《The Matriarch》Inside my head. (1/2)
“Who’s there!?” Simon called out again, being met with nothing but silence again.
Where the fuck are they!?
It had started after aimlessly walking through this never-ending field of yellow. A feeling of something there, like he was now aware of another’s thoughts around him, inside his head but distant as well.
Confusion, sorrow and now a deep regretful rage….
He shuddered as the foreign emotions seemed to flow over him again, the rage wasn’t random though, it seeked him, blaming him for it, whatever it may be. At least that’s what he felt, but why would it want him? How could he feel what the emotion wanted?
Just as he thought things couldn’t get any creepier with this place, he became aware of another presence…
Or several of them.
When he walked the skittering of footsteps would follow, stopping would leave an eerie silence in the air until he began moving again. This game of Red light, Green light had begun shortly after he had ended his run, and on several occasions he could make out the grass moving unnaturally in the wind, the stalks bending ever so slightly in the wrong direction as a breeze flowed over the land.
“I know you’re there!” His shout was again met with silence, he strained his ears hoping he would make out something in this sea of yellow.
The sounds of creaking met his ears, though it was not close by but rather carried on the wind.
Where the hell's that coming from?
Standing on his toes he looked over the horizon, hoping to find something. Finally spotting a distant speck of white on the horizon. Feeling a sense of relief at finding something he began jogging in its direction, it seemed to be slowly approaching him as well.
As the minutes passed the object slowly became larger and he could make out horses as well as people surrounding it.
A wagon?
With a wooden cart and a white fabric covering its top he was reminded of the old settler wagons he had seen while studying history in school. Pondering if he had found himself on some sort of Amish farmland, he quickened his pace, hoping that he could at the very least get some clothing and an idea of where exactly he was.
Approaching he could make out a driver as well as what appeared to be armor clad guards, one walking along each corner of the wagon. Their heads would turn slowly as they scanned the fields, though what they were looking for, Simon did not know.
Coming within shouting distance of them he paused as one of the guards suddenly snapped to attention, their head twisting to look his way
The guard twisted about and quickly banged the side of the cart before quickly shouting at the others.
“Left field!” Despite the distance, her voice carried out to him clearly, as if she had been a dozen feet from him instead of several hundred.
At the command all the guards moved to his side of the wagon, their steel breastplates reflecting the light, the dark clothing that covered their arms, legs and head created a stark contrast in comparison. Reaching to their sides another glean met his eyes.
The blades they drew were as long as his arm, and the confident way they brandished the weapons sent a sudden chill up his spine, causing him to halt his approach.
“Hey!” He shouted out “I'm lost and just looking to get out of here! I don’t know what’s going on!” Although he had millions of questions he wanted to ask, he was not sure if it was in his best interest to do so.
With everything that’s happened...I might be going crazy here…
Deciding a simple approach and getting clothes was probably in his best interests he kept his plea for help short, with any luck they could at least help him make his way to a hospital or police station.
The Guards Seemed puzzled as they glanced back and forth amongst themselves, slowly all but one replaced their blades in the sheaths at their sides, taking this as a sign to approach Simon quickly resumed jogging towards the group, thankful that he could at least find out where he was, and how he had gotten there.
“Announce yourself!” The lone guard still brandishing her sword Shouted as he approached the edge of the field. “Who are you?”
Taken aback by the aggressive stance and commanding voice of the women Simon nearly stumbled on his words before replying. “M-My names Simon, I’m lost and don’t know what’s going on…I think… I need help!”
The Guardsman froze a moment, her eyes seeming to shine momentarily under her helm before her stance broke. Dropping her arms to a relaxed position she sheathed her sword. Making a lazy motion with her hand she Beckoned Simon to come closer while turning to speak to the other guards.
“Looks like we have ourselves a Bachelor in distress ladies.” Her laugh echoed out over the fields as she spoke. In unison two of the other guards also burst out into laughter, while the last simply shook her head and stared up at the sky.
Feeling his face flush with embarrassment he continued his approach, only stopping when he reached the edge of the field, looking down at his very naked body he nervously glanced at the dirt road the wagon traveled in this sea of yellow.
No vegetation…
He had felt less shameful in his current state of dress since the grass reached his belly button, but in another step, he would simply have nothing but his hands to shield himself from being fully exposed to complete strangers.
“Do you have anything I could…yea know, cover myself with?” He blankly stared out at the four women, trying his best to avoid the predatory look that three of them seemed to have taken with him.
The earlier guard burst out in laughter again as he stammered his question out. “Course sweetie, I’m sure we can find you something here.” Pointing at the silent guard she motioned her head towards the carriage. “Eli, Tell the mistress what happened and get our little guest here a cover.”
Eli quickly nodded and made her way around to the back of the carriage, momentarily disappearing within, Simon could hear muffled talking followed by an audible gasp. Moments later Eli reappeared, holding a bundle of clothing, she approached the Guard who had ordered her, and motioned to hand them over. “Here Talia, the Mistress says this should fit him” Her voice seemed to almost crack a little at the mention of him, seeing this Talia grinned wolfishly.
“Yea know Eli, Being the newbie on this crew I think it’s only best if you go over there and hand them to him, make sure you size him up and they fit real snug okay?” She lightly chuckled as Eli's face turned several shades darker at the words.
“I-It’s okay, I mean, Are- you sure…you don’t want to?” Her obvious stutter and deflection at the suggestion was not lost on anyone present. Simon inwardly cringed to himself at how incredibly awkward he now felt.
Ugh, why could they have left me some clothes…whoever they are that is.
Cursing his bad luck his mind wandered again to exactly how he had gotten into this predicament, was everything he had remembered at the cave with the Orion real or imaginary? Where exactly was here?
“Eli, I don’t think you’ve ever once come to the Dancers with us yet have you?” Talia bluntly addressed her partner. “You’ve never actually seen a man o’natural have you?”
Eli’s Blushed face seemed to defy all logic as it reddened further, looking towards her feet she quickly stammered a reply.
“N-No, I haven’t.”
Talia seemed to nod to herself at the answer. “Settled then, you go over and watch him dress, can’t have any of my girls dying on the job without at least seeing a stud in the flesh yea know.” Seeing Eli open her mouth to protest she quickly cut her off “That’s an order, ain't asking you to grab it, just make sure he’s not hiding anything anywhere or about to take off, He’s probably a runaway so get a look for any markings on his body, usually on the hands but I’ve seen em other places as well.”
Eli seemed to steel herself a bit at the mention of Simon being a possible runaway. “Yes Madam, I’ll make sure we find his owner!”
That was an obvious fed line to get her to stop being a prude…
Simon almost found himself laughing till he realized the now determined guard was steadfastly marching his way, clothes in hand. Thinking quickly how to stop this embarrassment from getting any further out of hand, Simon quickly blurted out the obvious solution that any reasonable person would have chosen first, or at least what he thought should have been obvious from the start.
“Hey, if you could just toss the clothes to me that would be great.”
Pausing she seemed to mull over his response before Talia interfered.
“Gotta check him for markings.”
Curse her.
What markings do they need to see!?
“Don’t make this rough lad.” Her tone had lost the teasing nature it had earlier as she half drew the blade at her side. “Eli give him a once over, it might be funny that a slab of meat showed up out here, but I’ve never heard of no man living after leaving the road.” As she spoke the hiss of steel being drawn sent a slight chill up Simon's spine. The weapon she had just brandished did not appear to be a prop as he had first suspected.
“Step out slowly, hands where I can see them.” Eli’s voice had changed as well, gone was the bashful woman being teased by her superior, in its place was a stern soldier ready to carry out her duty. Sensing the sudden and drastic change in the air Simon swallowed hard and pushed his embarrassment aside.
Should have stuck near the tentacle deer I swear.
Raising his hands slowly he inhaled a deep breath before stepping forward, exposing himself completely. Seeing the woman's eyes widen slightly as she looked over his body caused the blood to flush into his cheeks.
Fucking Christ her boss does not have to look so giddy.
Eli had remained steadfast as she came closer and gently tossed the clothes at his feet, Talia on the other hand seemed to be going over every inch of his body like a Hungry Hyena sizing up a juicy zebra.
“Wait.” Her command cut him off as he knelt to pick up the clothing. “Turn around real quick.”
Standing tall he held his arms out to his sides and quickly turned around, rotating until he again was looking towards women.
“Happy?” He annoyingly asked, before quickly bending down and grabbing his salvation.
“Oh, Very.” Talia’s tone had changed yet again, it was not the stern voice or teasing nature she had displayed earlier but rather something else.
Pulling the bundle apart he looked over the plain white tunic and crude pants, the fabric of the shirt was coarse and the stitching oversized, and the pants seemed to be some sort of animal skin with straps holding it together, in an old fashion one size fits all he could loosen or tighten the strapping on the pants to accommodate his larger legs at least, the shirt however was obviously made for someone considerably smaller than him.
Struggling slightly, he managed to force the tunic over himself, thanking that the fabric didn’t have any sleeves at least otherwise they would have surely torn. Loosening the side straps of the pants several inches he managed to get them to at least a working fit, though the inch of exposed leg running up either side of his leg was uncomfortable.
Well at least it fits… Sorta.
Having finished dressing, Simon looked over the four women present, the uniformed garb they wore was all the same, a steel breastplate, and thick leather leggings and arm guards. A similar leather cap adorned each woman's head, with flaps falling down to protect the sides of one’s face. Glancing down at their feet he could see steel plated boots on every woman as well, the toes coming to a vicious point that would make a kick into a fatal strike if it got you in the wrong spot. Seeing this war garb up close he pushed aside the idea that these women were cosplaying on their way to an event of sorts, the gear they had was real, the creatures here strange, and even the plants had been different. There was only one conclusion left.
I’m not in Kansas anymore.
Well, Not in Seattle anymore.
“Alright shows over.” Talia motioned him over. “I need some explaining here. First off, who are you and how’d you get out here?”
‘I’m Simon, and… I don’t know.” Although he had an idea of how he had gotten to this specific spot…sort of, he honestly had no idea how he had gotten to each area on the way here or much of anything about where here was.
“Hmmmm” the Guard seemed to contemplate his response a moment before answering. “I don’t believe you.” She shrugged casually as she spoke. “My guess is you ran away and managed to hide out in the fields.”
Simon stepped forward to plead his case “No, no, I woke up in the woods with no idea where I was and this Deer thing shot a tentacle out of its chest, well, it wasn’t a deer but looked like a deer, and the tentacle hit this little 6 legged rabbit and sucked out its guts-“
“Enough!” Talia angrily barked out as he had started explaining himself. “The nearest tree is a day’s walk from here if you cut straight through the cursed fields, do you take me for a fool!?”
Simon stared at the ground uncomfortably.
Of course, this sounds fucking crazy. I can’t see a tree for miles and deer that shoot straw sucking tentacles from their chests into six legged rabbits don’t exist…
Shaking her Head Talia broke the fleeting moment of silence “I don’t give a shit, you’re an unmarked Male and the mistress is gonna quadruple my pay because you showed up. Let's go.”
Motioning Simon toward the back of the carriage with her sword left little in his mind for refusal.
I've spent my entire life thinking if I get stabbed it would be some mugger on the way home after a double who was looking for his next fix, turns out it might be a crazy medieval soldier instead. Who thinks of this shit?
Groaning under his breath, he reluctantly followed, only pausing mid-step when he picked up the scurry of footsteps that had plagued him in the fields again, though unlike before it was much closer now.
“Hold!” The Guards all tensed up as one of them issued the warning, slowly drawing their blades the four stood at the ready, though for what, he did not know.
“ENTO’S!” Eli’s scream broke the tense silence as Talia lunged forward, grabbing Simon by his collar. “Get under the Wagon and don’t fucking move! They like the movement!” Shoving him towards the wagon she rushed over to the other guards as they formed a defensive stance facing the grass.
Vividly recalling the deer-like creature he had encountered earlier Simon found himself diving under the Wagon without a second thought, only after he made sure he was sufficiently covered did he peek out towards the Women, waiting and watching. The skittering footsteps seemed to increase in intensity, now being accompanied by an irritating chattering noise.
Left, no, Right? It’s coming from all over the place…
The entire field from where he had emerged was now alive with noise, the Guards tensed up.
What’s coming!?
As if to answer his question the grass suddenly split revealing a creature straight out of one’s nightmares. A long centipede body as thick as a mans topped with a scaled human torso, complete with two sets of arms with deadly pincers poised to strike, the head resembled a cross of a human and ants, two black compound eyes glared out over the guards, rearing up the creature opened its mandible mouth, screeching violently towards its prey.
What. The. Fuck.
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