《The Matriarch》Inside my head. (2/2)
The creature lunged forward, its arms stabbing out towards Eli, its speed causing its limbs to blur slightly in the air.
*CLANG* It sounded like two sledgehammers colliding as Eli’s arm blurred in the air, her blade weaving back and forth as it deflected the four pincers aimed on skewering her. Having had its attack thwarted the creature quickly reigned back, its dozens of skittering legs back pedaling as it looked to create some distance between the two.
One of the unnamed Guards lunged forward, seeking to cut off its retreat towards the fields, the creature's head twitched as it paused before entering her range, its large compound eyes taking in a complete view around its body.
“CAREFUL! THEY PACK UP!” Talia’s Yell came just in time as the Guard circling around quickly dove away from the field as more pincers struck out from the grass, having missed its strikes another creature scurried out, annoyed clicking sounds chattered from its mandibles as it joined its comrade.
“THERE'S MORE!” Talia again barked out a warning as the grass suddenly came alive, over a dozen of the creatures rushed out into the roadway, rapidly surrounding the four women as they formed a tight pack together. What had started out as a favorable match for the Guards was now an underdog tale that Simon desperately wished did not hold his life in its hands.
“Don’t let them get behind you.” Talia uttered a single sentence before a deathly silence seemed to befall the women, time seemed to slow as they intently sized up their opponents, no one daring to make the first move. Simon watched in complete awe, the only thought crossing his mind was how in the world anyone could stand their ground when faced with such odds.
The suspense abruptly ended as one of the creatures smashed its mandibles together violently, giving a chattering war cry it lunged forward, its pincer clad arms seeking to pierce one of the guards, the attack was identical to its brethren’s earlier attempt, simple minded, hoping to overpower its prey on sheer strength and speed alone.
With a flash the unnamed guard seemed to meld with the wind as her arm momentarily blurred, the blade arcing through the air so fast Simon couldn’t fully grasp its movements, with a loud clang the blade clashed and deflected the blows From all four pincers, throwing the creature off balance as its forward momentum came to a screeching halt. Seizing the moment Eli side stepped towards the creature, her blade rising into a single piercing strike, unable to regain its composure the creature was helpless as the blade quickly pierced its torso, twisting her hips she withdrew the blade as she stepped back into formation.
The entire sequence of actions had happened in a second, the creature tried to step back but paused mid stride, its legs quivering before it simply crumpled up on the ground, all life having drained from it.
Seeing their comrade fall the remaining creatures shrieked out, their agitated bodies shaking as they began to rush forward in unison.
“Hold!” One of the guards shouted as they all began to move, the blades they wielded jumping to life as they raced through the air, every guard became a blur as they began parrying the swarm of creatures desperately trying to break through.
Simon stared dumbstruck as four women held off at least a dozen of the creatures, their extra limbs stabbing and piercing in a frantic rage as they were repeatedly deflected and parried away, the sound of the blows quickening until they resembled a jackhammer on steel. Mesmerized, he watched the flurry of strikes, with every moment they seemed to speed up until every guard had an overlapping bubble surrounding them, where nothing but their blades could enter.
Like a force shield.
The toll began to show itself on the creatures, with every failed strike the clawed arms would return to them chipped and torn, slowly blood began to pour from the cuts as the blades began to wear down the hard shells. Despite these growing wounds the things seemed to not mind, intent on their task they simply pressed on, trying in earnest to skewer their targets.
Even as one of the creatures found its pincer sliced from its arm in one of its exchanges it only chattered annoyingly before continuing to press onward, even using the severed limb to strike at its opponent. With the shorter range offered by the severed arm it moved closer into the blade storm in front of it, the blows from the guards began to not only strike its armored arms but its torso began to splinter as the nicks of blades could now be seen starting to form, seconds later its midsection ruptured like it had been thrown through a blender as the whirlwind of blades drove through. The mess of guts and severed flesh spilling over the ground as the creature collapsed.
The chittering from the creatures started up again as blood covered the ground, it seeped from the mangled corpse spreading out over the small battlefield, the guards adjusted their footing slightly to avoid stepping in the mess. One of the creatures backed off as it watched the guards moving to avoid the guts of its comrades, Screeching it rushed forward swinging its centipede legs to the side it gracelessly slapped its body against the carcass, sending blood and guts directly into the women, their blades shredding the chunks into a paste as it splattered all over the place. Almost instantly one of the guards had her legs whip out from under her as she slipped. Her comrades jumped forward to cover her as she frantically scrambled to her feet.
They slowed!?
Simon's realization wasn’t his alone to catch, the creatures rushed forward as the women abandoned the defensive stance they had taken, the fight quickly turned into a brawl as the guards weaved back and forth trying to avoid being surrounded as they would strike out before darting out of range. Whatever had caused them to move at such unnatural speeds before now seemingly lost.
Rushing forward Talia leapt up, her swift legs carrying her through the air until she had completely cleared a creature’s height. Arcing her blade upwards she brought it down with her full body weight, splitting its head and torso in a bloody gore of exoskeleton and brain matter. Wrenching the blade out as she landed, she instantly darted back, avoiding the strikes that sought to pierce her from the monster’s comrades.
“Start clearing!” As she yelled the order, the other guards all pressed forward, delivering large arcing strikes to the nearest foe, the creatures tried to shield themselves but the chipped and broken armor over their limbs gave way under the heavy blows, arms severed and torsos split as the women dropped three more of the monsters.
Seeing their comrades fall the monsters hesitated, the momentary lapse quickly being exploited by the women as they felled another group of the creatures. With already half a dozen dead their advantage was rapidly shrinking, with another wave of angry chittering they changed tactics, abandoning the brawl they had engaged in earlier they began skittering around in a circle around the guards, their many legs picking up speed as they ran.
Suddenly one of the creatures lunged forward, trying to strike a glancing blow at Talia’s side, as the Guard deflected the strike another creature leapt forward its attack working to cover the firsts retreats. In rapid succession the creatures repeatedly dashed in and out of range, the strange tactic caused Talia to endure a barrage of strikes, each one with the full weight of the monster behind it.
Faltering under the heavy blows she adjusted her footing only to find herself slip on the blood covered ground beneath her, seeing the opportunity the creatures rushed in.
“DIE!” The heavy shout came to Talia’s left as one of the other guards lunged forward her overhead strike cleaving the head off the forwardmost monster, as if on cue all the creatures changed direction, striking out at her exposed side, unable to move her blade to protect her midsection she twisted mid stride, trying to deflect the attack with her breast plate, with sickening crunch a monsters pincer hand plunged into her side, the steel screeched as it tore allowing several inches of pincer to enter her flesh beneath.
Simon had expected her to scream out in pain clutching herself, but she was oddly silent, simply continuing to twist herself until the creatures pincer popped out of her side, lowering her shoulder she drove into its midsection sending the creature flailing to the ground, Eli and the other guard both had side stepped to either side of her, and began viciously hacking at the creatures, within a moment they had cleared the area surrounding her and were now keeping the monsters at bay as she clutched her side, trying to stem the flow of blood.
It was only now that Simon realized that Talia during this exchange had regained her footing, only to find several of the creatures had placed themselves between her and the others, effectively cutting off the Guards greatest asset. Her comrades.
Piling into the space, more of the creatures packed their bodies between the guards, several of them now feinting in and out at the group while others forced an ever-greater distance between Talia and her comrades. As the creatures pressed on towards her, Talia’s movements became a blur of strikes and parries as she found herself being forced back once again. Simon watched as she inched closer and closer to his position, the hairs on his body beginning to rise as he realized that her only path of retreat from the creatures was not only cut off by the wagon, but that he was also part of that path's destination.
Deciding to abandon the wagon he gracelessly rolled away from the scene, thinking he would get inside instead. As he left cover he fumbled to his feet, staying low he made his way towards the rear of the wagon. It was only as he went to peek around the corner that he heard the soft stepping and the low chitter behind him.
Time seemed to slow as he slowly turned his body, glancing over his shoulder towards the field behind him, it was only when he locked eyes with one of the creatures that time seemed to regain itself, the world snapping back into motion.
“Fuck me” the words barely slipped from his lips when the creature lunged forward, chittering in excitement as it slammed into him, the weight took his feet out from under him as he fell onto his back, the creature quickly mounting atop him as its pincers stabbed at his chest and arms.
“Aaaaarrgh, HEEEELLLP!!!” His scream pierced out as he frantically began thrashing his body, trying to get out from under the creature, the vision of the pincers crunching through metal vividly filled his mind as he looked at the creature's limbs repeatedly smashing down on him.
Rearing up the creature opened its mandible jaw, before lunging down towards his head.
“GET FUCK AWAYFREMME” His words mangled together as he instictley straight armed the creatures face, his palm striking into the creatures open mouth in a fountain of blood and tissue.
His panic turned to surprise as he realized the gore that had rained down on him was not his own but rather the creature's head that had ruptured as he struck it. Its body tensed up momentarily before going limp and collapsing, like a puppet whose strings had suddenly been cut.
As the creature’s body fell he could only marvel that it wasn’t just soft, but light as well. Pushing it off him took no effort at all, like it had been made of Styrofoam, with a light push he heaved the corpse aside, however despite his expectation, the heavy thud it made as it struck the ground didn’t line up with how he perceived its weight.
Wait so it’s not light?
Regaining his feet, he looked over his body, the tunic he had been given had been shredded into a tattered mess. Pulling what remained of it off his body he marveled at himself, his untouched skin didn’t show a single fault, and the muscles just below seemed to almost pulse with strength.
How did I become so shredded…? What the fuck is going on.
Shaking his head at how absurd things had been since he last left work, he put his thoughts aside. Although he guessed that the creature was not actually light but rather, he had somehow become stronger, he could not be sure. This place was strange, and these monster’s stranger. It would not be a stretch to think that some of them were different from others.
Reaching down he firmly grasped one of the creature's arms, then bracing his foot on its corpse he gave it a swift tug, almost instantly its exoskeleton tore and the limb tore at its shoulder.
Looking at the thing he felt like it should be heavy, the shell around its joint was as thick as his finger. It felt weightless to such an extent he couldn’t shake that it was some sort of plastic. Looking around he quickly spotted a loose rock on the ground no bigger than his fist. Looking down at the rock momentarily he lifted the arm he was holding high before bringing it down like a sledgehammer directly onto the rock, it was a motion he had done thousands of times in construction, but this time the results caused his eyes to widen in shock. The pincer mashed into the rock causing it to shatter with a loud crunch, then it continued into the hard dirt blasting dust and soil out in every direction, only stopping once the pincer smeared apart.
Pulling the mangled arm up Simon stared dumbfounded at the ground, not only had it smashed the rock apart like he had been using an actual sledgehammer, but the hole was deep enough to place a basketball in it with ease.
What… What happened to me?
As if trying to answer him a chitter sounded out, drawing his eyes to another creature revealing itself from the fields, it paused as it looked him over before screeching angrily and rushing forward.
Simon's eyes darted from the monster to the mangled arm in his hand as a smile broke across his face. Quickly bringing his right leg back he assumed a pitcher’s stance, his arm surged with strength as he whipped his body sharply into a throw, the air seemed to scream momentarily as the limb left his hand towards the creature.
And then it continued right past it.
“Fuck” Simon cursed as he missed his throw, the creature didn’t even to seem to notice the projectile that had narrowly missed its head as it continued its charge.
Bracing his legs Simon lowered his stance just as the creature lunged forward, he wasn't exactly sure what was going on but his regular instinct to run seemed repressed, like another's thoughts was seeking to overcome it. He simply knew at that moment that this creature was no threat to him.
The impact that should have sent him barreling back never came, the creature's pincers and body slammed into his chest, unable to pierce or move him. Rearing its head back it thrashed about as he wrapped his arms around its torso. Willing strength into his back he lifted it from the ground, as he did so an odd sensation crept over his brain, as if he could feel the monster's emotions in his mind.
A sickening panic that seemed to entice a hungry and lustful emotion of his own to smother it.
With a twirl of his hips he swung his body to the right throwing the creature straight into the ground, a sickening popping noise splattered out as it momentarily compressed from the blow before blood burst out from between its armored exoskeleton. The creature instantly stilled as death took it. It's deflated looking body oozing fluids into the dirt.
What have I become?
Simon Felt a surge of emotions washing over him as he stared at the corpse lumped at his feet. A thrill of joy, hunger, bloodlust, and confusion seemed to swell and swirl within his mind. Mixing and seeking to over power the emotions and thoughts he knew should be present.
What is going on here?
Flaring his nostrils he inhaled deeply seeking to calm himself, only to find the metallic blood filled air causing his mouth to instantly fill with saliva. Thoughts of grilling meat on a warm summer's day suddenly filled his thoughts, as if the sweet smell of this creature’s insides before him was one of the fondest foods from his memories. Feeling himself falling into a trance he simply stood there inhaling deeply.
A voice seemed to cut through the silence snapping him back into focus, one of the women had yelled just now, though the words had only come through as a blur to him, turning around as he walked back to the wagon. Cautiously he looked around the corner, the bloodlust he had felt earlier having finally subsided and his regular demeanor seemingly returned to him.
“They Are retreating!” Talia’s voice met his ears. The four guards stood panting hard as the last of the creatures scurried off into the fields, watching them flee they stood at the ready, only once the last one had scurried off did they relax, though none of them put their weapons away.
“You heard him yell too aye? There goes that bonus” Talia seemed to groan out the words as she slumped her shoulders. “I'll go see if there's anything left of hi-”
“I'm fine.” interrupting her Simon couldn't help but grin as she spun around her eyes widening with glee at his voice.
“That you are!” Throwing her arms wide, Talia almost jumped in joy at seeing him alive. “Had me really worried there that I had gone through all this trouble you brought for nothing.”
At her words the grin fled from Simon's face as he realized that the monsters had definitely been the footsteps he had heard following him for the last while, and that he had essentially brought whatever these things are to everyone here. His mood soured even further as he recalled the sickening crunch of steel, quickly glancing over the guards he could see one more bent over than the rest. The bloody hole in her side was still visible as she lightly clutched her midsection.
“She needs medical aid!” Pointing at her Simon took a step forward “I know basic first aid I can help!” Though he wasn't sure what he could do without a first aid kit, and that even his low level course was more about just delaying grievous wounds from getting worse until the ambulance arrived, he knew that doing something was better than letting her just bleed out as everyone stood there.
“First aid?” Talia tilted her head slightly at his words, the confusion apparent.
“I think that's what the non magic users use to try and slow bleeding till the healers get there, I remember the army corps had a day of training where we practiced holding cloth on wounds and tourniquets to stop bleeding. Though I don't recall it being called this…First aid” Eli sounded like she was giving him the benefit of the doubt as she spoke. Even so, he could tell she wasn't exactly sure what he meant.
Wait, magic?
Confirming his thoughts Eli quickly walked over to the wounded guard, muttering something under her breath she held her left hand over the wound and a green glow could be seen in her palm. Simon's eyes opened wide as the obvious bleeding suddenly stopped, the nameless guard groaning in relief as she stood upright.
“I got you Cirro '' Eli took her hand away, a sudden fatigue present in her voice that wasn't there before. “You used a lot of mana slowing the bleeding mid fight there, rest.”
Cirro simply nodded “Thanks” as she walked over to the wagon, “I'll drive manually for a bit to restore myself”
“Secure the area, make sure there's no stragglers and let's get him loaded in the back with the Lady, I'm sure she won't mind the company.” smiling as she spoke, Talia glanced over at Simon's shirtless chest. Her eyes drifting over the muscled abs he had found himself suddenly with. At first Simon felt that familiar Hyena stare but it quickly changed to a momentary debating one.
“Eli, as much as I believe our friend here will behave himself… I can't leave him alone like that with the lady. Get him a new shirt and join them.” Although she maintained a friendly smile as she spoke, Simon could clearly hear the underlying threat in her voice,beckoning both Eli and him towards the Wagon She began circling behind the wagon inspecting it as she went. Following her motion he drew close to the back of the wagon, a swarm of thoughts racing through his mind.
Monsters, magic, swords, Ladies with guards, my body…. Am I dreaming?
Pausing his thoughts he dismissed the idea outright.
This is far too realistic to be a dream, something has happened to me that I can't explain.
Simon knew this should be a deeply alarming thought, but a certain calmness seemed to wash over him. Scrunching his face he couldn't help but shake the feeling that his own thoughts and emotions were again being pushed aside for another's.
“Wait here while I explain things.” Eli and the last guard had both approached, and with a simple hand gesture Eli motioned towards the last nameless Guard and pointed at Simon.
Understanding the intention the nameless women simply nodded, and stood at the ready. Her hand drifted close to the blade's handle at her side as she watched him intently.
Hearing rustling and whispered talk in the Wagon Simon absentmindedly looked over the women before him, eventually deciding to break the silence.
“So, Uh, My names Simon, what's yours?” Deciding less was more, he introduced himself with the basics. Although he was generally curious of who these people were he instantly found himself regretting asking as she simply gave him a cold stare instead of introducing herself.
Feeling awkward he tried to bore a hole into the dirt with his vision, silently praying Eli would return with another shirt.
Thankfully he didn't have to wait long as she poked her head out from behind the wagon's flap. “Here you go!” Her arm outstretched as well with a nearly identical tunic compared to the one he had been given before “Same size, once it's on, you can enter, the lady requests you hurry. Ento’s rarely take a loss well, and if there's a hive around they'll regather in greater numbers.”
Nodding as he quickly dressed under her watchful eye, he finished and grabbed the side of the wagon before pulling himself up and inside.
As he left Talia came around the corner, motioning for the other guard to follow her. Rounding the wagon they stopped, the heap of crushed flesh cratered into the ground still oozing out onto the road.
Squatting down Talia lightly picked up the shredded clothing that Simon had been wearing earlier, inspecting it in her hands for a moment.
“Cast a low divination spell on the wagon and take the rear. I don't know what happened here but if he managed to kill two Ento’s with his bare hands he needs to be watched.”
Nodding the other guard slowly walked off as she muttered under her breath, a faint glow coming over her hands and ears. Talia slowly stood up still holding the shirt. Walking over she inspected the second body.
“Single strike to the head…” Shaking her head as she silently spoke she glanced towards the wagon.
Just who the hell is this man?
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