room, Abigail. You're safe now," I said.

"Well that's good to know," Abigail said. She opened her eyes completely and looked around. She almost jumped out of bed when she saw me.

I tilted my head. "Huh? What's wrong?"

Abigail replied, "You startled me, that's all. Wow, I'm back in my bed already? That was fast."

"What was the last thing you remember?" I asked.

Abigail rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, I remember escaping from Dr. Crow's lair after Agent Dawn came to rescue me and that was it. I passed out after Agent Dawn picked me up and carried the rest of the way back. For some reason, I knew I was safe with him so I allowed myself to pass out."

I smiled. "That's just like you, you won't go down without a fight and I know why."

"Huh?" Abigail asked. "Why?"

"Because I know about the battle at Shaw Castle," I said. "Your mother told me and she was very surprised that you haven't talked to any of us about it. You haven't even told Simon about and he's your twin brother!"

Abigail's eyes went wide as saucers when I said that. "Why would mom tell you that?"

"Well," I said, "I asked about it and to tell the truth, everyone was wondering about it too. Don't worry I won't tell anyone, especially Asher. Knowing Asher, he would probably use this information as a way to win you over."

Abigail cracked up, "Yeah like that'll ever happen! No way I'm going on a date with that guy, not even you paid me to. Better yet, not even if you tied me to a chair!"

I couldn't contain my laughter at that comment. She smiled at me. "You know, your laugh is pretty cute but that doesn't mean I like you or anything like that. I'm not interested in stuff like that at the moment."

I stopped laughing and felt my cheeks get hot so I looked away. Okay, Abigail thinks my laugh is cute. She also thinks Asher's an idiot. Which kind of works in my favor but it's kind of an embarrassing way to win someone over.

Abigail laughed, "Okay I can tell what I just said made you uncomfortable. Can you do me a favor?"

"What?" I asked.

"Please don't mention the battle of Shaw Castle to me again for the moment," Abigail said. "I'm not ready to talk about it yet."

"But that happened over a decade ago!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah I know and I still don't want to talk about it and please don't tell the others either," Abigail said.

I nodded. "Sure. I understand. But will you talk to me about it sooner or later?"

Abigail shrugged. "I'm not sure. Anyway, what weapon did you make for me this time?"

"Oh uh that," I said. "I would tell you but I want to wait until you feel better. It's because your weapon is in the weapons tech area, you know. After all, I make all of the weapons for the Diamond Division. So yeah."

Abigail chuckled. "Okay sure don't tell me. I like surprises anyway, as long as they're not deadly."

I snorted. When I got up to leave Abigail grabbed my hand. "Um, you stay for a little bit longer?"

"Sure, I don't mind," I said. "So what do you want to do?"

"Well, I ah... Come here," Abigail said. Without warning, Abigail grabbed me and pulled me into her arms.

I was happy and confused at the same time. Wait a minute! I thought she didn't like me like that. That was a couple of seconds ago or was I hearing things?

"I know what you're thinking and this isn't a confession of feelings or anything like that," Abigail said.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"I want to hold onto something at the moment. I figured instead of holding onto something, holding onto someone would be better," Abigail answered. "Now can you lay down with me and let me hold you? We don't have to if you don't want to. I understand."

I smiled. "It's fine Abigail. You can hold me, I don't mind at all."

We got into bed and underneath the covers. Eventually, Abigail drifted off to sleep and I drifted off to sleep next.

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